f i hi THE COURIER. r A i i i K 4 t K i mmm.'Biir A v great and eek of greater growing nouse. bargains than we ever offered the buying public. Such special prices only at Lincol n s SPECIAL BLACK GOODS SAIL Just received and nn display for the first time io Lincoln, the New Wool DrePB Goods Material, having the "Panne' tioieh. Such as the Prunella, Soliel, which are guaranteed not to spot, also Panne, Vemtians and Broadcloths. Priest ley's The most re liable black cloth made Priestley's Pnne Prunella, yard $1.25, 1.49, 1.85 and 2.49 Priestley's Panne Soliel, yrd $1.25, 1.49 and 1.85 Priestley's fine silk warp Henriettas, per yard...$l 35, 1.49. 1.75 and 1.98 Priestley's all wool Etamioes this is the cloth eo popular in New York 42 inch $1.25 Priestley's black Arraure $1.25 Priefit'ey's O ilians and Brilliantines at yd. .75c. 85- 98c, $1.25 and 1.49 Priestley's Wool Tfl-ta. at yard 75c, 85c, 98c and $1.25 Priestley's Wool Veilings for fine dresses, yard $1 25, 98c and 75c Three Very Special Lots of Dress Goods At Half Price . . . H,ot I Black all wool Serge, Black English Cashmerep, Black Brocaded Ce cilians, Black Fancies, Black Jacquards, worth to 55.: a yard; one-half price and less, or, per yard 25c Lot 2- Black all wool French Sergr-, Black all wool Storm Serge, Black all wool Brocades, Black all wool Henriettas. Black all wool Jacquards, Black all wool Crepe, worth to 93c yard, One-Half Price, or, pei yard 49c Black all wool Arraure, Black all wool Cheviots, Black all wool Venetians. Black all wool Broadcloths, Black all wool Fancies. Black all wool Drap d'Alma, Black all wool Brocades, worth to SI. 95 yard, One- licit Price. 91 i.C i n DRESS GOODS HEADQUARTERS. Here are specials fur the sale: 10c fine Lawns, per yard 5c Fine Dimities 400 styles to select from per yard 1 5C Genuine Egyptian Tissues, our price, per yard (Sjld elsewhere for 25.:)... ,18c 502 grades dotted and plain silk Tissues. per j ard 39c 50c Silk Stripe Challies, fine quality, pr yard 25c 100 pieceB Toile-de Nord Ginghams, per yard IOc n O SPACHTEL GOODS. -0 18 x 43 Spachtel Sarfs, each 35c, 49c and 75c Shams to match, .12x32. pair 75c, 98cand$1.50 New Bittenberg Scarfs, worth to 83 00. each $1.98 Pillow Cords, 20a silk cords, all shades, yard llifn FEATHER DUSTERS. n O : and 15c Feather Dusters, each. . 5c O HANDKERCHIEFS. 10. O A 100 dozen Swiss enbroidered Handker chiN, very sheer, dainty designs, worth to 23,:, each I2SJ O KID GLOVE HEADQUARTERS. Such celebrated makes as Raynier, P. it L., Flavias and Serviaa only to be found here. P. & L first quality French tambskin, 2 and 3 clasp o verses m or 2 clapp pique, in all the new spring shades, fit guaranteed, pr..$l and $1.25 First quality French kid, suede and glace, overseam and pique, per Pair $1 50 and 1.75 Reynier's celebrated glace and suedes, overseams and pique, all the correct shades, per pair $1.75 and $2 OO TURNOVER COLLARS. Embroidered, hemstitched and em broidered, hemstitched and lace trimmed turnover collars, worth 25c each, only 500 at this price.... 1 2 A VEILING SPECIAL. 