10 THE COURIER. IK OMAHA LETTER. Omaha; Ncbr., May JO, 1901. Dear Elainor: "Drip, drip over the caves, and drip, drip over the leaves , As if it would never be sunshine-again." Possibly this will reach you in a blaze of sunlight, but the surroundings from which it is about to be evolved are dreary enough. The brilliant green lawn across tho way and the shivering vines clinging to the strings stretched across our bow window look absurdly unreal, like painted stage scenery, a travesty on nature. The rain drops come down so large and sad, they look as it they had a mind to freeze and hang midway. A diabolic little wind haB someway escaped the custody of the North and snips at the tender things of spring like a cruel step mother. Our household arrangements are run on Buch a cart iron plan that mother shuts doyn the furnace after the first of May, Sundays and week days alike. She is as sensitive to the interpreta tion of her laws as the Mayor is toward his. We are shut Tip whether we like it or not. I am bundled nip in a shawl writing with stiff Angers and disfigured by a red nose, so you need have no fear of my annual spring poem today. I am sure mother's conscience does not trouble her any; she think9 she knows I can go down and sit by the kitchen range, if I so desire, but that is a pro position similar to the soldier's riding the goneral's horce. lie can do bo any time he wants to, but the chances are he'll never want to. I went down to the kitchen for a few moments, and it seemed that every place I located myself and book, I was in the cook's way. I moved four times and then Phoebe said with a satirical laugh, "Miss Pennelly sut'nily doan seem built fer de kitchen." Would a sensitive soul like mine, especially during the throes of composition, need more? When I was a little girl I used to go away and hide after unjust treatment and spend exquisitely painful hours thinking how mean they would feel when they found me dead. But I never died. Just as I was about to expire, I was sure to smell stewing chicken and lemon pies, and in that way the grave was robbed of a tender victim. A little of that old time feeling re turned this morning. X tried to fancy Mother coming to find me, pencil in hand, stiff and lifeless, struggling in Bpiteof sympathy to the bitter end. Like the poets and writers found starv ed in their attics, stretched without life across some immortal poem. The whole idea is thrilling, but after all I do not believe I am constructed on heroic lines. I guess I will go down and try a bit of tact on Phoebe. Another day has dawned and the family bulietine announces no change for the better in my condition. Here is nothing for it I guess but to force mind to rise superior over matter and make myself believe this is a comfortable old world, even if the furnace is out and spring weather failing to arrive on schedule time. We have had a charming small boy visiting ub for a couple of weeks. His mother is some distant kin of my father. Bertram is only eight years old, but 'extremely bright and entertaining. He is a devout little romanist, and goes down on his knees night and morning with a regularity which nearly paralyzes Bob, who refuses to Bay his prayers at any time of the night or da'. A week ago Sunday J 'asked Bertram it ho would go to church with us. Be assented with a readiness and grace which forbade tne idea of any bigotry on. his part. The sermon was rather too long, and I frankly confess 1 did not have the dimmest idea what it was about. After we came home and bad our dinner the two small boys came up to my room. Bertram looked rather seri ous, even a bit anxious, and fini lly he Baid to me, "Cousin Penelope, what Bible was it that man was preaching out of this morning?" "Why, there is only one Bible, Bert ram; he was preaching out of that one, of course." "Well,'" responded Bertram with the air of a soldier resolved to do his duty or die, "he didn't tell it right then; he said the disciples pushed the little chil dren away from Christ on the Mount and it doesn't say in the Bible that the little children were ever pushed." A faint color crept into the usually pale cheeks of Bertram. "I think, dear, the minister was UBing his own language in telling about it, and may just have uaid carelessly that the little ones were pushed, don't you?" "O, but I do not think people should be careless about what the Bible says, do you, honest, Cousin Penelope?" I was saved the necessity of an im mediate reply by the fact that Bob be gan jumping up and down, and yelling like a Comanche Indian. "Dr. Thomp son is a bad minister, and tells " I laid a rather severe hard over his mouth in another moment, in a parox ysm of anxiety. Dr. Thompson might be below stairB that iuBtant for all I knew. When I weakly took refuge in the easily diverted character of the childish mind, and told Bob he might take the candy from the desk drawer, if he would be quiat. "You must give half of it to Bertram," I said, "or since he is the old est, you would better give him a little the most." Bob swept a glance over Bertram's slender frame, then took Btock of his own goodly proportions, and said glibly, "I guess his stomac 'aint much biger 'an mine." Needless to say Bob had the lion's share, owiug to the fact that Bertram insisted he only wanted a very little. I am afraid if I had been Moses, I should have smuggled away a few of the flesh pots and brought them forth when the people became obstreperous. You know my unworthy policy of sliding out of unpleasant situations in the easiest way possible for myself. I am aware that a model sister would have Bought to point a moral or drive a lesson home, but I did not; I called the discussion off by a bribe. Ever since, I have writhed internally under Bertram's inscrutable glances. 