The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 04, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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This is the season when we do awav wifli nvorv
broken line, every odd lot and every piece of goods
that lingers bevond its fellows. Thpv nrP nil cum.1
mer stuffs that have suffered from the brisk selling- of i
recent weeks, and we want the room they occupy for
mia-sutnmer wares.
100 pieces of Belfast dimitv.
28 inches wide, sold regularly!
over our counters at 9c; for the
May Sale, per yard 5c
Batiste Organdie, 29 inches
wide, hue and sheer, medium and
light colors, good goods at 10c.
for the May Sale, per yard..5&cj
30 inch dimity, dark, medium and light colors, for
the May bale, per yard 10c '
The finer goods suffer like reductions and the array j
is a most extensive one. It you can t inspect them,
send for samples.
Best Turkey red and dark standard prints, worth
6 and 7c, in one lot for the May Sale, per yard. .3cl
Cotton challies, 25 inches wide, for summer house j
gowns, dark, medium and light colors, per yard . . 5c
Our best 36 inch percale, worth 12j4 and 15c, mill I
ends, May Sale, per yard 8c ,
y- - Silkaline, 36 inches wide, new designs, worth 12j4c
per yard, and never sold tor less, May bale, per yd..c i
x .! .1. Ot -nr oi- a el
inaia linen, worm oyzc, luiiy oaie, per yaru. . . oc
Half bleached table linen, never sold before for less I
than 50c; May Sale, per yard 27c,
Pure linen table damask, half bleached, worth 75c,
for the May Sale, per yard 57c!
All our pure linen, bleached, 22 inch table napkins ,
that sell regularly at $2.25, $2 50 and $2.75, in one'
lot for the May bale, per dozen $1.3j j
Women's cotton hose, double heel
and toe, May Sale, per pair 6c
Children's cotton hose, spliced heel
and toe; May Sale, a pair 8c
Women's cotton hose, spliced soles,
seamless, May Sale, a pair 10c
Women's ribbed union suits, white
sleeveless,the50cqual., May Sale.35c
Women's fine lisle vests with sleeves,
white and ecru, 50c goods, May Sale
each o&Ysc
Women's Swiss ribbed umbrella drawers, white,
French band, made after style of muslin garments,
trimmed with wide lace ruffle, May Sale, a pair.. 65c
Women's fine honeycomb lisle knee lengths drawers,
wide ler like the muslin garments, trimmed with
handsome lace ruffles, the regular $1.00 goods, May
VgK? Rnl -,-,:.- 75c W
19 sending out as good fibre as cured on
the Pacific, and in the Tagal swamps.
Come. They are pushing by the last
lockers. The next crowd like this will
be for the Commencement times, when
the last lad who wore the khaki and re
turned to finish h:s AcBderoy course,
will stand on that stage to receive his
bit of eheepskin.
Look at the shadows on the two round
turrets over the steps moonlight shad
ows o! the first fronds of elm leaves.
Only a half doz?n times the opening elm
leaves have sent shadows there yet it
is the Old Armory.
An Accompaniment.
"And forgive us our trespasses as wo
forgive those who trespass against ua."
The morning service was in progress at
Trinity Cathedrjl. The "general con
fession" and the "absolution" had re
ceived a fervent "amen" from the kneel,
ing congregation, and the sound of
voices repeating the Lord's prayer float
ed out upon the Sabbath stillness.
"And forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive" Why was it that at thin
place one soft voice became suddonly
silent and a golden head bent quickly
forward, while two rosy cheekB showed
an extra touch of crimsor through tho
meshes of the enshrouding veil? 'What
is that we are saying?'' thought Jeesio
Wharton to herself. "Forgive us our
The Annual Meeting of the German Bap
tist Brethren will be held in Lincoln, Ne-
Thirty-One, Nineteen Hundred and One. tre3Pa8aea M w" forgive thoee who tree
... .. .... puss against us: l wonuer wny l never
For this meeting a special rate of one thoughtabout those words before! I
iaro lor mo ruunu trip win ue maue
from Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis and all
stations on the Burlington Route The
roads east of Chicago and St. Louis are
alto expected to make a very low rate
for the Brethren, and sell through tick
ets to Lincoln and return.
Tickets will be on sale May S3 to May
27, inclusive, and they will be limited
for return to June 4.
