THB GOURIER tato, Mendelssohn; Mrs. P. V. M. Ray mond, Miss Ensign, Miss Ejche. Songs "Spring," Gounod; "Morning Hymn," HeoBchel; "Serenade to Juni ata; Jouberti; Mrs. R. A. Holyoke. 'Cello Elegy. Ernst; Miss Lillian Eicbe. Choruses "Sister, Awake,' Temple ton Strong; ''Ride ot the Elves," Men delssohn; Matinee Musicale'chorus. String accompaniment First violin, Miss Silence Dalee; second violin. Miss Ina Ensign; viola, Mrs. Emma Hage now; 'cello, Miss Lillian Eiche. y Omaha Notes. Mrs. Draper Smith has been elected director ot the Omaha Y. W. C. A. Judge Woolworth and daughter, Mrs. Howard, have gone to New York. General and Mrs. Manderson expect to return tc Omaha today. Mrs. Estaorook, Miss Estabrook and Colonel Ulowry made a visit of a few days ir? Omaha last week. Senator Millard and his daughter have gone to Washington, it is said to select a house. Girls' Basket Ball Tournament. The people ot Lincoln have seen two or three basket-ball games by girls in recent years, but last Friday and Saturday occurred the greatest event ot the kind, and probably the first regular tournament for girls ever given in this country. Basket-ball was invented to provide an active indoor sport for girls, and no one who raw the tournament can doubt that they play this game as well as boys play base ball or foot ball. The tournament was arranged by the state university to promote girls' basket-ball, and for the "fun of the thing." A handsome first prize and a consolation prize were provided. The firBt event was between the uni versity first team and the Wahoo high school. The Wahoo girls were at great - disadvantage because their opponents averaged six inches taller. They played a splendid, plucky game nevertheless, and though they seldom had a chance, their goal throwing was very skillful. The spectators were much amused, when the Wahoo girls made their first point, to see them run and hug Mr. Searson, their school principal, who, it seems, had promised the girls unlimit ed treats if they Bcored. The univer sity had to work "for it, but won by a score of 27-10. The next match was the Lincoln high school against the university second team. The high school girls played fast and hard, though somewhat handi capped by the slipperinees of the arm ory floor. Their own gymnasium floor is lees spacious and rougher. The uni versity girls were outclassed in team work and speed, and the high school won 11 to 5. The Uni. first team, having won the first match, now played againBt Omaha for a chance in the finals next day. This came was splendid. It waB the quick est, closest and Hardest iougni, ana isie session oi me jeorafga legislature, least rough ot any game ever played in Our legislature has been privileged to Lincoln. The ball was constantly being display the degree of natural intelli passed back by one set of forwards, gence which it possesses, and it cer stopped by the opposite guards and sent tainly has availed itself of the oppor flying toward one goal or another. Un- tunity. It is well said that, outside of til near t'ae end of the last half Omaha one's own profession or calling in life, held the lead, when by tine guarding one's reasoning powers seem to be de and rapid, clever passing the university fective, and that very few can be con made two coals, scoring four points and sidered good judges of what is best for in fine shape. The final score was 9-3 in , Omaha's favor. The Wahoo girls deserve much credit, considering the smallnesa of their school, their size and their newness to the game. Next came the first half between the university first team and the Lincoln high school. The winner was to get first prize for the tournament, and there was much enthusiasm among the high school people, although no one doubted the university would win. The game was very swift, but the superior size, strength and endurance ot the univer sity girls enabled them to win easily, the bcore being 24-1. The superiority of the university teams over the visitors is due to the members having had from three to five years physical training, being older and more mature, and hav ing more vitality than high school girls. Between the halves of the university high school game, Omaha played again, thia time against the Uni. second team . The Omaha gir's were too tired to make a good showing against their fresh op ponents, though had they been fresh themselves they might easily have won. There was only a short intermission be tween the halves, the Omaha team was badly tired out, and the game ended 10 2 for the university. Omaha has a strong team; the co-operation of the plaeis is excellent, the individual work good, and its part in the tournament was very creditable. The tournament resulted with the Uni. first team holding first