THE COURIER 4 &- A 1volemmlorekl Directory. kw 4 If j Office. Zebra Block IJJ." Hfiaee.WI3C itreet f 2 to 4 p m Jffl" -"HDr. Benj. F. Bailey gD(?IETY V..... ..CI. I . ETeataci. bx ppoinUnent. SondtT'i 12 to 1 p. m nd by appointment. I Dr. J. B. Trickey, I Refractionist only I 19 to 12 . o X Office, I03S 0 ttreet I to 4 p. m. r DENTISTS " i ( Office, roonu 26. 27 and I office sac. Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.j kull ,irf Office GS i C Office orer Hnriex'i ) OUver Johnson, D.D.S.-jdTOr.tort r OYiMtK UOfc STO., 00 e 00. pflofl 05, giiBg SgSSSgSggS yOU WILL LWYS FIND The best of everything- in the grocery line at the Good Luck Grocery. C. M. SBITZ. 1107 O Mtreet. Telephone oao Minium xii iimihiCmmduioioimmmmi no omommcimoo 1 an k:e rivbtt, HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING i Manicuring, Chic Ornaments for the Coiffure, Switches, Chevelures cleaned. Tonics, Powders, Hairpins Ever' thing to make the head and face of a pretty woman prettier. :::::: Telephone 38 . MIMHMMHIIMMIMIMMHIM0IH0Ul0IMIMOOMMMIO0MMMHIII0IM Mrs. George E. Shipman, Soprano. Miss Marie Hoover, Piano. Miss Ina Ensign, Violin. Miss Lillian Eicbe, 'Cello. Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond. Piano Oh Ilad I Jubal's Lyre iiandd Romanze Marschner Eiegie Massontt 'Cello obligato Butterflies Herman Borceuse Avensky Der Scbmetterhng Hubay Autumn Chaminad Ciristmas Greetings Turner In the Dark, In the Dew Coombs I Love But f hee Wrightson Xovelletten Hade Allegro Scherzando Largbetto con moto Bright Star of Love Rabaudi 'Cello obligato Sigma Chi gave an informal card party Saturday evening for Mr. Charles Patterson, an honored member who is soon to leave the city. After the games a luncheon was served. Those present were Mrs. J. II. Auld, Misses Moore. Harley, Montgomery, Hays, Jackson, Auld, Shaw, Hargreavee, Manrid, Ash mun, Stewart, Gahan, Hecock, Funke. Spinney; Messrs. Patterson, Peterson. Home, Rainey, Stuhr, Hansen, Mont gomery, Van Burg, Kees, Saxton. Lie dis, Fitzgerald, Wehn, Swartz. Ewart and Shaw. MMMMMMMIMMMMMIMMIM LUNCHES that will suit the most fastidious given at the 316 South 1 2 tli Street. I rbC'Hiwi M fft ' gj le 1 J riiw ...Perfection... KftFecmN Absolute perfection is often claimed for shoes that are simply stylish. Shoes that are plenty stylish enough when new often lack durability and comfort. All our shoes arp good. The higher priced ones are absolutely perfect in every detail. The cheaper ones, of course, can not be. When you come to us you get what you pay for and you know what you get. A discount on all leather goods this week. TERKINS. SHELDON & CHAMBERLAIN CO O street. There is nothing new under the sun cores. The other musicians who as and the world would be as tiresome as sisted Mrs. Shipman are too well kroxn the Mar people, who hava tried every- ta require special mention. All were thing, if it were not for youth and love, warmly received and pleased their au Young people's parties do not tax there- dience greatly. The following program fore the ingenuity of ho6tesse6s. The was presented: possibility quite well understood by each one of an assembled company of unmarried young men and women, that that night may decide the identity of their future most intimate companion for life, furnishes enough diversion. But companies of married people, where everything has been settled and who have danced, played cards, crokinole. tiddlywinks, for seasons and seasons want to be surprised. Baby parties are being given in other places. The hosts and guests dress in any costume suita ble to a little boy or girl under nine years and they play "ring round-a rosy," 'King William was King James' Son," "drop the handkerchief," "clap-in and clap-out" and "soap bubbles." These parties are said to be very amusing. The only objection to them is that it requires special