The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Grey Cowgill, master of ceremonies.
Messrs. H. C. Crandall, J, H. Longley,
J. C. Leslie. I. G. Horn, J. H. Rail, A.
K. Barnes, II H. Culver, O. M. Ander
son, C. H. Abbott, P. Nelson, E. Swain;
Misses Ella West, Winnifred Bonnell,
Mabel Haea, Kathryn Thomas, Gert
rude Macomber and Bessie Reeves. Tbe
parly was chaperoned by Chancellor
and Mrs. Andrews, Profeesor and Mrs.
Barbour, Professor and Mrs. Fling, Pro
lessor and Mrs. Fossler, Mr. and Mrs.
G V. Lacey. There were seventy five
couples of dancers.
Mr. Albert Lavy gave a large dancing
party on Saturday evening. The Misses
Kelner assisted in entertaining the
guests who were: Misses Harriet Hut
ton, Camilla Hall, Suie Wallace, Minnie
Sweezey, Ethel Field, Flossie Eiford,
EJith Burlingim, Ruth Bell, Ethel
Ames, Nellie Ludden, Carrie Ludden,
Inez Everett, Luella Lansing, Maybelle
Sears, Ethel Jones, Jessio Newmark,
Freda Schlesinger, Gertrude Friend,
Anne Nefsky, Rose Spier, Mae Arpnson,
Bertha Davis, Emily Bowers; Messrs.
Harry Wharton, Mason Wheeler, Julius
Weil, Bud Berkson, Jim Hickey, George
Masshart, Leonard Cline, Cbarle- Park
er, Frank Phillips, Howard MrNay,
Clark Frazer, Charies Sawyer, LeRoy
Ludden, Clarence Johnsou, Frank J ho
son. Carl Stein, Ralph Hutton, Harry
Hartley, Edwin Guthrie, Cbanes Math
owron, Fred White, George Woods,
Riwland Uushuell, Ardue Sears, Harry
Rivett and Burt Griggs.
Vice-President and Mrs. Roosevelt
have taken the Bellamy-Storei bouse in
Washington, a small house on the cor
ner of Rhode Island avenue and Seven
teenth street, occupied during Mr.
Cleveland's administration by Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Butler Olney. Mrs. Bella-my-Storer.
tho investor and manufac
turer of Rjkewood pottery is a collector
of rare china and of all sorts of relics,
In one of the drawing rooms there is a
massive china carcopbagus and in an
other a palanquin or sedan chair. The
rooms are small but can be thrown to
gether. By the ingenuity of former ten
ants the sarcophagus has been convert
ed into a plant stand but the palanquin
resists the decorative impulse. If
draped it looks like a spiritualist's cabi
net. Undraped it it a conspicuous curi
osi'y and a relic that pttracts too much
attention for drawing-room convention.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Usher gave a six
handed euchre party Saturday evening
in honor of tbeir guest, Miss Wilson of
Chicago. Prizes were won by Misses
Howland, Gunzel, Mrs. Smith and Dr.
Helms. Invitations were extended to
Messrs. and Mesdames Hurd, Stevenp,
Guenzel, Oscar Junge, Munon, Harvey;
Misses Risser, Anna Howland, He len
Howland, Clara Leese, Fay Ewing, Lili
an Peters, Cora Ingles; Messrs. Mar ay,
EJmisten, "North, Vaughan, Will How
land. C. Y smith, La Rue Brown, Pat
terson and Dr. Helms.
Miss Auld gave a small dance to
Delta Delta Delta and Sigma Chi on
B Tuesday evening. The Auld home WdB
exquisitely decorated in red and green.
Cjuutless red candles gave tne restive
air of celebration, which is a peculiar
attribute of candles, Te-adopted into
favor after Ion? years of lamps, gas and
electric light reign. At eleven o'clock a
five course supper was served by Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Auld, Miss Florence Roth
and Miss Alice Auld. Tno men found
their partners for supper by matjhing
chic pen and ink sketches. Fancy Ger
man favor caps were given as souvenirs
aud worn during the remainder of the
evening: The guests wore dr. and Mrs.
Manahan, Misses Poynter, Miller, Falls,
Hazlett, Bonnell, Winifred Bonnell,
Macken, Vady, Gund, Koehler, Du Del,
Lummery, Davenport, Loomis, Abbott,
Ames, Roberts, Geer, Murphy, Frankish;
Messrs. Stuhr, Stetson, Howe, Rainey,
Gartner, Ewart, Pease, Fitzgerald, Van
Burg, Wehn, Hawkswortb, Lindis,
Hanson, Swartz, Sexton, Montgomery,
Shaw, Arende, Fonarthy, Auld.
