The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Profesaional Directory.
t Office, Zehrona Block JMttO P
Jffice 618
"8Dr.Benj. F.Bailey j.
Evenings, by apixintraent. Sunday's 12 to 1
iei 671
Residence. 1313 C itreet HTb 4 p m
p. m and by appointment.
J Dr. J. B. Trickey, J o,.,,, I035 0 itreet ii to P. m.m
j Refractionist only i
m mM
fc hs? M
i , I Office, rooms 26, 27 aad 1
Office KKaijOUiS N. Wente,D.D.S. l.Browiiall Block. Mil
( so lltb street. 1
i ( Office over Harley's
office 633 Joiiver Johnson, D.D.S.-j 08tstet j-
After the New Year's festivities and living at 324 South Thirteenth street.
the inaugural ball, society is content Deputy Auditor George Anthes and
with a little quiet. Perhaps the past family are at the Lindell at present
week was as gay as usual, but the com- State Treasurer William Stuefer will
ing in of the new century brought many not remove his family to Lincoln until
parties, making the following week spring. He is now at the Lindell hotel.
GliKRK OOf-Ai 00 .
t& W(fc C TB
usy iiw w w...
DlltMlt UV
Mm w v kite v K yH
11 Kk
you will jLwyws find j
The best of everything- in the grocery line at the
Good Luck Grocery.
T -T Si-aC?STTr. "P? p treet. lf
s jl-b. jl jmm xeiepnone oku
Manicuring, Chic Ornaments for the Coiffure, Switches,
Chevelures cleaned. Tonics, Powders, Hairpins Every- f
thing to make the head and tace of a pretty woman
i.i.: ...... rrxi i oo
9 yicLLici. ...... .Leiepnune oo.
Trr I Ww
tfC aW VS
HV'.t r VH.
seem very dull indeed.
Married, at the home of the bride's
mother on North Sixteenth street, at
eight o'clock, Tuesday evening, Miss
Mary R. Campbell to Doctor David R.
Maior bv the Rev. Lewis Gregory. The
Absolute perfection is often
claimed for shoes that are
simply stylish. Shoes that are
plenty stylish enough when
new often lack durability and
comfort. All our shoes arp
fePAELWIAftl good, The hierher priced ones
JrWuSVIIVil are absolutely perfect ineverv
detail. The cheaper ones, of
course, can not be.
When 3Tou come to us you get what 3Tou pay for and you
know what you get. A discount on all leather goods this
11SO O Street.
but will soon remove to 901 J street,
where Deputy Treasurer Heilman and
family are to reside. State Superinten
dent William K. Fowler and family live
at 1707 A Btreet and Deputy McBrion
and family are at 1717 A street. At
torney uenerai r . a. trout win not re
, 1 . . ... . . n lAJ.UO UUUU.B. .... ...UU. n.
House was aecoratea wita pm mm, move bis famiiy trom Beatrice. Depuj
palms and southern emilax. The Attorney General Norris Brown will
bride'sgown was white with valenciennes make his home at the Lindell, but may
inserting and the long veil was fast- notremoveh5B famUy from Kearney,
ened with white hyacinth. Lucille MrGeorge D. Follmer, commissioner
Lees in white and carrying flowers, was of public lands and buildings, lives at
1512 P street. Deputy Commissioner
her immediate courier. Mrs. Dung
played the wedding march. The brid
al party stood under a canopy of green
in the drawing-room. Mrs. Taylor was
mistress of ceremonies. Mrs. Fling and
Mrs. Hill presided at the refreshment
tables, assisted by Miss Herron
Mies Montgomery. The guests were
received by Mrs. Campbell, mother of
the bride, Mrs. A. K. Griffith, Mrs. Less
and Miss Conklin. All the guests were
relatives and most intimate frieuds.
