The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 02, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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bread, until lie lias stored up enough
to feed liitn until the end or his need
for It. The most salutary lesson
which a young man or young woman
learns on entering the world of com
merce is the cohesivencss and inter
dependence of the individuals who
compose society and commerce. Each
person is as necessary. to .the game as
the tale of chessmen. Men w)0 talk
from a dais to youths who are not in
the game and arc not essentia) pieces
in it and who think when they do get
in they can modify or entirely change
the rules, lose this sense of ttieir own
relation, subordinate or otherwise, to
the -other pieces. For instance, in
spite of all the academic pother about
the laborer tind his wrongs, the man'
who appreciates labors important re
lation and services to business and
progress is the man who employs
labor. The latter has lost all con
tempt.for manual work. He knows,
(f lie is a railroad president, that he
is only a hired man and that his co
workers are the braKemen, engineers
and conductors whose faithful per
formance of duty makes an accident
iuch a rare occurrence when the
thousands of trains, employes and
miles.of.track are compared.
The editor I'have quoted, says that
"men like Ross and Howard are not
dependent ou any one university for a
living," Jt is not customary for two
or three universities to hire the same
teacher. Therefore, while the pro
fessor is working for one university,
be is dependent on that university
regardless of his own distinguished
ability, for his living. Accuracy of
statement is an inconvenient-drawback
when a man wants to deliver an
un trammeled oration on the freedom
of speech, the tyranny of the Stand
ard Oil company, wage-sla"Ve'and so""
forth.. But the orations would last
longer if glittering appeals and denun i
ciations were disregarded forplalner
and more demonstrable arguments.
Sociafam vu Individualism.
- Professor Howard's remarks to his
class were in the form of an apology
to the French tyrants of the Revolu
tion for having condemned them in
his lectures in view of the dismissal
of Dr. Ross from Stanford university.
Professor Howard said his object-was
to impress upon his students the su
preme value of justice, independence,
and a close aberence to the vital prin
ciples of American liberty. "As for
me"," he said, "I do not worship St.
Market Street, I do not reverence
holy Standard Oil, nor do I don my
cap to the Celestial Six Companies.''
Professor Howard believed there
fore that Dr. Ross was dismissed be
cause commercial interests were of
fended by what Dr. Ross taught.
From reports of Dr. Ross' speeches
which have been published in the
newspapers, it is fair to presume that
be considers -the present . commercial -.
system of' wages and unlimited per
sonal liberty in amassing wealth
wrong. He has stated that no return
of a whole fortune to educational or
charitable institutions excuses the
wrong to humanity committed in as
semblings fortune in one man's coffers.
The system has lasted a long time and
it may be that the beginning of a new
era has begun and that Dr. Ross and
the hundreds of .other. professors, of
political economy, who are inveighing
against. the system., are right. At..
any rate the professors are in a point
of vantage to spread their views.
Every year from colleges are freed
thousands of young men saturated
with socialism and inoculated with
convictions tbatevery successful man
is a pirate, that Wall street and Mar
lretatreetare paths to perdition, that
a man who leaves his money to a col
lege or charitable institution is a
mean, vain coward who is trying thus
to buy indulgence for a life of xrime.
Now merchants, brokers, manufac
turers and stockholders, bellevo that
in accepting the rules of a game which
has been played all the world over for
more than :fqur thousand yearsitbey'
are-justified by dead centuries and by
the assentrof alL the modern player.
Wall street and Market . street play
the game, and -some of the players
win. Those that win are asked con
tinually to give their money to insti
tutions wherein professors of political
economy teach that donors founders
and patrons, in short all men who
"have made enough money to give
millions away, have come by it dis
gracefully, by grinding the faces of
the poor, by unholy combinations
with legislative representatives of the
people, by watering stock and by
wrecking railroads etc. Ibis teach
ing is not only confined to doctors of
political economy but teachers of his
tory and mathematics insist that it
shall be taught or they will resign.
