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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1901)
o THE COURIER. red riKlit, left, forward or back as cuting attorneys with most of their given to splitting hairs and laying one hold it, or his eyes guard it. When mov tlieir respective players chose. Messrs. testimony. If it were not for the Kosewatcr. and Thompson, move their supplemental activity of the report men till exhausted, then take a few crs the public would have recognized hours' repose and expect to rind their long ago the functional paralysisof men in the same relative position the detective service. Should a num wlien tbey begin the game again, it ber of criminals follow the example of is characteristic of the better taste Pat Crowe and kidnap children the and regard for convention of the other helplessness and uselessness of the candidates and the calibreof the free- American policesystem might bedem uicnwho are voting for them that onstratcd and a reform be instituted, they do not talk with the same conti- dence and scorn of "their men.' A traveller from Mars or some unso Tesla and the Brothers Grimm, phisticatcd enthusiast with ideas iief0re thediscovcrv and the uni- enough to choke him about freedom rcrsal application of electricity Nikola kinds of dainties for the wishing, the mind on each side of the fussy scales he weighs things with. Tesla himself designs the perfected telautomaton for use in war lo pre vent bloodshed and cruelty. "In stead of man righting man in the future, it will be machine against machine." ever lie lays it down, it belongs to who can grab it first. Every night the janitor at the high school fills a table full of books that he has found in different parts of the building. In the morning, when they come to schoo. the students turn over the miscel laneous pile of soiled, torn books look- Missourians are scattered all over ing for those they will need that day. this country. They are the leaven of The connection between a carele the heap. Tesla's telautomaton is as use of the books loaned tliem and familiar as the old seven league boots, taking property which belongs either the cloak of darkness, the magic car- to the school-board or to one of their pet, the table that sets itself with all schoolmates is apparent to a candid ana representative government, etc., Tesa wou,j j,ave ci,0?en the telling would comprehend with dilliculty Mr. or compiling of fairy-tales for his pro Thompson's absolute ownership of the fession. Electricity is still a new Lancaster county delegation, which energy. "r,e plain people"' do not Is supposed to represent the interests vet nmit its nossibilities. They be- or the county, but is instead a very nicely carved set of wooden players that look just like real men, only they cannot make voluntary motions, but are moved "by hand. The state might sword that cut -anything and all the rest of the Grimms' properties. Socialism in the Public Schools. 4. Editor of The Courier: I have re cently read in the New England Tourna1 of Education an extract from your paper concerning the theft of school books by school children. May a stranger be excused for saying that in tnis matter you must be mis- Here, or according to the very plain people who write for the newspapers, they say they believe whatever Tesla tells them he has accomplished by the aid of electricity. He savs lie has had have saved the expense of the salaries SOme mysterious and otherwise unac- taken, 1 feel very sure? In our High or the Lancaster delegation if the counted for mesSageS, which he is fS'S ffifc wJj. &MS S votprs hart clprtpri Mr Thnnmson nnrl 1 i 1 thousand books of all Kinds and we oters naa elected ur. iiiompson ana sure have come from the queer people ose no more than rive or six a year given him six proxies. Then six jR Mars. There are editors who be- from the entire number. In the en other men would not have been able iieve him. Tesla has the same man- tire city, of course we have a much to pose as representatives of pie, but the saving to uatu uwuiium Heve him. Tesla has the same man- tire city, or course we nave a rnucn Lives of tliepeo- nerof fooling people that Keeley used J-arefy SoS?o?tlStSdd thfnk the state would for so long Tlie American people you do the'principal of your high i overbalance tne ...m i.i:. ...... i,i .1. .. ...:.i. xi 1 .u. ,. j '. .? Public schools and state universi ties, supported by a compulsory tax, on those who have and those who have not children, are nly justifiable because they are supposed to increase the value of each citizen to the