THE COURIER. -4 r planned several months ago was to dis cuB6 the advisability ot establishing a New England Federation. This plan was not heartily received by a sufficient number of New England federations and therefore the meeting will be held simply for the purpose of social and ed ucational intercourse. The topics of consideration are important and those chosen to present them are men and wo men of note. The following is the pro gram: Thursday, April 11. 8 P. M., Symphony Hall, Boston Greeting Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, honorary president of tbo State Federation; greeting Mrs. Charles H. Dennison, acting president of the General Federation; welcome from the commonwealth, Hon. John L. Bates. Mr. Edward Cary, on the edito rial staff of the New York Times, spoke on "Civil Service Reform." Following him and speaking on the same subject was Mr. Charles J. Bonaparte of Balti more. There was singing from the Mas sachusetts Federation Song Book. Friday, April 12, 10 A. M., Auditorium, Maiden (By invitation of Old and New and Ladies' Aid Association of Maiden Hospital Address "The Problem of the City," Dr. Josiah Strong of New York; address, "The Problem of the Country," Mr. Rollin Lynde Ilartt ot Boston; discussion. Auditorium, 2 P. M. Reports by visiting state presidents; report from the General Federation, by Mrs. Anna D. West; discussion. Hotel Vendome, Boston, 8 to 10:30 P. M Reception to visiting delegates. "Women Workers,' including profes sional women, other women who work with the brain and those who work with their hands alone, is the subject assigned for the spring conference of the New Jersey Federation. The woman's club ot Northboro. Mass., arranged its bird meeting to come several weeks before Easter, hop ing thus to impress humane sentiments before the Easter bonnet shopping be gan. The president made an earnest plea in behalf of the birds and entrusted the women present not to be enticed into the wearing of bird plumage under the delusion that the feathers are "made The civic work of the Denver Wo man's club has been admirably system atized and a repertoire of its methods may be in some way useful to other clubs. The civic work of the Denver club is in charge of the reform commit tee. The membership committee is divided into sub-committees, such as city improvement, temperance, public, wealth, civil service, legislative, public institutions, jails, hospitals, nurseries, which act in connection with special committees operating with special local homes, missions and associations. The committee, besides its active work, holds regular monthly meetings at which some of the following are the topics under discussion: "The Ethics of Dis section" and "Vivisection in the School Room;' "Is Vivisection ot Value to the Medical Science?"; "Can the Principle of the Town Meeting Be Extended to Our Cities?"; "Civic Beauty"; "Shall the Poor Man Go to the Park, or the Park to the Poor Man?"; "Municipal Pawn-Shops as an Ameliorating Agency." One of the club meetings of the year was a study of woman's drees under the sub-topics: "How Shall Wo men Breathe?"; "The Corset Liver in Autopsy," an illustrated talk by a wo man physician; "Pockets"; "Length of Skirt"; "Ihe Trilby Foot"; and "The Laws of Art Applied to the Form, Color and Ornamentation of Dress." Miss Anna Lyle, who has recently cel ebrated the conclusion of her fiftieth year as a teacher in the Philadelphia public schools, makes the following observation of modern methods: "I think we have too many studies and give too much attention to the higher branches instead of to the plain, prac tical studies that tit children for the working lifo. Most of my pupils have gone to work in mill or factory instead of college, and, knowing this, I have tried to prepare them by instilling into their minds principles ot honor and training them into habits of thorough ness and neatness." The annual election ot officers for the Society of Cofonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century recently occurred. The entire board was re elected. The meeting, a social affair in the shape of a colonial tea, was given at the Ponch mansion, where young ladies in colonial garments served tea. A paper on "Wo men" was read. The Century club met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. E. Campbell. Mrs. Atwood read an in teresting paper on "Alexander and Al exandria." She began her sketch by quoting the old poem "How Great was Alexandria Park." Mrs. McCreery opened the discussion on "Tho books that have done the most good in the world." All of the members took part in the discussion. On Thursday afternoon Professor Fos sler spoke to the members of tne litera ture departments and their friends ot Tennyson's "In Memoriam." Miss Towne, leader of the department said that they had made an outline study during the year of the representative poets of each century from Ihe time of Beowulf and as climax to their work Professor Fo6sler would speak ot the poem "In Memoriam." Professor Fossler has made a study of this poem for a number ot years and he spoke in his usual earnest and inspiring manner. He said that "In Memoriam" was as much the interpretation ot mod ern thought, hopes and longings as the Illiad and Odyssey were the interpre ters of antiquity and the Divine Comedy that of the Middle Ages. Professor Fossler related briefly the history of the poem, how it was written for a monument to Tennyson's friend, Ar thur Hallam, and how the purpose broadened, until the 131 lyrics contain ed in the poem represented the intellect ual thought of the day. He spoke of the beautiful chorus songs that divide the different cantos, and dwelt especial ly upon the fifty-fourth, fifty fifth and fifty-sixth cantos, making one feel in tensely the beauty of the diction and profoundness of the thought. N. F. W. C Standing Committees. ART. Mrs. F. M. Hall, Lincoln. " Elizabeth Langworthy, Seward. " Anna R. Morey, Hastings. