The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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T jgWIAofl
muoeen. Miss Emma Meier and
ias Ray Pollock served ices from a
rner lighted by delicate shaded lamps,
The receiving ladies were gowned in
pink and white. About Eeventy guests
called during the afternoon.
The Tuesday Night club gave an in
formal dance at Walsh hall on Tuesday
ioi mis weeK. xnoee present were rais-
wb Hargreaves, Clara Hammond, Jen
kins, Cole, Daniels, Morgan, Nance,
BurrusB, Paddock, Clark, Agnew, Wirt,
jHenry, Chapin and Bess Burruse.
Messrs. Rickette, Raymond, Drain, Mc
JVieery, Ames, Norval, Turpin, Schick,
iQrr, Brown, Anderson, Marlay, Mor
IriEon, Clark and Andrews.
f Mr. Fred Funke entertained infor
mally on Friday evening in honor of
.Messrs. Wade, Frank Brown and Ed.
Win a unae. xne nouse was decorated
wiia nouy ana American neaunea.
Misses nauimonu, unggs, morpe, nar-
'g'eaves, (Jbapin, Katbbone Daniels,
Marshall, McPheely, Parks, Burruss,
sBess Burruse, Harpham, Outcalt, An
drews, Funke and Woodward; Messrs,
Shidler, Raymond, Raymond, Bartlett,
Mills, Klinge, Rehlaender, Farnswortb,
Leon Crandall, Harry Crandall Funke,
Funke, Wade, Brown, Crooks, Fawell,
Everett, Elliott, De Putron, Beckman,
and Cowgill were the guests.
The library of the European history
seminar of the University has Just re
ceived as a gift from Miss Helen C. Har
wood, a book of high value and interest
to students of French history. It is a
history of the Bastile from the building
of this famous Parisian prison in J370 to
its memorable destruction early in the
French revolution. Mies Harwood be
came interested in this subject during
her studies under Professor Fling a few
years ago and later while pursuing her
researches in Paris she secured this
book. It is issued in a sumptuous edi
tion by the city authorities of Paris and
no expense has been spared in the re
production of first hand historical ma
terial both in letter press and fac
simile. Plans are being made to establish in
connection with the Domestic Science
Department a lunch stand for serving
mid-day meals. While this is a new
feature at the Uuiversity of Nebraska,
it has been successfully tried in connec
tion with the high schools in the larger
cities. Hot lunches will be served at
nominally cost prices, the idea being
not to run it for profit, but for the bene
tit of those Btudents who are compelled
to take cold lurches and it is hoped
that the patropage wiil be such as to
make this feature a permanent one.
The History and Art club of Seward,
gave their annual banquet the evening
of January 5(b, at the home of the
president, Mrs. S. C. Langwortby.
Covers were laid for sixty including the
members, their gentlemen friends and
other guests. The menu was elaborate
with carnations for the last course.
The decorations were in the club colors,
yellow and white. The portieres were
streamers of gold and white looped in
graceful festoons. The banisters were
interwoven with the same and the ices
carried out the color scheme. After
supper Mrs. Langworthy made a few
appropriate remarks and a short pro
gram was rendered consisting of music
and recitations, after which the evening
was given over to sociability.
Diinmick, McPheely, Butuss, Louise
Tukey, Garten, Maitland, Burr. Carson,
Oakley and Nance; Messrs. Walsh, Har
tnon of St Louis, Baldwin, Paine, But
ler, Watkins, Morrison, Rodgere, Smith,
Holmes, McCreory, Anderson, Joyce
and Mateon.
Mr.S. II. Burnbam entertained the
Round Table on Monday evening
"Would the best interests of the whole
country be promoted by the passage of
the ship subsidy bill now pending be
fore congress?" was discussed and
debated by the whole club, led by Judge
A. W. Field. With two exceptions
those present were opposed to the bill.
Previous to the discussion Mrs. Burn
ham served an elegant dnner on four
tables to the thirty men present. A
merican Beauties tilled the rooms with
their penetrating refreshing fragrance.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Field give a card
parly tonight for Mrs. Lawton (born
Helh). The invited guests are Messrs
and Meadames Fol&om, Ricketts, Stone
braker, H. B. Sawyer, Thomas, Boggs,
W. A. Ureen, E. B. Green, Labr, R. M.
Turner, S. G. Dorr, F. M Hall, Barbour.
Roscoe Pound; Misses Hardy and Harris
The first meeting of the Four Fours
card club this year, was held at the
home of Mrs. G. W. Losey on Friday
evening, January 4th. Ihe guests were
each presented with a prettily decorated
card suitable to the New Year. After a
number of games of high-five, a two
course luncheon was served. Those
present were Messrs. and Mesdames W.
Lloyd, Austerson, Cosford, . M.Estes,
Mawe and Miss Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller and Profes
sor and Mrs. E. H. Barbour have issued
cards to a musicale to be given Friday
evening the 18th, at the hou.e of the
former, iu honor of Mrs. George Ship
man (born Richardson) of Chicago.
Mrs. Shipman will arrive in Lincoln the
15th and will be the guest of Mrs.
Mrs. Pitcher and Miss Hardy enter
tained fifty ladies last Saturday after
noon. The guests were provided with
immemorial pencils and paper and ask
ed to write words ending in "cate."
Portentous lists were the result. The
prizes were won by Mrs. McKinnon and
Mrs. Seacrest.
Miss Odille Fusz of St. Louis, who is
known to a number of Lincoln people,
will be married on the sixteenth of Jan
uary to Mr. Thomas Hudson Thatcher
in th9 Cathedral chapel of St. Louis.
Several years ago Miss Fusz visited
Mrs. Harris of tnis city.
