The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 18, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Cycle Photographs
AtHeik; Photographs
Photographs of Babies
Photographs of Groups
Exterior Views
129 South Eleventh Street.
National Importance
Daily, by mail . . . $6 a year
Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
TKe Survdavj Svm
Is the greatest Sunday News
paper ir the World.
Price 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year.
' Address THE SUN, New York.
4immn MssiMNi iui i yi i i u u u T
Twenty-eight years experience aa an
inside decorator, Reasonable prices.
Pbone 5232.
J. 9. Stecenson,
Manages Property.
Annual Meeting German Baptists,
Lincoln, Nebr., May 24-31, 1901,
From point east of Denver, Cheyenne,
and in Kansas and Nebraska. In order
to give those attending this meeting an
opportunity to visit points of interest,
an open rate of one fare, for the round
trip, will be made to all points in Ne
braska from Lincoln.
'For further information call on
Lady Modish In Town Topics.
Nothing can ever be really fashion
able until certain smart women adopt
and wear it. Designers and fashion
books may suggest, but we Modishes
must approve. Apropos, the spring
veils. The wind and the sun make
them a necessity, but the recent impor
tations are certainly not calculated to
enchance a woman's charms. They are
even uglier than the heavy scroll design
affected by a few a very few last year,
and will in all probability meet a like
fats. The only one at all acceptable by
the woman who is unwilling to consent
to mar her beauty of face is the double
veil of white illusion or tulle with a
single black mesh over it. The idea is
not new, but veils worn this spring dif
fer somewhat from those formerly in
vogue, and are fairly becoming. The new
est veils, however, of white with a very
large and a very small black dot side by
side, are dreadful, and appear as if spot
ted with round bodied bugs with heads
detached. Another white veil, iuat out.
has groups nf black dots iu the shape of
across. These," spread over the face,
are anything but pretty, and no woman
with any claim to good taste will ever
adopt them, no matter by whose ap
proval they are stamped or bow costly
they may be. The Bingle black meshes
are always becoming, and can, of course,
always be obtained, because of the large
demand. They do not conceal too much
and give a softer appearance to the skin.
Most women are extremely particular
about these details of toilet, and having
fixed upon some especial style of veiling
which they know to be becoming, will
have no matter how many "late
importations'' are Haunted 'before them.
Perhaps on this point alone can a beau
tiful woman afford to thoroughly ignore
season changes. The average Ameri
can woman, unfortunately, does not
know bow to wear a veil to the best ad
vantage. She draws it around the hat
and pins it in the back, regardless as to
where the bottom reaches. So long as
it covers her face and falls below her
chin somewhere she is content. I have
seen otherwise perfectly gowned women
veiled with such carelessness during the
past few days. The veil Bhould never
extend below the chin. This is a fixed
law among Parisians. To be really
chic it should come just to the tip of
the nose. If, however, a woman has a
plain lower face she may wear it to
cover the lips, perhaps even the chin,
but it must never, under any circum
stances, fall below it. This spoils the
contour of the face and showB the face
and neck to bad advantage. A French
lady of quality who recently visited
New York, wore a red toque a stun
ning affair and with it a red veil just
reaching the tip of her aristocratic nose.
As her mouth was her best feature, this
suited her exceptionally well. Colored
veils, aside from those in chiffon, may
be used as the Beason advances. Some
are already Bhown in delicate'lavender,
which pale color is the usual forerunner
of more decided shades. Those of black
with purple dots are on view in the
shops, but I have seen none worn. The
intricate, irregular, spider-web like
meshes of black are much worn by girls,
but they are never becoming.
Trimmings and decorative adornments
are very gay and even bizarre. Among
the latter are embroidered peacock
feather designs for evening gowns and
the eilk and gold stitched cretonne ap
plications for both heavy and light ma
terials for day and evening wear. The
all-overs, with a jour machine embroid
ery in gold, are a pronounced feature of
the season's trimmings. Embroidered,
tucked or lace trimmed batiste collars
are still a part of the spring tailor suit.
The Princesse skirt is an innovation of
the spring, but has to be made most
carefully and by a true artist. Nothlog
is more deplorable than one of these
corslet skirts which sets badly. It
must be perfectly boned, and fit like a
glove, or it will be crooked at the fas
tening in the back. These skirts are
shown in summer materials as well as
in cloth. One in pale blue linen has
black eilk bands outlining the top.
This is to be worn with cool shirt waists,
and is rather effective with thin white
blouses. Lace is to be the keynote of
summer fashion. It is still the rage in
London and Paris. The new gowns
Bhow that the mulines, Valenciennes and
point d'esprit are in colors to harmonize
with thaflgmesand- shades of ahe. cos
tume. None is prettier than the fine
batistes and silk grass linens with lace
appliqued designs in colors to match, or
nearly so. It seems s foregone conclu
sion that boleros are to live through an
other season. They are made of all
sorts of materials, those of lace being
unuBually attractive. They appear made
of squares of lace put together with,
groups of small tucks. These squares
are also used for skirts, and are beauti
ful joined in diamond shape. When in
serted on bodice and sleeves they have a
decidedlyemstefceffect.? Miss-Mills wore,
a few days pgo, one of the most attract
ive gowns of the season. It was a deep
cream-colored cloth appliqued with
white lace. With it ehe wore a large
black hat trimmed with blue flowers.
