THE COURIER. l H The Hall in the Grove met Friday. February '.at, with Mrs. C. A. Adam Mrr. Stein read en interesting paper up on Japan and its Artistic Influence. Mrs. Adams had prepared a paper upon Practical Socialism and Mrs. Isaac Johnson opened the discussion, Dangers that threaten and Hopes that Bsckon. fourths of the dues by each chapter." Mrs. Sawyer opened with her paper, the discovery of Nebraska by Coronado in 1511 and during tnn course of her paper she related the main events in Nebras ka's life to the time of her admission as a state in 1867. The delegates elected to the continental congress are regent Mrs. M.H. Everett and Mrs. J. C. Harpham with Miss Stevens and Mrs. II. F. Smith for alternates. The Lotos club met Thursday after noon with Mrs. L.C. Richards. Mrs. Eison read a paper on the bacteria of typhoid fever, diptheria and scarlet fever, contained in milk, and the crying need of a milk inspector. Mrs. Ward of Danver, Mrs. Levering and Miss Butler wvre visitors. The meeting of the Century club oc curred at the home of Mrs. Haskell. M s. Helen Howell discussed Egypt un der the 18th and 19th dynasties; Queen Hatnu. Sorosis met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Barnard. Miss Fereson lectured upon physical culture. The Woman's club of Lincoln will be at home at Walsh ball on Monday after noon to all the literary clubs of Lincoln. Individual invitations have been sent to all club women not members of the Wo man's club. The afternoon will open with a musical and be followed by a reception. The art department of the Lincoln Woman's club met Monday afternoon. The leader for the afternoon was unable to be present, but Miss Hayden, who is in charge of the depattment spoke in formally, but with her usual charm of manner, of the situation, environment and character of the Louvre and Luxem bourg buildings and galleries. The literature department of the Lin cola Woman's club met Thursday after noon. MiBB Towne, leader of the depart ment, spoke of the Life, Times and Works of Burns. The "Cotters Satur day Might" and a few short poems were read to illustrate his fondness and ap preciation of nature. The Fremont Woman's clab has pledged S300 toward the new library in Fremont. The current topics and current litera ture departments of the Plattamouth Woman'e club met Friday evening Feb ruary 1st. Mrs. Chapman reviewed the life and reign of Queen Victoria. Miss Gass, Mesdames Wise and Sleeth pre sented. accounts of, the Queen, and the important events of her reign. Mes dames Herold, Kempster and Helps ad ded interesting incidents of hsr life. An entertaining review of the book, Bolanyo, was prepared and read by Mrs. L. A. Moore. Mrs. Stoutenborougb an nounced Judge Chapman's lecture this week upon. Japan. Mra. Wise, corres ponding secretary, spoke of tho doe pa per predared by Mrs. Unrub, also one by Miss Mapes and a song by Miss Street. The universal history depart ment met this week. The Brooklyn Woman's club will cele brate ita thirty-second anniversary on February lfiih. The currant topics department of the Woman's club met on Tuesday at the club rooms. Twenty-tbree ladies were present. Mrs. Wessel gave a compre hensive talk upon the French and the French government. The machineries of legislation and law were described and the paternalism of the government re garding art, literature and education. Mrs. Lucas discussed and sang the Mar. Bjllfise hymn. Miss Julia L. Haskell discuEsed the Real French Woman in her many phases. At a recent meeting in Trenton, of the New Jersey Regents of the D. A. R., the candidacy of Mrs. Roebhng for President-General was endorsed. Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Fairbanks have al ready received state endorsements. The prospect therefore of a closely contested election is probable. MISCELLANY BY FLORA IIL'LLOCK. I met a veritable man of wrath the other evening. Not in a Germam nor any garden, but on the platform of a railway station. When he explained to me the cause of bis mental disturbance, I offered sympathy, and together we chanted the song of the Philistines of the Philistines "Blessed is the man who does what he says he'll do." A certain Great One now loose in the land, a voice crying in this wilderness of labor, "Blessed is the man who has found his work," agreed that at a defi nite time in the course o' his wander ings he would stop over night at a little burg very near th end of the world and enlighten the inhabitants, let them look at him, and incidentally advertise his Wonderous Works. The time approach ed; people from around about were thinking that the safety of their souls demanded they should sit at the feet of the Great One, freight train journeys and midnight hours notwithstanding. The day before the Event, came word that the Great One would not arrive, as it had struck him to go another way but be might favor them later. He couldn't fetcb bis message to Garcia just then, but he'd bring it when he got ready. He did not Bk any questions nor inquire it Ali Baba or Sam couldn't do it as well. He just simply said, "It is eo," and so it was. Great Ones may do as they please, or rather, as the man of wrath says, they iriM do as they please. My criticism is that it was very uo wise for the Great One to assert that he would be in any certain place at an ap pointed time. Even if be does not un derstand himself, be should know other Great Ones well enough, after all the Books he has writ about them. He should remember that the bleesed spirit of vagabondia abides in all truly Great Ones who start out to find their work. The spirit calls them hither; they go hither; it beckons thBm thither; thither they wend their way. Do you suppose John the Baptist followed a mixed itinerary? Oh, the railroad, yes it ia spoiler of all elemental simplicity in Great Ones. They start out to carry messages to Garcia and to other folks; then they fix an itinerary and make solemn promises, forgetting that they are to be Great Ones, and coming down from ideal things to the plane of Com mercial Travelers, with goods to brag of and sell for due consideration. It is well for one to know when he takes his pilgrim staff whether he is goin as a Great One, or bb a Commercial Traveler. If the former let him