The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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UV MASTHa pierce.
For The Courier
Hearing a familiar obout one morning
early in May, Mrs. Lee stepped out on
the back porch. There was indeed the
same shabby pony, but the boy who
rode him! At sight of him she threw
up her hands. "Who is this?-' she
cried. "Do I know this boy?"
Alfred grinned from ear to ear. His
face newly polished with laundry soap,
Ehone like mahogany.
"I'm a diffVnt lookin' boy when I'm
clean, ain't I?'' he cried gleefully.
"Thought I'd s'prise you. You're so
great on beta clean. Dad went to town
last week, with the pelts and I made
him buy me some soap Got a whole
quarter's worth. White Rooehan! Is
that good soap? You think?"
"Yes," assented Mrs. Lee. "It is very
good soap."
"Look at these clothes!'' continued
Alfred. "Look at this shirt! I've got
another at the camp. I've got two; and
a pair of over-alls, too! Feel o' that
shirt. Ain't that a good shirt f'r seventy-five
Mrs. Lee toak a pinch of shirt-sleeve
betwaen a critical thumb and finger.
"It is good warm flannel," she assert
ed. "How do you like my hat? And my
boots?' Alfred pursued, taking off the
hat and surveying it with admiration
and holding up the braes toed, red-topped
boots for inspection.
"Fine! fine!" ciied Mrs. Lee. "You
are quite dreseed up. But why put on
your hat? Are you not coming in to
have some breakfast? I am just baking
eome flannel cakes for Johnny, and the
coffee is hot.' She laughed. Alfred
wondered why.
Alfred had arranged his hat to his
satisfaction. It was a round shiny one.
He had drawn it down until both his
ear?, turned gracefully down, and stood
straight out from his head.
"Come in and have some cakes," urg
ed Mrs. Lee, to her own surprise.
Alfred seldom required urging. Mrs.
Lee wondered that a new flannel shirt,
a new pair of over-aUs thrust into the
red-topped boots, and even the wonder
ful shiny hat, should work such a
transformation in manner.
"I guess not." Alfred said shyly.
"But why not?" queried the good wo
man. "I want to git down to Orr'e before
Jamie starts to school," said Alfred in a
burst af confidence. "He's alius been
pointin' bis finger at me and callin me
dirty pig."
"He's a naughty boy," said Mrs. Lee,
indigt-antly, "to say such things to a
poor, helpless child."
Alfred grinned. "I guess this morn
ing," he affirmed, "I'll be the cleanest of
the two." As he galloped away he look
ed back over his shoulder to shout re
gret. "I'm awful sorry Johnny ain't up.
I know he'd like to see these clothes."
In the afternoon Mrs. Lea and John
ny went in the two wheeled cart to
spend the afternoon and take tea with
Mrs. Mclntyre, who lived four milts
down the creek. The Mclntyres were a
lonely couple, of middle age, recently
married after long years of waiting for
the wealth Robert hoped to accumulate,
ranching. All his wealth consisted in a
little log house, and a little herd of cat
tle roaming the free range.But there was
no happier nor more cheerful and con
tented woman up and down the valley
than Janet Mclntyre two years out
from'Scotland. Her fresh, vsddy face,
from which lbs gray hai was brushed
back so uncompromisingly, was to the
children of the Little Bear valley one of
the most bpautiful ever 6een, though so
utterly lacking regularity of feature and
the softness of youth.
She and Mrs. Lee sewed together con
tentedly in the little west windowed
sitting room. The golden afternoon
sunshine streamed in and made a bright
spot on the carpet. In the middle of
this fpot the big gray cat purred con
tentedly. All was peace and content
ment but eeven-year-old Johnny was
frankly bored. He bad looked at the
pressed heather, and the gold clock un
der the glass case. All he cared to look
at were things which must be handled
so carefully. He had failed in an amia
ble attempt to play with the cat. The
cat was a respected cat with privileges,
and would not submit to have his tail
pulled, or his fur brushed backward.
Johnny tlattened his nose against the
window and discovered Jamie Orr com
ing in the lane. All his lassitude van
ished, lie made one leap for bis hat
and another for the door-way. Mrs, Leo
rose and looked out. She 6aw Jamie
Orr throw hiB bridle rein over -the gate
post, and approach the house.
