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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1901)
THE COURIER. Hi Profeaalonal Directory. SI A jP T . JffiCB. lei.... ""f!8Dr. Bailey ....671. ) I Office. Zebrung Block 1 9 to 10 a m i J.12tol2d0 I Evidence. 1313 C street 1 2 to 4 p m Evening, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to J p. m. and by appointment. g?IETY I Dr. J. B.Trickey, I Refractionist only 19 to -Ito 19 to 12 a. in 4 Office, 1035 O street. i i p.m. l DENTISTS "Wl Office ) , , . ' ( Office, rooms 26. 27 and 1 530.LOUiS N. Wente,D.D.S. l.Brwrnell Block, 137- I ( so 11th street. 1 Office f,, , ( Office oTcr Ilarley's ) Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.-Urcg store ' 1 1105 O street j i 0T..m "T c$ SesSsSSsxSSSS CiMM CQfto 00 . fc ucfc ( CTD kg iivv w wiiM IfcVi PflOflE 05 SSbsSSsSai ' i eifterfS HUTCHINS te HYATT, I SELECT OAK AND HICKORY WOOD AVVi3,U .ATM. ST J-.fcV.CVo JLt4. ffl) 5S$g f OH URS ONE 38. Fur garments made to order. A complete line of Furs al ways o n hand. All work Seal Cloaks remodeled, re d3'ed and made into the latest styles. FU R ri :er , 143 Soutb 12tXi St. S-6 I AIR ...Of Up-to-Date. II AM .On Sale Now AT h PRICE NfttRSON 6 WWstOtp myo-snar.-m ...Perfection... Absolute perfection is often claimed for shoes that are simply stylish. Shoes that are plenty stylish enough when new often lack durability and r"rtnt"rrf All -... !. KKECTMH grod' The h'ffher priced ones Jr lUWMIwll are absalutelv oerfect ineverv detail. The cheaper ones, of course, can not be. "When you come tv us you get what you pay for and you know what you get. A discount on all leather goods this week. PERKINS, SHELDON & CHAMBERLAIN CO IIS O Street. 6J r TVS ti- NJ W 1 Society hae lately been unbroken by large functions until the reception Thursday evening given by Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. Erfward Fitzgerald in compliment to Miss Kelley and Mies Urusula Kelley of St. Paul, Mies Sweet of Buffalo, Dr. Kelley or St. Paul and Dr. Coodit of Minneapolis. The guests were received in the draw ing room whose lofty effect was in creased by tall palms and a wealth of that royal family of American flowere, American beauties. The handsome gowns of the hostesses and their assist- ing friends also added to the brilliancy of the scene. Mrs. Fitzgerald wore a costume of jetted net; Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald arhite and yellow eilk; Miss Kelley white, and Miss Ursula Kelley pink, silk; Miss Sweet yellow mousse lin. Mrs. Walter Hargreaves, Mrs. G. G. Cnttendon, Mrs. Carl Funke and Mrs. John B. Wright assisted in the drawing room. Their toilets were: Mrs, Hargreaves pink crepe with garnitures of black and white lace; Mrs. Critten den, pastelle blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Funke, black net; Mrs. Wright white lace. The dining room decorations were pink. Exquisite drawn work covered the table. In the center was a mound of pink roses out of which in a Bilver candlabrum shone pink lights and on either side of the presiding ladies, Mes dames Thompson and Leonard, were cut glass vases tilled with pink roses. The room was lighted with pink shaded lamps. Mesdames George Woods, Mor rison, Marshall and Tilton assisted in serving the guests. Mrs. Thompson's gown was of white renaissance lace over pink silk; Mrs. Leonard's, lavender crepe de chine; Mrs. Woods', American beauty pink taffeta skirt and satin bod. ice, veiled with renaissance lace; Mrs. MorriEon's, white mousselin; Mrs. Marshall's, embroidered linen, colored silk; Mrs. Tilton, white. Punch was served by MiBses Cole and Tukey in a small room decorated in red. Mies Cole wore a light silk; Miss Tukey pink de chine. Graceful palms nodded gra ciously to the guests as they entered the reception hall. One of the most brilliant and notable functions of the year was given by the Lincoln Woman's club on Monday af ternoon in Walsh hall. Mrs.Bagnall re ceived the guests and Mrs. F. M. Hall presented them to the president