Freedom of speech is an American
totem. Real freedom of speech and
action is of universal application.
Why then should it not be extended
to Wall street and Market street? Yet
the professors whose resignations
from Stanford have been accepted, in
effect say to the men who are winning:
"Here! we do not subscribe to the
rules of the game you are playing and
we are going to break it up, if vti can.
We want you to give us twenty five
per cent of your winnings while you
are playing it, and one hundred per
cent when you finish the game. In
return, we will send back into com
merce a million or two young men a
year, whom we have taught' in their
most credulous and impressionable
youth that all you fellows are pirates
and enemies of civilization, but that
is none of your business and you must
not interfere in the management of
The funny thing about it is, that
the winners do give while living and
dying, leave their money to support
these professors who teach the bless
ings of free speech when exclusively
practised by members of the faculty.
If Market street asked for the dis
missal of Dr. Ross :t is not singular,
though it has not been demonstrated.
Market street and the Stanford estate
have been patient and dumb for many
Finally if Herron and Ross are
right, then all the centuries and all
the experience of the centuries is
wrong. The new economy or social
ism is making converts and if Wall
street and Market street are convinced
of their own integrity and the wisdom
of the individual system, it is their
turn. Freedom of speech, freedom of
action carefully nurtured by the uni
versities, can be still claimed by the
bogy, that ha9 been personified as "St.
Market Street" and used against the
professors who are teaching the youth
of the country doctrines which they
sincerely believe to be true, but
which, if put in practice, will break'
up the game, which has been played
now for lo, four thousand years.
It is a source of gratification to many
Xebraskans that Dr. Taylor, the lec
turer on political economy in the uni
versity of Nebraska believes in indi
vidualism as opposed to socialism.
Graduated from his class the.alumni
face the world square-shouldered and
play ball without fear or favor.
S Jt
An Accomplished Fact.
Mr. Cleveland said in his speech at
the Holland Society dinner: "Our
country will never be the same again;
for weal or woe we have irrevocably
passed beyond the old lines." The
Spanish war is over and its results are
accomplished facts. The pacification
of the Fillpines is a problem that
works out slowly. The best policy for
"AnTerica'Jias now become the best
policy for the Filipioes and patri
otic men, lovers of constitutional lib-
erty.and students of the development
of :.the constitution whether demo
crats or republicans now admit the
essential unity of the interests of the
continent America and the islands of
the Filipine archipeligo.
. Jt
The greater the imaginative power
of a writer, the less willing he is to
confess his dependence upon sensa
tional incidents; more and more he
falls back upon elemental conditions
and inclines towards the subjective
motive. This is shown in Anthony
Hope's last novel. Quisante, the
best instance of his art." Thus the
editor of Harper's Monthly in his
Study. It was revealed t one of the
plain people while reading Quisante,
that the critics, who have learned to
appreciate, and be contented with tho
vivisection of a soul, would pronounce
Quisante the best instance of Hope's
art, and they have- done so. 1 have
not seen an unfavorable review of
this Ancient Marriner story. Lacking
the moral and the poetry of Coler
idge's yarn, Hope's heroine button
holes and pours an interminable
tale of woe on to the buttonholed one
until, at last, sympathy is aroused for
the victim. A man with a grievance
who has a long story to tell, seldom
has willing auditors, though conve
nance sometimes secures him an audi
ence. The future and the exigencies
of the present call men from the con
templation of the internal tragedies.
that Messrs. Howells, James, Meredith
and now Hope, want to tell us about.
When hands can no longer wield the
hammer nor super-active 'minds plan
coups; stories like Quisante' maybe
considered, and of course, critics who
care most for the manner of the doing,
critics to whom all activity is super
fluous, and all incident meretricious,
approve in their youth psychological
questions and answers, which to the
plain reader are dull. Shakspere was
sure of the fascination of a stirring
tale of adventure by land and sea.
