THE COURIER. $20 m $1;00 Omaha Weekly WorM-HaraM 1 year . $1.00 Profits in Peultry (352 Ml") 50 Orange Judd Farmer, weekly 1 year. . 1.00 Tata! $2.50 Above are the regular prices for these well known publication. For a short time the World-Herald offers all three for ONE DOLLAR, as follows: i " " " -- - - - Trfk A Al ma... ..t.. fi A M a AJ w uaoii now (uniuriDsr 10 iniumana wweBKiy nonu Herald who sends us one dollar to pay for one year's subscription we will send free of charge, postage paid, the Orange Judd Farmer for one year, and alsD a copy of "Profits in Poultry." This offer is only open till February 28th. A WONDERFUL OFFER We believe this double premium offer is the greatest ever made by any newspaper. See what you get for your dollar: ist. Weekly World-Herald--11 ,'f, la,,,td,a "wk,y- b.u,t ll !5 J lublithed in two sections-S IiaKt'S on Tuesday and pages on Friday so you get tlie news of the world twice a week, or 104 times a year. It Id illustrated with pictures. It has a humorous department, an agricultural department: it rontains poli tics, stuiies, twice a week market reports for farmers, household articles, foreign news and American news. Men, women anil children ilnd it In teresting. Regular price J1.00. 1l Profits in PnilH,lvT'iIs revised edition of a standard work u. riuuis hi ruuiixy on poultry contaIns zyi 1)ages aml i3J illustrations, including some in colors. It tells how to' make money out of chickens of all varieties, eggs, ducks, geese and turkeys; how to use incubators; how to build coops, houses and enclosures; how to prevent and cure disease. Every farmer's wife can make enough out of poultry and eggs to clothe the whole family. Regular price 50 cents. id. The Orange Judd Farmer--11 ' dignified, old estau- JU. HIC WdllgC JUUU rarmcr lished agricultural weekly of the highest standing and of large circulation. It contains about 23 pages each week and Is illustrated. Regular price $1.00. CONDITIONS OF THIS OFFER First You must send us the full dollar, as we cannot allow any com mhsion to agents or postmasters on this offer. Second You must send it on or before Febiuary 2$tli. Thiid You must help us by Fending with your letter the names and postolliee addresses of three of your neighbors who do not take the World Herald, so that we can send them sample copies. This is a trifle for you to do, and it will help us. Address us simply WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD, Omaha, Neb. IF you Wart the rveWs of tke World Written ard pictured, the finest art and the best literature, then you must read COLLIER'S WKLY America's Foremost Illustrated Journal Hall (fine's latest and greatest nooel, "Trie Eternal (itV begins soon, enfl For free copies of tbe opening chapters Address COLLIER'S VEEXLY, 555 WEST THIRTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY philosophy in the university of Nebras ka, should come to the conclusion that there was no god and that that belief was unnecessary to religion, that immor tality was a superstition and that relig ion bad no esrential connection with ethics or morality, he should be free to announce his discovery without danger of losing his position. Hut if the same teacher taught that theologies and churches are humbugs, religion a super stition, ethics and morals a curse, he should be discharged, for he is insane. Even free speech is limited to fields of investigation. So a professor in politi cal economy, jnight say, "such are the principles of government." and though they dispute accepted views and ma chine practice he should be upheld in bis "lehrfreiheit." Should he say, "all government is Prong and government in the United States must be abolished, he is too ignorant a fool to teach. There are limitations to university freedom, but they are not dictated by bigotry. As to Stanford university, I can not see where freedom of speech (of the de cree represented by Harvard or Joh jb Hopkins for instance,) was interfered with. It seems more like a rebellion against petticoat government. Here I suppose, Miss Editor you arise in your insulted dignity, but do not forget that I am the most radical advocate for the complete emancipation of women from the despotism of church, state and so ciety. As to endowed schools, I do not be lieve in them. Let the public take care of itself. The people of Nebraska do not half appreciate the glorious possibil ities of the state university. These en dowed things are nothing but self-erect ed monuments to vanity, cowardice and superstition. No one was ever given to the people, out of love for and interest in culture.. Such endowmentfl.are either monuments to vanity or margins on post-mortem dividends. Stanford is the sickliest example of the lot, a monu ment to the memory of a stripling who might, or might not have lived to be of service to