make no promised and send no heralds far ahead; let him father the people about him and tell them the message he haa: it the latter, he may fix his route and make dates but let him bevara that he keeps them, or the faithful will lose faith and busi ness will not prosper. It has been so strongly impressed on the Common Peo ple that when they have a message to carry to Garcia they should not halt nor turn aside from the course. So when they assumo the waiting attitudo of Garcia they expect to be served. There are skeptical Philistines who read with what Javotion they can,a cer tain meat-market paper covered leaflet printed every once in a while, who inti mate, gently, that this one of the ro-ing Great Ones is possibly not so much a Great One as he is a Commercial Travel er. But surely, if he can maintain his eccentricity of itinerary continuously, his claim to glory will be established In the old, old Tartar city of Samar kand in Central Asia, a traveler tells us, there is a beautiful mosque not far from the tottering walls and crumbling glories of long centuries past. It is the tomb of the mighty Tamerlane, of terrible mem ory. It was five hundred years ago that the conqueror ceased to lead the Hying hosts, ceased to erect great pyra mids of human beads in glorification of victories, and all that was mortal, as the phrase is, of the chief of thousands was enclosed in a sarcophagus of beautiful jasper and placed under the great dome of the imposing temple. I wonder with what barbaric rites and syxbolism, what kingly pomp and cere mony the dust of the greatest of the world's conquerors was put away? "Lo all our pomp of yesterday , Is one with Ninevah and Tyre ." Yet today we make a man's tomb out live his works, and the ruin that he wrought. The centuries of progress have brought us not very far in the way we bury our dead. There are pagan rites yet; feathers jostled the pall bear ers of the sleepiog Quoen and pushed almost to the colin, and all the royalty of Europe ewaggered in to get a piece of the pie. It might not be granted to the Empress Queen, though she lived long and servpd faithfully, to slip awa quiet ly. But her funeral must be made a ceremonious occasion, thousands of pounds must be spent. "She must be buried like a Queen," the world thought. Human nature is eo very human. Some traits never seem to change. Timour the Lime lies in a jasper sar cophagus five centuries old, Timour the terrible Tartar. Victoria the Gracious lies in a beautiful mausoleum that will outline all personal memory of her. The real thing the character she left as an ideal, the record of good, the in centive to duty and purity in all the courts o! Europe that is the substance, the rest is vain shor, which means as little as the barbaric eolemnity with which the pagan of all ages has said, "Dust to dust." A HUDRED YEARS AGO. SCHOOLS. A real composition by Freddy The object of scboolp ia to teach the young idea how to shoot something be sides rabbits. It is clamed that schools of this time are much better then thoes of 40 years ago. But I know a man who atended school 40 years ago and he says the schools for boys were much better at that time. In thoes days the schools were not run for the 6ake ot selling s.-hool books printed by some concern who had a pull with the school board. The man spokin of knew a boy whoes father was asked by the teacher what school books bis son had studied the father said never mind about the books but give the boy a good thrashing a day and he had no doubt but the boy would grow up and be a great credit to the school. This school has since placed a bras6 tablet in the school house wall in honor of this boy. A hundred years ago there were no teleohonw : The telegraph was still an undiscovered aid , And messengers were not at beck and call ; The railroads too were dreams in brains of wild eyed cranks And porters had not been invented yet ; The steamships had not proudly plowed the mighty dttp Nor sailed the wide expanse of wet , A hundred years ago. A hundred years ago the housewife sewed by hand And wove her linen with her spinning wheel : The bike was all unknown and bloomers too were not , And oil stoves never yet had cooked a meal ; And ragtime too was not on earth and cake walks still Were hanging 'round in limbo with their fun , And coon songs were not sung , and no one yet had heard Of that great ratio called "sixteen to one ," A hundred years ago . A hundred years ago we had no Pettigrew, And Bryan with his voice had not appeared , Nor Pingree nor Mark Hanna nor Old Pipe Dream Jones Had yet their sleek and portly forms upreared , And Aguinaldo-wbere, oh where was he? and where Our kind old friend, Oom Paul , and last not least , Dick Ooker with his fine bull cups was out of sight , And no one dared to wear his trousers creased, A hundred years ago . A hundred years ago the grip bad not been found , Nor germs nor microbes shown to mortal men ; The chafing dish with all its deadly arts was still A-lloating 'round in "whichness of the when :" The yellow journals and the dim electric lights And automobiles and degenerates And rubber tires and rubber necks - and typewriters Had not as yet received their patent dates . A hundred years ago . A huudred years ago the women wore big hoops And beauty patches on their rosy cheeks; They did not strut about in masculine attire And look at times like idiotic freaks . They were not known as "new," nor did they want to vole , Nor did the men in gay shirt waists appear , But Patti still was making farewell tours and Wales Was waiting for some well worn shoes A hundred years ago . A hundred years ago our gay soubrettes were younj And playing skittish parts in funny plays ; And Sarah Bernhardt too and Delia Fox were there A-showing off in many giddy ways , And over and above it all , it seems so strange That vaudeville had never yet been seen , Nor phonographs nor graphophones nor all such things And Russell Sage was tender, young and green A hundred years ago . W. R. Dunroy, in Sioux Gty Times. "Whf re ia Miss Specie lately?" "She has gone to South Dakota to qualify for a divorce." "A divorce? Why. she isn't married.'' "No, but she expects to be, and she does not want to waste time after she ia married." Town Topics.