Ecru is extremely popular, especially
for coaching. Miss Barney wore last
week an embroidered crepe of this shade,
with a large black picturesque hut of
soft material.
When Mary sang to him,
I wonder if
His baby hand
stole softly to her lips ,
And, smiling down ,
she needs must stop her song
To kiss and kiss again
his finger tips .
I wonder if,
his eyelids being shut ,
And Mary bending
mutely over him,
She felt her eyes,
as mothers do today ,
For very depth of love
grow wet and dim .
Then did a sudden
presage come to her
Of bitter looks and words
and thorn strewn street?
And did she catch her breath
and hide her face
And shower smothered kisses
on his feet ?
Bertha Gerneaux Woods,
in Scribner's.
The Annual Meeting of the German Bap
tist Brethren will be held hi Lincoln, Ne
braska, from May Twenty Four to May
Thirty-One, Nineteen Hundred and One.
For this meeting a special rate of one
fare for the round trip will be made
from Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis and all
' stations on-the-Burlington-Route The
roads east of Chicago and St. Louis are
al6o expected to make a very low rate
for the Brethren, and sell through tick
ets to Lincoln and return.
Tickets will be on sale May 23 to May
27, inclusive, and they will be limited
for return to June 4.
The charge, therefore, for a round
trip ticket-to Lincolnandreturn for the
.Brethren Meeting will be: From Chi
cago, $14.40; from Peoria, $1230; from
St. Louis $12.55
Brethren who wish to stay longer in
Nebraska, can have the limit on their
tickets extended by depositing them
with the railroad "joint agent" at Lin
coln who will issue a certificate of de
, posit on or before June 3, and charge a
eeof fifty cents for it. Tickets will
then be good for return at any time
until June 30, 1001.
Many of the Brethren will probably
watitto visifsome of the numerous Ger
man Baptist settlements in Nebraska
before returning home. Any one who
presents a certificate of deposit to the
Burlington Route agent at Lincoln will
be able to get a round-trip ticket to any
place on our line in Nebraska for half
fare. These tickets will be sold on May
28 to June 3, inclusive, and will be good
for return to Lincoln until June 25.
We publish a folder about the Ger
man Baptist Brethren in Nebraska. In
it is a very large sectional map of the
state, with reference marks which in
dicate where the Brethren settlements
are located. It tells about the crops
and prospects, and contains letters from
resident Brethren, giving their experi
ences in Nebraska. A copy'of this will
be sent without charge if you will ark
P. S. Eustis, General Passenger Agent,
C, B. & Q.R. R., Chicago, Illinois.
Do You Know Madame Qui Vive ?
Probably you do, for Mme. Qui Vive
has a national reputation as an inspir
ing friend to every woman with a beauty
woe. Her "Woman Beautiful" depart
ment in the daily and Sunday issues of
the Chicago Record-Herald is a peren
nial source of joyous helpfulness to wo
man kind Her instructions on com
plexion ills are interiarded here and
there with snappy little epigrams as
"cheerers." The weapons -she suggests
to beauty seekers for the complete an
nihilation of beauty grievances do not
include artificial "methods "factory"
frizzes, rouge and other horrors being
barred. She gives instructions on cor
rect breathing, what to eat, how to
bathe in briefthow to become a healthy,
wholesome woman. No wonder she is
popularly known to many thousands of
men to travel and advertise for old established
house of solid financial standing. Salary 1780 m
year and expenses, all payable in cash. No can
vassing required. Give references and enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 355 Caxton iililg., Chicago.
A Great Newspaper.
The Sunday edition of the St. Louis
Republic is a marvel of modern newe
paper enterprise. The organization of
its news service is world-wide, complete
in every department; in fact, superior to
that of any other newspaper.
The magazine section is illustrated in
daintily tinted colors and splendid half
tone pictures. This section contains
more high-class literary matter than
any of the monthly magazines. The
fashions illustrated in natural colors are
especially valuable to the ladies.
The colored comic section is a genuine
laugh-maker. The' funny cartoons are
by the bet artists. The humorous
stories are high-class, by authors of na
tional reputation.
Sheet music, a high-class, popular
song, is furnished free every Sunday in
The Republic.
The price of the Sunday Republic by
mail one year is $2.00. For sale by all
news dealers. -; '
All One Way.
"There's another one of them."
"Another one of what!"'
"Of the stories of some one who is
going somewhere to claim a fortune.
Somehow these stories are all one way."
"All going; never coming.. We. never
seem to hear of any one returning with
the fortune he went to get." Chicago
Hennypeck Skoots eloped with my
wife last night.
Gabbleton Why, I thought he was
your best friend.
Hennypeck He is! Town Topics.