The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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ing room waa in green and white. Mrs.
Lewis and Mrs. Rhodes served the con
fections. This last hss been a very busy week
for those interested in the production of
. the operetta, "The National Flower."
Instrumental rehearaals under the able
direction of Professor Hagenow, fancy
drill-coaching by Professor Richeson,
and practice of the curtain-raiser, JDa
Maurier'e "Trilby," with Miss Anderson
as director, have been the ordinary pro
ceedings of the past week. The perform
ance, it is safe to eay, will be very pleas-
- ant in its variety, as the following argu
ment of the operetta shows. Candidates
for the position of National Flower have
been summoned to appear before judge
and jury, there to plead each one his
own case. After giving reasons for de
siring to be the National Flower, each
aspirant remains to listen to the stories
of his rivals. Occasionally weeds stray
in, to the horror of the assembled flow
ers, and consternation is great when an
onion chances to look in upon the scene.
The jury which, will happily illustrate
the way judicial affairs will be disposed
of when women are eligible to'the office
acting under instructions from the
judge, endeavors to decide in favor of
the most useful as well as the most
baautiful flower. Uncle Sam volunteers
some valuable information, after which
the flowers express their hearty approval
of the one chosen, and the contest ia
happily and satisfactorily ended. The
date for the rendition of the operetta is
set for the thirtieth of this the month
of April. The ladies of the Aid Society
hope that the general public will patron
ize this entertainment. The money
raised will be expended largely to house
the homeless and feed the hungry.
Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt entertained the
L. A.Keneiogton with cards Friday eve
ning. The guests were Messrs. and
Mesdames Alva Kennard, C. I. Jones, I.
D. Chapin, W. J. Turner, Dr. and Mrs.
Wilkinson, Mrs. H. B. Patrick, Mrs.
Wendling, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. Nor
ris Humphrey, Mrs. J. 0. Seacrest, Mrs.
Cjre. Pitcher, Mrs. Billmeyer, Mrs. F. .
The New Book Review club met on
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. S. C.
Hoover, for the annual nesting. Of
ficers elected were: Mrs. Hoover, presi
dent; Mrs. Stonebraker, vice president;
Mrs. Wagner, secretary and treasurer;
Mrs. Cornell, press reporter.
Mrs. Mark Tilton, whs has been very
ill is convalescing slowly and uncertain
ly. She is beloved by. many friends.
She is an only child. She has an infant
daughter. All the relations of life are
unusually strong and tender and insist
ently urge her return to health.
Chapter K.P.E. 0., will entertain'
the chapter from University Place and
visiting members of the fraternity this
afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. I,
Jones, Twenty-seventh and Garfield
Mrs. Burt Richards of 1730 D street,
entertained a few friends on Wednesday
evening in honor of Mrs. John Foster of
Kansas City. Mrs. Foster is visiting:
her son, Mr. S. A. Foster, 1930 F street.
On Thursday afternoon the Advocate
Publishing Association elected officers
for the following year: President, Mr.
Archie K. Sears; vice president, Mr. Al
ter Levy; -secretary, MisB Camille Hall;
editor-in-chief, Mr. Edwin Guthrie; as
sociate editor. Min Nellie M. Ludden;
business BMsager, Mr. Frank Johnson;
advisory beard, Miss Julia Wort and
MieeHametN. Towne. The Advocate
deserves much credit for the manner is
which it has been conducted during the
past year.
Mrs. Clinton R. Lee will entertain
the M. M. Whist club this evening is
honor of her guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. B
Bowenof Boston, Mass. Members of
the club are Messrs. and Mesdames J.
C. Seacrest, E. E. Spencer, Warner,
Traphagen, Le Gore, Rudge, Kisser,
Jones, Chapin, Wolcott, Gibbe, Lee,
M. Foteora, R. Folsom, Van Brunt and
Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th & O.
Mrs. O.K. Pitcher gave a farewell
dinner on Tuesday evening to Major
and Mrs. Stoney and Mrs. Fawell, who
will leave soon for England. Covers
were laid for sixteen.
Married, on Wednesday evening, Mr.