W k P0U"
to clear stocks as thoroughly as possible for invert
tory anu uncs leit unioucm a Dy tne tearing" sale,
are sacrificed most unmercifully 3 fter it. There are
a number of such lines here now articles that must I
be disposed of before the first of February and it's
our intention to dispose of them by that time even if'
it's necessary to go below the wholesale price.
rnvooxviv, nebr.
'YVfZirt '
spend the winter with her parents,
and Mrs. Kelly.
Mrs. Heth Lawton
Mrs. W. O. ThomaB.
Mrs. Mary D. Manning has returned
to Chicago to resume her studies there.
The annual banquet of Alpha Tbeta
Chi was held at the chapter house of
that fraternity on Friday eveniog, Jan
uary 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnbam have
gone east for a fortnight's excursion
among their friends in New York and
Mr. Edmisten and Mies Blanche Ed
misten left yesterday afternoon for California.
October Vocal duet, "The Hunters,"
Kueken, Mrs. W. L. Sheetz. Miss Leta
is the guest of November "A Song of Thanksgiv
ing," Allitsen, Miss Lora Holmes.
December "The Star of Bethlehem,"
Adams, Mrs. W. L. Sheetz.
Misa Mary Smith, Miss Ethel Syford
and Mies Ella Giveni played the accompaniments.
Omaha Notes.
The reception given by Judge Wool
worth for Mr and Mrs. Fairfield haw
Year's night was a very elaborate and
a very large affair, both the older and
younger members of society being pres
ent. Southern smilax, used in generous
profusion to frame doorways, bank man
tels and stairway and fill many wall
spaces, maJe the bouse a bower of
Died In Waukegan, Illinois, of pneu- 8reen with no ther color anywhere ex-
The third in the series of dances giv
en by the Saturday Night club, was
held last week. The hops are informal,
the company is well acquainted and
congenial and the series is, in conse
quence, something like the extinct
Pleasant Hour functions. The dancers
were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Merrill,
Misses Crounse of Omaha, Watkins,
Morgan, Hamilton, Putnam, Bignell,
Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th & O.
Mrs. E. F. Runyanof Chicago, a resi
dent of Lincoln in the seventies, is visit
ing Mrs. Bennett.
Miss Katberine Agnew entertained a
company on Thursday evening.
Mesdames M. Ackerman and M. A.
Newmark will give a card party Thurs
day the 17ib, at the residence of the
Mrs. F. J. W. Stoney will give a card
party next Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
George Fawell.
Miss Cowdery gave an informal card
party yesterday evening.
Mies Ruth Bryan returned to school
at Montecello on Monday after a pleas
ant holiday visit with her parents and
cept in the dining room, where red car
nations were used on the table. Win
dows and doors leading to the porch
were thrown wide open and the porches
enclosed in canvao, with rugs, couches
and easy chairs scattered about made a
most attractive place, while several gas
radiators threw out enough heat to take
off the chill and make it posdible to
stroll out in this corridor with comfort.
An orchestra was stationed in the ball
The first meeting of the Matinee and played all during the evening. Mrs.
Musicale since the holiday intermission Howard received with Judge Woolworth
was held on Monday afternoon in tie and Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield. Among
Jansen and Mies those who were thre wre Mr. ami Mm
pro- Frederick Davis, Miss Harableton, Bish
lyric op and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mre.
monia, on Monday, January Ttb, 1901,
Mr. Carl Morton, son of Mr. J. Sterling
Morton. Mr. Morton's wife and an in
fant son and daughter survive him.
Died At Lincoln on January 5 h,
1901, Mr. T. F. Gettier, an old settler,
of app'iplexy.
The Matinee Musicale.
club rooms. Mrs. Jansen and
Miller arranged and presented the
gramme, which was a picture, or
characterization of each one of
twelve months.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Foster entertained
the Nineteenth Century card club on
Monday evening.
Sigma Chi fraternity give a party to
night at the chapter house.
Mrs. J. E. Houtz started on Monday
afternoon for California where she will
January Chorus, "Ring Out Wild
.Bells," Henry Lahers. First sopranos,
Mrs. O'Ntal, Mies Clara Reynolds, Mrs.
Jansen; second sopranos, Mrs. W L.
Sheetz, Mrs. D. M. Butler, Mrs Bivens;
altos, Mies Leta Trigg, Mies Ilullnorst,
Mrs Albert Watkins.
February "Ay Valentine," Gaynor
Mrs. A. V. Jansen. (substitute).
March "Blow, Blow. Thou White
Wiud!" Sargeant, Mrs. E. Lewis Baker,
April (a) '"TwaB April;" (b) "Spring
Song," Nevin, Mrs. D. M. Butler.
"Cello Obligato," Misa Eiche.
May "May Morning," Denza, Miss
Clara R. Reynolds.
July, Auguet Violin, (a) "The But
terfly," Franz Schubert. (b) "Tne
Swan," Saint-Saeos (c) 'The Bee,"
Francois Schubert, Miss Silence Dales.
Septemoer "September,"' Charlton,
Mies Lora Holmes.
Kountzo, Gf neral Lee and Miss Anne
Le, Major Michie, Mr. and Mrs Peck,
Miss Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Kountze, Mr and Mn. Patterson, Mr.
and Mrs. Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
yon, Mr. Frank Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.
Sprague, Mr. and re. Wheeler, Mr.
and Mrs. Stevens, Mis Helen Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Van
Nostraud. Mre. Dewey, Miss Dnwey,
Mr. and Mrs Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Kil
patrick, Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Gates, Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Dr.
and Mrs. Summers, Mr. Charles Saun
ders, Mr. Frank Hamilton, Mr. Earl
Gannett, the Misses Butterfield, Cap
tain and Mrs. Erwin, Colonel Pratt,
Misa Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. aud Mrs.
W. Y. Allen, Miss Elizabeth Allen, Mr.