The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 13, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Plym. Informal teaats. The following Freeman, F. W. Hill, Harpham, Hays,
graduate and active member were prue- Hoover, Kellogg , Lowry, Klinker, Lever-
eol: Doctor E. A. Rose, "Reverend Asa tag, Miller, Morning, Mullen, Stearns,
Sleeth, Prof e or T. L. Lyon, Professor S. B. Pound,. Sine, Irvine, Ushr, Evans,
Maggi, Messrs. R. E. Moore, W. L. Un- Arnett, Marshall. Rewick, Nome, Fling,
zicker, A. H. Sheldon, Francia J. Plym, Goodell, Kirby, Haight of Crete, Mrs.
Charles E. Barber, W. M. Hopewell, A. Buck of Crete, Mrs. Jennings of Wil
U. Pancoast, George Kimball, C. H. ber; Misses Barber, Spade, Kirker, Tib
Adams, Charles E. Wells, Roy B. Ad- betts; Messrs. Barber, Marlay.
rms, Edward R. Harvey, Tannics John
son, Charles F. Mann, James McGeachin
Leonard E. Hurtz, Claire R. Mudge,
Fred F. Hurtz and Fred M. Sanders.
An alumni association was organized of
- which Mr. R. E. Moore was made presi
dent and Mr. Francis J. Plym secretary.
Mrs. O. J. Wilson and Mrs. Ida Ben
nett entertained the Battenburg club
Friday afternoon at the home of the
former. American Beauties and Easter
lillies adorned the house. The library
was converted into a studio where Mrs.
Bennett's paintings were exhibited.
Names of popular books were illustrated
by drawings and each lady who guecsed
all of the names correctly was rewarded
with arose. A luncheon was served to
Mesdames Sanderson, C. E. Sanderson,
Henry Sanderson. Cattrill, Coningham,
McXab, Leonard, McAlphine, Robinson,
Kit'hen, Gillilan, Shockey, Rugh, Stu
chel, Leonard, Pomereno, Whiting,
Yoho, Shank, Miltonberger, Shute; Miss
es Pietzner, Robinson, Davis. Minor.
Miss Emma Bennett gave a progres
sive crokinole party Friday evening at
1830 Washington street. Easter lillies
and American Beauties decorated the
rooms. The guests were. Misses Ada
Stuchel, Maude Cornell, Lida Gaylord,
Gertrude Peters, Harriet Bardwell, Mae
Bardwell, Bee Billingsley, Maude Mc
Alpine, Frances Huntington, Emma
Bennett; Messrs. Ben Mills, Ray Mil
tonberger, Tim Whiting, Clare Cornell,
Will Woodworth, Clayton Beck, Fritz
Gardiner, George Bromfield, Gay Shiele.
Yesterday afternoon Mre. E. E. Spen
cer and Mrs. R. M. LeGore entertained
at six handed euchre. The following
wera invited: Meedames Harley, Hin
man, Hardy, Munger, Jones, Kelley,
Lees, Pound, Love, Lane, Robbing,
Spaulding, Van Brunt, Tilton, Young,
Atwood, Stevenson, Bishop, Chambers,
Casebeer, Cone, Cunningham, Cran
dall, Crittenden, Dorgan, Dorgan, Der
rick, Eames, Davis, Howell, Finch, Hel
wig, Keefer, Laymon, McCreery, Naeh,
North, Peckham, Nelson, Powers, Reed,
Rankins, Seiter, Stonebraker, Ham
mond, Turner, Wilkinson, Stone, Whit
ing, Miltonberger, Berge, Garoutte
Warner, Rudge, Clark, Reese, Link,
Fisher, Hardy, Taylor, Harpham, Web
ster, Babcock, Evans, Green, A. L.
Hoover, Gund; Misses Hammond, Ham
mond, Bryan, Risser, Smith, Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wilcox gave a four
course dinner Saturday evening to the
children of Mr. Wilcox's Sabbath school
class. Downy chickens, cunning birds
nests and other suggestions of Easter
decorated the table where the guests
were: Misses Katrina Jaquee, Ruth
Martin, Ruth Watson, Ethei Jackson.
Gouldine Frost, Edna Brown, Ethel
Newbecker; Masters John Hyer Miller,
Floyd, Harry and Marion McAlpine,
Henry Pomerene and Dean McBrien.
Cards have been received by Mr.
Ralph Johnson's friends, announcing
bis marriage in Philadelphia on Wed
nesday, April the twenty-fourth, to Miss
Augusta Virginia Voigt, daughter of
Mrs. Marie Louise Voigt. Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson will be at home in Lin
coln at 880 North Twenty-sixth street,
after June the sixth. Mr. Johnson has
lived In Lincoln many years, is an alum
nus of the State university and a well
known attorney.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamee D. Spaulding of
Sioux City, have issued invitations to
the marriage of their daughter Susan,
to Mr. Fred Jay White, to occur in
Saint Thomas' Episcopal church in
Sioux City, Wednesday evening. April
the twenty fourth. Miss'Spaulding has
visited in Lincoln and has friends
among the society people here. Mr.
