The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Image 8

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tttfe COURIER.
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Now is' the time
oro BUY
We are having- our
Cycle Photographs
Athletic Photographs
Photographs of Babies 4
Photographs of Groups 4
Exterior Views
123 Sbuf A Ele'tenth Street.
A complete tile of "The Courier" is
kept in an absolctkly FiBErnoop build
ing. Another file is kept in this office
and etill another has been deposited
elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal
xotices in "The Courier" with security
as the files are intact and are pre
served from year to year with great
ft Extract from
Her fetter:
"If jou could only be here this
winter morning and see for your
self you would no longer doubt
me. Roses are blooming in our
front yard and all nature is as far
advanced in this lovely American
summerland as it will be in your
cold eastern home by June.
"We made the journey from
Missouri River to the Golden Gate
on the Union Pacific to avoid the
circuitous routes an important
item in the winter. A trip to Cal
ifornia is made delightful by the
perfect service and luxurious ac
commodation of 'The Overland
Limited which is perhaps the
most finely equipped train in the
Detailed Information Furnished
on application.
JEJ. B. Sloaaon,
223 Aeent.
wftCe ' MMMW(s
(First Pub., Feb ,24
Noliceto Creditors. E J507.
' Comity court, Lancaster county, Neraska, In
re estate of Gena Leonard deceased.
Ihe creditors or said estate will take notice
,that the time limited for presentation of claims
against said estate is September 2. 1001, and
Jorpavment of debts Is March 1, 19ft!; that'I
will slt'at the county court room In said county
.on June 1, 1M)1, and on September 2, 1901. to
receive, examine, adjust and allow all claims
"duly Bled. Notice whereor Is ordered published
four consecutive weeks in The Courier of Lin
coln. Nebraska.
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
January 29, 1901.
Iseau Fkaxk E. Waters,
County Judge.
Dy Walteii A. Leese, Clerk County Court.
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, Jr., for some time.
General Lee returned from his tour
or inspection last Sunday. Be was ac
companied by bis daughters and Major
Michieand their trip extended frost
Leavenworth and Riley to Sill and Reso
The Excelsior.
A Buffalo Wedding-
The following; clipping from the Buf
falo Courier may be of interest to our
readers, inasmuch as Miss Baird is a
niece of Captain and Mrs. C. A. Baird
and cousin of Mrs. A. S. Ramond of
this city:
The largest and most brilliant wed
ding of the mid-winter was celebrated
Isst evening at the First Presbyterian
church, the Circle, when Hiss Faih
Baird, daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Baird,
was united in marriage to Mr. William
Waldo Cameron of Waco, Texas. At the
first strains of the Lohengrin wedding
march, the bridal party entered, the
ushers, Mr. Samuel H. Baird of Buffalo
ani Mr. Arthur S. Raymond of Lincoln,
Mr. Manniog Shannon of Dallas, Texas
Mr. Edwin H. Bolton and Mr. Leigh
Elliott of Cleveland, Lieutenant Casper
Conrad of Washington, Mr. Chester
Baird of Philadelphia, Mr. Frank Potter
and Mr. Everett Mason of Buffalo, com
ing first, followed by the btidesmaids,
Miss Helen Steece of Ironton, Ohio,
Mies Clara Le Fevre, Miss Genevieve
Bingston, Miss Olive Carrier, Miss Au
gusta Lautz and MiaaMay Huddiestone.
The bride, who entered with her
brother, Mr. Frank B. Baird, who gave
her in marriage, was preceded by the
maid of honor, Miss Margaret Cameron
of Waco, Texas. The bridegroom and
his beet man, Mr. Walter Lacey of Waco,
Texas! met the bride at the chancel,
where the Rev. Samuel S. Mitchell per
formed the ceremony The chancel was
banked with handsome palms and ar
ranged with clusters of Annunciation
lilies. Clusters of the same flower were
festooned to the pews and broad white
satin ribbon was used for the aisle. The
bride wore a gown of white satin. The
skirt, entraine, was draped about the
hem with white chiffon, which was ar
rangtd at one side, forming a panel ef
fect. The lowcut bodice was filled in
with shirring of white chiffon and
draped with a bertha of duchess lace,
caught with clasps of pearls. Ber flow
ing tulle veil was fastened with orange
blossoms and a diamond heart-shaped
pin, the bridegroom's gift. She carried
a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley.
