THB 60UR1ER. tt 88S88(88 HHIMH 8S(J88(SSJ: M tJJLT tlV HIT -tit- OIK PEOPLE S HEADQUARTERS II . BUY For every little requisite to the well dressed woman. YOUR KID GX,OV:E HERE. Kid Olove JETeaclqtiarteirsi. TUKNOVER COLLAKS. Such celebrated makes as Reynier, P. & L., Flavias, and Servias ouly to be found here. P. & L. 1st quality French lambskin, 2 and 3 clasp overseam or 2 clasp pique, in all the new sprint shades, fit guaranteed, per pair $1.00 and 11.25 First quality French kid, suede and glace, overseam and pique; pair $1.50 and $1.75 Reynier's celebrated glace and suedes, overseams and piques, all the correct shades, per pair $1.75 and $2.00 NEW LACE COLLARS New styles just opened, including Venise, Arabian end Guipures, in black, white, ecru and Arab,' large variety $1.00to$4.00 NEW BELTS Innumerable styles to be found here in leather patent, real seal, suede and Morocco, in straight, scoop, circle and bod ice effects. Folded and Tucked Satins, Gold Belts, Silk, and Velvet, L'Aiglons, every price imaginable 25c to$J.OOeach Embroidered, hemstitched and embroidered, hemstitched and lace trimmed turnover collars, worth 25c each, only 500 at this price, each . . . 12c NEW VEILINGS Undoubtedly headquarters for all the newest veilings. Plain and fancy Tuxedos, plain and dotted chiffons, wash veils, new complexion veils, new black and white effects, per yard . . . 15c to $1.00 HAIR BARETTES. In shell, plain, jeweled and filigree gold, ea..5c to $2.00 Ask to see the new sash pins. gpBhs - -" IfaaBbsJsW 'ir3ftaV7vHlsaBMW SPECIAL j LllN 1,000 new L'Aiglon colors, very special. Ties in all ...lOceach iaJllllssssssss?ss i New ideas are received in this Department weekly. Don't buy your china dinner sets on time, Pay cash for them by buying here and save at least 33 j per cent. We have the prettiest white semi-percelain ware in the city Altred Meakin s best production. He never turned out a daintier pattern. Every lady admires it, and ever' lady who is looking for a white set buys it. The cut does not do it justice, but describes the fine embossing as good as can be expected on a newspaper. We want you to see this pattern and we will sell you .a 100 piece Dinner Set guar anteed every piece of it to be a first selec tionfor $7.75 You can buy this pattern also in what pieces you desire, and we will match it for years to come. PPEsp wLsbf lsBa were: Messrs. and Mesdames Barbour, Blish, Bignell, ChBpin, Cooke, Cornell, E. C. Folsom, Guenzel, Gibbs, R A. Holyoke, Kimball, C. R. Lee, JTeal, A. C.Ricketts, Rudge, Butler, Richards, Seacrest, Traphagen, Wolcott, Woods, W. J. Turner, Armstrong, Foster, Wil son, Jakway, L. C. Burr, Risser, George Risser, Sharps, Edmiston, Grainger, Metcalf, Folsom, H. B. Ward, A. S. Tibbets; MiBses Tibbets, Marshall, Kir ker, and Mr. L. A. Ricketts. The eighth anniversary of Bata Nu chapter of Delta Tau Delta was cele brated with a banquet at the Lincoln hotel Saturday evening. Mr. C. C. Mar lay acted as toastmaster. The responses were: ''Delta Tau Delta and the World Around," Mr. Burton C. Robbins; "A Fraternity Ideal," Mr. John L. Teeters; "Legally Speaking," Mr. E. C. Strode; "A Point of View," Mr. Albert Watkics, Jr.; "What Brings uh Back," Mr. Ben jamin Kenelm King; "As We Now Are," Mr". Kimball Barnes; "Auld Lang Syne," Mr. Fred Lyons. Two new members, Messrs. Chancellor Phillips and Fred Farney were iuitiated. A moasurine party was given at the home of Mre. R. E. Moore on Wednes day afternoon by the Southeast Circle of the FirstPreabyterian church. Musical selections were rendered by Mrs. R. A. Holyoke. Mrs. C. E. SandersoD, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, Mies May Belle Hagenow, Miss Ella Givens and Miss Burruss. The program: Bright Star of Love, Robandi. Spring Song. Rinecke, Mrs. E. Lewis Ba'ier flute obligate?, Mr. Baker. Violin solo, Mazurka, Bocbne, Ro manga LeBdB, Miss Mabelle Hagenow. Song, Springtime of Love, Mrs. R. A. Holyoke. Trio, Violets, Anschmann. Mrs. Hol yoke, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Baker. Piano solo, Id Rbapsodi, Liszt, Miss Bessie Burruss. Accompanist, Miss El la Givens. A birthday party was entertained last Saturday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. P. Hildebrand. Games were played, and luncheon was served to Messrs. and Mesdames Mockett, Little, Lamb, J. V. Wolfe. J. J. Tebbetts, Fred Mockett, W. B Hester, C. H. Frey, Gus Eiche, J. S. Kirkpatrick, G. Hills, S. D. Swab, L. N. Eskew, H. C. Hagen, J. H. Craddock. Mrs. L. C. Richards entertained the Lotos and Fortnightly clubs on Thurs day afternoon. The beautiful, Btately court of the Richards' home was dark ened and Mrs. Hall delivered a lecture with the aid of magic lantern slides, on French art Mro. Hall has already demonstrated her ability to handle the peculiarly difficult problems of an illus trated lecture. Her Thursday afternoon audience was intensely interested and expressed its pleasure by hearty ap plauEe. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell entertained the Laveta whist club on last Tuesday evening. The membeis and guests in vited were: Messrs. and Mesdames .I.J. Davis, J. F. Boggs, C. T. Boggs, W. A . Lindley, A. W. Field, A. n. Weir, J. J. Gillilan, E. Hallett, Mrs. G. J. Hopkins, Mis3 Mabel Lindley, Miss Boggs, Miss Caflyn, Mr. Henry Lindley, Mr. Rae Lindley, and Mr. Frank Ringer. The Ladies' Faculty club held its reg ular social meeting on Wednesday with Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Davis, at tbe home of the latter. Mrs. F. E. Campbell entertained the Century club on Tuesday afternoon. A paper on Alexander tbe Great was read by Mre. Atwood,and a discussion of the subject was led by Mrs. McCreary. One of the interesting features of tbe afternoon was a brief review of some book which had impressed her favor ably, by each member of the club. Mrs. Campbell will entertain the club at its next meeting. Miss Annie Miller entertained So rosis on Tuesday afternoon. Mre. W. G. L. Taylor discussed the forest prob lem, ably reviewing it in all its phases. Tbe general discussion which followed was interesting aud enthusiastic. The next meeting will be with Mrs. A. S. Tibbetts, when Doctor Cook will dis cuss "A Chapter in Medicice." Mr. and Mrs A. W. Ocobosk, for merly of Lincoln, but now of Portland, Oregon, passed through the city on Tuesday, and stopped for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, of College View. Mr. Ocobock is an ex tensive fruit grower. Forty acres of prunes are now blooming for him. Mrs. J. B. Horton gave a reception on Wednesday afternoon, complimentary to Mrs. Clapp of Wichita, Kansas, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Teeters. The guests were received by Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Clapp and Mrs. Teeters. The di a I PJ i ii si 41 4 t iJ f. Hi r .ti i