The charge, therefore, for a round
wonder if it really means that we will
be forgiven only as we forgive our ene
mies, that set me to be all we are ask
ing for, any way!'' The congregation
had now arisen, and the choir was sing
ing that beautiful anthem, "O come let
us sing unto the Lord." "Forgive, for
give, forgive." the music seemed to say
to Jessie's heart. "Yes but I can't for
give this time," protested that rebellious
little heart. "I've foreivon and for-
tir tmlnf - T tnntln nnn of nn tnm hA
ki.H wwDfc.u..u u " ,n. given Annie Harmon until I'm sick of
uiu.ou COUuB nm ,. x ..u ,u.- th oonrf np 1,-. nam ql
..nnn . "' .Juw
cago.S14.40; from Peoria. $12.90; Trom miH8e9 a chance to sa unpleasant things
tllB u - u i to m.-ad that horrible cut last night,
iiretnren who wish to stay longer in
Nebraska, can have the limit on their
tickets extended by depositing them
with the railroad "joint agent" at Lin-
right before Nell Graham, too O I
can't forgive her and I don't want to
forgive her, and there's no use thinking
anv mora about it'' TIata .Tnosia oat
coin who will issue a certificate of de- tlpd hfirIf lntn ,. nrno, . .
posit or. i or before June 3, and charge a gave a determjDeJ litUe to8Bto her head;
and prepared to devote her whole at-
Tickets will
at BBy time
fee of fifty cents for it
then be good for return
until June 30, 1901.
Many of the Brethren will probably
want to visit EOtse of the numerous Ger
man Baptist settlements in Nebraska
before returning home. Any one who
presents a certificate of deposit to the
Burlington Route agent at Lincoln will
tention to the sermon. "Forgive us our
trespasses' the words still echoed and
re-echoed in her ears. "There she is
now, the little hypocrite," she thought,
as her glance fell upon a slender girl in
brown on the other side of the church.
"As we forgive those who trespass
against us!" How persistently the
be able to get a round-trip ticket to any wordfl nri to her again and again
place on our line in Nebraska for half
fare. These tickets will be Bold on May
28 to June 3, inclusive, and will be good
for return to Lincoln until June 25.
We publish a folder about the Ger
man Baptist Brethren in Nebraska. In
it is a very large sectional map of the
state, with reference marks which in
dicate where the Brethren settlements
are located. It tells about the crops
What right had she to plead for forgive.
ness while her heart was so bitter
against a fellow-being under the same
roof with herself! And now sorely she
needed forgiveness how many times
every day of her life she had "done
those things which she ought not to
have done and left undone those things
which she should have done! Could she
truly forgive Annie Harmon could she
and prospects, and contains letters from forglve her from th(J very boMom rf her
reBiaeoi urtnureu, giving moir export hearij
ences in Nebraska A copy of this will The choir boyfl are 8,owJ mErch:Dg
be sent without charg.r ark down the aisle singing the Recessional
P. S Eustis, General Passenger Agent, h ..For;vn fnr -r t. .
D--i -w.B..w, mw nwsuo
C, B. & Q.R. R., Chicago, Illinois.
s'.ill ring in her ears. The little door is
closed, the subdued tones of the last
"amen" are breathed into the air, the
organ bursts forth into a veritable '-Song
of Praise." "As I hope to be foreiven!"
By Legislative enactment, the Ne- With shining eyes and head held high
braska State Fair is permanently locat
ed at Lincoln. The late Legislature
appropriated money to purchase Fair
Grounds and equip them with all mod
ern improvements. All live stock will
be provided for in new commodious
barns. From the city, Fair Grounds
are reached by both steam railway and
electric motor car line, making the run
in five minutes. Rail road conveniences
and accomodations are complete. Lin
coln is a western rail road centre. All
western roads centre here. For general
information concerning the Fair, apply
to the secretary, Robert W.
Brown ville, Nebr.
Jessie walked quickly across the church.
"Good morniug, Annie." she said. "I
wish you would come to the organ re
cital with me this afternoon! '
The red rose spoke: "I lay against
Her lips; she pressed me there ,
With blushes warmer than mine own ,
Then twined me in her hair."
The white rose spoke: "I drooped against
Her breast: thev laid me there :
Furnas, Twas whiter than mine own, meseemed ,
And ob, so cold and fair I"
Frederic L. Knowles, in
May Century.
men to travel and advertise for old established
house of vnlld financial standing Salary ?90 a
year and expenses, all payable in cash. No can
vavsinir required. Gie references and cnetose
self-addressed stamped envelope. AMrcv Man
ager, 355 Caxlon HWg., Chicago.
Angry Father -Look here, sir! Who
told you that you could kiss my daugh
ter? Suitor She did. Town Topics.