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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1901)
THE COURIER. 10 I: I -3" & El ll IU Certificate of Publication. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF 1'UIILIO ACCOUMS. LINCOLN, FEBRUARY let, 1901. It I hereby certified that the Aachen and Mu nich Fire Insurance Co. of Alx-la-Chnielle, in the htate of Gcrmanv, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies and Ik therefore authorized to con tinue the business of Fire and Lightning insur ance in this state for the current year endlnc January 31st, 1902. Witness my hand ond the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and year tlrst alwvc written. Ciiahlek Weston, (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. Hy K. A. Uabcock, Deputy. Certificate of Publication. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF 1'UBLIO ACCOUNTS. Lincoln, nebr., April 20th, 1901. It is hereby certified that the Citizens' Insur ance Co. of tit. Louis, in the state of Missouri, has complied with the insurance law of this state applicable to such companies and is therefore authorized to transact the business of Fire insurance in this state for the current year ending January 3Ut, IWK. Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and year first above written. Ciiahles Weston, seal. Auditor Public Accounts. By H. A. Babcock, Deputy. Certificate of Publication. STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Lincoln. February let, 1901. It is hereby certified that the Lafayette Fire Insurance Co. of New York, in the State of Xew York., has complied with the insurance lnw of this state, applicable to such companies and is therefore authorized to continue the business of Fire and Lightning insur ance in this state for the current year ending January 31st, 1902. Witness my hand and the seal of the Audi tor of Public Account the day and year first above written. CHARLES WESTON, seal. Auditor of Public Accounts. By H. A. Uabcock, Deputy. First Pub. June 8. i. Notice to Creditors. E 1554. State of NeorasRa, ss. county court. Lancas ter county, in re estate of Polly Wilson, de ceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is Oct. I, 1001, and for the payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on Oct. 1, 1901, and on Jan. 2. 1902, to receive, ex amine, adjust and allow all claims dulr filed. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated June 7, iil. (seal.) Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A, Leese. Clerk County Court. First Pub. June 8.-3 In re estate of Harriett S. Burnett, deceased, in county court, of Lancaster county, Nebraska, E. 1557. The State of Nebraska, to all person? In terested in said estate, take notice, that an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Harriett S. Burnett deceased, is on file in said court, and also a petition praying for probate of said will and for appointment of Lewis C. Burnett and Thomas McCulloch as ex ecutors thereof; said petition will be heard and proof taken on said instrument by said court, on June 26th, 1901, at 10 o'clock, A.M., and un less you appear and contest, said court may probate and record said will and grant admin istration of said estate as praved for. Dated June 7th, 1901. seal. Frank R. Waters, County Judge. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court First Pub. June 84. Notice to Creditors. E 1553. State of Nebraska, ss. county court. Lancas ter county, in re estate of Orissia B. Greene, deceased. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate Is October 1. 1901, and for payment of debts is July 1, 1902; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on October 1, 1901, and on January 2, 1902, to re ceive, examine, adjust and allow all claims dulr filed. Publish weekly four times in The Courier. Dated June 7, 1901. (SEAL.) FBANK R. WATEaS, County Judge. First Pub. Junes, 1901 a. SHERIFF SALE Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district or Nebras ka, within and for Lancaster county, in on ac tion wherein Isaac Cahm is plMntllT, and Frank E. Romandorf defendant, I will, at 2 o'clock P. M on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1901, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described lands and tenements to-wit: Beginning on the west line of section eight een (18). in township ten (10 1, range seven (7), east of the 6th P. M. at a point nine hundred and forty-eight and flve-tenths (918 5-10 1 feet south of the northwest corner of said section; thence east at right angles to the west line of said section fourteen hundred and seven (1407) feet to a point; thence south two hundred and eighty-five (285 1 feet to the north line of the county road; thence south westerly along the north line of said county road eighty-five (85) feet; thence west thirteen hundred and fortv flre ( 1345) feet to the west