THE COURIER. i M i hi i 'i li M n Profeapional Directory. JBee .618 lea... OBee.ZabrBBC 'Block 1 9 to 10 am i.Tr. "RflTil. F-Ballfiv 1 Viztoisao 671. J IKeaidaeea.UISC atreat J 2 to 4 p m ETeolsft.brappoiBtBMfit. Bsndara 13 to 1 p. a. and bj appointment. J Dr. J. B. Tricfcey, ( Refractioaiet only 1 Office. 1086 O atraat. 19 U VI to 9 to 12 a. m 4 p.m. DENTISTS. OBca I ... .i . I Ottea, rooms 38, 27 and I 530. IiOUlS N. Wente,D.D.S.i I. BroWl Block. 137 I , ( ao 11th itreet. I Office ,. ( Office orer Harley'a 1 as Oliver Johnson, D.D.S. " t I ' 1 1106 O itreet I SHERIDAN-tOlli HAS KTO ESQITAX. Landy Clark, Agt. g Office; llOO O St. Tel. lOS. $ KEENS X SHftRP. us No. mat gt. II PAPER A. JPixie Urine OF IMERICH M) Ml i Burlap, guekram. Room fflouliling. ME II DEGQUT!H6. Just Received all the latest styles of the famous- : : : FIKESfSHOES IN THE WORLD. Come in and see them. mwef 'S fm.OSTMEET. ITALIAN BEES FOR SUA. 8.oo ikr colony. Queen Bees by mail $2.00. .Extracted Honey, absolute ly pure and very fine, 15c per pound. 2273 Howard Av., Unooln,Xebr. Shoes for Little Feet Should be selected with the utmost care. The comfort and proper support of a child's foot is of great importance. Our stock is full of the best styles and the best makes the selection of just the right shoe is a very easy matter. They are easy to. pay for, too. PERKINS & SHELDON 1130 O Street. CO. M - ' ,,: '&. ' ' ' S g(D?IETY : tsm : Mrs. A. F. Walsh, assisted by her sister, Miss Hoover, entertained one hundred guests at her home, 2103 A street. Thursday evening. The enter tainment was six handed euchre. The players were: Mesdames Chapin, L. C. Burr, Ode Rector, W. P Kelley, Fred, Howe, F. M. Blish, Rankins, M. W. Foisom, N. 0. Brock, Smith, Jakeway, J. Scrogga, R. n. Oakley, Bigger, A. M. Putnam. Welsh, A. Nance, Hollenbeck, D. A. Risser, H. E. Clarkson, Paul Holm, S. E. Cook, Elmer Merrill, E. P. Eovey, M. F. Meeds, M. I. Aitkin, C. D. Mullen, Jensen, Ewing, Lew Marshall, W. A Morrison, N. Lawler, George Woods, Stonebraker, J. T. Dorgan, J. A. Buckstaff, MarkTiltot, J.B.Wright. Myron Wheeler, Wilson, Van Riper, Crittenden, Mitchell, Levering, Ally G. Crancer. Branch, Heglund, W. H. McCreery, RiyEdmiBten, Eason, Arm Btroug, Holmes, 'J. B. Horton, E. L. Hol yoke. MarEfleld, R. A. Holyoke, William Dorgan, Barbour, W. Hargreaves, T. W. states, will be considered Griffith, Charles Mayer, Henry Mayer, Maxwell, Eames, W.A.Green, Yates, McMurtry. J. W.Rudge, Carl Funke, Stephen Hoover, Perry, W. O. Thomas, Tnompson, George Clark, Ed Fitz gerald, Mary Fitzgerald, W. A. Poyn ter, Rosa Curtice, C. K. Pitcher, D. A. Campbell, Nichols, Eliae Baker, E. Lewis Baker; MisseE Marshall, Ware, , Haywood, Huffman, Daniele, Poynter, Dennis, Mayer, Gahan, Johnson, Helen Hoover, Stephenson, Lippincott, Burr, Cowdery, Alice Cowdery, Hammond,. Maude Risser, Nance, Carson, Putnam, HolIowbuBh, Saunders, Deweese, Mul len, Aitken, Aborn. profession of this city, is ever alert to make meetings interesting, and to add to the comfort and pleasure of the visit ing physicians. The scientific work of the society, this year, will be of a high order. Papers will be contributed by many leading men of the state, upon a great variety of subjects, both prac tical and theoretical. Two distinguished members of the Medical Profession, namely: Doctor Nicholas Senc, E President of the American Medical As socian, and one of America's leading surgeons, and Doctor N. S.Davis, Jr., of Chicago, will deliver addresses. The Bocial features of the meeting will not be neglected. The busy physician will find tbe.few daya spent at the meeting not only instructive, but restful in the pleasure of meeting his confreres. A mong other questions that of a reorgani zation of the State Society upon a pro per basis, more in harmony with that recontly