preparation on the part of the guesto, and most men are unwilling to take the trouble. I hear of a hostess here who contemplates a baby-party but hesitates on account of the unwillingness of the average man to drees for the party. Major and Mi b. F.J. W. Stoney gave a euchre party Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buckstaff won the royal prizte, and Mrs. Thomas and, Mr. Ewing the prizes for shouting. The house was decorated with American Beauties. The daintiest of luncheons was served in three courses. Following were pres ent: Messrs. and Mesdames Buckstaff, Thomas, Ewing, Rector, I. M. Ray mond, Yates, Wright, Fawell, Fawell, Howe.Tefft, Cowdery, Mitchell; Mes dames Pitcher, Mansfield, Woods, Law ton, Stewart; Misses Putnam, Hardy, Hollo wbusb; Messrs. Marquette, Buck staff, Holmes, Kennard, Joyce and Smith. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Miller and Prof and Mrs. E. II. Barbour entertained tho members of Soroais and other friends last evening in honor of Mrs. George Shipman of Chicago. The beautiful Miller home was thrown open and easily accommodated the three hundred guests The reception ball wbb adorned with palms, the music room with American Beauties and the refreshment room up stairs with bridesmaid roses. Mrs. W. J. Bryan wearing a silken gown the shade of the roses, presided at the re freshment table and was assisted in serving sherbet by members of Sorosis. Other members of the club assisted the hostesses in ministering to the comfort of their guests. Mrs. Miller received ner irienas in a rea velvet jacuet over a blouse of white panne velvet worn with a skirt of black crepe de chine; Mrs. Barbour wore a gown of white silk; Mrs. Shipman wore a skirt of ivory satin made entrain and a pale blue corsage trimmed with chantilly lace. A beautiful musical program was given by Mesdames Shipman.P. V.M.Raymond Misses Eiche and EnBign. Mrs. Ship man was a favorite when she resided in Lincoln and her fine voice was heard frequently in churches and concerts and her friends and admirers were delighted attheoppoitunity to hear her again. She was generous with her songs last night and graciously responded to en- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner entertain ed t Monday Night club on Tuesday evening. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Caeebeer, Dr. and Mrs. Hill Messrs. and Mesdames Stine, Clinker. Garoutte, Hutchine, Whitine, Hibner. Lahr, Chapin, BartrufT and Mrs. It. M Turner. The members of the E. E. D. kecsing ton gave their annual masquerade on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hayden. The charac ters represented varied with tho num ber of persons present and were truth ful. Music, dancing and light refresh ments added to the enjoyment of the guests. Mrs. C. J. Guenzel gave a pleasant one o'clock luncheon Tuesday in com pliment to Mrs. Wilson of Chicago. Maiden hair fern and carnations beau tified the table. Besides the guest of honor there were present Mesdames S. C. Hoover, James Stevens, Usher, In galls, Quiggle and Levi Munson. MisB Martha Rachel Quiggle will, in a decidedly grown up way celebrate the eighth anniversary of her birth this afternoon. She will be assisted by Miss Delia Hoover and a large number of small men and maidens will be pre3P't Daylight will be excluded and tapers in handsome candelabra will illumine th ecere. The supper table will be done in green and white, a large white birth day cake on which will burn eight green candles being in the centre with b u quets of carnations at either ei 1. Games of all sorts will entertain the guests. Those invited are Miss Jlc Phee, the little Misses Delia Hoov- r, Mary States, Esther Burnett, Ilern ettaCone, Helen Blish, Barbara Bail, Gladys Lucore, Reta Hollingsworth, Lucille Lees, Lida and Winifred Irvii Del'a and Clara Hoover, Lila LeGore. &v WHWMW "t"J F