H. M. Eaton lives at 2819 Q street.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Ladd
gave a party in honor of the Misses
Croun&e. The guests were the active
and and alumnae members of the Theta
fraternity. Tiey played "A Culinary
Courtship," whose intricate course was
unwound most quickly bj Mies Careon
and Miss Burr Delicate refreshments
were served. The guests were Mea-
Miss Campbell has been at the head of dames Will Hardy, F. W. Eison, Nor
the Latin department of the high school, man Belcher, F. M. Fling, T, L Lyon,
F. Clements; Misses Crounse, Carson.
Barr, Lida Miller, Mc Henry, Clark,
Morgan, Wirt, Ruth Macfarland, Doug
las, Coat, Douglas, Agnew, Loomis, Fos
ter, Harper, Woodford, Garey, Stewart
At Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
for five years. Dr. Major is a member
of the faculty of Columbia university.
Dr. and Mrs. Major will be at home
after February 1st, 1901, at 1270 Amster
dam Avenue, New York City. Mias
Campbell gave a farewell supper to her and Ruasell
associates in the teaching profession on
loot Vrirlav Arnninir. Miman fVinklin.
Tniiu. T.ittl Win,, Herron. Burr. Wednesday evening card party for
Kirker. Montgomery, Bridge. Badger, Jor and Mrs. Stoney, and Mrs. Lawton,
tit:. r t.--: n two six handed euchre was played. Mrs.
Towne, Pound',- Pound, Kingsley and C- Abbott won tDB ryaI P,ize and Mr8
HullhorsMrs. Field, Dr. Bolton, Dr. J- A- .Botaaff J h priZ9 fr
Major, Mr Prevely, Dr. Davenport, Mr. "ahouting. ' Mr. Will Green won the
Congdon, Mr. Jeffords, Mr. Philpott royal and Mr. t rank Woods the shout
and Mr. H. G. Shedd, were the guests. 1D P"ze- rnz0B Ior Buuug are a
new feature of card parties. If a play
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Auld celebrated er sees by his hand that he can play the
their twentieth wedding anniversary on game alone without the widow he says
last Monday evening, by giving a recep- "i shout;" if he wins every point it
tion to about two hundred of their counts him fifteen. If a player can
friends. Laiga vases of white carna- play the game alone by using the widow
tions and stately palms adorned the re- he says, "I cheer;" if he wins ever
eeption room Red carnations were in point he ie counted ten, but no piize is
the library and hall, and pink in the given.
dining room. From a table covered
with Battenburg lace over pink, Mrs.
Janeen served punch and Mrs. McGrew
poured coffee. Misses Murphy, Rob
erts, Gere, Poynter and Powers assisted.
Mrs. Auld was gowned in gray silk mus
lin over lavender satin; Miss Auld wore
a dainty cream silk, and Miss Alice
Auld wore a simple white organdie.
Mr. and Mrs. Auld were assisted by Mr.
and Mrs. Teeters and Judge and Mrs.
TibbettH. The Ideal Mandolin club
furnished exquisite music.
The new state officers and their dep
uties nave nearly ail aecurea nomes in
Lincoln. Governor Dietrich is now oc
cupying the governor's mansion at Fif
teenth and H streets, near the capitol.
His private secretary, Mr. H. C. Lind
say, is occupying the home of Congress
man E. J. Burkett, at 1514 B street.
Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Savage
will make the Lincoln hotel their head
quarters for the winter. Secretary of
State George W. Marsh and Deputy
Frank McCartney will soon have their
families insulted at 1044 H street. Au-
The card parties given by Mrs. Trap
hag n and Mrs. Stonebraker ou Thurs
day and Friday afternoons of last week
were enjoyed by about fifty ladies each
day. The game played on Thursday
was four-handed euchre. The prizes
were won by Mesdames Fling, Morris
Friend and Rosa Funke. Mrs. Trap
hagen and Mrs. Stonebraker were as
sisted in serving by Mesdames A. W.
Field and Helwig, and Misses Bradt
and Haye. Six handed euchre was
played on Friday, Mesdames Lee Ar
nett, J. H. Stephens and Miss Erb
proving themselves the most successful.
The assisting ladies were Mesdames
Haye, Warner, Spencer and J. C. Sea
crest. The Thalians received at the home of
Miss Eatella Smith from two until five
o'clock on Thursday, January the 3rd.
Carnations, the sorority flower, added
to the beauty of the rooms. In con
venient places, cozy corners were ar
ranged where the guests could linger
and sup chocolate served from an old
ditor Charles Weston and family are fashioned granite pot, by Mies Marie