The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 09, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Nre. Harpham. The house was dec
orated with American Beauties. A
three course luncheon was Berved. The
guests were Mesdames Spicknell, Tib
betts, Graham, Winnott, Dobbins, Som
merlad, Ayers, Auld, Toens, Spencer,
AlvaTownsend, Fisher, Warner, Ilotai
ing and Boynton.
A delightful program was given Mon
day by the third division, Miss Ella O.
Oivens. The hours ot the day were
commemorated in song and instrument
al music, of the Matinee Musicale:
Part song "Twelve by the Clock,"
Lloyd; Mrs. Joseph Grainger. Misses
Anna Caldwell, Elsie Fawell, Florence
Pjano duo "horning," Chaminade;
Miss Lucy Haywood, Mrs. E. P. Urown.
"Morning Song," Rubenstein; "The
Stormy Morning," Schubert; Mrs. How
ard Doane.
"Village Noon," Goring Thomas; Miss
E'sie Fawell, (student).
Piano Nocturne in F sharp major.
Op. 13, No. 2, Chopin; '-Moonshine,'
MaiDowelI;Miss Lucy Haywood.
"Night Time," Beardsley Van do
Water, Miss Florence Robinson, (stu
dent). Overture "Moruinc.Noon and Niht"
Suppe; violins, Misses Ina Ensign, Ag
,nes Brownell.May Belle Hagenow; viola,
.Mrs. Emma Hagenow; 'cello. Mies Lil
lian Etche; piano, Miss Givens; bass, Mr.
Steckelberg; tlute, Mr. Baker; cornet,
Mr. Wehn.
Accompanist, Miss May Belle Hage
now. Alpha Tau Omega entertained infor
mally at their chipter house Monday
evening. White tea roses decorated the
pleasant rooms. The guests were Misses
Ttikey, Griggs, McIIenry, Daniels, Rob
nson, Hammond, Anna Hammond, Ag
new, Kenny, Robinson, Montgomery,
Marshall, Bignell, Davenport, Bishop,
Grimison, Paine of Hastings, and Sul
livan of, Hiawatha, Kansas. Mr. and
Mrs. Gorge Lace chaperoned.
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald and Mr. and
Mrs. Edward J. Fitzgerald have . issued
cards for a large function at Mount
Emerald on St. Valentine's day, in hon
or of Miss Sweet and Dr. Condit and
Dr. Kelly, the last two from Minne
apolis. Messrs. Eassyn, Sutter and Lindsey,
gave a bowling party on Wednesday
evening to Messrs. and Mesdames Lind
sey, Vanover, Gilmore, Malone, Rotruck,
Sillar, Donahue, Enslow. Williams,
Thiebault. Byer, E&ssod, and Lindsey;
Messrs. Thomas, Atwater, Bondurant,
Bailey, Nichols; Wolgernutb, f"aEson,
Hickey, Strahan and Hauptman.
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J,
J. Gillilau entertained La Veta whist
club and a few intimate guest?. Those
present were Messrs. and Mesdames
Weir, Waugb, Boggp, Boggs, Lindlay,
Divie, Field, Bull, Hallett, Morning,
Kellogg, Rogers; Mrs. Hamilton; Misses
Bogge, CalTyn and Mr. J. E. Houtz.
Mrs. C. G. Crittenden gave a lunch
eon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs.
Ward of Denver. A basket of violets
and smilax occupied the centre of the
table and at the close of the, repast the
basket was passed and the fragrant blos
soms were distributed among Mesdames
Ward, Levering, Wright, Funke, Ilar
greaves, Burnbam, Eason, Vates, W. C.
Wilson, Robinson and Miss Sweet.
Married, on Tuesday, February silh
at the home of the bride's parents, 1622
F street, Dr. Clara Frances Brundago
to Mr. E. S. Jewell, by the Reverend
Francis W. Eason. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell
will bo at home at 1022 F street after
February tilth.
Dr. F. L. Wharton entertained the
Round Table Monday evening. Mr. C.
II. Gere discussed primary elections
and the election law now before the leg
islature. Mrs. W. A. Rankin gave a party on
Tuesday to fifty ladies. Mrs. R. M. Le
Goro won the prize for the largest num
ber or games; Mrs. S. C. Wilson for
shouting, and Mrs. E. L. Hotyoke- for
declaring. Mrs. Rankins decorations
were pink. The library was adorned
with rosef, the drawing room and dining
room with carnations, the candles were
pink and tho luncheon was composed of
pink viands.