White is a brother of Mrs. Lewis
Mrs. A. R. Mitchell gave for Helene
Mitchell on Saturday afternoon a din
ner and then a box party to hear Mr.
Erce9t Seton-Thompson. That par
ticular box never bloomed more gay'y
thau on la6t Saturday afternoon wben it
was occupied by Misses Helene Mitch
ell, Helen Berger, Katharir.e Rhodes.
Eleanor Barbour, Louiee Bennet of
Omaha, and Dorrance Harwood.
Mrs. W. J. Turner entertained the L.
A. kensington on Monday and her
guests spent a delightful afternoon.
ine club members present were: Mes
dames Van Brunt, Wilkinson, Patrick,
Rewick, Chapin. Davis, Kennard,
Pitcher, Humphrey, Campbell, Bill
meyer, Jones, Seacrest. The guesta in
vited were: Mesdames HutchinB, R. M.
Turner, M. Scott, George Fawell, Tom
son, Stoney, Polk, Irwin of Quincy, and
Miss Polk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green trnvn n
Chamber, Cunningham, Nance, Pound, pleasant card party on Monday evening.
bixly guests played six handed euchre.
Mrs. John B. Wright won the lathes'
royal prize, Mrs. E. L. Holyoke the
shouting prize, Mr.E. E. Bron the
men's royal prize and Mr. A. S. Ray
mond the shouting prize.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr cave a din.
The last open meeting of the Matinee
Musicale will be held in Memorial hall,
University of Nebraska, on Tuesday
evening, April the sixteenth, instead of
the fifteenth, Inst., as previously men
tioned. The concert to be given will be
free to the general public and all thoee ner Wednesday evening. The dining
interested in the club or in music are room and table decorationa were pink.
invited to be in attendance. A program lnose present were: Mr. and Mrs.
of choice selections has been arranged, John B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
including solos by Mrs. R. A. Holyoke, Marshall, Mrs. Robinson, Mre. Ashton
Miss. Lora Holmes, Mrs. Will Owen of Grand Island, Miss Miles of Iowa,
Jones, Mies Marie Hoover, Mies Ina and Miss Gahan.
Ensign, Mias Lillian Eiche and others.
In addition, the chorus, under the direc
tion of Mre. P.V. M. Raymond, will
render several numbers., Club mem-
Mrs. A. B. Cooper entertained the
Aloha club on Tuesday at her home,
1920 G street. The houeie was decorat-
An with tvuiaa (:... i
ber. and others intrestd will please , " :., 1 .""" "B
nKoAPOO 4th tiarirrA 9 Java fatM AJn " " dUCB Xrf, XJ&IC-
a- m a - " W,D E. B. Stevenson, A. D. Benwav
day to Tuerfay evening. John Biehopj ' pj'
Last evening Mr. and Mre. Spencer Garoutte, Laflin, Longetreet, W. Morse,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fling gave a card ElmB Perkins, Frank Perkins, Rocke-
party. Invited guesta were: Messrs. wel, Snyder, W. Tuttle, Warner, Dwig-
and MeadasaM Alien, Baird, Henry "inB Wiesse, and Miss Damrow.
cranca. Jarge, ourwu, uarner, uur- Marr ed. on WdnHo : ,
f atner
; n.,,- K.k..i; rtt n . o. ,."." "rV &
..... ..., ..w-., ...., 0i. xnereeae fro-Uatbeclral by
Our own importations of factory ends of the fin
est cambric embroideries and insertions, bought for a
whole lot less than their real worth and offered here
the same way. All come in very desirable lengths
and the patterns are the newest and prettiest of the
season's productions. Here are some of the offerings:
Lot 1 Cambric embroidery, 8c value, sale
price, per yard 5c
Lot 2 Cambric edges, worth to 15c, sale
price, per yard 9c
Lot 3 Cambric edges and insertions, worth
to 20c, sale price, per yard 12c
Lot 4 Wide cambric embroider', 25c val
ues, sale price, per yard 16?$c
LACES A lot of imitation Val. laces in 12
yd. pieces, worth 35c, sale rice; pr piece.. 20c
A lot of imitation Torchon laces, worth to 15c a
yard, sale price, per yard 5c
We're sole Lincoln agents
for Buttericks Patterns
and Publications.
Yunka black silks are ab
solutely guaranteed.
Sold only at this store.
xjnvcor, NBBR.
A XSI Y P R cnc e CourieryDurLEGAL notices
Lr YV I L l0"" files are kept in fire proof buildings.
Cycle Photographs J
Athletic Photographs J
Photographs of Babies
Photographs of Groups
Exterior Views
129 South Eleventh Street.
Hewitt Are you a believer in vacci
nation? Jewett MoFt certainly; jt kept my
daughter from playing the piano for
nearly a week.
No. I, board of Trade,
Twenty-eight years experience aaan
inside decorator. Reasonable prices.
Plaon 5232. 1
Grain, Provisions; Cotton.
Private Wires to New York City and
many uues cast and West.
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Board of Trade