The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 20, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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First Pub. March 23.-5
Master's Sale.
Docket "T," No. 558.
In the circuit court of the United States, for
ahe district of Nebraska.
Clark, et al., defendants. In Chancery.
Public notice is hereby tdven that in pursu
ance and by virture of a decree entered In the
above cause on the eighth day of June, 11W0. 1,
Samuel S. Curtis, master in chancery of the
-circuit court of the United States, for the dis
trict of Nebraska, will, on the twenty-third day
of April, 1901. at the hour of eleven o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, at the front door of
-the Lancaster county court house building, in
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, state and
-district of Nebraska, sell at auction, for cash,
the following described property, to-wlt:
Lot number fifteen 115) In block number
twenty-seven (27 J of Kinney's "O" Street. Ad
dltton'to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, located'
on the south-west quarter of the south-east
ouarter (jvw. H of tho s.-e. Hi of section twen-ty-fouri24),
in township ten (10), north of ranee
six (6) east of the sixth P. M. in the county of
.Lancaster and state of Nebraska.
Samuel. S. Cubtis, Master In Chancery.
Fbancis A. Beooan,
Solicitor for Compainant.
First Pub. Apr. 131.
D.J.Flaherty, Attorney, Richards Block.
In the district court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska. Laura A. Meader, Plaintiff,!
Benjamin L. Meader, I PUBLICATION.
'To the Defendant, Benjamin L. Meader:
You are'berebyifdllBed'th&t onthe Uth day
of April, 1901, Laura A. Meader, plaintiff. Hied a
petition against "you in the district court of
Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from
you, and to be given the custody of the follow
ing children, to-wit: James Meader, thirteen
years of age, Milo Meader, ten years of age,
Nellie Meader, seven years of age, and Etta
Meader, four years of ae, on the ground that
vou have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff with
out just cause for a term of two years last past.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before thfrSth day of May. 1901.
Laura A. Meader, Plaintiff.
Certificate of Publication.
State of Nebraska.
Office o
Auditor of public Amounts.
Lincoln, February 1, 1901.
It is hereby certified that the
Insurance Co.
of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania,
lias complied with the insurance law of this
state applicable to such companies and is
therefore authorized to continue the business
-of fire and lightning insurance in this stato for
the current year ending January 31t. 1902.
Witness my hand and tho seal of the auditor
of public accounts tho day and year first above
-written. Charles Weston.
seal. Auditor Public Accounts.
By H. A. Babcock, Deputy
Druggist and
Fine Stationery
Calling Cards
127 So.Bleventh Street.
singlo thickness of black or whit silk
mousseline, will be the new style later
on. These large hats will be trimmed
with,trailing,BtemB of tiny- rosebuds. A
small, smart traveling hat is shown,
having a felt crown and straw brim,
both in white, with a soft Persian Bilk
scarf knotted around it.
Lady In Town Topics
The Easter bonnet is a thing of the
past. The Easter frock is as dead as
the Easter bonnet. I made this state
ment last year. I made the same state
ment the year before. I have been
making it ever since I became a Modish.
You would think once would be enough. The Liquor Traffic.
It seeme it is not at least, so my editor it is little wonder that now and then
tells me. If one can't believe one's u narrin Nation anrinra from the loins
editor, whom can one believe! Of of the people, as the stump orator would state, with reference marks which in-course,-it
is not-necessary to tell a 6ato strike" at the iniquity of the' dIte whor8 the Brethren settle-menta
Modish that the idea that everv woman. i!,,n.. r.ffirv Tt .nt'nue to be the are located. It tells about the crops
m i w w - - -
want to visit some of the numerous Ger
man Baptist settlements in Nebraska
before returning home. Any one who
presents a certificate of deposit to the
Burlington Route agent at Lincoln will
be able to get a round-trip ticket to any
place on our line in Nebraska for half
fare. These tickets will be sold on May
28 to June 3, inclusive, and will be good
for return to Lincoln until June 23.