Miss Cameron, the maid of honor, was
gowned in white crepe de chine. The
skirt was finished at the bottom with an
accordion pleated flounce, edged with
shirring of gauze libbon. Above the
deep flounce, bands of lace applique
were let in and the low cut bodice was
draped with white chiffon, fastened on
the shoulder with a rosette of gauze
ribbon. A half wreath of white rose
buds was worn n the hair and she
carried Easter . lilies. The maids were
gowned alike in white point d'sprit over
taffeta, elaborately garnished with lace
and gauze ribbons. They wore court
veils,.caught to the coiffure with os
trich tips, and carried Easter lilies, tied
with gauze ribbon. Immediately after
the ceremony a largely attended recep
tion was held at the home of the bride's
mother in Delaware avenue. Here the
decorations were unusually beautiful.
In the reception room, where the bride
and bridegroom received congratula
tions, standing before a bank of palms,
the mantel was banked with maiden
hair ferns and studded with brideemaid'a
roses and on a pedestal at the right of
the receiving line a large bunch of Eas
ter lilies was arranged Mrs. J. M. Baird,
Mrs. William Cameron, Mrs. F. B.
Baird and Mr. Arthur Raymond were in
the receiving party. Mrs. Baird wore a
hanJBcme toilette of black velvet, garn
ished with point lace and diamonds and
Mrs. Cameron was attired in a rich
gown of black velvet, appJiqued with
black-rows. Mrs. Frank B Baird wore
her wedding gown of white atiB. The
music room was prettily gtraiaiwd with
white rotes and.ferca, and in the library
American beauty rose jrereeffectively
used. The mantel in the .reception hall
was banked with pink primrose and
the stairway outlined with, soathern
smilax. The doorway, feetooned with
asparagus vines caught with lQieaaad
American -beauty rosea. The veraadaa
were enclosed and arranged with Ori
ental rugs and hangings. Meeicieee
were stationed in the reception hall. In
a large marquee on the lawn refresh
ments were served. The bridal table of
twenty covers was beautifully decorated
with Annunciation lilies and candelabra
with dainty pink shades. The guests
were Ber red at small tables, each of
which was graced with a bunch of pink
roses After a wedding journey, which
includes New York. Boeton and Wash
ington,'"Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will re
side in Waco, Texas, being at home after
February 1, at No. 1223 Austin, avenue.
. Of the many pre-cuptial luncheons
given for Mies Baird, the one given at
the Elliott club was especially beauti
ful. Particular attention was given to
the decorations of the dining room. In
the rear of the dining room was a brick
wall effect, covered with vines and
flowers, through which were peeping
myriads of tiny electric lights. At the
other end of the dining room was a min
iature electrical building, fac eimiie of
the one being built for the Pan-American
Exposition. The table was in the
form of a cross, and the decorations
were marvels of beauty. In the centre
of the table was a large cake, surmount
ed with a "Buffalo," over which was
suspended a ''lone star.1' The plate
cards were sxall Gibson pictures. Cov
ers were laid for thirty.
Something Jew
fbi Qiris and go
DURING the past year "St. Nicholas" maga
xine. which hs been for nearly thirty years
the leading children's monthly magazino of thr
world (and tow the only on). has introduced
several-new departments which have been ex
tremely attractive and hare greatly increase!
the circulation. One of these is
'Don't bother me I'm too bus;" is too often
theremartfrom grown-up person to a child
who really wants to know. The editor of "Xa
tare mad Science" giTea careful attention to
ereiy qactioo asked by bis yemnc readers, and
-We ill write to.'St. Sicholas' about it ha
becona he zsntto of the department, which
cnatsiB&interrstiac short articles, beautifully
UlBStrated. . tetliac of four footed animals,
birds, resects, water animals, plants and what
ever pertains to nature.
i an organization of those who read the maga
zine twbethersuhscribars ornot ). without dues,
and it offers prizes each month for the bc-t
drawings, photographs, poems, stories, puzzle?
and puzzle answers, come of the work sent in
by young folks shows remarkable talent.