Edwin Le Fever and Miss Mabel Jen
kins, of Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowen of Boston are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R Lee,
1911 E street.
Mrs C. G. Crittenden entertained very
informally it luncheon yesterday in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Eames of
Buffalo, N. T.
Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond entertained
the members of the First Congregational
choir Friday evening.
Mrs. H. A. Babcock has been visiting
old friends in Ord. She returned last
Miss Aborn of Sheldon, lows, is the
guest of Mrs. Hollenbeck.
Miss Auld is visiting in Knoxville,
Mr. J. H. McMurtry who has been ill
is convalescing rapidly.
Died, on Thursday afternoon, April
the eighteenth, at her home, 1310 C
street, Mrs. Richard O'Neill. She has
been ill for weeks, but owing to her be
lief that nothing ailed her, she would
not consent to medical treatment.
When she was dying doctors were called
in. Mrs. O'Neill's maiden name was
Anna Vanderpool. She was born in
Clair, Iowa, July 12th, 1861, and came to
Nebraska in 1871 with her parents, the
late Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Vanderpool.
She was married to Mr. O'Neill, Novem
ber 23rd, 1888. She leaves a husband,
two sons, and four brothers.
The last one of the unusually brilliant
season of concerts by the active mem
bers of the Matinee Musicale was given
last Tuesday afternoon at university
memorial hall. It was open to the gen
eral public and the large room was
filled by an audience composed mostly
of listeners from outside the club. It
waa a request program and the perform
ers were selected from among the club's
best. The chorus showed the effect of
Mrs. Raymond's training. At the end
ct the season Mrs. Raymond's choruses
are invariably perfect. As a constant
steady musical influence Mrs. Raymond
has been and is of inestimable musical
inspiration to Lincoln. Her influence is
like the sunshine so constant and so
stimulating we forget to be grateful for
it until a fortnight's clouds shut the
sun out. The final number, Mendels
eoha's Ride of the Elves was beauti
fully shaded and sung as by one many,
toned flexible great voice. The solo
ists were loudly and insistently applaud
ed but according to the club's custom
did not respond to encores.
The club has still an artist recital in
anticipation and the president's recep
tion for May 13, before its members dis
perse for the summer.
Spring Song, Hawley, Matinee Musi-
caie cnorus.
Violin Fantasia Appaeionata, Vieux
temps; Miss Ina Ensign.
"Bright Star of Love," Robaudi; Mrs.
E. Lewis Baker. (Flute obligato, Mr.
Piano Fantasia impromptu, Chopin;
Champagner Toast, Grane; Mrs. J. H.
Trio (D minor), Molto Allegro et Agi-
$5 &$6 Dress Skirts, 2.75
The balance of a maker s stock,
bought at what they cost him and of
fered here for less than their whole
sale worth. The lot consists of
skirts of novelty mixtures in assort
ed colors, all beautifully appliqued,
skirts of all wool cheviot, with welt
ed seams, and all .wool brilhantine and
Sicilian cloth skirts, all nicelv lined
"i with percaline and finished with rib
bon bands, regular $5.00 and $6.00 goods, our price
while they last, each $2.75
Dimities, litrht and medium, 30 inches, per yard.. 8c
Batiste, 32 inches wide, fancy designs, per yard.. 15c
Open lace striped lawn tissue, 20c goods, our
price, per yard 20c
Poie Foula, 31 inches wide, the present season's
popular fabric, new and very swell designs,
ner vard 5c
We'll be glad to send samples of Wash Goods
upon request, w rice us aDouc it.
Greater care couldn't be given mail orders than we
give them here. When you write please mention tnis
-.1 . . .. K
Our old friends will come as of yore. Those who have been trading
away will come back. Our business is run aa heretofore, only better. Call and
Humphrey Hardware Co,
ffcsBBBBBBBBSBBBssT ft TWIsVsVsViTiT' iTmTmTiTi'sbbsTmTm'si
Good Work at Reasonable Prices.
T-weltla. and X Streets.
F A W Y PPQ en Courier your legal notices
Lr VV I C l0" files are kept in fire proof buildings.
Manicuring, Chic Ornaments for the Coiffure, Switches,
Chevelures cleaned. Tonics, Powders, Hairpins Every
thing to make the head and face of a pretty woman
nrottior ...... nl 1 OO
" me i i m