adopted by some of the eastern One of the earliest twentieth century enterprises to be recorded in the history of Lincoln is the establishment of a new sanatorium. A few weeks ago the Lin coln Normal dormitory building vas purchased by the Doctor B. F. Bailej Sanatorium company, and after a thor ough equipment with all modern ap pliances, will be opened about May the fifteenth. Nurses, doctors and atten dants will be under the personal super vision of Doctor Bailey, who with Mrs. Bailey will reside in the sanatorium. The board of directors is composed of Doctor Bailey, president and manager; Mr. John B. Horton. secretary and treasurer; Messrs. Alex. Berger, Willard Kimball, W. H.Manss, and Doctor J. P. Cobb of Chicago. Mrs. J. L. Kellogg gave an exquisite kensington on last Tuesday afternoon . A two course luncheon was served at the close of the musical program, which was furnished by Miss Holmes and Mrs. Frampton. The invited guests were: Mesdames J. H. Spencer, Candy, Ricketts, Caldwell, Stuart, Robbins, Elmendort, Evans, Davis, Gustin, Win nett, Welch, Piper, Doane, Burkett, E. W. Allen, Adams, Berge, Bushnell, An drews, Alabaster, Doty, Fowler, Grow, Whedon, Frampton, Garten, Henry, Jaques, Korsmeyer, Huntington, S. B. Pound, O'Neil, Metcalf, Watkins, Wen dling, Welch, Woods, Williams, Lindly, Gillilan, Hall, Houtz, Lamb, Lowry, Martin, Dees, Wharton, Winger, Wood worth, Miller, McCreary, Nickols, Stine, Pitcher, Scbwake, Steckley, Newman, Miller, Martin, Patrick, and Vaile of Baltimore; Misses Holmes, Ri6ser, Den nis and Miller. Married on Wednesday evening, at Mesdames Welch, Burnett, Fling, Jack- their future homestead, a farm near son, Eamee, Flummer, Morring, Gunn, College View, Nebraska, Mr. Frank E. C. F. Harpham, Widener, Henry, Saw- McGrew and Miss Jennie Kier, Kev- yer, Arnett, Piree, Callen Thompson, erend L. P. Ludden officiating. A large Bagnell; Misses Hayden, Towne, Miller, party of young people from Lincoln Harwood. were among the guests. Mr. McGrew The annual meeting of the Nebraska " formeriy employed in the dairy de- State Medical Society will be held in lament at the university farm and is Lincoln on May the seventh, eighth and ow in charge of a dairy and fruit farm. ninth. A oorHUl inv.t.tinn 5a 1 The b"de ,B B,Bter of Mr- S. K. Kier ed by the officers of the society to every ' thisdty and formerly lived at Sheri physician in the state, whether a mem ber of the society or not, to be present Mrs. Herbert Bushnell gave a lunch eon at half after noon on Wednesday to the officers and leaders of departments of the Lincoln Woman's club. The guests were seated at small tables and found their places by means of ani mated little pen and ink sketches which illustrated a name, quotation or title of a book that had previously been writ ten on a small slip of paper and present ed to each one. A luncheon of goodly things was served, spiced with an abun dant feeling of good will and friendship.' After the luncheon Mrs. Bushnell asked Mrs. Morning to say a few words con cerning the "club kingdom.'' Mrs. Morning responded in an inspiring and spiritual mancer. Mrs. Plummer was then asked for a toast in behalf of the parliamentary department to which she responded in a brief but happy fashion. Miss Hayden spoke in clever words of the efforts of the committee appointed by the art department and Mrs. Sawyer with all the grace of feeling and Bcope of mind that has always been her posses sion, replied to the toast "Pearls in an Oyster Shell." Covers were laid for: at this meeting. Lincoln is the ideal convention city of our state;' readily ac cessible by railroad from all parts. The dan, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Le Gore gave the last of a series of card parties at the Spencer home last Saturday evening. The guests present 4