"How do Mis Lee,' he said in a gentle
little voice, out of all proportion to his
bulk. (He was rather a fat boy.) "Will
you tell Mis Mclntyre, mamma said I
could come to play awhile?"
Mrs. Lee nodded brightly, and th
two bojB went away together to con
struct miniature ditches, watering imag
inary acres of Alfalfa, and to quarrel
vociferously over their water rights, aft
er the pattern o! their fathers.
At half past five they came in. The
two women were in the kitchen. Mrs.
Lee Bat at the window, still sewing.
Mr6, Mclntyre moved briskly about,
preparing the evening meal "for com
pany.'8 Jamie sat down on the kitchen step.
His reddish hair, wet with perspiration
liy in little streaks on his forehead.
Bis gentle blue eyes had an expression
of melancholy which gradually spread
iteelf over hiB fat freckled face.
He sighed heavily.
"Well, Mis Mclntyre," he said, "I
guess I'd better be going if I'm going to
get home in time for supper."
"Aw. Are you sayin' so Jamie dear?"
said Mrs. Mclntyre, absently. "Did ye
have a good time plain?"
"Yessum," said Jamie. "Any way,"
he pursued, "I don't s'pose I'll get
home in time for supper. It'll all be et
up, before I get there. Maybe mam
ma'll Bave me some though," mourn
fully. "She will that," said Mrs. Lee.
"Trust a mother to look out for her
Jamie cast a scornful glance at Mrs.
"I don't s'pose mamma'U have any
thing very good for supper,' he pursued.
"I didn't hear her say anything about
Mrs. Mclntyre turned as if an idea
had just struck her.
"Jamie, lad," she said. "D'ye s'pose
your mother would be car in' noo, if ye
stayed and took a bit o' tea wi' me?"
Sunshine beamed from Jamie's face.
"She said I could," he said bashfully,
"if you asked me."
"Well, then you'll just stay." said
Mrs. Mclntyre kindly.
Jamie rose with a sigh of intense re
lief. "I guess I better go and put that
horse in the barn," he said. Looking
back as he went down the steps he ad
ded cheerfully:
"I s'pose, eeein' they's company you
're goin' to bave hot biscuits and black
b'rry jam. I know you most alwajs do.''
"Did you ever?" said Mrs. Lee, laugh
ing, as Mrs. Mclntyre answered gayly:
"Yes, Jamie, I will that."
mi il
! )LHBS-
IEdited by Miss Helen G. Harwood. i
2 & 9. Fin de Steele c Am. history Seward
4 TVs. c. Prominent women of Cen't'y.Norfolk
4, Matinee Musicale "Hours of a day".. Lincoln
4. AV's-c. Am. history Omaha
5, Ws.c. Schools :..., Wakefield
5, Sorosis, Physical culture Lincoln
5, Century c, Egyptian history Lincoln
, New Book Review c Miscellaneous. Lincoln
7, Lotos c Victorian Reign sLincoln
, Self Culture c Am Fiction St. Paul
6, W's. c Social reforms. Minden
S, Round Table, Sociology Crete
S. History & Art c., Ger. & contemporary
Scientists eward
It, Ws.c. Philanthropy ork
n, 20th Cen. c , Miscellaneous Pawnee City
je, v-s- c, Fr. history Columbus
The Woman's club met Monday after
noon, January 28tb, at the University
chapel. The program was in charge of
the music department. Mr. Willard
Kimball explained the construction of
the pipe organ and also gave a short re
cital. Persons not members of the club
were admitted for the nominal fee of
twenty five cents.
At the Century club on Tuesday aft
ernoon, January 22nd, Mrs. George E.
Haskell Tead a paper on the "Conquests
of Egypt by the Hyksos or Shepherd
Kings,"' and Mrs. McCreery on "Egyp
tan Monuments, Temples and Tombs."
The meeting occurred at the home of
German Opera was the topic of the
last meeting of the music department,
Juauary 18th. Mesdames Hall, Warn
er, Fisher, Easterday, Fleming and Mies
Young lectured upon the Bubject. .
The art department of the Woman's
lub met Monday, January 2lst, in the
dab rooms. Mrs. Hodgm m read a pa
per on the Pre-R lphaelitee.
Mrs. Hibner read a paper on ' Shaka
pere" at the meeting of the literary de
partment of the Woman's club Thurs
day afternoon, January 21th.
