The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
Jffico 61S
.1 Office. Zehron Block )9tol0m
Dr. Benj. F. Bailey mmm .hK8S
Ereningf , by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
I Dr. J.B. Trickey,
j Refractionist only
19 ti
9 to 12 a. m
Office, 1035 O street.
I , . .. ,. n Office, room 28, 27 and 1
Office raoALOUiS N. WenteD.D.S.i Brownell Block, 137-
I ( so 11th street. l
f.. , I Office orer Harley'a )
Oliver Johnson, D.D. S. -j 08tgtet
I UOfc 0 SYR., PttOHE 05,
jggjlgi jjgj
ONE 38.
made to
order. A
line of
Furs al
ways o n
hand. All
Seal Cloaks remodeled, re
dyed and made into the latest
143 South 12tla St.
lis R. 14.111 gt.
A. Fixie Urine
Burlap, guchram, Room
S LUNCHES that will suit the most fastidious
2 given at the
316 South 1 2 tlx Street.
... Perfection ...
Absolute perfection is often
claimed for shoes that are
simply stylish. Shoes that are
plenty stylish enough when
new often lack durability and
comfort. All nur srinpc nrp
MKKTMMl g00dt The higher priced ones
JT niBwIWH are absolutely perfect ineverv
detail. The cheaper ones, of
course, can not be.
W nen you come to us you get what you pay for and you
know what you get. A discount on all leather goods this
11SO O Street.
""Vlr iff i
Married, at the home of the bride's Hardy. Risser, Franck, Pound, Pound,
parents, Mr. and Mra. C.E. ArmstroDg, Stella Kirker, Hallett, Rice, Towne, Mil.
Miss Winnifred Mav Armstrong to Mr,
Lfon Bert De Mange, on Wednesday
evening at balf after eigbt. The mar.
riage service was performed by Dr.
Fletcher L. Whiirton of St Paul church
Misa Irene Hunt played the Lohengrin
wedding march as the bridal party en
tered the drawing room and Mendels
sohn's march at the conclusion of the
ler.Daan, Lindlay,
Heaton, Burr and
On Thursday afternoan Mrs. Angio P.
Newman was hostess to a large number
of ladies who gathered at her hospitable
home to listen to a talk on the Passion
Play at Oberammergau, given by Dr
Ruth Woods, whose privilege it was to
witness the play last summer. The per-
service. The ceremony was performed formance ha6 been gjven every decad
under an umbrella of white roses which
hung in the centre of an arch of palmB.
White roses shaded the lights and were
massed on the mantel. The bride's
gown was of light gray cloth which con
trasted well with her dark hair. The
waist had a full vest of crepo de chine
and tigaro jacket of white velvet, em
broidered with green and gold. The
skirt was entrain and trimmed with
gray mirrored velvet ana cnincnuia.
The bridal bouquet was of white roses.
Mrs. George Vanderpool was matron of
honor. She wore her wedding gown of
white Swiss mull and wore white roses
in her hair. The large house was elab
orately decorated. Masses of yellow
roses in the library rivaled the gorgeous
American Beauties which bad taken
for two hundred and eighty-six jears
with no intermission and only one post
ponement of a year during the Franco
Russian war. It was first given on top
of a mountain peak which over looks the
little village and was given crudely with
the simple costumes and limited means
then possessed, now its piesentation is
as nearly perfect as may be. A large
building with an amphitheatre seating
five thousand people and a stage which
will accommodate two thousand, was
erected in 1899 and was used for the tirst
time during the exposition summer.
Dr. Woods described the play accurately
aid tenderly carrying with her constant
ly the interest and sympathy of her
listeners. Previous to the talk Miss
DjIpd nlavncl wir.hrvir, aceomnaniment a
possession or the dining room on the one Romance by Rubinstein and in response
Ride, and dainty white lillies and blush- t Th Bee bv Schubert. u
ing carnations in the sitting room on the dof 0r. Woods' talk Miss Dales
the pthet side. Thftshades and candles gain appeared and plaed Rom!1Dco by
corresponded with the color scheme in WJeniawBki) and aB an encore, The Last
the various rooms. The pohshed top of RoBe of Summer. Mrs. Newman invited
the dining table was covered with Bat- the guests to meet Dr. Woods after the
tenberg where the refreshments were Bntnrtn:nmnnt nnA .inn tn o t rho din-
served by MesdamesGeorgeVanderpool, .Dg tQQm wherfl refreshmeDt8 were 8erv.
ed by Mesdamea I. M. Raymond and
Arden Chapman, Misses Mabel Barrick,
Irene Hunt and Edith Erford. Mrs. A.
