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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1901)
THE COURIER. Y and Miae Hallett. Mesdamos Herron, O. C Bell, Frank Lahr and Stewart helped entertain in the back parlor. The dining room decorations were in red. Mrs. Fred Hallett and Mrs. E. B. Finney served at the table, assisted by Mrs. Julian Sutter and Misses Heaton, Bell and Poynter. The punch room was decorated in pink and white. Miss Henrietta Hawley was assisted in serv ing by Mrs. C. H. Warner and Mrs. Will 'Sawyer. The guests were Bhown to the punch room by Mrs. Ray Hussong and Miss Erlenborn. Master Roy Turner gave a lawn party last week Friday afternoon. Misses Jessie and Kuby Turner, Myrl Carter and Lola Lyton served refreshments to the following guests: Misses Stella Hol Iister, Theo Jennings, Leona Johnson, Grace Ensey, Veda Patch, Dorothy Trowbridge, Addie Closer, Alta Lyton, Ina Kirkpatrick, Lottie Grimm; Masters Paul Hunter, Richard Guthrie, Roy Lincoln, Walter Loomis, Raleigh Wil son, Ralph Ensey, Ralph and Myrnn Loomis, Charlie Elmons, Carl Supp, Willie Clark, Harrison Kirkpatrick, Lester Carter, Charlie Parks, George Leonard, Fred Diefendorf, Clell John son and Harry Watson. The Round Table met last Monday evening at the home of Mr. E. T. Hart ley. The subject under consideration was "Ethics of Sbakspere," and the discuEsion was led by Mr. Sawyer. Those present were Judge Cornish, Rev. Lewis Gregory, Drs. Hill, Lowry, Rowlands, Stein; Messrs. Whedon, Watkins, Lewis, Miller, Lambertson, Hall, Gere, Brown, Sawyer, Hartley and Judge Tibbetts. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at the home of Mr- Henry Lewis, when the most effective means of deal ing with the liquor problem will be discussed. The Delian girls paid their debt of honor to the Delian boys last week Fri day evening at 1436 S street, by giving a "feed" at which- the following menu was enjoyed: Gefrosenes Wasser. Kuchen. Erdbeeren undRaum. Nusse. Punsch. Miss Susie Doane, toastmis tress, called for the following responsee: "Delian Girls," Mr. Boomer; "Delian Boys," Miss Countryman; "Congratula tions," Miss Pillsbury; "Beauty vs. Brains." Mr. Batie; "Some Stand Be twixt Love and Duty," Mr. Morrill; "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," Mr. Garrett; "Till We Meet Again," Mies Williams. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fancher enter tained the Wisconsin Veterans' associa tion at their pretty new home, 1345 Rose street, last week Thursday evening. Strawberries and cake were served by Mrs. Fancher, assisted by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bax. Music was furnished by Misses Gertrude Ager and Glen Fanch er, and army songs were sung by the whole company. Stories and anecdotes were told, and a short address was made by the president, Comrade Truell. The association will hold its June meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Crow. High school hall was filled to over flowing Wednesday by friends of the eighth grade pupils who will enter the high school next year. Certificates were presented to 317 pupils by Vice Presi dent George A. Adams of the board of education. Music was furnished by choruses under the direction of Profes sor W. L. Sheetz, and an address on the subject "How Not to Succeed" was given by Professor E. A. Rosb of the university. Married, on Thursday evening, May the thirtieth, Miss Carrie Elizabeth StearnB to Mr. William P. Jackson, at the home of her Bister, Mrs. Frank L. Everts. Doctor W. H. Hindman per formed the ceremony. All the mem bers of the Q. A. T. club of which the bride is a member, assisted, and the club colors, pink and red, decorated the house. A mandolin club played the wedding marches and other music. About a hundred guests were invited. A pianola recital was given by the Daughters of the King, of Holy Trinity church on Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rudge, for the benefit of the church mortgage fund. The program was: II Bacio Arditi Capriccio Brilliante, Up. 22 Mendelssohn Rondo No. 20 in A minor Mozart Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 2 Liszt La Campanella Pagacini La Polka, de la Reine, Op. 95 Raft Minjet, No. 2 Paderewpki