1 am sure he looks on me as a clever imitation of a lady, but places me theologically only a notch above the Bev. Thompson. There is no doubt about a moral coward experiencing some very low moments. There is an added pang of mortification in my case, when I realize that my late ones were all on account of an eight-year-old boy. Last Sunday's paper? Yes; I saw it but only through the zeal of an inter ested friend, were the musical notes, for which the Bee is justly celebrated, placed before me. Funny, wasn't it? I think if there is anything more touching than Signor Tomaso Kelly's suggestion that I take bromo as an antidote for my admiration of Mr. Gareissen's voice, it is his sym pathy for Mr. Gareissen as the victim of such fervid admiration; he talks as if he feared Mr. G would wither away and be no more. Can't yon just see the great scalding tears, which would fur row the signor's Italian cheek, it he were called on to Bend his respects to the remains of Mr. G in the shape of white flowers bearing the legend, "Be-quies-cat-in-pace?" But my case is easy; all 1 have to do is to take bromo not an expensive remedy, but I can't imagine what he will advise you to take probably would suggest that you swallow-the staff. as a means of bracing up. On the whole, however, 1 think the sympathy of the public is up to Signor, as there is no remedy known for what ails him. You and I may simmer down in the course of time; Mr. Gareissen is stroncr, and he may eventually rise above the red light of our enthusiasm, which I must confess has silhouetted him rather strongly against the background of the Signor's ever pale condemnations. Did you ever read one of his criticisms of this man for whom he feels so sorry? They run like this: "Mr. Gareissen was well received in spite of the "gutteral" quality of his tones." Now since no one else ever noticed the "gutteral tones" the Signor is at least entitled to the rank oLdiscoverer in this line. Fifthly and lastly, as the musical critic of the Bee haB led out so magnificently in the free dispensary line for afflicted femi nines, I do not like to be outdone in generosity, and will give you a bit of advice. If you ever find youraelf placed in such a situation that you have to listen to the Signor Thomaso's singing do not waste your money on bromo get an anaesthetic. Yours to the end, PiNELOPE. First Yellow Journalist I came near losing my job the other day. Second Yellow Journalist How so? First Yellow Journalist Well, for a time it looked as if that fellow I inter viewed was going to corroborate what I said. Town Topics. He I told your father frankly that I couldn't support you. .Sh.q-rWhat did he say? He He said he had had the same ex perience. Town Topics. Mr. Squeegee It's pretty difficult to make Miss Hardy blush, isn't it? Mrs. Squeegee John nenry, ex plain this minute how you know that. Town Topics. Britislj Medical Institute. Has Been a Success from the Start. Its Office in the Sheldon Block, Cor. of 11th and N Streets, is Crowded Daily. A staff of eminent physicians and Burgeons from the British Medical In stitute have, at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care in this country, established a permanent branch of the Institute in this city in the Sheldon block, corner of Eleventh and N streets. These eminent gentlemen have de cided to give their services entirely free for three months (medicines excepted) to all invalids who call upon them be fore June 1st. These services consist not only of consultation, examination and advice, but also of minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally acquaint ed with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge whatever be made for any services rendered for three months to all who call bofore June 1st The doctors treat all forms of disease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first interview a thorough examination is made; and, if incurable, you are frank ly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. Male arid female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief consulting surgeon of the Institute is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. Do Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot call Bend stamp for question Wank for home treatment. THE RUBAIYAT OF HOUSE CLEANING. Twas long ago that Omar sweetly sang , In Persian lands his singing clearly rang Of wines and roses did the Persian write , Of other things' my ruder harp shall twang . Forlol the spring is here with all its hope , With all its scrubbing pails and cakes of soap , And women go about with mops and brooms And with the dirt of many month they wildly cope . Their heads enwrapped about with towels white, They get up early yes , when still 'tis night, And tear the pictures from the dusty walls And tumble furniture from left to right. The carpets, too, are yanked from off the floors , And new, fresh paint is daubed on kitchen doors , And everything you touch has varnish on You count your troubles by the scores and scores. When home you come at night and want to rest You find you're quickly in the work impressed , "Now, John, just put that stovepipe up," she says , You go to work well, you can guess the rest ! From wobbly ladders you are sure to fall , And as from underneath you slowly crawl , With sooty face and hands and bruises blue, ")xA see what you have done ," she'll wildly call. "You've simply spoiled that carpet new and fine And bent that stovepipe till it's out of line," And then shell sit her down and weep afew, While you bind up your wounds with rags and twine . And then of course , the carpets you must tack , And in doing that you give your thumb a whack , And get your knees all stiffened up, you know , And very nearly break your suffering back. The pictures, too, must find a newer place , To hang them you must help with your best grace, And like as not before your work is done A frame will fall on you and knock in half your face . And finally, as wearily you grope to bed With skinned up hands and eyes all rimmed with red , You'll stumble near the bottom of the stairs Upon a pile of things, and nearly break your head . At last you'll get to bed and fall asleep, But through your dreams wild scenes will wildly creep And you will think you still are cleaning house And in your dreams youll dly sigh and weep. Ah, gentle spring, with budding flowers and trees , With aching backs and stiffened joints and knees , You are the gladdest time of all the year, I don't think excuse the slang your pardon, please . V. R. Dunroy, in Sioux City Tribune, 1 Ai hS- WS3SrSE i&far' A.'AvsnuuBSBs.-a