humanity. It is all right for parents to love and cherish the memory of children, but these monuments to self or to a dead ancestor are disgusting. Yours for freedom of speech, for wo men as well as men and war on the cowardice that would destroy it. FRANKS. BILLINGS. Sharon, Mass. aaya Col. Chas. P. Button in the Feb ruary New Lippincott. "Judge Doug las said to me once when the talk had fallen on Henry Clay: 'How Lincoln admirea and hates that man! Do you know the reason? It is this: Back in old Whig days Lincoln, who bad sorveil his party mighty well in the state and out of it, and who was known as a rising man, went to Kentucky on a visit. While there ho called on Clay and waa beautifully snubbed. He has novor for gotten it he never will forget. Vot tho snub made not the least difference in bis party loynlty. When Clay was run ning for president, Lincoln worked for him as hard as the nuxt man; but ho did not try to help him win tho nomina tionthat would have been too much to expect'." Tho "Heart of a Child," by Josephino Dodge Daskam. which opens the Feb ruary number of McCIure's magazine, is a story of unusual and profound in terest. In it breathes a charm of a ton derest sympathy, and that sympathy is interpreted by consummate art. Tho heart of a child, a heart eager, and thril ling, brimming with the vagaries' or jostling dreams, tho heart is laid bare before ub and we gain glimpses of all the wonderful life in it. Vet tho revela tion is made with gentlenesp, with fond ness such that the author's analytical r-kill is masked. The story is realistic in the best sense; its theme is boautiful, and the beautiful truth is beautifully told. It is a far cry from the heart of a child to Richard Croker. Nevertheless. William Allen White, in a character study of Tammany's ruler, insists on a certain childlike simplicity in the na ture of this political "boss." The arti cle is written with that brilliancy which distinguishes the author, and its effect is to explain something of the mystery in Croker'a power over his fellojVB. The transition seems less violent when we pass from Croker to the "World of Graft," by Josiah Flynt. This unique writer is the only one who, by right of personal experience, may be justly re garded as the voice of the under-world. In his pretent article he considers the criminal conditions of Chicago from the view-point of the criminals themselves. The contribution is curiously entertain ing, while it is, too, a sociological Btudy of value. LITERARY NOTES. The Test of Wit. "The only way, therefore, to try a piece of wit is to translate it into a dif ferent language," wrote Addion in the Spectator for .May 10th, 1711. "If it bears the test, you may pronounce it true; but if it vanishes in the experi ment, you may conclude it to have been a pun." Unfortunately for Addison's stricture, however, some of the most un doubted puns have not only been trans slated into a foreign language, but have been doubly witty through the transla tion. Some years ago the assistant editor of the Levant Herald, the Constantino ple journal, celebrated by Mark Twain in the "Innocents Abroad," was a Mr. Percy .Pinkerton, a young man of con siderable culture and something of a poet. In the course of time he was suc ceeded by a gentleman by the name of Pinter, clever but still commonplace, of whom it was wittily said that "il Man quait le ton.' New Lippincott for February. Spoiled children are not the children of self-sacrih'ce, but of selfishness and cowardice- the selfishness which seeks the easiest way; the cowardice which shrinks from facing dangers thereby en gendered. February Ladies' Home Journal. No sensible girl dreads a single life. Old maid, as a phrase, has dropped from the common vacabulary. The spinster has her honored place in the community and is as useful, as happy and as com fortably Bituated as ber married sister. February Ladies Home Journal. Love your children and they will love you in spite of all your shortcomings; keep faith with them and they will keep faith with you; treat them courteously and they will be courteous; maintain high ideals and they will follow them; make them the centre of your life and they will make you the centre of their lives. Caroline Leslie Field in the Feb ruary Ladies' Home Journal. Lincoln's Attitude towards Henry day. "I think Lincoln spoke truth in say ing he had neither friend to reward nor enemies to punish, but, after all, be wns very human, keenly sensitive to Blights." Both my mother and I can see now as we look back that she was too anxious that we should always do right in every small detail; she tried too hard to 6hield ua from the consequences of our own ignorance and persistency. It would have been better, I think, if she had given us a Httlo more liberty even to .Ml j 'Jl r j t'fl n to'. ! i fe