H. Armstrong directed the guests to
the dining room. Many lovely presents
were bestowed upon the bride. The
wedding guests were: Doctor and Mrs.
Wharton, Messrs. and Mesdamee A. H.
Tilton, assisted by Misses Cowdery
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Frank K.
Lahr gavn a large and successrul ken
smgton. The ho3tess' little daughter,
Armstrong, Howe, Vanderpool, Chap- Miss Ruth Lahr, played on the piano for
man, Hotaling, Ayres, Violet, McNichol,
Summerlad, W. J. Lamb, J. M. Jaques,
Boney, Ransom, McCain, Sprong and
F. A. Tucker of Omaha; Mesdamee
Mansfield and Doyle; Misses Barrick,
Erford, Hunt, Howland, Clinton; Dr.
Paine, Dr. Shoemaker. Messrs. Evans, dames Phillips, Welch, Wallace,
Woodward, De Putron, Ewing, Hal
stead and L. F. Rohde of State Centre,
Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. De Mange have
gone to State Centre where they will
This afternoon Mrs. Lahr will give a
large card party. Mra. Ames, Misses
Stella Kirker and Georgia Field will as
sist the hostess. Six handed euchre
will be played and royal, consolation and Chambers, Howell, Wells. Weir, A.M.
shouting prizes will be given. The Davis, Newman, Pace, Tibbetts. A. S
guests will be: Mesdamee Kellogg, Hal- Raymond and Wheeler.
lett, Mayer, Mayer, Richards, Scofield,
Holyoke,Holoke, Nance, Winnett, Van M,BB Carson entertained the active
Brunt, Hill, Tibbetts, Seacrest, Harp- Dd aIumiae members of Kappa Alpha
ham, Harpbam, B ackburn, Harris, Wil- The'a 'day afternoon. Each guet
was asaea 10 comriDUie ner speciaii
for the entertainment of the othera. V
ballot was taken and the majority de
cided in favor of Miss Marie Crounee s
the entertainment of the guests and the
silvery tone of a music box was beard
above the gay chatter of the guests. A
four course luncheon was served. Mrs.
Lahr was assisted by Mesdames Field
and Grubbs. Those present were: Mes-
V. A.
Brown, Sawyer, Wharton, Stout, Stein,
Stewart, Rieger, Watkins, Seacrest. Ris
ser, Morrill, Bessey, Burkett, Cox, Bar-b-r,
Schwak, D.ibbins, McMurtry, Mc
Creery, Garten, Steckley. Hall, Fuller
ton, Bennett, Kirker, Hallett, Brown,
Howard, Rice, Hartley, Paiker, Hi'l
Babcock, Plummer, Reese, Stevenson,
Bushnell, Hodgman. Harwood, Lindlay,
Heaton, Turner, Hathaway, Slater, Polk.
kinnoD, Arnett, Taylor, George Risaer,
Fitzgerald, W. C. Phillips, Johnson,
Jones, Dorr, Thomas, Winger, Acker-
man, Newmark, Pound, Pound, Spears,
Friend, Field, Grubbs, Foster, Castor, violin 8olo and M'BB Ruth Macfarland a
Bobbins, Atwood, Guenzel. Davis, Cran-
dall. Crandall, Bigger, Welch, Fawell,
Stoney, Kimball, Raymond, Finney,
Schuckman, Weil, Kudge, Mullen, Ken
nard, Eames, Garoutte, Oasebeer, Fol
s m, Rickette, Pitcher Moore, Baker,
Butler, Lee, Stiles, Chapio, Burr. Ush
er, Rosenbaum, Jancen, Woods, Woods, sure to be. The committee was compos
Teeters; Misses Mayer, Nance, Hawley, ed of Messrs. R. B. Adams, chairman
clog dance, so the prizes were awarded
to these two ladies. Light refreshments
were served.
The annual serenade by the Junic
class of the State university was giver.
last night at the Lincoln hotel and was :i
brilliant affair as these functions ar