Tjir - !ZKJfeF&Bg tpt THE COURIER. T& In addition to other subjects, Ihe Bos ton and Detroit branches have taken up domestic science, the Milwaukee branch has instituted a traveling library, the New York branch has given assistance to a needy student, and two or three others have been active in social settle ment and college settlement work. Nearly every branch has a committee on legislation whose duty is to inquire into the school laws and their enforce raent, and where ever possible to secure improvements in the laws. Whether this organization vith its Bister, the general Woman's club is the fad of the day merely, and will give place to some other fad, remains to be seen. It has not yet turned its atten tion in the spirit of inauiry to a subject that is not of the utmost importance. The success already attained in certain directions, and the influence exerted for pood promise a long and useful career. It is to be hoped at least, that a body of such intense earnestness and high ideals, with so large a field for service, will be displaced only by a more efficient force. Mary Tremaine, President Ne braska State University Chapter. Mrs. Laura M. Woodford of Weeping Water, is responsible for the excellent euggeetior of a special program com memorating the life of King Alfred the Great, to be given by the clubs through out the state simultaneously some day in November. Much has been recorded in history concerning the greatness of King Alfred of his advanced ideas in the face of little encouragement, and it will be a gratfiul acknowledgement of his contributions to the world'6 progress to unite with England on the thous andth anniversary of his death. Mrs.Apperson of Tecumseh, chair man of the committee on education of the N. F. W. C, writes this department in regard to the Wayne educational pro gram that it wil! be of exceptional value to mothers and teachers. Mrs. Apper son has furnished study outlines throughout the year to those clubs which have applied for them. A num ber of these letters have requested out lines ob child study. The efforts of the educational committee were of great in fluence in securing the passage of the compulsory education law through both houses of the legislature. Mrs. Apper son is anxious that the clubs of the state should know tnat the education committee is ready and anxious to as sist in making up club outlines or to furnish any information in regard to the construction of club outlines. The Zetetie club during the present year is deriving much benefit from the study of the History of English Liteia ture. In returning to the curriculum of their school days, the Zetetics find themselves in touch with their sons and daughters of the high school. In the Chaucerian period the zest of study was increased by finding that the children were also excavating in the same region. The Canterbury Tales, when the "big" boy was also reading them from his school text book, was far more interest ing and also increased the sympathy between mother and child. Every mother who has freshened her memory by this study will findherself in better condition tn assist and sympathize with her child as he ventures along new piths. The Literature of the Restora tion and the eighteenth century ten dencies in literature were discussed in the club with great freedom, every one being privileged to participate, the leader asking just enough questions to keep the interest from flagging. At an early date the club will consider where woman first begins to be of importance as a writer. When Mies Barney, Jane AwateB, Hannah More and others are analysed; the male writers who have so long held the attention of the club will for the time be relegated to the back ground. A recent pleasant affair of the club was a five o'clock tea in honor of a former member who was in Weeping Water visiting among old friends, who was also the wife of a former pastor of the Congregetional church, Reverend George Hindley, now of Elk Kiver, Minnesota. College and Club The college woman needs the club and the club needs the college woman. When a woman leaves the scholastic atmosphere, she finds herself confronted with new, strange conditions. The world, society, life and life's duties all conspire to tempt her from scholarly things. 'Tie here that the club per forms its greatest service. It is the graduate school for the busy housewife whose college diploma is forgotten but whos9 intellectual life goes on broaden ing and deepening in the inspiring, stimulating atmosphere of club life. Then the college woman does not prepare superficial papers for her club; or if by chance she should do such a thing it is a reflection upon her college training and not the fault of the club. There are many papers and discussions prepared for clubs that, while not so technical or intensive as a college thesis yet they represent as much labor and investigation. Then the college woman needs the club because here she meets women without such special training and dis covers that everything is not learned from books. She discovers that strength of intellect, clearness of expression, ability to think and reason are quite as likely to belong to the club woman without special training as to the col lege bred woman. This is very bene ficial to the woman who might be in clined to feel the superiority of her advantages but! who discovers that she must earn her laurels in the club and cannot rest upon the magic letters that appear after her name in the college catalogue. This may be rather humil iating at times but on the whole it is beneficial and wholesome. Then the college woman especially needs the social side of club life. The tendency of the very intellectual woman is to become self centered and absorbed in the atmosphere of books and learn ing. She needs then the social atmos phere of the club and the altruistic tendency of its present development to correct this tendency and to bring her into broader, fuller touch with life and the world. Then the club needs the college wo man because she can bring to its mu tual councils the trained mind, the sane judgment, the wisdom of books that should be her inheritance from her college training. We do not say that the college woman invariably possesses these requirements but it is safe to say that if her training is such as it should have been she will not be found want ing in breadth of judgment, strength of intellect and a mental poise that will be helpful in club councils and make her a useful member in the development of club life. Mrs. H. H. Wilson. The Church and the Club. The gladness and beauty of Easter arise from a spiritual source. The World (spelled with a capital W) laughs over Easter bonnets and gowns, and even our Easter music, but in the pres ence of a bereaved mother's sorrow, or a child's pure faith, or of the mighty in spiration of a Phillips Brooks, the World suddenly quiets, and within its own heart feels stirring a sudden hope and love. At such a moment the church may come before our eyes again in her ideal grace and strength, and we may feel the charm and the force of her