Fantasie from Barber of Seville Leybach From the Carnival, Op. 19, No. 3 Grieg Entr' Acte Gavotte Gillet Rhapsodie Hongroise, No. 6 Liszt Senator Dietrich has received an in vitation to join a congressional party on a trip around the world in a government transport. The party will leave New York June 20, being absent four months. Senator Dietrich has not yet accepted the invitation, owing to his reluctance to beingaway for bo long a time. Con gressman Mercer will be one of the party. Mrs. L. W. Pomerene entertained the principal and teachers of the Prescott school, Misses Dewell, Kennard, Lally and Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurzburg at dinner on Wednesday eve ning. The guests were furnished a musical treat in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wurzburg, who gave several vocal and piano numbers in their usual ar tistic manner. Mrs. A. E. Stebbins, her daughter, Mrs. William C. Wilson, and Master Howard Wilson, attended the wedding of Mr. W. P. Stebbins and Miss Mc Fadden of McCool, Wednesday evening. The wedding was a quiet one, only the members of the families being present. Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins will spend the next year at McCool. Professor and Mrs. W. G. L. Taylor gave a card party on Wednesday eve ning in honor of Miss Minor and Miss Daisy Minor. The entertainment was six handed euchre, and tlowers were given instead of prizes. Miss Houtz received a wreath of roses, and Mr. John Kind a bouquet of jessamine and Bweet peas. Punch was served during the evening, and refreshments at the close of the game. The Daughters of the American Rev olution gave their annual reception at the home of Mrs. A. J. Sawyer yester day afternoon. The house was elabo rately decorated with flags and (lowers. Among the guests were the members of the school board and their wives, Dr. Davenport and Dr. Gordon. Lieutenant Frank Burr, who is now in the Filipines under General Grant, will soon be promoted to a captaincy in the regular army as a reward for faith ful service. Lieutenant Burr gave valu able aid to the army as commander of a company of scouts, and on several other occasions has won recognition. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright gave a seven-course dinner Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dawes. Jap anese decorations were in the dining room; the plate cards were little Japan ese fans, and the ice cream was in the form of Japanese figures with umbrellas over their heads. Covers were laid for twenty-four. Married on Wednesday evening, May the twenty ninth, at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. E. P. Swain. 741 North Fifteenth street, Miss Daisy L. Bates, daughter of General and Mrs. Delevan Bates of Aurora, to Mr. Lloyd E. Tunison, of the same place. Married, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kepler, Wednesday tlMIItMIMIMIIIIIIMHimillHlllOH"'MHIMIIMMIMMMMMtlMMI BRUMfli &ns jjj Rid? (ut glass, 5fyina. J BELMONT CUTTING. Among- the most suitable arti cles are many exquisite pieces: PttVUH S BROOKS' CVlT 01ASS. Graceful in outline, perfect in execution and so line as to rival any work of art. Designs and forms suitable for all : uses. Every piece warranted to be perfect and guaran teed to retain its wonderful brilliancy. : Rose Bowls, Berry Bowls, Decanters, Cologne Bot tles, Vases, Bon-Bon, Cruets. lHaviland & Co. Timoges, Haviland Real Cloisonne : Enamel, Louwelsaweller Ware. llUlsVILvl VI U II I if I m81128 ML OV. LIU 128 IV Sit. ? Complete Home Furnishers. 'IMH0 8IOHMIMOMMHMMHOMMMMMIIMMMMMMMMIMM po IIMIIOIOMIMUHHOllllHIMIMIIIMIIIMIM BEAUTIBS-Tlie :V w lOOl Call and See them x. j$. repimfco:iv, 117 STo. Ilth St. - Lincoln. 0000000tOMmMOtOMMMMIlOMIMMMMHMMMMIMMMMMMMM The Meanon'H Beat GoocIh Al-vay Stoolc. A. GElSTIylJVGER, NVlioleaale d Retail BAKERY. 912 I Street. - - - Phone 142. Preferences i i WE long- ago learned that to argue against a wo man's preferences was a mere waste of time consequently we never try. We sell every good sort of typewriter in its best form. One of these will suit your requirements. Plenty o unbiased advice, however, if you require it. Hfli- i. e. 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