The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 09, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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For The Courier.
Curiosity is a trait which
is thought to belong
To the feminine gender alone ,
But that this is not so ,
was fully proved clear ,
When election returns
were made known
When Bryan so trustingly
smiled on the crowd
Who thronged him wherever he'd be,
Little thought he,
Curiosity simple and pure
Brought most, just the great man to see.
This trait more developed
may cause them to take
His paper, at least, for a year
'Twould give it a start
which is all that it needs
I doubt not will be made to appear .
v I...1
Burpee's Farm Annual for 1901.
"Quarter-Century" edition. Published
by W.Altee Burpe it Co., Philadelphia.
This is more than an ordinary Beed
catalogue. It is a comprehensive book
of 220 piges, besides four colored plates,
showing leiding varieties in vegetable
and flower seeds; bound in a beautiful
lithograph cover printed in ten colors
and gold. The book is noteworthy from
the fact that every description, even of
the standard varieties, as well as direc
tions for culture, have been entirely re
written from the most recent notes
taken at Fordhook Farm. The first six
teen pages (printed on enamel paper
with photoengravure illustrations) are
devoted chiefly to a record of progress
during the last quarter of the nine
teenth century. Three pages are de
voted to the results of contests in dif
ferent states for the Burpee Premium,
which is ottered annually at every state
and county fair.
While too costly a book to send free,
it is mailed for ten cents, together with
a lifteen cent packet of either Luther
Burbank'e Floral Novelty, or the new
dwarf Burpee "Quarter-Century" toma
to. In this way the catalogue really
cost 3 nothing, but Messrs. Burpee & Co.
publish another catalogue of ninety
pages, entitled "Seed-Sense,'" which is
mailed entirely free.
Low Rates, West and Northwest
At the time of year when thousands
will take advantage of them, the Burl
ington Route makes sweeping reduc
tions in its rates to the West and -Northwest
to Utah, Montana, Washington,
Oregon and British Columbia.
Dates: February 12, 19 and 20.
March 5, 12, 19 and 2G.
April 2, 9, 16. 23 and .TO.
Rates are shown below:
To Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena ? ,
Anaconda and Missoula J
To All Points on the Northern Pa-"
cifk Ry., west of Missoula, Indud-1
ing Spokane, Seattle, 1'acoma, $28
Portland, as well as Vancouver I
and Victoria, B.C J
To All Points on the Spokane" Falls')
& Northern Ry. and the Washing- $28
ton & Columbia River R. R J
Never has the Pacific Northwest been
so prosperous as dow. Labor is in con
stant demand and wages are high. The
money-making opportunities are beyond
number in mines, lumber, merchandis
ing, farming, fruit raising, fishing, and
all the other industries of a great and
growing country.
Literature on reque6tfree.
J. Fkancis, Gen'l Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Nebr. (3-23)
"The Village Parson," will be seen at
the Oliver theatre for one night, Mon
day, February 11th. The play ie-of in
tense human interest, true human pa
thos with the comedy characters clever
ly interwoven, throughout the five acts.
The incidents are effecting, the simple
yet absorbing theme of a woman's love,
rendered supremest in adversity.touches
a tender chord in the human heart.
That there is no villian in ''Old Jed
Prouty" heightens the interest in Rich
ard Golden'e idyl, which will be the at
traction at the Oliver theatre, Tuesday
night, when "Old Jed Prouty" and the
rest "on em'' will hold the boards. No
one can breathe with Old Jed and be a
villain. Jed's face reflects a spirit that
is self sacrficing, pure, and from his
heart an ever-bubbling spring of ten
derness Hows. In the presence of this
kindly old man, we forget our vexations,
and are quieted and charmed by the
bright influence of bis quiet content-meint
The public having clearly demonstrat
ed ita disapproval for tragedy and hav
ing shown a tendency to patronize the
more modern productions, Mr. Robert
Downing to withdraw on his entire rep
ertaire, and will be seen in an entirely
new production, "The Seventh Com
mandment." While Mr. Downing has
never attempted anything in this line of
work before, his versatility as an actor
is sufficient to carry him through the
role admirably, suited to his physique
and resonant vocal powers. There is
not a vulgar situation or line through
out the piece, and the comedy element
is well supplied by a French maid and
an Irish valet. The engagement is for
one night, Wednesday, February lUtb.
The .lo3sey Stock Company in all new
plays will be the next attraction at the
Funke, opening next Monday for a
week's engagement. Mr. Jossey baa
surrounded himself with a strictly first
claes company and gives a complete pro
duction of each of the following plays:
Under Two Flags, A Soldier's Daughter,
Sapho.Quo Vadie.The Signal of Liberty,
Moths.The Devil & Go , and the funniest
of all, The Hustler. Monday will be
.ndies free night is accompanied by a
person holding one paid reserved seat
"Wednesday afternoon a special ladies'
matinee will be given when Sapho will
be presented. Prices to this matinee,
2oc to ever one.
He Knew Her.
Mrs. Benham Of course, it's none of
my business, but
Benham But you'll make it your
business. Town'Topics.
"Is your fiance a talented man? I
suppose he is."
"Oh, my yes! You should see him
lead a cotillion." Town Topics.
"Why do you call Mr. and Mis.
Would-be-Swell ihe .Breezes?"
"You know what breezes do, don't
you?', Town Topics.
Freddie What's the difference be-Hobgen-Does
he stutter very badly? tween a portrait and a photograph, dad?; he's quite an expert Cobwigger-Sometimes a photograph
a ' looks like you. Town Topics.
Corner 13th aud P. Phono 35,
Monday, February 11.
Proprietor of "Human Hearts," "Haverly's 'Mastodon Miu-
strels,',' etc. presents
Xl'Village Parson.
A play of intense human interest; a beautiful domestic stoi v
well told, genuine romedy skilfully interwoven; admirabh
acted by a well-balanced company; elaborate special scener
for each act; the entire production complete in every detail,
the crowning- dramatic triumph.
Prices 25c to $1.00. On sale Friday.
Tuesday? Petoraairy Oo
Maine Folks Visit Nebraska Folks En
gagement of
In the best of all New England plajs
Humor and pathos, laughter and tears,
original company; splendid new proiluc
tion; the sweetest story ever told.
Every living member of the original
cast will positively appear in the roles
cieated by them.
Prices 25c to $1.00.
sale Saturday.
Wednesday? Peforaanry 13.
The Eminent Actor,
And complete company present his new comedy romance in four acts,
pe gepentommanclmenL
By Edwards Davis, IVX. A.
Prices 25c to $1.00. On sale Mondav.
Monday, Feb. 11, and All. Week
In a repertoire of all new plajB.
A Soldier's Daughter. Quo Vadiq
The Devil and Company,
Ihe Hustler.
Under Two Flags,
The Signal of Liberty,
SAPHO Special Matinee Wednesday SAPHO.
WnesdyrIatLne' 22c to every one. Night prices 10c
20c 30c and Mc.-Saturday Matinee 10c and 25c. Ses frt
Monday-usual conditions. Sale opens .Saturday morning