demand for batter service. Through the centuries she has been the society and the club for all kinds and condi tions of men. By her constitution she is not to be an exclusive club, but her doora are open to the rich and the poor, to hearts ove. flowing with gladness and thanksgiving and to hearts that are sad and are longing for some hope; the gen erous and the needy, the strong and the weak, the lonely and the friendly, all meet within her walls. By the consti tution of this club the universal spirit of membership is one of mutual helpfulness. "Loving and being loved, serving and being served,'' her most loyal members have always felt that neither in time nor in eternity could any other club give equal opportunities or right to service. What other club gives so warm a welcome to the stranger and to the friendless? What other club shows such sympathy and kindness towards the sick and the suffering, and towards those who are struggling with poverty? What other club offers so many avenues for the exercise of every gift and talent that any one may pos sess? What other club sets apart a leader who has the privilege of entering into the deepest sorrows and the sweet est joys of its members? What other club gives the same opportunity for in spiring and uplifting human lives in tellectually, morally and spiritually? Life draws its nourishment through two great roots the love of self and the love of others. Each kind of love at its wisest and best is constantly passing over into the other. Our smaller clubs and our social circles are delightful ways in which we look out for the good of ourselves, but is there any crganizv zation in the world which offers an equal opportunity of helping others? Every church has set before it the pos sibility of being the centre of the in terests and forces that uplift a com munity. For this purpose it needs a circle of men and women who give 'their chief thought and care to the welfare of their church. Such a body guard is needed even more by the down town city church than by any other, for its members are scattered over a wide area and are never brought together in any large number except through the church. Such a church must have constant supporters of every line of its work who have the power unitedly to attract into the channels of the church the right share of the spiritual earnest ness, moral force, intellectual, financial and social support of all those who meet within its walls. We are sometimes told that the wom en's clubs are drawing away from the church those who would otherwise be devoting their gifts to the church. If .this is true, a double harm is being done. And yet the club is certairly not a bad thing, and the church is not a bad thing. The clash comes because the two interests are not considered in their relations with one another. There is no clear general public opinion of the pi ice which each ought to hold with reference to the other. But let any one dwell on the immense influence of the church through the past centuries, and gain some insight into its possession of yet greater power for the progress of the human race in the centuries to come, and he must wish that the church might receive more help from every source. The cluls are certainly able to help the churches very greatly. They de velope in their members readiness in writing and speaking. They give the timid confidence. They draw out the recluse They give women practice in organizing, and they combine social pleasure with other interests. What ever the church needs to have done can be done all the better for the training of the clubs. The church naturally looks to the club women for much of its ser vice, and the woman who can give some share of her time to both has more than double the reward. Many of the club women of Lincoln are giving largely of themselves to the churches of the city. With a little forethought in planning the year this number might become much larger. Here lies an Easter opportunity that will last the year, an opportunity for the resurection into power of the better part of our own lives, and an opportu nity of sharing Easter message with others. Alice Hamlin Hinman. The Lincoln Woman's club met Mon day afternoon with a good attendance. The program was a musicals and the numbers chosen were particularly ap propriate to the warm afternoon, to the revival of spring life and spring sounds that are evident now in the out-of-door atmosphere. The program was as follows: "Daffodils" King Hall Mrs. E-S.Williams, Mrs. II.P Eitnes, Miss Hammond Ballade No. 3. op. 47 Chopin Mrs. Fisher (a) "I Envy the Bird'(from the Sere nade; Victor Herbert (b) "A Nymph and a Shepherd" Purcell (c) "Tell Me, Pray'from the Ameer Victor Herbert Mrs. Mark Woods Theme and Variations Kollinson Mr. Weho "Lullaby" (from a "Midsummer Night's Dream' Act.Il)Mende's3ohn Meedames Eames, Williams, Fisher, Easterduy. Lucas; Misses Ham mond, Young. Kettering and Lally The first number, "Daffodils" sung by a trio was much appreciated as also the chorus in the Midsummer Night's Dream. The choice of seloists, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Wehn, was fortunate as each is known for charm and individuality of work. A business meeting preluded the mu sical program. The plan of nominating officers by informal ballot has been found to be too awkward for use and in consequence the previous method of receiving nominations from the floor was adopted. The secretary wes in structed to prepare a ticket to be bal loted upon at the next meeting, April 22nd, from the following nominations: President, Mrs. H. M. Bushnell; first vice pres., Mrs. M. D. Welch; second vice pres., Mrs. Mary Phillips; rec. sec , Mrs. W. H. Bagoell; corr. sec, Mrs. Ar thur Jackson; treas., Miss Jeannette Green and Mrs. H. P. Eames; auditor, Mrs. W. C. Henry. All of the present officers with the exception of second vice president and treasurer whose terms have expired, were renominated. The following ladies were named dele gates to the state federation meeting to be held at Wayne, Nebraska, in October with the understanding if they were unable to attend, they should notify the secretary in time to procure substitutes before the election: Mea James F. E. Lahr, A. A. Scott, S. H. Atwood, C. F. Harpham, A. B. Pirie, F. P. Laurence, Piper aud Callen Thompson. CALENDAR OF NEBRASKA CLUBS April 15. Ws.c Art Onuh 15, History k Art c. Hook Kevlew 15, Monday c Mtrabeau a 15, V's.c Natural Growth Norf- 16,Sorosls, Tru-t Problems r.Inn-1 16, Century c. Egypt Line" I6,YV"s.c. Art Wakell- 17, Ws.a, Elizabethan Ase Dunif- IT, Ws. c , Annual Meeting A-hlai l'.XewBook Kevlew Line 18, Lotos c. Liiu1"' 19, Self Culture c Our Collcre St. 1. 20,W's.c. Economic Xortu lln 20, Ts. c. Miscellaneous Frernt'" 10, Round Table. Browning Crrf 20, Fin de Siecle c Miscellaneous Sewai.t The Boys' History Club of Plattsmouth. The Bovb' History club of Platts mouth is one of unique organization and unusual individuality. It has now be come a permanent institution having been organized six years ago. The club life has been so closely connected with v v