Mrs. Buhnell, and to the vice presidents, Mesdames Welch and Gund. Mrs. Bushnell wore a gown of gray silk with gray hat; Mrs. Welch, black net; Mrs. Gund. black and white silk. The rooms were pleasantly decorated with rugs and pillows and the ladies in light evening skirts were not the least feature of the decorative effect Miss Hoover, Mr. Mar tin and Mrs. P. V. M.Raymond appeared in this program fastidiously selected and exquisitely rendered: Rachmaninoff. Prelude. Scbarwenka, Erzahlungen. Grieg, An den Fruhling. Handel, "Love Sounds the Alarm," (from Acis and Galatea). MacDowell, Merry Maiden Spring. Meyer-Helmund, Unrest. TschaikowBky, Romance. Mofzkowski. Reverie. Herbert, Bandanage. Chaminade, Autumn. The music hall was decorated in green and piano lamps illuminated the Btage. After the program light refresh ments were served. The dining room was done in pink and gresn. The table was covered with Battenberg lace, bridesmaids roses formed a centre piece and green candles in silver candelabra were on the corners. Mesdames W. J . Bryan and R. D. Stearns, both wearing pink silk gowns presided at the table. Their assistants were gowned in white. They were Mesdames Callen Thompson. McAlpine. R.E. Moore, H. J. Winnett, C. H. Gordon, W. C. Phillips, S. H. At wood, J. F.StephenB, H. Grubby II. P. Eamee, E. O. Folsom and C. F. Ilarp ham. Mesdames F, S. Stein, Herron, A G Chapman, E. A. Burnett, Arthur Jackson, W. M. Morning and W. C. Henry received, introduced and did the saveral honors of the occasion. Th9 City Improvement Society met on Thursday in the library of the Union Commercial club to discuss and bear reports from committees who have in charge the Fair of Nations which will ba held on March first and second Booths arranged with the national col ors, and set with the peculiar relics of France, Germany, England. Spain, Hol land, Filipine Islands, Japan, Turkey, India, the United States and South America will be erected and occupied by men and women en costume. Dances arranged by Professor Richeson will be a spectacular feature. The general com mittee in rharge is composed of Mrs. Ogden, Mrs Taylor, Mre. Rhode3 and Mrs. Welch. Mrs. Callen Thompson is in charge of the market committee. Mrs. Y O. Strickler gave a beauti fully appointed luncheon on Friday in honor of Mrs. Da"is and Mre. Strode of St. Louis, the mother and sister of Mrs. William T. Robinson. The polished tible covered with a centerpiece and doilies of Battenberg lace was graced with a large basket of Lawson carnations and ferns, the tall handle tied with a butterfly bow of ribbon, with streamers running to the corners of the table. Candelabra with red candles and shade?, red plate cards and bon bons and ices in rtd, completed the pretty color effect. Other guests were Mrs. Beeson, Mrs. Leonard of Lincoln, Mrs. Amos Field, Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. John R. Webster, Mrs. Alfred De Long and Mrs. Robin son. The Excelsior. Mr. and Mrs. Aubertin gave a unique railroad party on Monday evening at their home, 539 South Eleventh street. Different rooms upstairs were converted into waiting room, baggage room and ticket office. Each guest's baggage was eent on a train ahead of the excursion train. The baggage train was wrecked and after great difficulty the various pieces were assigned to their proper own ers. Unclaimed baggage was sold at auction which was one of the most en tertaining features of the evening. The excursion was from Lincoln to Omaha and at the ticket office the guests were given tickets marked for the different stations between those cities four for each station. The parlor was the ex cursion room and card tables were there arranged to represent the stations on the tickets, thus did the guests find their p'aces for high five. Mrs. J. B. Hanna won the royal prize, a sterling valise tag, and Mr. D. W. Nicholas the consolation, a train of tin cars. Aftor the games the train stopped "twenty minutes for lefreshuents." A lunch counter extended around two Bides of i