The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
-1 &2 k AWi j9)i S i to. M EgMg &L0"5 J ' U V W -J .wLl ilJ i ? cjWsj TiJfSJ'TZ'vs: MMVteiGiEMlN&SALE il n. 0 ijCQTiriril II Q1 FfihfllfllV I e W1 er unusua Bargains in Books for thirty clays. Sonic W sn i fly :,.M ,..i-.,..,1 1 1 1 I x , , , J r J r- V . . . RvfW !& "'1"" atttuuaiu uuuito in nisiory, art ana general literature, ana a large line or juveniles, surprisingly low p prices will be made on all these goods. u. THB COURIER suz m South 11th St. H. W. BROWN DRUG & BOOK CO. a&sWiii jTj-nsj South Uth St fejSJ&SkSg!, 'WW WWW dently believe in extra-legal attacks upon the saloons. Lawlessness trans forms neulral or passive friends of a cause into its enemies and inevitably Mrs. Nation's conduct will retard the a large part of the protits. Since the Cudahy story of kidnaping, it has been suspected that there was such collusion in Omaha between the rogues and the police. Josiah Flynt reforms which the W C.T U. is or- says thieves desert a town where they ganized to elTect. Her unwomanly, can not make terms of mutual profit unseemly defiance of the governor and with the police. This may perhaps intrusion in the vau of a rabble into explain the absence of thugs, sharpers the chief executive's otlice is shock- and hold-up men from Lincoln, where ing. It is said that the inebriety of all of Mrs. Nation's male relatives has created and keeps warm the personal animosity she feels towards all saloon keepers whom she blames rather than the weakness of her relatives where the censure belongs and would Le placed were it not for woman's par tiality for relations. J . A Good Administration. The city primaries will be held about the end of tiiis month to nomi nate a mayor and other city otlicials. The administration of Mayor Winnett invites investigation in the depart ments of fire, water and police. State ments showing the economically ad ministered water department have been occasionally compiled since Mr. Tyler's superintendency. The annual expenses of his predecessor exceeded the earnings by about fifteen thous and dollars. Mr. Tyler has cut the coal bills in two and there is now an annual surplus instead of a deficit. Mayor Winnett's appointment of Chief Clement of the fire department was a happy selection. In the year before his arrival, fires destroyed in Lincoln a million and a half of prop erty. The last year, it is estimated that not 29,000 worth of property was burned. Chief Clement is a man of force, his men obey him and he knows how to keep a little lire from becoming a big one. "Where the tire men used to argue with their chief when the flames were roaring and at the different stations discipline was unknown. Under Chief Clement's regime, the engines arri ,e promptly at a fire, every man knows his place the police court docket is made up of plain and fancy drunks and the ubiquitous offenders from the reserva tion. In the police judge's court every prisoner is tried in open court and since Judge Comstock's election to the otlice many of the habitual of fenders have disappeared showing that punishment has followed con viction and that the absolute certain ty of it has driven criminals out of town. It is only by an examination into the details of such an administration that its excellence and faithfulness can be demonstrated. Next week Ihe Courier will contain more exhaustive reports from the departments of city administration intimately related to the mayor's capacity and conscience for government. There are about 4000 republican voters in Lincoln. The average regis tration at the primaries is less than 2500 If the citizens of Lincoln ap prove after exmnination and compari son of the present administration, they should turn out and express that approval by helping to renominate a man who has conclusively proved his usefulness to the city of Lincoln and his integrity as chief executive of the city. What is especially admirable in Mayor Winnett is his reliance upon his own judgment and the soundness of that judgment He does not make bids for votes by promises, or by prophesying silly and impossible im provements if he is reelected. In emergencies he is reliable and in dull times he is not careless. In his tem perament and habit of administering and his duties, and the chief has estab- cjty affairs there is an old-world pro usueo. niniMry compliance itu his priety and lack or political dema orders. Quick comprehension of t!:e characteristics of each fire, and infal lible intuition of the place where it started, are gifts possessed by the present chief of the tire department, gifts which have gained him the con fidence of the firemen and of the community. Now ex-tire-Ohief New berry is the strongest supporter of candidate Woodward, who opposed he appointment of Chief Clement. goguery that suggests a cautious self- respecting ancestry. DR. ROSS' STATEMENT. In speaking of this matter tbib after noon Dr. Ross made the following statement: "At the beginning of last May a rep- Newberry was dismissed for drunken- r6sentative of organized labor aeked Dr. tiess and his record as chief is very Jordan to be one of the speakers at a unsatisfactory. In spite of the very few policemen which patrol Lincoln there are com paratively few crimes committed here. Josiah Flynt has established the fact of collusion between the chief of police of New York and the tough characters who make their living by slugging, gambling and robbing. Po licemen and chief receive a part, and mass meeting called to protest against coolie immigration, and to present the. 'scholar's view.' He was unable to at tend, but recommended me as .3 substi tute. Accordingly, I accepted, and on the evening of May 7th read a twenty five minute paper from the platform of Metropolitan Hall in San Francisco. My remarks appeared in part in the San Francisco dailies of May Stb, and in full, on May 19th, iu a weekly called Or ganized Labor. "I tried to show that owing to its high, Malthueian birth rate the Orient is the land of 'cheap men,' and that the coolie, though he can not outdo the American, can underlive him. I took tho ground that the high standard of living that restrains multiplication in America will be imperiled if Orientals are allowed to pour into this country in great numbers before they have raised their standard of living and lowered their birth rate. I argued that the Pacific is the natural frontier of East and West, and that California might easily experience the same terrible famines as India and Cnina if it teomed with the same kind of men. In thus ecientificaly co-ordi nating the birth rate with the intensity of the struggle for existence, I struck a new note in the discussion of Oriental immigration which, to quote one of the newspapers, 'made a profound impres sion.' "At Stanford university the profes sors are appointed from year to year and receive their reappointment early in May. I did not get mine then, but thought nothing of it until on May 18th, Dr. Jordan told me that quite unexpect edly to him Mrs. Stanford had shown herself greatly displeased with me and bad refused to reappoint me. He had heard from her just after my address op coolie immigration. He had no criti cism for me and was profoundly dis tressed at the idea of dismissing a scien tist for utterances within the scientist's own field. He made earnest represent ations to Mrs. Stanford, and on June 2J, I received my belated reappointment for 19X) 01. The outlook was such, how ever, that on June 5th I offered the fol lowing resignation: '"Dear Dr. Jordan: I was sorry to learn from you a fortnight ago that Mrs. Stanford dees not approve of me as an economist and does not want me to re main here. It was a pleasure, ho-vever, to learn at the same time of the unqual ified terms in whiih you had expressed to her your high opinion of my work and your complete confidence in me ae a teacher, a scientist and a man. " 'While I appreciate the steadfast support you have given me, I am un willing to become a cause of worry to Mrs. Stanford or of embarrassment to you. I, therefore, beg leave to offer my resignation as professor of sociology, the same to take effect at the close of the academic year 1900 01.' "When I handed in the above Dr. Jordan read me a letter which he had just received from Mrs. Stanford and which had, of course, been written with out knowledge of my resignation. In this letter she insisted that my connec tion with the university end, and di rected that I be given my time from January 1st to the end of the academic year. "My resignation was not acted upon at once and efforts were made by Presi dent Jordan and the president of the board of trustees to induce Mrs. Stan ford to alter her decision. These proved unavailing, and on Monday, November 12th, Dr Jordan accepted my resigna tion in the following terms. " 'I have waited till now in tho hope that circumstances might ariso which would lead you to a reconsideration. Aa this has not been tho case, I, therefore, with great reluctance, accept your resig nation, to take effect at your own con venience. In doing so I wish to express once more the high est -em in which your work, as a s'udont and a teacher, as well as your character as a man, is held by your colleagues." "My coolie immigration speech is not ray sole offense. Last April I complied with an invitation from the Unitarian church of Oakland to lecturo before them on "The Twentieth Century City." I addressed myself almost wholly to questions o. city growth and city health and touched only incidentally on the matter of public utilities. I pointed out. however, the drift, both here and abroad, toward the municipal ownership of water and gas works, and predicted that, as regards street railway?, Ameri can cities would probably pass through a period of municipal ownership anti then revert to private ownership under regulation. My remarks were general in character, and, of course, I took no stand on local questions. Only months of special investigation could enable me to say whether a particular city like Oakland or San Francisco could better itself by supplying its own water or light. Yet this lecture was objected to. "Last year I spoke three times in pub lic once before a university extension center on 'The British Empire; once before a church on 'The Twentieth Century City,' and once before a mass meeting on coolie immigration. To my utterances on two of these occasions ob jection has been made. It is plain, tbertfore, that this is no place for me. I can not with self respect decline to speaa on topic? to which I have given years of investigation. It is my duty economist to impart, on occasion, to sober people, and in a scientific spiiit, my conclusions on subjects with which I am expert,and if I speak I can not but take positions which are justified by statistics and by the experience of the Old World, such as the municipal own ership of water works or the monopoly pre tits of street car companies, or by standard economic science such as tho relation of the standard of life to tho density of population. "I have long been awaro that my every appearance in public drew upon me the hostile attention of certain pow erful person and interests in San Fran cisco, and they redoubled their efforts to be rid of me. But I had no choice but to go straight ahead. The scientist's business is to know Borne things clear to the bottom, and if he hides what bo knows he loses bis virtue. "I am sorry to go, for I have put too much of my life into this university not to love it. My chief regret in leaving is that I must break the ties that bind m to my colleagues of seven years and must part from my great chief. Dr. Jordan. Edward A. Ross." From the San Francisco Chronicle, January 14. fell !