line of said section; thence-north along the west line of said section three hundred and thirty (330) feet to the place or beginning. Containing ten acres more or less exclusive of right or wav or the Fremont, Elk horn and Missouri Valley Hallway Company acrovs said tract; and also on the undivldedone haU interest in two houses situated on the a bove described tract, also including all the ma chinery in the mill building on said above de scribed tract. Given under my hand this th day of June, A, D. 1901. Z. S, Branson, Sheriff. Preston, MIbs Dodge, Miss Lindsey, Mr. i Stewart, Mr. Dodge, Mr. Will BurnB and Mr. George. Senator Millard will attend a meet ing of the western congressmen in the interest of irrigation at Cheyenne on June the twenty-seventh. Senator Manderson entertained at luncheon at the Omaha club last week Monday. His guests were: Senators Warren of Wyoming, Dietrich and Mil lard of Nebraska, Governor Richards of Wyoming, Congressmen Mercer, Burkj ett, Neville and Shallenberger of Ne braska, Elwood Mead, formerly state irrigation'engineer of Wyoming and now expert with the department of agricul ture, Mr. Hall of forestry bureau, Mr. G. W. Hervey, agricultural editor of the World-Herald, and Mr. H. F. Mc intosh, all of whom were in attendance at the irrigation conference held at the Omaha club on Monday. A dance was given at the Country club on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Preston. Those present were: Messrs, and Meedames Fred Nash, Kirk endall, Burgess, A. C. Smith, Warren Rodgeis. Samuel Burns, Palmer, Mrs. Herman Kountze, Mrs. Harry McCor mick, Misses Kountza, Lindsey, Helen Smith, Peck, Moore, Swensberg, Lo tnax, Moore and Dodge of Council Bluff9, Deering, Spurgeon, Webster, Messrs. Hilton, Fonda, Chase, Shiver ick, Battin, Will Burns, Haskell, Earl Gannett, Ezra Millard, Ed Swobe, Lynn Sherwood, Strickland, Howell, Scott, Colby, Keogh, Phil Dodge, Dick Stewart, Clarke Powell and C. C. George. Music was furnished by Dim rnlck's orchestra, and supper was serv ed in the club dining room. ootiusooTOooioo(nM0dni)niiiirititf'ift " " Extended 'pjeir 'Jime. Owing to the Vast Numbers Who Have Been Unable to See the British Doctors, These Eminent Gentlemen Have Ex tended the Time for Giving Their Ser vices Free, to All Who Call Before July 10th. Owing to the 'arge number of invalids who have called upon the British Doc tors at their, office, corner of Eleventh and N streets, Sheldon block, and have been unable to see them, these eminent gentlemen have, by request, consented to continue giving their services free for three months (medicines excepted) to all invalids who call before July 10th. These services consist not only of con sultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and permanently ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge what ever be made for any services rendered for three months to all who call before July 10th. The doctors treat all forms of disease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first interview a thorough examination is made; and, if incurable, you are frank ly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief consulting surgeon of the Institute is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. t int rKHHiMiR .lit mm j And Dairy 60. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream, Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 188 SO- 1 2th St, PHONE 205. 1 RUDGE & GUENZEL CO. BOOK 1 y ''' lljlJS ' :: HOViSES The bookmakers have brougt out such artistic cov ers this year and each new volume comes to you clothed in such beautiful bindings that you will begin to look for a setting for them befit ting their charms. We show this season many handsome bookhouses :Flemish,English and Golden Oak; the satin or polished fin- : ish; the ornate carved patterns and the severe Colonial effects with plain, bevel 01 cathedral glass doors. Prices begin at $10.00 and by easy steps and a wide ; selection up to $120.00. New Patented Gunn Elastic Book-Cases, $2.75-$3.50 per section. Library tables, Turkish chairs and couches, Morris : chairs, "Wilton and Oriental Rugs to keep the Book Houses Company. Three Acres House Furnishings. 1 1 18-1 126 N St f RUDGE &GUgNZgi9 60. 80 gfefeFcnceg 1 i i i WE long- ago learned that to argue against a wo man's preferences was a mere waste of time consequently we never try. We sell every good sort of typewriter in its best form. One of these will suit your requirements. Plenty o( unbiased advice, however, if you require it. J ?iSSSSSs!His0aA I. JB. AIvMCMVD. I106 O Street Telephone 769 IVKVOOlVSff. NBBR. r looc amQot i acoootocoflo BEAUTIESTlie ex lonr I Call and :See them MtT IVn ---. JSS4- -w m . .. . ... ,,.. - - jixiooin. fttnttitMinniOM (iniiunrioniiinmii mmuusuiuuj? 5)S) Successor to Myer s Cox, (1 W PltllNG, W WATER X III I H 1332 O St. Phone 762. N SSl3)(S9e 9i(Si)XS(SKS)S)SXi)XSS lV3