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS. Mrs. W. D. Baker, Norfolk. " Sullivan, Columbus. " Sarah Wells Phelps, Schuyler. INDUSTRIAL. Mrs. A. M. Edwards, Milford. " Nellie Cady, St. Paul. " Etta R. Holmes, Kearney. library. Mrs.B.M Stoutenborough.Plattsmouth " L. L. Ricketts, Lincoln. " H. S. Towne, Omaha. CONSTITUTION. Mrs. A. K. Gault, Omaha. " Draper Smith, Omaha. " Stoutenborough, Plattsmoutb. MUSIC. Mrs. Lily R. Burton, Fremont. " S. E. Sedgwick, York. Miss Mary A. Smith, University PlaceJ EDUCATIONAL. Mrs. Anna L. Apperson, Tecumseh. ' G. M.Wheeler, Lincoln. Miss Cory Berryman, Central City. CREDENTIALS. Mrr. Joha Erferdt, Btaatea. " BraiMtd Daarben, Waktiekl. " E. M. Smith, Wayne. PROGRAM. Mrs. C. S. Lobingier, Omaha. Ilainer, Aurora. Stoutenborough. Plattsmoutb. TKANSl'OUTATION . Mrs. II. D. Neely, Omaha. " E. V. Herford, Omaha'. RECIPROCITY. Mrs. Archibald Scott, Lincoln. THE MOTH AND THE FLAME I1Y WILLIAM REED DUNROY. The world still offers its tempting snares , Though the time has come to repent ; It fascinates with its sumptuous fares And tempts and will not relent . And the Church stands by with her stern white face And grimly announces Lent But the moth still flutters, the'flame still burns, And the human heart still yearns and yearns. The hour is here for prayers and tears And thoughts of the lowly tomb. But fry as we will we cannot enshroud Ourselves with a pall of gloom ; For the days are bright and' life u sweet , And the world a ready to bloom . And the moth still flutters , and the flame still burns , And the human heart still yearns and yearns . Oh, the world is good at heart, my dears, But perhaps it has need of Lent ; There are doubtless things it is guilty of For which it should sorely repent ; But the Father looks down at its beating heart And knows it will soon relent . For the moth still flutters , and the flame still burns And the human heart still yearns and yearns . Nebraska Literary Genius. The east has loDg arrogated to itself all the literary ability of the country, and for years western writers could not secure recognition. But western writers kept up the struggle and today the best stories come from that section of the country known as "the west." Indeed, the little clique of eastern writers fringed along the shores of the Atlantic find it more difficult each year to stem the rising literary tide Betting in from the west. To the list of rising authors hailing from the west, Nebraska has added more than one. The last number of the Saturday Evening Post contains a story full of heart interest by a young woman whose earliest literary struggles were in Nebraska and whose first suc cesses were won while a resident ot the prairie state. Willa Sibert Cather is a growing light in the literary firmament, and her story, "Jack a Boy," in the cur rent Saturday Evening Post proves her ability. Miss Cather's first work was done in Lincoln, where for some time she was attached to the staff cf the Lincoln Journal. She has contributed to sev eral of the leading periodicals, and each succeeding month has found her work stronger and better. The west has forced itself upon the attention of the literary world. A few years ago it was sneeringly asked, "Who reads an Ameri can book?" Today the world looks to America tor the best literary work, and the west is contributing its share. World-Herald, April 4, 1901. A STUDY IN BLUE. Blue was the arch of summer sky , Peacock blue was the ocean's dye , Blue was the vision that wandered by And of my semes reft me. Eyes outrivafling Heaven's own hue , Gown and parasol, ribbons too But, ah ! to my rival a kiss she blew And very blue she left me . THE FORECAST. I'm a weather prophet of no small skill (At least, I indulge the notion) But little I reck of shifting clouds Or the weathervants' fickle motion . The signs I read are a mocking laugh Or the shrug of a dainty saoulder : But a certain monotony marks the tale , For ifs always "fair and colder ." -Dorothy Green, read at the Junior enter tainment on April 12, 19oJ. A Great Newspaper. The Sunday edition of the St. Louis Republic id a marvel ot modern news paper enterprise. The organization ot its news service is world-wide, complete in every department; in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and splendid halt tone pictures. This section contains more high-class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. Tbo fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section is a genuine laugh-maker. Tho funny cartoons aro by the beet artists. The humorous stories are high-class, by authors ot na tional reputation. Sheet music, a high class, popular song, is furnished free every Sunday in The Republic. The price of the Sunday Republic by mail one year is $2.00. For ealo by all news dealers. What She Thinks He Thinks. What brilliant eyes! What red, alluring lips! What roarvelously soft skin! What superb grace of figure! She thrilled me with a look. The touch of her hand agitated me. She is peerless. She must be mine She is the goddess I have long dreamed about. She shall be my wife. What He Really Thinks. Belladonna. Painted. Powdered. Padded. Lacking in mag netism. Silly. Simpering. Affected. A bore. Never again. J. F. HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOCKS AND- BONDS Grain, Provisionsr Cotton. Sj9 Private Wires to New Ycrk Gly and Many Gties East and West- MEMBER New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade if 3ii jr ' r T a i ii' m m ii i n U V