y u a VOL. XVI., NO. XVI ESTABLISHED IN 1SS6 PRICE FIVE CENTS . . 4" ..' . T - -e . r jZ -""' - - - - Jr7Mia7 . . . - vB "HsM"-iirTsMsrTfcSiisWs LINCOLN. NEBR., SATURDAY, APRIL 20. 1901. THE COURIER, nr thx posTomcE at Lincoln SCOND CLASS MATTKK. PUBLISHED EVEBY SATURDAY Bt TIE 6MRIER MIIIIIG IMD PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 NBtreet, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS, : : : EDITOR Subscription Rates. Per annum 1150 Six months 1 00 Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 Teb Gorans will not be responsible for toI nntary communication unless accompanied by return tosUfe. . Communications to receive attention, must be sixned by the toll name of the writer, not merely at a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisable, s OBSERVATIONS. 1 American Educational Exhibit. The educational exhibit of the Uni ted State3 at the Paris Exposition was awarded by the international jury forty three Grands Prix, sixty three gold medals, forty silver medals, eighteen bronze medals and nine lion- subjects orable mentions. Only France itself made so tinea display. The space assigned was comparatively small, but the result was advantageous, as there was no room for repetition. The number of exhibitors was two hun dred and fifty and their display cov ered the whole field of school and col lege education as it exists in this country. The effectiveness of the ex hibit was greatly increased by a sys tem of statistical charts, graphic diagrams and tables; by the use of photography, illustrating school and college architecture, and the methods employed in instruction and results obtained; by a display of students' work in all grades and by a series of monographs, freely circulated, and prepared by specialists under tha gen eral editorship of Dr. Nicholas Mur ray Butler of Columbia University. The effort put forth to make this educational exhibit of the United States a creditable representation of the work of the schools, colleges and universities of this country has been well rewarded, not only by medals but especially by the application of the technical instruction committee of the city council of Manchester to the Paris commission for the loan of the exhibit for a limited time. Al derman James Hoy, on opening the exhibit in Manchester, "made very complimentary speeches in regard to the educational methods in the Uni ted States, believing them to be the cause of American force and individu ality. Interest in the subject has prevailed throughout England and an American observer states that "no other incident in recent years has created in England so much interest in American civilization and Ameri can schools as this exhibition of school workinJdanchester.'' Mr.'Ernest Seton Thompson. Mr. Seton-Thompson has the easy, confidential, story-telling manner. He deserved the largest audience of the season, but he spoke to a few a late Saturday-afternoon in Lincoln and to fewer in the evening. Id the after noon Mr. Seton-Thompson spoke espec ially to the children. After the in imitable fashion of listening, credu lous youth, the children watched him, as he stoodwithin-the rays of the lantern; his shaggy head and rugged features in alternate light and deep shadow. To his personal, confidential style, which possesses the fascination of a low-voiced recital to one selected, choice listener, the children were im mediately responsive. To the habitu ally pleasant voice of a naturalist Mr. Seton-Thompson adds literary discrim inaiioa and artistic ability as well as a refreshing unconsciousness of the excellence of his performance. A more intimate and devoted friend of animals than Mr. Kipling, who knows them only in a literary way, by that mysterious certainty of intuition by which people who write know so many they have not matriculated not only in gait, colbr, height and shape from every other horse, but each horse lias a character as posi tively ascertainable as his color, size, etc. Mr. Seton-Thompson has chosen to get acquainted with the psycholog ical bear, wolf, mustang, fox or skunk. No disagreeable odors or undemon strated tradition have been able to prejudice him against any wild ani mal, large or small, which chance or emboldened by the attitude of the several members of the excise board which Indicates that they really wish to know the truth and the whole truth, some of the saloon-keepers re ported that in former years a contri bution to the "Antl Saloon League," deposited on Mr. Wolrenbarger's desk had resulted in the immediate witln drawal of Mr. Wolfenbarger's objec tions to the saloon whose nronrietors his everlasting search has brought exhibited presence of mind enough to into his neighborhood. His hopes and beliefs concerning animal ratiocin ation occasionally, (it seems to me, but not conclusively; lead him to ascribe a more elaborate intellect, to a bear, for instance, than something that goes on four legs, is all covered with fur and that cas not talk, possesses. join the league against, their own Dusiness. After a few saloon-keepers testified to having made these con tributions to Wulfenharger or the "Anti-Saloon League" others remem bered contributions which they had made to the reform and testified to the same. Messrs. Billingslev and Greene But he is more nearly-right than-were-also-accused of stilling consci entious scruples against the issuance of license to a saluon for a considera tion of seventy-five