state. It should be demonstrable that the average graduate of high-schools is better and more useful to the commu nity than the average boy whose parents take him out of school before he reaches the high-schooL. The great merchants and manufacturers of this country, however, are trained in a different school and by the con stant and widely different demon stration of commercial principles and -. . . .. " r- 1 w 1UU UU Lilt? ULlUUILIrtl Ul VIIUI IULMI nave oeenenpugu to overbalance tne will believe anything that a man with school, or the superintendent of your conduct. The unpampered realiza- scnoois, an injustice winch you will tion of the rule of tee game humaim oe giaa to correct wnen you nave is best learned in the stores and mauir luiiuci luteauKabiou 01 me facts. G.E.G. Supt. of Schools. Mass. Jan. rs, iuui. loss of what only look like represent ntives. "Elected on the First Ballot," It has been understood so long by .Mr. Thompson's hired men that he a Dig reputation says. All that is necessary is for the story-teller be famous, lie must therefore be truth ful and he may tell them traveler's yarns without verifying them, and be met with credibility. Tesla discov- of- tices. If it were possible to hold a competitive examination between the The writer of the foregoing refers little boys in business and the little lo a paragraph on the operation of Dctfs glng through the sacred pro- would, be elected on the first-ballot ered tl,e credulousness of his audience the free text book law printed in The cesses of public school education, the that those who believe everything they are told, are slightly dazed by the suspension of his victory, and the de lay of his triumph over the malignant enemies of a good and magnanimous man who only cares to go to the Uni ted States-senate because of the en larged opportunities such an otlice will afford him to do good to others. Juxtaposed to Rose water and opposed by two members bf the senate who are candidates themselves, it is somewhat difficult for Mr. Thompson to demon- years ago and he has played upon it Courier of the seventeenth of tavern- without protest ever since. He plays ber 1900, wherein it is intimated that that he knows a great secret but will not reveal it till a certain date, and the date is at hand he, plays that he knows something more wonderful still, but he will not tell either one. We are so glad to be amused and amazed that we agree to all his terms and to his continual postponement of the miracles he says he can perform at will. Meanwhile Bell, Marconi and Edison have accomplished some- the effect of the law upon the children of Lincoln is undermining notions of mine and thine. In regard to the thievery of books in the public schools, the statement was not made without authority and upon investi gating the subject again. I find that there is no occasloSfor retraction. rormer would stand a chance of cet- ting a mark at least fifty per cent higher. The scholars of the Lincoln high school have no desks. They drift about from class room to class-room with a pile of the school-board's books on their aching arms. They have no lockers, either for book or for wraps and they lay the books down and their wraps are stolen, by the logical In the Lincoln high-school a new sj'Mem has been adopted since the graduates of the system who go into a article was written. When a book is dark, barred cage in the basement trate the universal legislative popu- tl,lnS- Though Edison dissipates oc- missing from the high school library, an,i pick out as well as they can, by larity he has heretofore claimed. The casionally on newspaper notoriety. the class is assessed its price. This touch, what suits them. Tramrwand opposition of whole counties to Mr. Tula's latest fake is a telautoma- system has almost stopped the steal- inveterate travelers that pay their Thompson is affecting some of the toniran automaton that will work ing of books. But the pilfering still way, who have no place in society, no legislators who have been persuaded under orders from a controlling mind, goes on in the cloak room and from example to set, no community to that Mr. Thompson is the only can- wllether near or distant. His machine the teachers, who constantly report shock, and no investigation to dread, didate. is like a hired girl in one respect, it losses of fountain pens and other are DOt a highly-moral class. Some will only take orders from one person, small articles from their desks. So people lead respectable lives for nine He claims that he lias constructed a that the improvement in regard to or ten months