We publish a folder about the Ger
man Baptist Brethren in Nebraska. In
it is a very large sectional map of the
be she high or low, should deck herself paramount issue with human society, and prospects, and conUins letters from
in spring finery on Easter Sunday or regardless of what political conventions resident Brethren, giving their experi
perish in the attempt is an exploded mBy say on this or that question; apart enceB in Nebraska. A copy;of this will
theory. The time is within the memory from what may be said by aspiring be "ant """ charge if you will ark
of all men when, on Easter, one would statesmen in the way of preferring one p-s- Eustis. General Passenger Agent,
Bee women arrayed like "Solomon in all isjue over another as a strategic meth- B- Q-R- R- Chicago, Illinois,
his glory," crowding the churches and od of vote getting. Differ as we may as
swelling the great Easter drees parade, to the propriety of combatting the
where, in truly provincial way, they whiskey business by the hatchet and
imagined all fashion was represented, brick-bat method, there can be no
And no matter how incongruous the division of sentiment as to the main
combination between weather and rai- question. The liquor business is' a
ment, every woman must take that sol- gigantic evil. It is mixed up inialmost
emn march up and down Fifth avenue, every crime in the long, dark chapter of
or be forever barred from the Modish human woe. The "woman iu the case"
is not a circumstance to the whiskey in
the case. The murder trials now in
progress in Fremont are a product of
the business. The murder was com
mitted in a saloon by men who had been
debauching themselves with , whiskey.
In another saloon, Nick Gentleman,
now since the provincialism of the Eas- now being tried at Columbus for murder,
ter drees parade dawned upon the Mod- drank heavily the day of his crime and
ish mind. Provincialism to a Modish is was under the deadly influencejof the
like a red rag to a bull. So provincial- damnable stuff when he shot down his
ism killed the Easter dress parade. In victims. Sunday at NebraskaJCity, Hall
contradiction to the old edict that one Frampton, while intoxicated, shot and
must wait for Easter before putting on killed his fifteen -year-old,step-daughtert
anything new, irrespective of time, place hunting her down with a shot gun line BCeDtof clover, songs of birds, glint of
or weather, the Modishes instituted the a wild beast. These are a few horrible BUDt an(i BMeet Bmell of freeh furrows,
custom of replenishing their wardrobes examples now claiming public attention, xhb illustrations of the article are as do
whenever required. They ought to be more eloquent than- jgQtful as they are distinctive.
The first importations in new hats any tongue or pen in proclaiming to the
have already been exploited for several young man the danger of Ihie dallying
weeks by well dressed women. Flat- with liquor. He ought to learn from
ness is the accentuated note of the these the only way for him to beat the
smartest of them. Flowers are used whiskey devil is to leave it entirely
prodigally a happy relief to the ostrich alone. That is the only safe way to do.
plumes that have waved triumphantly That done, there need be no fear. Why
for so many days. In Paris, toques can it not be made a passion to be sober
made entirely of flowers is the dernier as well as to be drunk? It'can, by prac-
cri, and the mode is already assured tice. The repugnance for booze can
ham. These flower toaues are especial- come to be as strong as the thirst for it
circles. Oh, the humor of that drees
parade! Gowns appropriate to Mid
summer were bravely exploited, because
it was Easter. The Modishes faced the
perils of pneumonia and other ills that
tlesh is heir to with a courage worthy of
a better cause. It is a number of years
I If fRIilll ICE Kli I
T And Dairy 60. j
a !
Manufacturers of the finest qual-
ity.of Dlain and fancy Tee Cream, 3
Ices,. Frozen Puddings, Frappe
and Sherbets. Prompt delivery
arid satisfaction guaranteed.
188 SO. I2th8t. PHONE 205.
Two of the special articles in the April
number of McClure's Magazine is very
fitting to this season when the new life
of nature in tho spring draws out
thoughts from cities, merchandise and
men to field and wood. The first of
these is a wonderful story ofthe beaver,
written by William Davenport Hulbert
after a long study of tbeanimal in its
home amid the wilds. The author's
account is made complete by a series of
pictures drawn by A. RadclyiTe Dug
more, an artist, sent into the beaver
country for this purpose by the Maga
zine. The second article is by Martha
McCulIoch-William9, and injit she gives
ub a zeorgic on "ploughing." The reader
is borne by the magic of her sympathet
ic art into a day's life on the farm, with
ly smart done in roses, what color you and what a righteous abhorrence that A1Ien wm found gn articJ(
will, preferably white, with Borne rose iB Perhaps Mrs. Nation should go on Jsh Aristocracy." It is
foliage and a touch of black to
them up" as the modistes Bay.