No one who does not see "M. Nicholas" can
realize what ari interesting magazine it is. anil
bow exquisitely it is illustrated; it is a sur
prise to young and old. Of literature it con
tains the 1 hoieest, and in art. it has ne'er bpcu
surpassed by any grown folks' periodical. The
new Tolume begins with November, 190 1. and
the subscription price is 13.00 a year. If then
are children in your home, you can Iianilj
afford to be without it.
who read this advertisement and who wish to
find ont more about The St. Nicholas League
and its system of monthly prizes may addre?.
witbout cost. The St. Nicholas League, Union
Bqnare. New York.
The Century Co., Union Square, N. Y.
After February 28 all delinquent sucscrip
tions due January first, J90J, will be one
dollar and a half. One dollar is the cash
price. After the date specified all subscribers
delinquent two months or more on 1891
subscriptions will be charged a dollar and
Editor Courier:
The position of the Stanford univer
sity rebels, is a protest against the in
terference and influence of an ignorant
(in the scientific sense) and emotional
woman rather than a strike for lehrfrei
heit. As to freedom of teachers, en
dowed institutions, permit more than
state institutions, because the larger
and older schools have been gradupted
from the kindergarten class and long
ago cast off the political and theological
swaddling clothes which still retard
freedom of movement in state institu
tions. There is incomparably mora
freedom at Harvard than at the state
agricultural school of Massachusetts, or
in our public schools. Whether you
like it or not, you can not deny that
church and politics are dead weight on
Btate institutions and that the standard
of fitness is mediocre respectability
rather than intellectuality which is gen
erally considered disreputable. Being a
disreputable of disreputable?, defiant of
ail post hoc considerations, free from
piety, a hater of sham and despising re
spectability, I am a defender of unlim
ited freedom of speech in public institu
tions. Commercialism is the' greatest
advecate of freedom, free speech compe
tition etc. Free competition in the
business world is what free expression is
.to teachers. What 6ort of a man is it,
.that wants protection and fears compe
tition? The world would lag behind its
present accomplishment, if free speech
had been squelched, when Galileo an
nounced his conclusions, one man dgainst
the world. We now condemn the world
as it was then and build monuments to
Galileo. See our own vindictiven'ees to the
modern Galileoe and Darwins! Only now,
there are more thinkers and more, and
larger means of discussion. The weeds
of ignorance are cleared away from truth
more rapidly.
As to lehrf reiheit, if the professor of
The Century
"The Leading Periodical of the World"
'Will TfcdcalEO 1901
BESIDES a great program of illus
trated articles, a superb panorama
of the Rhine John B.tch Mcto aster's
group of articles on Daniel Webster,
color-pictures, etc., etc., The CenUm
will present, beginning with November,
1900, the first issue of the new volume,
Short Novels and Complete Stories by :
F. Anstey, Mrs. Burnett, George W. Cable,
Winston Churchill; Edwin Asa Dix, Ham
Mm Garland David Gray, Joel Chandler
Harris, Bret Harte, W. D. Howells, Henry
James, Sarah Orne Jewett, Rudyard Ktp
Kng, Ian Maclaren, S. Weir Mitchell,
Thomas Nelson Page, Bertha Runkle,
Flora Annie Steele, Frank R. Stockton,
Ruth McEnery Stuart, Gen. Lew Wallace,
ClesDudky Warner, E. Stuart Phelps
Ward, Mary E.Wilkins.
A great novel, full of life, adventure, and
action, the scene laid in France 300
years ago, began in the August, 1000.
Century, and will continue for several
months in 1901. Critics everywhere are
enthusiastic over the opening chapters
of this remarkable story. '-The author's
name is apparently established with this,
her maiden effort," sayB the Boston
Tmscript. The Critic calls it "A re
markable performance."
"FRlBS. New Subscribers to The
Century Magazine who begin with the
number for November, 1900, will recnivo
free of charge the three previous num
bers, August, September and. October,
containing the first chapters of "Tho
Helmet of Navare," or, if those num
bers are entirely exhausted at the timo
of subsenhing. they will receive a pam
Pmet containiog all of the chapters or
Tub Helmet of Navarre" contained in
the three numbers.
Ak for the free numbers when sub
scribing. W.OOayear.
The Century Co., Union Square, New York
is. .'
ml s .