out of the year in the boat that will obey him from the stealing books, can not be assigned to cities where they live and thev keen According to this distin- tenderer consciences but to discrimi- their courage up by nlannimr for an nation in selecting the most profitable annual vacation far from family and articles to steal. acquaintances. It is due the children The value of the articles stolen is we are educating to be our governors, small. But the value is not of so mayors, treasurers, judges, and presi rauch significance as the number of dents that we keep the sharpest things stolen. The boys who are in temptations away from them until the high-school now, in a few years maturity. We owe them the safe will be in the city council, in the guards in their public school life, of a legislature, in the cashier's cage, and localized seat and desk, and of thecer in various positions of trust, for the tainty of detection and discovery if 1:1 ty, county, or ior corporations. The LI,eJ steal. Pat Crowe and the Police. J.hedcelopmentof detectives and shore policemen does not seem to have kept guished romancer, the boat has rud fctep with the evolution of rogues, der, oars etc., aDd has obeyed direc Men like Pat Crowe play with the de- tions issued by him at a distance. He tectlvc force. They know their thick says further tint he can furnish a wits and the police are at their mercy, telautomaton -with a mind of its own, The accessories to a policeman's dig- that will not be run like his boat with nity, his uniform, his club, the patrol "a borrowed mind." "1 propose to wagon, the serious regard he has for show," he says, "that an automaton himself as an unresistable agent of may be contrived which shall have its the law, narcotize his energy. The own mind, and by this. I mean, that hief of police is apt to ba a policeman it will be able, independent of any witii a multiplied sense of a police- operator, left entirely to itself to per- last decade in the state government There is also a not .,., , , , mans dignity and importance. The form in response to external influences has demonstrated the misery thata fine? connection L 71 ? " rogues have no dignity to maintain, affecting its sensitive organs, a great defaulting bank nresldcnt nr t,tA LiuS , between red-tape, They have only to outwit a set of variety of act, and operaUonaS JSSSr'm t cau'se to he cm S'T1' men. born for their vocation, with un- had intelligence. It will be able to munity ing ana between lying and stealing, varying methods of acting when the follow a course laid out or to nhov it iV rt-in !.. . 7 conrus,D8 number of rules in regard law I, outraged. The manufacture of orders given far in advance-it wiK c 00 .. ev a? l? ff enervates morals. The safes has kept pace with the develop- capable of distinguishing JetweE SSSnioi' " f C,,lldren whovatched by the mentand ingenuity of burglars. If what it ought and bought not to d -and th Tstni tef US?! ? 0 th Steps'are forced to the output of detectives could be It will be no mere luJSur1 0t march cuL in lJle file till Un matched in like manner to rogues' tri vance, but a machine embodying a fncu eating the princinles and 1 ? tS? . ' ta a" indlca"n that avuiuiAii ..vuiu mnnvi ail IUUII UC- bU UKriUrni 1LS Hill IPC :IC tlr.w.l. J. V. ,. I. -,. tectiveUhecouU betray. He.s had intemgecc. rtenco."" i,a - k ZT, TL "rsl X alert, quick on his feet, daring and an ment. reason, mind." statG inttitiiMnn 1 ,,!?' accurate judge of human nature, tfo Just think of taking a machine temo chirk El ?i , ?P a SJS" rnodern officers so behind the Mm, "nmhrvivin.rn 1,,..," ;":L,,m,aClllne n of checking, which bas removed -.-,- ,..:.,"' .7. ' "'"".V i",uPie apart, apartortlie temptation from rW-. so useless, so entirely a -functionary and nothing more, as the city detec tive. Newspaper reporters hunt criminals for the detectives, find Mieir hiding places and supply the prose- wuiiueiup. auiok or tne discus- room thieves sions, ana amerence of opinion a ma chine embodying a higher principle might enjoy with an engineer like Henry James, for instance, who is mu; uim attention m nuf- witting every normal child's desire to run and make a noise as soon as school lets out," (Is there a more graphic Phrase for dismissal? One more elo quent of the child's point of view?) The weakness of snniaiumjc ,...,. ty.'VS. years ao in the public teaches universal ownership. An ing ' Todav ZL " WSS " StCal articlemay be used andeni.rM h iV , thcre are a number of the possessor, so long Tlf 1 Lt ?!,'" PMUchoo!8 and in the uuMciuiy. is the evil remedi- esse?: