The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 09, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Tbe passing of the glittering paillette
is an assured fact at last.
It has reigned supreme for so long it
did not seem possible, at one time, ever
lo dethrone it; but nothing is impossible
to this vale of tears "tout passe, tout
casee." We know where we are if we
are lucky but we know not where we
Of course, the once ubiquitous pail
lette will continue to flicker and shim-mer'tnanrwrjess-on
the embroideries
that have succeeded it but paillettes
en masse, as of yore, are absolutely a
thing of the.past with the ultra-smart
The newest ball'gowns are in satin,
embroidered not all over but in good
design, thatloutlinee the bottom of the
skirt and appears again on the corsage.
This embroidery may be as, Elaborate
or aa simple as you please, and it is sewn
not only with gold and silver thread,
but aim in UnBel and chenille of all and
eviry color.
.'After the long session of diaphanous
froc)u.tJtuvUhB endured, these new satin
freeks which are, after all, a not very
oUTfashion'rerived come as a decidedly
pJMMWit variation.
-,;Tiey have the advantage, too, of fit
tiaf the figure to perfection, allowing an
iofSftity ofkvatiety in their coloring and
design, and not the least of a!l, by any
mMM, forming, besides, an admirable
bickgroundjfor the display of jewels
gale, thatjthe leaders of the smart set
now considerfa necessary part of their
sartorial whole when en grande tiolette.
At theJHeberBtshop ball last week
Mrs. Ogden?Mills wore a white satin
gown embroidered in silver bullion, but
not a paillette twinkled to detract from
the briMiancy of her jewels, which were
Mrs. Mills, from her throat to nearly
her waist, wa3 a ; blaze of iight. With
her wonderf uljcrown of pearls and dia
monds Bhe has never resembled Queen
Alexandra. whom ehe always suggests
more'cloaeiy. a.
Mrs. Miils has iateiy discarded her
cape of Russian sables when she drives,
and is wearing aca pa of moufflon, with
a toque also of moufflon, accentuated'by
white ostrich plume and aigrette bo, of
course, the vogue of moufflon is now
definitely established, and its value will
promptly advance accordingly.
Mrs. Fred Edey is wearing one of the
beet of theeimpler satin fall gowns.
It is in rose pink satin, The skirt,
which is long, plain and close fitting,
baa a queer, irregular design of some
eight inches in depth embroidered about
the train in silver thread, pink tinsel
thread and pink chenille.
The bodice ends at the waist line in
the back and finishes in a sharp point in
, front. The satin is so draped that the
gown appears to be cut in one. The em
broidery outlines the top of the bodice
in the back, crosses it diagonally to the
front, and also forms the tiny sleeves,
which are transparent and softened with
palest pink tulle. This pink tulle al
ways outlines the top of the bodice.
Mrs. Edey wears emeralds and dia
monds with her pink frock.
Mrs. Joseph Stickney wore at the as
sembly a blue satin frock as a back
ground for her jewels. Mrs. Stickney
has a most becoming arrangement of
diamonds that she wears in her hair. It
is a mass of diamond leaves, and clasps
the hair in a Bomewhat laurel wreath
fashion, that is not only immensely be
coming, but is a welcome change from
the various conventional tiara effects
one sees.
There appears to be no respect left in
these days of change and progression
for the once cherished "family jewels''
that tradition held should be kept sacred
and intact from one generation to an
other. Women with plethoric jewel boxes
now.countthe-unsettiog and resetting
of their contents among their pet diver
sions. There is every reason why they
should, however; and something more
beautiful than all that yet has been
seemi to materialize each day in the
modern jeweler's fascinating art.
Apropos of diversions, this season will
always be associated, in the feminine
mind, with tbe establishment of two new
fads bridge whist and driving in open
traps in most kinds of weather.
The unusually mild winter is more or
less responsible for the latter craze.
Women have learned to enjoy being in
the open so thoroughly they refuse to
be closed up in a brougham by a little
rain or cold.
One frequently sees Mrs. Ogden Goe
let, Mrs. Egerton Winthrop and other
well known -womeo -tiling - calmly 4b
their victorias, with a gentle rain be
sprinkling them, to their apparent un
concern. During the cold waves even the vic
torias still crowd the avenue.
Cold waves are not becoming to fem
inine loveliness, however, and there iare
a good many red noses on parade when
the mercury falls.
Mrs. Clary Mackay iB wise in her gen
eration, and when the weather is severe
she protects her face with a white em
broidered lace veil, which completely
disguises her and leaves her free to en
joy the bracing air without feeling that
her beauty is Buffering in the eyes of
the beholder.
French women are very fond of these
white lace veils, and wear them constant
lyespecially in the morning, when they
are feeling perhaps a bit seedy or are
bo carefully coiffee as usual but for
some unknown reason white veils have
hever had any vogue over here, so Mrs.
Mackay'e appears in the light of innova
tion. It is really curious how slow we are to
adopt some fashions that the Parisien
nes go quite mad over.
r Jhb reViv'al of the vogue of sealskin
'has been one of the most pronounced
innovations of the Paris saason.
It has been used for short coats, for
capes, for trimming cloth gowns and
coats in short, it is the dernier cri in
such things, and yet only one smart coat
of sealskin haB been worn here thus far
this season, and that by Miss Evelyn
Burden, and an exceedingly smart coat
it is.
It is quite plain, depending upon the
exquisite fineness of the far to make its
effect which it unquestionably does.
It is Inng and fairly tight fitting. Miss
Burden wears with it a snuff-colored
gown and hat, and is altogether a verita
ble symphony in brown, most charming
to behold. Lady Modish in Town Topics.
iimiiiiiii lit Mini i ""
pect to open several hundred pieces (if
foreign and domestic cotton dress gooas
' from which we invite those who wish- the choi- -
f est patterns of the season to make selections.
Large assortments of fine embroideries will be
shown at thesame time.
: Manicuring, Chic Ornaments for the Coiffure, Switches,
Chevelures cleaned. Tonics, Powders, Hairpins Every
thing to make the head . and face of a pretty woman
: prettier. :::::: Telephone 38 . I
The best of everything- in the grocery line at the
Good Luck Grocery.
OTVl" .l&TfWr MOflJr O street;.
-. JEV-I. A Mi Telephone686
If you have never been to California you can Lave
no idea of how agreeably you can pass the winter there.
The weather is perfect not so warm as to be enervat
ing nor bo cold as to be uncomfortable.
If you take the Burlington Route you will reach
California three days after you leave Lincoln. No
Changes of cars are necessary.
Thro' touriBt cars for Los Angeles leave the Burl
ington station every Tuesday morning anil every Thurs
day evening.
City Ticket Office
Gor. lOtti and O Streets.
Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 25.