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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1901)
THE COURIER. ' the dining room. Placards announcing las. Anna Edgren, Frances Cunning the article to be served were displayed ham, Nan Cunningham. Laura Wood tin the walla and the guests ordered ford. Viol Stewart, Ella Harper, Mar what they wished. After refreshments gery Loomis, Esther Paddock, Catherine music wan reouereu uy misses xayior Agnew, Lida Millar. Clurlnttn Clark. T1 - family Weeks, Kisa Carson, Jean Tuttle, Long, Lpocore Wilson, Jessie Lansing; Mesdames Eison, Hardy, Fling, Ladd, Clements, Belcher. Father Reade, raho has been ill for a fortnight has returned to the strenuous life again, whose activities were the cause of his temporary exhaustion. Last Monday a new men's club, hav ing the same general character and composition as the Round Table, as organized by twenty-five business and professional men of Lincoln. It has been christened The Candle Light Club. Meetings will be held on alternate Mon day evenings, the members to dine to gether informally, later enjoying a pa per by one of their number and discus sing it at their leisure. Ii was decided to have no ponderous machinery of or gmizatioo, but to place the manage ment of the affairs very largely in the hands of an executive committee con sisting of Dr. Mansj, Prof. Hill and Mr Manahan, the latter to act as secretary. and Jessie Brown and Mr. Nicholas. Those present were: Messrs. and Mes dames J. G. Taylor, John Heelan, C.A. Carpender, Arthur Gadd; Mesdames C. Carpender, J. B. Hanna, Brown; Misses Stella Irine, Laura Taylor, Mae Hyland, Anna, Bulah aud Jessie Brown, Annis Byers, Bava Storey; Messrs. William I lowland, Frank Tinney, Thomas Hj land, D. W. Nicholas, Philip Wolgen muth. On St. Valentine's day Mrs. C. F. Harpham gave a dinner for Master Ju Hub Harpham, her eon. The Initials of the guests formed into candy hearts con stituted the place cards. A valentine was at each cover and the table waB daintily decorated in pink and white. A four course menu was served to Misses Dorothy Raymond and Esther Warner; Masters Forrest Tebbetts, Walter Wil son, Ralph Wilson, Kenneth Warner Harry Dobbins, The Tuesday Night club danced Wed nesday night at Walsh hall. Those pres ent were Misses Burris, Gahan, Cole, The membership is limited at present to Richards, Woodward, Henry. Houtz, Mc- thirty-live. The following men have Henry, Thorp, Macomber, Daniel, Ham- accepted memberships, and nenrly all mond. Burris, Johnson, Wirt, Morgan, were present at the open meeting: Dr. Agnew; Messrs. Ames, Anderson, Orr, Bailey, Chancellor Andrews, Dr. Bui Marlay, Ricketts, Morrison, Kennard, lock. Prof. Davis, Prof. Fling, Dr. Hill, Brown, Drain, Raymond, Andrews, Nor- Judge Irvine, Prof. Lees, Dr. Mans?, val, Schick, Paine, Clark, Homan, Mc- Father Reade, Prof White, Prof. Weir, Messrs. Berger, Crittenden, Fitzgerald, W.O Jones, Kimball, Lev ring, Mana han, Pound, Randolph, Bobbins, Shep herd, Strode and Woods. The dinner and business of organization were dis posed of promptly and time was left for a discussion of the new city charter by Plt.V AttnrnAV SIfrnfiA .Tllrlrro Trrinn nra is an attractive "- " b-"- i- Frederick Dent siding over the seesion. Mrs. T. S. Cochran was surprised on Friday afternoon by the members of the Pythian Sisterhood. Mr3 Cochran will soon join her husband in Tacoma, where they have transferred their peuates. Mesdames II. H. Barth, E. Fleming, A. N. Young, W. A. Hamilton, John Har rop, Gage, R. S. Grimes R. W. Hoffman, D. C. Platte, C. Wilson, H. M. Descher, R. W. Young, J. 0. Lamb, T. S. Greer, A. L. Pound, J. C. Hagensick; Misses S. Douglas and Fay Cochran Joined in the farewell function. m NEW SPRING STYbiS Creery. Mies Miriam Grant, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, of San Diego, California, is spending the winter with her grandmother, the widow of the General, in Washington. Miss Grant has already received marked so cial attentions. She young woman. Mrs. Grant arrived in Washington from New York last week to spend the remainder of the season with her mother-in-law, whose advanced age and failing health prevents her taking part in social life. Mrs. Phoebe Hearst has returned to the social fray, and Washington greets her with delight. She gave a large musical on Monday night, when half her calling list