"pick with her hatchet crusade and instead
The of sparing the saloon should also smash
those who habitually wear a
breath. Ross Hammond in
toques are done in all Howers violets,
pansiee, geraniums, rosea but the
smartest of them all are in white gar
denias. Mrs. Ned Randolph is wearing
oneofthebeskofthenew flat models
It is formed of rows of box pleated " """ " . T . . . T- i r
black illusionee edged with nne black
lace. The pleatings form the top, also
the facing and a ruche that extends an
inch or two beyond a wreath of pure
white rosea. The wreath lies flat on
It is said that the powers of either
man or woman are developed five-fold
by working with a life companion who
is in entire harmony. The ideal wife hb
a rule has it in her power to make the
ideal husband. What constitutes the
ideal wife is discussed in an extremely
able article by Lavinia Hart in the April
Cosmopolitan .
Among the papers of the late Grant
article on 'The Brit"
Aristocracy." It is probable that
he did not care to place himself before
the English reading public in the po
sition of entire frankness which he has
assumed in writing this article, and that
consequently it was held until after his
death for publication. It was secured
through his son for The Cosmopolitan
and appears in the April number. Cer
tainly no Englishman has ever so han-
tist Brethren will be held in Lincoln, Ne
UA-,. fmm Miv Twentv-Four to May
Thirty-One, Ninet-n Hundred and One. " toe subject without gloves as Grant
Alien, auu uu uao wna uoner equippcu
For this meeting a special rate of one
fam for the round trip will be made
. i-.. r : 1 .11
the hat, outlining it. The influence of from Chicago, i-eona, at. wjuib uu an
i 11 u:4 ,,:, ko airi.i fnttnnn on the Burlington Route. The
iwum rnlnited. is to be seen in the mil. roads east of Chicago and St. Louis are
i;nr wnplrt All-white hats will be also expected to make a very low rate
mrn on all occasions, even with black for the Brethren, and sell through tick-
nnrno Thin combination of white hat eta to Lincoln and return.
and black gown is one of the artistic Tickets will be on sale May 23 to May
and satisfactory results of the black-and- 27, inclusive, and they will be limited
,.'f .. nm-, Snmnof the white hate, for return to June 4.
... ... ... . . . . i f?t. .knMia tnarnfara tnr st rnnnd
which will witnout nouoi raise a nue xuo , u.,., -. -. --- - ----- gloizati()0 ,, pQ,ic ecanomy, drawn a
on.i .ra ;n th Aurubon circles are trip ticket to Lincoln and return Tor the B r f .
and cry in tne AucuDon circles, uro my picture of the power now exercised
made of white breasts ot birds. A ureinrnn aieeiing win '"'"''"
stvle that has come to us from Paris cago, $14.40; from Peoria, $12.90; from
sneaks loudly to those who can read St Louis fLJ.oo
... T At !... iAh taw lAnna. in
nrninrBn wuu wwu hi siaj auuk?& u
Nebraska, can have the limit on their
tickets extended by depositing them
with the railroad "joint agent" at Lin- congress should establish a national
coin who will issue a certificate of de- park at Valley Forge, where are to be
The wide hat posit on or before June 3, and charge a found many of the most interesting
hptween the linns in favor of the con
tinued vogue of the Paquin skirt The
skirt, as wide at the top as at the bot
tom, calls for a bat more in accordance
orith it than i fun like toaue or one of
accentuated flatness
to do the Bubject justice.
The position which the Pierpont Mor
gan organization noias wun reference
to the business and political world is
discussed by Mr. John Briaben Walker
in the April Cosmopolitan under the
title, "The World's Greatest Revolu
tion." Familiar with the business world
and a student of affairs, Mr. Walker has,
while approving of the general idea of
concentration which makes for good or-
picture of the power
whichTwill be a surprieo to a great ma
jority who have not given this subject
thoughtful attention..
The proposition has been made that
Tickets will relics ot the most dramatic episodes' of
our Revolutionary War. The- country
...... i n..i hnm !q rnmincr to fee of ntlv cents ior IV
: i:ia.n.l.h ;n - thnn be good for return at anytime
deuce tins summer ,ith the full P-quin until June 30. 1901. round about the relic, i. weir suited
ekirl Tinted Leghorns, veiled ina Many of the Brethren will probably for the purpose, as fa shown by the many