15: and $1.00 Wash Veils, fine net and real Honiton edge, only 500 at this price, each 49c HAIR BARETTES. In shell, plain, jeweled and filigree gold 5c to $2 OOeach Ask to see the new sash pin. NEW SHIRT WAISTS. ffjr IMC' i ciJirusLii 'i BESTINTHE LANO A superb lineof cotton shirt waists, the celebrated "Griffon" brand, the best fitting waist in the United States. Hundreds upon hundreds of styles at every price from 5UC to 5 UU For $1.00. Black percale waists. Black and white percale waists. Checked madras waists. Solid color Chambray waists. Fancy percale waists. Fancy Madras waists. An Elegant Assortment. NEW WASH RIBBONS. Wash Taffetas, in all colore No. 40 for 1 2c yard; No. 60 for... 1 5c yd Fancy Wash Taffeta, new style in stripes and checks; No. 40. .15c yard No. 5 and 7 Wash Ribbons, in new plaids and stripes, all colors... 5c yd NEW LACE COLLARS. New styles just opened, includ ing Veniee, Arabian and Guipures, in black, white, ecru and Arab, large va riety $IOOto 4 00 NEK BELTS--SPECIAL. Innumerable styles to be found here in leather patent, real seal, suede and Morocco in straight, Bcoop, circle and bod ice effects. Folded and Tucked Satins, Gold Belte. Silk and Velvets, L'Aig'ons, every price imaginable.. 25c to $3.00 ea L'AIGLON TIES. 1,000 new L'Aiglon Ties in all colors, very special, each lOc BIG VALUES IN THE CHINA DEP1 The Prettiest White Porcelain Ever Made. A!f Meakin's best effort in whita semi-porcelain abeo Iutely the swellest patterns ever produced in plain white. 100 piece dinner Bets, one week only $7.75 Worth 110 CO. 23c Fine Crystal Glass Jues, Ji gallon size I5c Very fine imitation cut Turn- oiers, eacn zc 50c Jardineres, 7 inch size. . . IN OUR SUIT DEP'T. fifl .29c Very Special. 6 only fine American Cut Glass Berry Bowls, worth 86.00. 2650 and 87.50; while they last, each $4.95 An elegant suit made of all wool cheviot, bolero Jacket, sailor collar, embroidered with gold braid, taffeta uilk lined. Skirt is 7-gore flare, with good percaline lining. This is a very nobby suit at the price, only $19 50 Another suit of diagonal wool che viot, with a short jacket, double breasted and satin stitched, an ex cellent value for $17,50 While our all wool black cheviot, with Peau de Sjie silk faced jacket is a hummer for $13. 50 A splendid dress skirt of beet qual ity cheviot, tine percaline lined 7 gore Hare, best plain skirt made, for $9 50 Our all wool black cheviot dress skirt, full percalined, is a big value, for $8 00 FLANNEL TAFFETA SILK MISTS FOR $5.45 This waist we guarantee not to crack in wearing, is made with corded blouse front, reverse effects, trimmed with stitched band of plain white taffeta, V of tucked taffeta, also tie of gold cloth with spikes. Colors, reseda, old rose. hello and red J5.4S WRAPPERS. Mother Hubbard wrapper, with braid trimmed yoke and 10 inch flounce, the most comfortable wrap per made 98c Another wrapper of good stand ard calico, with 0 inch flounce and extr wide skirt, also braid trimmed A special nyer for vnc UNDERSKIRTS. An elegant mercerized sateen un derskirt with fancy scalloped head ing, 2 in. ruffle on pleating, colors, black, helioandox blood $1.98 Same, with 10-ln. silk pleated flounce, finished with silk ruching $5 OO BIG LINING SALE. 100 Remnants, Siiesias, Perca- lines and skirtings to close at K Price 10c fast black Percaline, yd..7c 20c fast black Percaline, beetled finished, yard 1 4c 25c fast black Percaline, beeile finish, yard 18c 35c fast black Percaline, beetle finished, yard 25c 12)c Cerise colored Percaline, 36 In. wide, yard 6c 55c French Hair Cloth, shrunk finish, gray only, yard 25c Wi I m t: 1!