The sixth hop was held by the Sans
Souci club on Tuesday night in Walsh
hall Tha dancers were Messrs. and
Mesdames Jerrett, Halley, Carpender,
and Mead; Misses Chambers, Anthony;
Joers, Biltgen, Gregory, Herrick, Clin
ton, Wilson, l.eese, Erford, Biach, Mc
Kay, Thorpe, Meyers: Me&srj. Woodruff.
Painter, Morse, Anderson, Evans, Haw
ley, Chambers. Patterson, Doettcher,
Swain, Mercer, Duckey, Beakman.
Mrs. A.E Kennard entertained the L..
A. Kensington Monday afternoon. Her
guests' knowledge of history was tested
by questions concerning Queen Vic
toria's life. Mesdames Van Brunt, Jones,
Billmeyer, Humphrey, Davis, Campbell,
Pitcher, Wilkinson, Chapm, Albert
Davis and Latshaw passed in some very
good examination papers.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sine entertained
the Monday Night club on Monday eve
ning. Those present were Dr. and Mrs,
Cioebeer. Dr. and Mrs. Hill, Meesrp.
and Mesdames Garoutte, Hihner, Whit
ing, Clinker. Lindeey, Hutchins, W. J.
Turner; MrB. G. W. libbetts of Hast
ings and Miss Withrow of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner will give
a card party Friday evening, February
8th, and on the afternoon of the 9 h
Mrs. Turner will entertain a company of
ladies at cards.
Mrs. Elias Baker gave a twelve o'clock
breakfast yesterday for Mrs. George E.
Shipman of Chicago. The table linen
was embroidered in yellow, the same
tint was used in the viands and the Mor
al decorations were frisias and ferns.
The guests were: Mesdames Shipman,
Barbour, Holyoke, Holyoke, Kimb II,
Chapin, Casebeer, Witter and Misa
Judge and Mrs. A. W. Field gave a
card party last Saturday euening to
Messrs. and Mesdames Aitken, Wright,
Burr, Ackermann, Guthrie, Morrill,
Moore, Munger, Phillips Rudge, Fling,
Stearns, Stonebraker, Barbour, Fitz
gerald, Tibbette; Mrs. Tibbetts of Hast
ings and Mrs Shipman of Chicago. Six
handed euchre was played.
Mrs. Adna Dobson entertained the
E.E.D.kensington on Wednesday. A
pleasant feature of the afternoon was
the presentation of a handsome picture
to Mrs. McGreer, a member whose re
moval from the city later in the week
was greatly regretted by the other mem
bers of the club. Light refreshments
were served by the hostess.
Mrs. Arden Chapman and Mrs. Van
derpool invited a few friends last Sit
urday to a linen shower for Mits Arm
strong whose wedding occurred on Wed
nesday. Beta Theta Pi gave an informal party
Saturday evening. The guests were:
Misses Agnes Bennett, Mabel Bennett,
Andrews, Thomas, Burruss, Douglas
McPbeely, Wirt, Chapin, Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Lindlay enter
tained La Veta whist club Tuesday eve
ning. Messrs. and Mesdames. Field,
Bogge, Bogge, Weir, Waugb, Davis,
Gililan, 1MI, Hallett; Misses Bogge,
Caffyn and Jennie Bell were present.
Mrs. W. M. Leonard entertained Les
B ibemiennes Tuesday at a luncheon.
Mrs. A. G. Beeson and Mrs. Ed Baum
came from Omaha to attend the
Vegas, N.M., and San Diego, California.
They will be absent for two months or
Married at Galesburg Ills. January 1G
Miss Bax daughter of Captain Bax of
Lincoln to Joseph W. French of Mnne
apolte, Minn.
Professor E. A. Ross, late of Stanford,
has gone into residence and will begin
to lecture on the truths of sociology next
Mrs. U. P. Eames has been in Chi
cago for a fortnight. She returned
from her pleasant and musically profita
ble fortnight last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Stonebraker have
gone to Morris. Ids., to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. Stonebraker's father.
Mr. and Mrs George Scbwake enter
tained tbeir neighborhood club Thurs
day evening. Crokinole was played and
light refreshments were served.
Misses Mayer and Strycker entertain
ed the Unity club on Wednesday eve
ning at tbe home of Mrs. Charles Mayer
Prizes were wou by Mrs. Weil and Mr.
The latest in Stationery, Invitation,
Menu and Talley Cards at Wilson &
Hall, 1123 O street.
Mrs. C E. Rawick will give a Ken
sington on Monday, February 4th.
Mrs. Withrow of Omaha is the guest
of Mrs. L. P. Sine.
The Ba'ttenberg club met Friday af
ternoon with Mrs. S. S. Whiting. .De
spite tb- rain there were only a few of
the members absent.
Valentines, the prettiest and neatest,
at Wilson & nail, 1123 O street.