The Lotos club met last Thursday
-with Mrs. Henry E. Lewie. A program
of miscellaneous topic and a discussion
of plans for the remaining eight meet
ings of the year, filled the afternoon.
The committee on reincorporation of
the G. F. W. C, is, Mesdames Coroejia
C. Fairbanks, Indianapolis; Lucia E.
Blount, Washington. D. C; M. E. Traut
man, New York City; John T. McNeal.
Denver, chairman; Mary L Lockwood,
The Columbia, Washington, D. C.
The Arche club passed the following
resolutions, regarding the admission of
colored clubs or delegates:
Whereas the colored women's clubs
are not asking for admission to the
state federation: and, whereas we con
sider this question of vital importance
to the unity of the north and south in
our General Federation, we are opposed
to our state federation taking any action
in the matter.
The second biennial of musical clubs
will ba held in Cleveland on April 30th,
and May 1st, 2od and 3rd, 1901. Also
the music federation of which Mrs. Ed
win F. Uul of Grand Rapids is president,
and which has grown remarkably since
the first St. Louis biennial, will soon
hold its convention.
At the first board meeting Eince the
last election of officers of the Connecti
cut ftate federation the report of the
committee, appointed some two weeks
ago to study the matter of equal rights
in the guardianship of children, was
heard. An effort will be made to pre
pare a bill and obtain its passage in the
next legislature. According to the ex
isting law a father can do with the child
according to his pleasure or conveniei -e,
even to giving it away, no matter what
the mother's feelings or wishes may be.
The Forum club of San Diego, la!.,
has accomplished great things eince its
organization in 1895. The object of the
club is to promote culture, literary and
social intercourse. Perhaps the most
enjoyable feature of the Forum is its
club house, the apartments of which
conaiat of a lecture hail, reception room,
tea room and dressing room. The lec
ture room is used entirely for club meet.
ings. The reception room possesses a
small library, magazines, daily papers
and writing material. The tea room
finished in Delft blue is always open and
is found to be a most welcome place.
The club has two regular meetings, the
second and fourth Wednesdays of each
month. The first and third Wednes
days bave been devoted to informal re
ceptions, but during the last year cur
rent topics have been introduced tn take
the place of these. In December the
club celebrated its fifth, "wooden, anniversary.'
The PlaBtic club of Philadelphia has
begun to exert much influence in the
east. The exhibition this jear will con
sist of miniatures, a loan collection of
paintings, silhouettes and colonial car
meats. Among the members are Mies
Cecilia Beaux, Miss Alice Barber Steph
ens and Mias Blanche Dalaye.
The calendar of the Cozy club of Te
cumseh, bound in violet, has chosen for
its subjects during the year, "Study of
the French people" and "Topics of the
day." The officers are: Mrs. Harris,
Pres.; Mrs. Sullivan, vice P.; Miss Ella
McCrosky, sec; Mrs. Bouton, treas.; and
Mrs. True, libra ian. Under the topic
of "Study of the French people" several
papers are devoted to French historj,
another subject of interest "Character
istics of the French people" and "Home
life in France" which is the source, of
coure, of national characteristics. Two
afternoona are given to French art.
French women, history, literature and
institutitiouB are also studied.
" The subject "Topics of the -day" ex
plains itself, for most of the -problems
that are of interest today, especially to
women, are chosen. It is always en
couraging to find a Nebraska day amonj:
club programs. It signifies state ia
triotism and state patriotism will sooner
or latr evolve something for the benefit
of a locality which is necessarily 6tate
improvement. The toasts offered for
this day are "The clubs," "Early days in
Tecumeeh," "The garden spot of Xc
braska,' "Nebraska's backbone," and
"Things that foster our state pride '
The program for January 1st was a re
The Falrbury Woman's club was we I
attended last week and nearly ever)
member waB prepared with a practical
rec'pe of some kind. Miss Gellatly san,'
Astbrore accompanied by Trotere by Mr
Perry on the piano. "Hints to youcs
housewives" was ably handled by Mn
Sarbach, and we could but wish that a'l
young housekeepers and all who cot -
And Dairv 60.
Manufacture of thn Rmut n pol
ity of plain ana fancy Ice Cream,
Ices. Frozen Pudriincra KVnnnn
and Sherbets. Pmmnt rlalitTArv
and satisfaction guaranteed.
133 SO. I 2th St. PHONE 205.
t ;