prize, Lin coln high school second, Uni. second team third, Omaha fourth, Wahoo high school fifth. The university keeps both the first prize and the consolation prize. The fact that five teams competed mads the schedule difficult to arrange, but as nearly as poseib'o the teamB were matched so as to give an equal chance to each. The Lincoln high school girls regret the misunderstanding that aroEe and explain that they challenged the qualifications of the players on the uni versity teams supposing that this tour nament was to be an amateur contest under amateur rules. Several ot the university team are apprenticed in structors in the physical training depart ment, and one is a poBt graduate stu dent. The university explained, how ever, that they invited the other schools something in store for the people, if not for the doctors. In the words ot Gail lard's Medical Journal: "Let us tell the public as often as we can that it is the function ot the physician to act as watchman, and sometimes, when it is necessary for the safety and comfort of bis patient's life, to interfere with medi cine or knife. That is the ability to rec ognize the time of that necessity that the state vouches for in the holder ot good deal of quiet criticism among some of the older members. The society's traditions and the forms are solemn and religious you know. Oh! Penelope, have you ever Been the Omaha high school girls play Lasket ball? Do go and see the next game they play. You cannot watch them without a feeling of admiration for the brave, strong, quick, agile-minded, young things. Straight and supple as young medicine first." Western Medical Review. LINCOLN LETTER. its license to practice medicine. Meant elm.trees; in a match they are quite as while it is the duty of the profession to slippery. Not that they outplay the the public and itself to use every effort Lincoln team. The team work, the toward the establishment everywhere ot machine work of the Lincoln high a uniform prerequisite to the fgiving of school team, seems to me superior. But advice to the sick, and that the right to the brilliancy, dash and presence of practice medicine be with held from mind of Mies Towne, for instance, is those ignorant of anatomy, physiology, admirable. The Y. W. C. A. team, and pathology in its widest sense. Then which has been coached by Miss Wood if a man trained in the recognition and small played in good form at the recent knowledge ot disease be willing to pros- tournament and with a steadiness sur titute his powers in the pursuit ot any prising in girls' teams. It was an in ism or pathy, let him go. Perhaps some vitatjion tournament under the direction day we shall have accredited piycho- of Miss Pound and Mies Barr, whoalter therapeutics in a larger field who can ed the rules to fit their teams, claiming tell? But let them be graduated in that as it was an invitation tournament they were justified in eccentric conduct. The discussion which ensued reminded me of a card party once given by a Lin coln hostess. You know how much discussion there je, in playing six hand ed euchre, about the widow and the methods of bidding. Well, this lady thought she would settle all that and she placed on each table a set ot rules ot her own invention. This was a long time ago, but Bhe announced to an inti mate friend, that as long as she furn ished tne house, the chairs and tables, "dainty refreshments" and prizes, she thought she had a right to make a few rules.' "It was an invitation card party wasn't it?" Well, when the guesta had exchanged the conventional greetings and settled down to business with the familiar determined air of the prize winning woman, thpre arose immediate ly a deafening buzz. In response to remonstrance and petition was nrm. and tne games according to her system. herself, won the "first prize," set it on the piano Lincoln, Nebr., April 17, 1901. Deur Penelope: Nebraska should have a state board to restrict the contagious disease ot snob bery. The disease w spreading to the rural districts. It has reached Lincoln and is destroying the usefulness of some of the worthiest people. Why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Our an cestors were blacksmiths, our grand mothers did their own washing. Not a family in the place keeps a butler. Most mistresses answer tbeir own door bells, for the one maid is washing or baking or scrubbing floors. Between the richest and the poorest in this little town there is no impassable gulf No inconceivable millions divide Andy Baylees who runs the hand street sweep er from the richest man in town who is said to be Mr. Moore or Mr. Berger. There is, of course, a much wider har ries of culture between them. Your Omaha club committee is evidently bad ly pitted