Died on Monday January 28, Mrs.
Laura L. Riggs, at the home of her son
J. E. Riggs 1200 L street. Mrs. Riggs
was born at Knigbtstown, Indiana, in
18.18. For many years she has been a
resident of Lincoln. She was a devoted
member of the Methodist church. Her
two sons, J. E. Riggs and Dr. B. C.
Riggs were at her bedside when she
passed away.
Died in Denver on Saturday January
26, Mrs. Jane Bignell, mother of Super
intendent Bignell. Tbe body was
brought to Lincoln and buried in Wy uka
cemetery. Tbe pall-bearers were Eng
lish friends of Mr6. Bignell
Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th & O.
Mrs. Paul Holm, ber mother, Mrs.
Smith of De Kalb, Ills., and her little
daughter Marie, left this week for Las
Omaha Notes.
The cotillion Thursday night at Met
ropolitan hall never lagged for a mom
ent but went with a rush from begin
ning to end, thanks to tbe spirited way
in which it was led by Messrs. Sam
Burns, Haskell, Dwight Swobe and Will
Burns. Four leaders made the work
easier and kept everything moving
quickly and smoothly. Mrs. Hull and
Dr. Lyman gave out the favors which
were ery pretty, the teapots for the
girls being especially appreciated. There
were also tiny golf bags, bunches of
violets and plaster plaques for the girls
and tov tennis racquets, footballs, pins
and violet boutonnieres for the men.
Some of the indirect figures were fun
for every one but one or two, who hap
pened to be it. In one, the hall was
darkened partially and as the men stood
in a row at one end, tbeir backs turned,
while a line of girls with a lay figure in
tbeir midst borrowed from one of the
shops for tho occassion and dressed in
sorao of Mrs. Lyman's good clothes ad
vanced toward tho men and stopped
just behind them, tho dummy boing
pushed along with the rest. At a sig
nal the men turned and danced with
whoever was behind them. one. of
course, drawing tho dummy, which at
first glance in the dim light was to all
appearances a very smiling and willing
partner, until ha put an arm about her
wooden waist preparatory to gliding off
in the mazy whirl. Another figure was
the tying together of the men's feot so
that they could only reach tho lady of
their choice by a series of wild hops and
jumps with a chance of losiug htr if tho
next man got there first. A prety fig
ure was the butterfly one, in which tho
girls carried butterflies over their shoul
ders on the bud of a long, slender wav
ing twig, while tho men tried to catch
them with nets and when successful
they danced with tbe girl whose butter
fly was enmeshed. The last figuro of
tbe evening was a snowball ono, a bas
ket on wbeeles being brought in filled
with fluffy cotton balls, to which each
dancer helped himself and immediately
the pelting began and in a moment it
waB like dancing in a snow drift and tho
strains of Home Sweet Home warned
the dancers that the cotillion was over.
Supper was served about half past
eleven, when a new arrangement was
introduced by which all tho guests sat
down at two long parallel tables ad
ding greatly to tbe sociability and en
joyment of the supper.
Miss Mount returned on Wednesday
from a ten days' stay in Chicago.
Metropolitan hall never looked prettier
or gayer than Wedneeday evening, when
Mr. and Mrs. Paxton entertained there
in honor of their son, and bis wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Paxton, Jr. Southern
smilax draped the entrance to the hall
and continued in a border around the
entire room, while between all the win
dows hung gorgeous Navajo and ser
rape blankets and Oriental rugs, mak
ing tbe place look brighter and coier
tian usual. Dimmick's full orchestra
was hidden behind a wall of palms at
the end of the hall and in one corner a
small soda water fountain almost dis
guised by palms and a huge bunch of
carnations, did tbe work of the custom
ary punch table, giving the dancers the
choice of half a dozen flavors. Mr. and
Mrs. Paxton and Mr. and Mrs. William
Paxton, Jr., received at tbe right of the
entrance in a corner artistically arrang
ed with rugs, divans and a screen with
palms on every side and a table that
held a great jar of American Beauties,
which were regally beautiful Mrs.
Paxton wore a handsome gown of black
lace over satin and point lace revers on
the bodice. Her daughter-in-law was
in a white Batten berg lace robe over
chiffon and silk a most exquisite toilet.
The room was crowded early in the eve
ning, but later those who did not dance
left it to the younger and more enthusi
astic guests. Supper was served all the
evening in the supper room of the club
where the table was banked in the cen
tre with pink roses and lighted with half
a dozen rose shaded candelabra.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick returned
last Friday a week ago from their wed
ding trip and spent several days at
"Happy Hollow," leaving Monday for
Nickerson, Nebr.
Mrs. Sarah Marshall of Lincoln, ar
rived Saturday to be with her daughter,