was present to hear Madame Schumann-Heink and Mr. David Bispham. Mrs. Hearst gives an other musical before the end of the sea son, when the other half of her list will be present. She occupies a peculiar position. She is not of the smart set, yet it would only too gladly welcome her to its arntB. But Mrs. Hearst does not care to be excluf ive; she prefers to enjoy the varied charms of different social cliques. Miss Mabel Hays will give a card party this afternoon in honor of her cousin, Miss. Emmons of Denver. The house will be decorated with hearts, the game of hearts will be played and the sandwiches, ice cream and other viands will assume shapes suggestive of St. Valentine'e week. Miss Hays' guests all active or alumnae members of Kappa Kappa Gamma, will be Mesdames Lewia Marshall, and E. C. Folsom; Misses Kirker, Lindlay, Whedon, Margaret Whedon, Whiting, Adtlloyd Whiting, Hargreaves, Louise Hargreaves. Houtz, Richards, Outcalt, Jessie Outcalt, Ben nett, Mabel Bennet, Funke, Griggs, Rat cliff, Manrid, Blanche Emmons, Jeary, Dimmick, Rieser, Clara Hammond, An na Hammond. Miss Cora B. Hardy entertained the Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity at five Messrs. Barry, Morris, Langer, Mc Masters, Brooks, Kline, Hanlon, Peters, Jouvenat, Hunt, Brackett, Ledwith, Mercer, Swain, Griffia, Childs, Nielson, Shock and Sturdevant gave a party on Friday night at L. L. I. hall to Misses half dozen Reeves. Minnie Guile, Mabel Guile, Hull, Chapped, Briggs, Woodruff, Druse, Dally, Brown, Hartsough, Hunt, Tayler, Anthony, White, Erisman, Ledwith, Hess. Mra. Angie F. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thomas gave a dinner last Saturday in honor of Assistant Secretary of War G. D. Meiklejohn. Covers were laid for Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews, Messrs. and Mesdames John B. Wright, G. M. Lambertson, S. U. Burnham, C. II . Morrill, I. M. Raymond, Dr. Ruth Woods, Mr. Sears, speaker of the house of representatives; Messrs. O. R. Oloon and J. A, Andrews, members of the legislature. Delta Delta Delta fraternity gave a valentine party Thursday evening at the home of Miss Auld. Red hearts were every where suspended for decorations. The napkins were red paper hearts and the sandwiches and ice cream were heart o'clock tea on Friday afternoon in honor shaped. Silhouettes of the guests were of Miss Selma Wiggenhorn of Ashland. Miss Hardy was assisted by Mesdames C. K. Pitcher and G. W. Rhodes, who served Misses Hailie Post, Jeannetto Post, Jessica Morgan, Abbie MacHenry, Ella Wirt, Ruth Macfarland, Jane Doug- thrown on a screen and the originals were guessed. Dissected valentines were matched to find partners for re freshments. A four course supper was served to Misses Miller, Du Teil, Bryant, Davenport, Munay, Mitchell, Koehler, fr IP it I W III fit k P r r 7r 1 J H) P jg OIi -I IS We are showing a line line of Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, all new cloths, Colors and styles; prices, $7.50, 8.50, 10.00, 11.50, 16.50, 20.00, 22.50, up to 35.00. Taffeta Silk nzc? zi:4-cyfM lsi w5 rvii i sj $(o That will be sure to please K&m you in stvie, quality ana price, $10.00, 11.00, 12.50, 16.50, 20.00 and 22.50. P m (P guits, gkiFtg and Jackets Made to (Mierlif Wf linvo tiniv nn rlicnlnx' n 1nrrr ntil r-linii-f r-rl. r lection of Fabrics and Fashion Plates, illustrating j .' - flip Infoef snntio nrirl ciimtripr frlr; nnrT will f n 1 r Sz"i Cj --"- .r--"& -,-...... ..j., .. ..... CfV fet? pleasure in submitting- them for your inspection. fer) "CV e caa (luoe 3'0U prices on perfect-fitting- Skirts ff KJ? and Jackets that will agreeably surprise you. Our J5jJ$f cV line meets the demand of any purse or any taste, $&? jt0J. as we make both medium and high-priced gar- &. jP ments. We guarantee to please you no matter fxjj what the recpuirements. Ladies' Stylish Suits to Order 5.uuwvn iuiu.uumj Ladies' Coats and Capes to Order JJ,W UUWI I HJ...vp.W OSS It will be greatly to your advantage to call on us at once and let us explain fully how we can save you money on your spring order. We also carry a good line of Ladies Gloves, Hosier', Underwear, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Neck wear, Belts and Umbrellas. Give us a call. S.K. Cor- 13tlx foS-fWvoWi f,,M VfW mn ft 8 II Cfl.1 and O Stse gT v5 rVTVfV rrvnf) fWn nrlXU mf&mmmws J: n i 4 ' ij v ji 1. 11 r'