with snobbery. I have heard the ho3tess were played She played royal lady's and it con- in Tilav ttinii. fnama pnmnnaorl 9b tfinv "" "" ---. ww.rwww.. ...wj ...,, it - . were, without regard to amateur rulee; n xim aiurpny sremo ancesior was circulating a pledge among and the protest was therefore with- J h " -hi " give and those who do not drawn. An annual tournament will tuo "ruaJB "uu """ u oB ja which the affiant agrees not couiu manage a ciuu m loose nays. Dr zefl for card ni-vino. probably be held, the prize to become the property of the team winning it two outot three years. In future tourna ments it would be well to match high schools against each other, and univer sities the same. This scheme of promot ing athletics for girls and young women is a good one and worth carrying out. Medical Legislation In Nebraska. It is time wasted to spend it in vain regrets over the outcome of legislation The ancestors of the men whose paths he has made smooth were then serving this king and waiting humbly for his permission for them to leave the room backwards. I am very glad Penelope, that because a man is short and a trifle florid you do not fail to see his true no bility nor forget his distinguished an cestor. You speak of Doctor Miller's kindly heart. Sure, he is a gentleman that would not tread upon a worm. Do you tinues to ornament her boudoir. But echoes of that evening still cause a per ceptible disturbance when the old timers discuss ancient history. The Fortnightly club of Lincoln is those who give parties, to give The paper has caused much discussion. Many ladies have accepted invitations to prize par ties in the past and their rooms are now decorated with the spoils of the game in the shape of arm-chairs, buhl tables, etchings, cut glass and Bilver table waro, manicure sets, hot water bottles, etc. The grateful winners are reluctant not to give their hostesses an opportunity to win something back. You know it's not very good gambling form, when a man has won from an opponent to auit concerning the medical profession in the happen to know about his kindness to playing as soon as the luck shifts a littl animais, aooui ms meioog mercy ana to the losing player's side. Lincoln gentleness to the unfortunate? Seems women have a strong sense ot fair play to me if Omaha or Nebraska has a "first if they are unusually keen for prizes citizen" it is Doctor George A. Miller, and I believe this feelin-will defeat the wnose miBiunuoea nave noi emouierea mnvnmnnt nirainat winning the game, 8-5, Saturday afternoon occurred the finals, to determine the prize winners. Omaha and Wahoo both having been defeated by the university, played first. In this game the Wahoo girls showed much improvement over the night be fore, their tall guard doing remarkably well. Yet the difference in the size of the two teams was considerable, and Wahoo seemed utterly unskilled in team work. Though they made but three points, they held down their opponents those in the other walks of life. Apathy has borne its legitimate fruit, and a bill has been passed conferring upon the people calling themselves Osteopaths most of the rights and privileges, but with practically none of the obligations, ot members of the medical profession. To be just to those members of the leg islature who belong to our profession too much cannot be said in the way of praise, both in the manner and in the energy with which they fought this bill. The future, however, may yet haye him. May he live long and enjoy his friends. The Masons are holding a fair here and selling chances on furniture, drap eries, etc. Ynu pay your money and stand to win. If gamblers were to set up wheels giving the player twenty times the chances to win offered by this lottery the town would be aroused to the ciiminal negligence of the police and the mayor. There would be groans about collusion with the gamblers and a division ot profits, but nobody is say ing anything. People who would be ashamed to place their money on the red or the black, take a dozen chances on a leatherine chair without wincing Jack is a mason and he says there is a prize parties. The prize is a stimulant and quickons the most sluggish, most pampered tempera ment. And about taking chances, it is very difficult to say where gambling be gins and legitimate speculation leaves off. The future is hidden and only the witch-hazel prophets pretend that they can read it. As long as the future re mains hidden men will hazard on its chances. The zest of expectation over balances the pain of loss, but playing cards for a prize is different, don't you- think so? Yours, Eleaxor. All the world invites us to drink, yet all the world hates a drunkard. i ISi H t Ir M tit m : i Hi .' I : J i J 'I s.iti 11H1 HI 5l l