The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
J Be.
OBee.Zehnm Block iJtolOam
Evidence. 1U3 C itraet f 2 to 4 p m
Dr. Benj. F. Bailey .
Rveninn. br uppointrnwit. BaniUyi IS to 1 p. m nd by appointment. .
. !- if r, mii-,.--, i I W to 12 a. m
JUI.O.D. J.iiun.u, -? Office. IOBBO street Vltop.m.
I KniracitonMt 0017
oBee BM. Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.j klnL?. ' f
f.. - . , i OBee over Harlejr'a J
Oliver Johnson, D.D.8.jgy06t ,
SM " fg : : Vf
i ill?
Office, llOO O
Clark, Agt.0
St. ODel. lOS. jffl
118 No. 142 St.
A. Fine Line
Burlap, Buckram, Room
mm m mm
J. 0EjjLIE ,
will store your furs and
insure them against fire,
water and moths.
M3 SO. 12TB ST. - - LU.IEBR
Meeds on Time
Good Digestion
Summer Comfort
Home Happiness
Rest, Recreation
Mon ejr
Shoes for
Little Feet
Should be selected with the
utmost care. The comfort
and proper support of a child's
foot is of great importance.
Our stock is full of the best
styles and the best makes
the selection of just the right
shoe is a very easy matter.
They are easy to pay for, too.
O Street.
SvtgajTaMJ jbmDl jbbbbbBi
All of the drawing and shading in Gran
ford ia subtle and it is therefore the
more remarkable that amateurs should
be able to express them so satisfactorily
The Honorable, rich, selfish Mrs. Jamie
Bon in a bouffant frock transformed the
Blender Mies Hamilton into a matronly,
buxom figure who went to sleep quito
naturally. Miss Cole as Miss Mary
Smith was a charming young lady with
neck curls. She was present in the
play as the narrator is present in the
book, a sympathetic, helpful visitor en
tirely unconscious of her own charm.
Lady Glenmire was unaffectedly simple
and lovely. Miss Bowen was natural
and easy. Miss Haggard as Mrs. For
ester was tart and spicy. Miss Gertrude
M scomber, the maid, waB an English
country maid, crude and loving. Miss
Garten as Miss Pole was both handsome
and impressive, of quick answer, gesture
and impu'se. Miss Edith Abbott as the
only man was remarkably effective. It
is a pity that this play should have been
seen by only a few people. The casto
has made a scholarly study of costumes,
properties and stage setting and their
play is fetching and their effects well
made. Between the acts Miss Jessie
Lansing sung some old songs. Miss
Lansing's exquisite and careful reading
of her songs, her sweet reaching voice
in these old melodies, the simplicity and
truth of her method, made the between
acts very pleasant.
Complimentary Teas.
Wednesday afternoon the Kappa Kappa
GammaB gave a complimentary tea at
Delta Gammas in Lincoln.
This is the week of the twelfth bien
nial convention of Delta Gamma. The
second floor of the Lincoln has been
given up to the delegates who dine to
gether, en famille, in the ordinary.
The Cranford Play.
Members of the local chapter of Delta
Gamma produced a play on Tuesday
night at the home of Miss Garten.
Somebody employed by the Ladies'
Home Journal has dramatized Cranford,
that delightful, pathetic story told by
Mrs. Gaskell bo many years .ago, a story
that has more charm in one unpreten
tious little p8ge than there is in all the
three hundred and sixty pages of "To
Have and to Hold," or in any of the
other historical efforts lately printed.
One of the most satisfactory and whole
some delights of girls' fraternities is the
intimate family association of college
girls. Another advantage not enjoyed
by barbarians is the intercourse which
is ever kept alive between the alumnae
and active members of the fraternity.
Cranford was a small English village
inhabited principally by women, maiden
ladies and widows, a poverty-stricken
little village wherein the ancient ladies
lived lives of self-denial sweetened by
convictions that wealth ia vulgar and
poverty refinement. Charity, gentleness,
unselfishness, reverence for breeding
ard for rank; which are by no means
synonymous, characterize the ladieeof
Cranford. The young ladies who pre
sented the play on Tuesday evening
were exquisite illustrations of the book, the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whedon.
The stage was set with old furniture, Invitations were extended to the moth-spider-legged
tables and chairs, a rare ere of the Kappa members and to all
old spinet, a tall clock, old brass candle- the members of local fraternities as well
sticks, and old-fashioned bric-a-brac, as to the visiting delegates. The guests
The actresses were costumed in rare old were received by Misses May Whiting,
laces preserved for two generations by Blanche Hargreaves, Blanche Emmons,
the mothers and grandmothers of the Mabel Hayes and Margaret Whedon,
graceful and beautiful young women and were directed to the dressing rooms
who took the parts. The programs by two little girls, Blanche Woodruff
were dainty paneled screens of card- and Sarah Outcalt, who were dressed in
board folded twice with a character in white. The dining room was beauti
Cranford p'ainted on the fourth panel, fully decorated in the Kappa culors.
The work on the programs was done by The table had a centrepiece of blue
Mrs. Edmisten, Miss Polk and Miss fleur-de-lis and was lighted with blue
Lansing. The old-fashioned colors of the candles, with light and dark blue pen
silks of the time, the delicate pink in nants festooned from the ceiling. Ice
the cheeks of the old ladies, the flowing, cream was served by Mrs. Lew Mar
liquid lines of the gowns are exquisitely shall and Misses Emma Outcalt, Doro
reproduced in the programs, which thy Griggs, Nancy Cunningham, Ellen
were illuminated after the fash Gere and Rosanna Bradt, all of whom
ion of old breviaries. Eighty of these wore white gowns. The punch room up
programs were prepared. And the stairs was decorated with the emblems,
printing press might as well never have and special flowers of Delta Gamma, and
been invented. Dramatis Personae: the assistants were gowned in pink.
Miss Matilda Jenkyns (Kiss Mattie) They were: Misses Adelloyd Whiting,
.Mrs. Fisher Grace Bennett, Helen Wilson, Louise
Miss Betty Barker. . . .Miss Hden Harwood Burnham, Gladys Hargreaves and Ruth
HSji! W. Music was furnished by a
. Miss Belle Hamilton 9"inBed orchestra. At the same hour a
Mary Smith Miss Fanny Louise Cole tea was given by the members of Pi
Lady Glenmire -MissAbbah Bowen Beta Phi at tho home of Mrs. Stuart.
iSMiSlE The parlor and music rooms were dec-
Miss Pole Miss Blanche Garten ora-et- in red, and tho hall in ecarlot and
Peter Marmaduke Arley Jenkyns. cream. Mrs. Stuart was assisted in re-
Miss Edith Abbott ceiving by Mesdamea E. B. Andrews,
Mrs. Fisher as MisB Matilda Jenkyns C. H. Morrill, A. J. Sawyer and Misses
preserved the simplicity and old-time Montgomery, Tukey and Robinson,
fragrance of the character. Miss Har- Punch was served by Mrs. George Ris
wood as Miss Betty Barker was that ad- eer'and Mrs. Josephine Fisher. The
mirable and viyacious spinster to the dining room was in charge of Mrs. A. S.
delight of the audience. Miss Bridges Raymond and Mrs. Willard Kimball,
as Mrs. FitzAdams, slightly below the Pink, blue and bronze ribbons and a
standard of gentility established by centre piece of pearl roses, the Delta
Cranford, wpb humbly conscious of her Gamma flower, were the very effective
inferior breeding and gratified to be al- table decorations. The room was lieht-
I lowed to associate with the aristocracy, ed with green candles.