Miss Helen Gregory, expert kinder
gartuer and highly accomplished young
woman, who has had chargo of the free
kindergarten at Lead, So. Dak., is visit
ing Miss Cochrane in Lincoln for a few
days before going to Washington, D. C.
and New York city. Mies Gregory will
be the guest on this trip and during her
residence in the east, of Mrs, Hearst,
the patroness of the kindergarten in
Lead, whose immediate recognition of
Miss Gregory's ability and preparation
for her work is gratifying to her friends
here, who have known her ability since
she was a student in the university, but
it is satisfying when strangers also rec
ognize our prophet.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tibbetts celebrat
ed the twentieth anniversary of their
marriage on Saturday evening. About
fifty guests were pleasantly entertained
by a game called "Old Father Time." A
pen and ink picture of Father Time was
on the score cards for the men, while
those for the ladies bore tiny photo
graphs of Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts. Ferns,
the gift of a friend, adorned the library,
whHe roses, carnations and smilax deco
rated the drawing room and reception
hall. Mr. W. R. Spicknall, brother of
Mrs. Tibbetts, and Mrs. Spicknall, came
from Wellington, Kas. A three course
supper was served.
Mrs. E. G. Wat6on, after a visit with
her father and mother, Dr. and Mrs.
Latta,' returned to her home in Friend
on Tuesday. Dr. Latta is rapidly re
covering bis strength to the joy of his
family -and a very large number of
Mesdames R. M. Turner and C. I.
Jones will give card parties on next
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons
and a kensington on Friday. Oj Wed
nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Turner
will give a card party.
About fifty ladies called on Mrs. New
man, Dr. Woods and Mrs. Thomas on
Tuesday afternoon. In the evening,
Mrs. Newman gave a dinner in honor of
Dr. Woods. Other guests were Dr. and
Mrs. Wharton of St. Paul church, Rev.
and'Mrs.Eason of the Episcopal church,
Dr. and Mrs. Rowlands of the Baptist
church, Messrs. and Mesdames W. J.
Lamb and Thomas.
Mrs. F. M Hall gave an informal re
csption Tuesday evening to the young
ladies of the Y. W. C. T. U. that they
might have an opportunity ot becoming
acquainted with Miss McCorkle, the
state secretary. About forty girls were
present. Games, chocolate and wafeis
diversified the evening. Miss Kyle as
sisted Mrs Hall.
Misses Elizabeth and Gretel Waugh
of Plattsraoutb, passed through the city
Tuesday evening enroute for Denver to
enter a training school for nurses. Lin
coln friends were at the station to give
them an enroute greeting.
A little Lincoln girl just home from
the Sunday school was questioned by
her father in regard to the lesson which
her kind teacher had taught her. She
said tho golden text was, "A soft ans
wer turneth away wrath." Her father
asked her"What is wrath?"and she anid:
"It is a large animal with a very long
neck." (Giraffe).
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorgan entertain
ed the members of the Kisbmet club
and other friends Thursday night. Mrs
BuckstalT and Mr. Van Riper won the
guest prizes and Mrs. Morrison and Mr.
Honeywell the clnb prizes. American
fri""'?tff""'r)fcj -" .vi- "nrr7""
zm:w& & imssmWssmEm
""J 1""" jm. jilkj. jum-c"' i"1"""' o,-: I
tc7- r"-'
( A P
We arc showing a line "fc
linf nf Tnflio' Pnilnr-AfrwL'
Suits, all new cloths, Colors f
and styles; prices. $7.50, 8.50,
10.00, 11.50, 16.50, 20.00,
22.50, up to 35.00
Taffeta Silk
Dress Skirtsill
That will be sure to please
you in stvle, quality and price,
$10.00, 11.00, 12.50, 16.50,
20.00 and 22.50.
guits, gkirt and Jackets
Made to FderP
We have now on display a large and choice col-
lection of Fabrics and Fashion Plates, illustrating-K
j.i. iii. . i ,.x..i.. 1 ...:n ..i.l l
tne latest spring anu suminci iic, ami win uiiw.-,
pleasure in submitting them for your inspection. 7T
!c)t ! We can quote you prices on perfect-fitting Skirts stff
rf& and Jacketsthai: will agreeably surprise you. Our &
:tff line meets the demand of any purse or any taste, $QL
t? as we make both medium and hisrh-priced jrar- MJ.
w " iif
jka ments. We guarantee to please you no matter K&
what the requirements
Ladies' Stylish
Suits to Order
$75.oodown to$io.oo
Ladies' Coats and
Capes to Order
$35,00 down to . . .$7.50
Tf will he nreatlv to vour advantage
jjgj us at once and let us explain fully how we can save
you money on jrour spring order.
We also carry a good line of Ladies' Gloves,
- - s . -w-r - -xt- 'ZK-
rii-i m Aatit i tinorivpnr i .fT-virw: n;iniiu'ir mi'iw iii -n-
,:fcSy wear. Belts and Umbrellas. Give us a call. 'J
rl S.-K. Cor. 13tlx and O Sts. f
IJ k t t li