dollars. The alleged conduct of Mr. Wolfcn barger has brought the local anti saloon movement into ridicule, but of course there are honest and sincere temperance men and women who will eventually rehabilitate it. It is very difficult now to explain how saloon keepers were induced to contribute to the Anti-saloon League. In a few months the incident will be buric( out of sight and an explanation will he unnecessary. In the meantime as usual, after the spring excise-board scare licensed saloons are running on- those who think that instinct which acts automatically and has no con nection with reason, or conscious de duction, and is given to every animal in like quantity and quality, is the only guide the beasts of the field and fowls of the air have to depend upon. J jc The Annual Saloon Investigation. Every year at this season in Lin coln the saloon licenses are granted or withheld by the newly elected excise board. The members of the board in vestigate the record which each saloon has made during the year. Saloons like animals have each a sep arate and distinct character. The schedule time, and the proprietors are for, Mr. Seton-Thompson is reckoned policemen are familiar with the pe first among the great interpreters be- culiarities of each saloon and this tween beast and man. The state uni versity located at Lincoln is supposed to be teaching the choice tluwer of the youth the art and practice of lit erature. There are other universities here which advertise to do the same work. Mr. Seton-Tliompson's English and his exposition of his intimacies with animals, as an example of how to speak the English language cor rectly, would be of more value to stu dents than any number of perfunctory lectures. There are perhaps five or six thousand undergraduates in Lin coln or near it. Not more than five hundred people heard this specialist who is first in his profession. But at the university the sentimental Barrie is the idolized model. Mr. Seaton-Thompson s pictures and Stories of the animals he had lain under a garbage-heap for a day to watch, were more interesting than the printed stories of the same beasts. When the middle-aged rellect upon the number of favorite authors, whose personal appearance has been a shock and an insult to the pre existing im age in the minds of admiring readers, the statement that an idolized auth or's figure, face, hair, voice, costume, and manner is satisfactory and be yond their wildest dreams of tion for him, is sufficiently Everyone knows who has investigated the character of animals even super ficially, that they can not be studied in the mass. Each horse is different year they have been induced to make, before the excise board an unusually frank analysis. The Klondike on East O street is the theatre for cut ting and shooting frays. The Lindell saloon is said to open and shut with no regard to the opening and closing rules which the law establishes and to which most of the saloons conform. The Boyd saloon is also suspected of disregarding the clock, the sun and the law in opening and closing. May or Winnett, Dr. Finney and Mr. Woods believe they were elected by a law and order element and that they or cake is squeezed otT and the patient refusing all privileges to minors. The thousand dollars they have just paid to the city has demonstrated anew the value of a license and increased their unwillingness to break the laws the penalty for which is the forfeiture of the license. "The Master Knot of Human Fate."" Novel readers do not willingly read a prob!em novel. A pill is occasionally a necessity; but for my own part J prefer to take it unconcealed by jelly or bread or cake. The bitter, hard, obstinate thing is there and in its passage through the throat the jelly must do what they can to enforce the law limiting the evil of saloons. For a number of years Mr. Wolfen barger a temperance agitator has ap peared before the board in the spring remonstrating against the issuance of any licenses. The peculiarity of his petitions and objections is, that every saloon is charged with the same sort of lawbreatcing. The Hoover saloon, the Klondike and all the rest are can follow the journey of the pill to the stomach with very little difficulty The jelly coating is an aggravation and a concession to squeamish ness which adults despise. When a pill is indicated it is better to bolt it with a. swallow of water perhaps to smooth its passage. On the other hand there are people who have not learned the futility of disguising bitter pills of truths. In order to get the medicine charged with selling to minors, keep- into systems it has been coninounded ing open after hours, covering up the to cure, various social reformers wrap up ineir tueones of how to make :t windows, etc. Doubtless Mr. Wolfen barge r years ago prepared mimeo graph copies of his remonstrances and he has only to fill in every year the perfec- rather piquant names of the saloons, strong, such as the Last Chance, the Little Gold Dust, the Alhambra, the Abbey, the Cathedral Close etc. By the same token the saloon-keepers have not lost all sense of humor. This year theories of wicgea world better in a story of love and administer it to those who wilt not read lectures or essays. The Master-Knot of Human Fate,, by Ellis Meredith, an unknown auth or, (Little, Brown Co. of Boston is the story of a modern deluge Instead of Noah and bis wife and their son and his wife there is a man.