The most beautiful and richest wo
man in Venice fell in love with a
blackamoor because of the moving
power of a brave heart and strong
hand. Othello might have told Des
demona's father about how he felt,
when some other man was leading on
to victory, about how he hesitated
between this course and that one
and about how fundamental principles
were involved. And if he bad, Des
demona would have yawned, nor fled
with him lrom an angry sire and out
raged courtiers. Around the camp-fire
of the Indians, in the ice-huts of the
Esquimaux.jn Bocaccio's park full of
lords and ladies, and in the most civil
ized centers of the world stories still
charm savage and cultured. Mere in
cident is as wearisome as laboratory
dissection of a subject we do not care
about. Anthony Hope has heretofore
written an incontestible letter of in
troduction for his heroes and hero
inesso that before they begin their
long-winded appeal we are interested
in their lortunes and even in their
feelings'and motives to a certain ex
tent. In Quisante. Mr. Hope., has
choseaJt introduce hi9 characters
withaalbematical curtness. Quis
ante might as well be called X and
his wife Y. Let X be a man, a rascal
but brilliant and spasmodically majes
tic; let Y be a woman with whom X is
in love, let Y be good and' extraordi
narily frank and high-minded. Can
YloveX? This is the story and "
and Y are muscled, veined and em
bodied as palpably as Quisante am
his love. If Anthony Hope had lx
gun so, he could not have acquired
the reputation by whose might and
income he is now enabled to write for
the critics who have declared that
thinking is the whole thing.
Jt jt
The Uses of Civilization.
The high-school pupils ponder com
prehensive questions. Comparing what
they know by hearsay and reading t f
primitive man and modern barbarian
groups the Lincoln high-school pupiN
were asked recently to enumerate tin
uses of civilization. Offhand and
without previously consulting the en
cyclopedia mine, the average man
would hesitate to categorically and in
the order of their importance, trans
cribe the uses of civilization. To get
the large and general things first and
the comparatively trifling items last
makes a large draft on our powers of
classification. Doubtless the pupiN
of the high-school responded satisfac
torily to the question. Abruptly in
vestigated on such a comprehensive
subject the average adult, if required
to answer would quake. Yet the
smooth, immortal brow of youth N
scarcely corrugated by puzzles more
difficult than this.
Jt Jt
A Rudder Wanted.
It has been suggested that the Ne
braska State Journal holds the key to
the senatorial situation. That part
organ issues two editions morning
and evening. The morning issue
opposes the candidacy of Mr. Thomp
son and in so far as it can without
leaving a trail, marches with the
anti-Thompson forces. The evening
issue advocates the election of
Mr. Thompson. It is now by the
use of disinfectants preparing the
way for a coup by which its preferred
candidate shall secure the senatorial
toga by a combination of republican
and fusion votes. It is not suspected
that the "business interests of the
Journal company suffers from these
diverse positions. Quite the con
trary. However, in the interests of
the public business which is suffering,
the editorial and reportorial forces of
the morning and evening editions of
the Journal should agree upon a cau
cus under such rules as may be satis
factory to themselves, rather than to
the Thompson and anti-Thompson
forces. Those not satisfied with the
result of the caucus can be assigned
to duty on the "hen" edition. What
the State Journal wants is a "steer
ing committee."
Jt Jt
Mrs. Nation.
The love for notoriety lias so in
fected the race, that when a woman
smashes saloon fixtures and windows,
It is difficult to determine whether
she does it because she hates the rum
fiend and desires to rescue the human
race from his power, or whether she
is tired of obscurity and longs foi
black headlines in the daily papers
which spell her name. No woman or
respecter of women can read of Mrs
Nation's conduct without shuddering
She goes about in Kansas smashing
saloons followed by a crowd of street
loafers and reporters. As Kansas is a
prohibition state the saloons arc out
side the pale of the law and the saloon-keepers
can not get redress. But
the prohibitionists havedeclarcd that
prohibition prohibits in Kansas. Mrs.
Nation has found saloons to smash
and prohibition orators can hereafter
be refuted by one of their own wit
nesses. Members of the W.C.T.U. evi-