THE COURIER. 6n exhibition and Mrs. Stoner gave an Account of hnr visit to the art exhibit at iltbe State University. Refreshments followed, after which she favored the class with a vocal solo, and Mies Miller cave an instrumental solo. Fourteen were present and all reported a delightful evening. w: The Woman's club of Seward held its .. liret business meating according to the program, January 5th, 1001. The fol lowing officers were elected: President. Mrs. Teresa M. Carey; first vice preei v dont, Mrs. Frances Miller; second vice president, Mrs. Phoebe Callender; re l cording secretary, Mrs. Florence Dick- man: cnrrpanonclincr sftorfitnrv. Mm. iVnl- lie Keefer; treasurer, Mrs. Herman Dirs. Leaders of departments: Art. ?Mrs. Alice B. Manning; Household Eco gnomic, Mrs. Teresa M. Carey; Litera . ture, Mrs. Emma K. Scbemel. Mrs. Stoutenborough'B letter was read in regard to setting a date for a library meeting. The clnb decided to observe January 26tb, and give a library program, instead of their Art meeting. i The Secret of Mark Twain's Success. Mark Twain's literary hold on the world is go innocent of all tradition and logic that the challenge to explain the situation is an irreeistible one to those who talk about him or write about him, though it does not particularly worry people when they read him. The gen tlemen who have made a study of Guch matters have said his literary style is naught; that his stories are ill-constructed, according to the esthetic standards; that bis travel sketches are inconsequential and scrappy; that his historical novels do not create the at mosphere of their time, and so forth, yet these same gentlemen do not deny that he is a great writer, nor do they pretend to withstand hie fascination. Indeed Mark Twain is curiously fortu nate in his ability to hold the attention of the men who make books and writing their business, as well as men who have no interest whatever in books or reading except when the interest is compelled by such an irresistible person aa Mr. Clemens. This can not be for the mere reason of Mr. Twain's humor, although such inimitable humor is a platform on which very varied types and grades of intellect may meet congenially. It must be because the keynote of every thing Mr. Clemens writes iB his enmity to sham, hypocricy, and pretense a note vibrating the fibers of manliness in every reader and because, whether he is a good novel-writer or not, he is a born story-teller, with the highest art of the typical American raconteur, with all his intuitive and acquired knowledge of human nature, bis cool mastery of climaxes, and his audacity. It is his distinction that he is so thoroughly the American. There is no meridian of his country that be does not know, whose people he does not understand, whose life he has not lived. He comes to his subject, be it a European cathedral or a village schoolboy, or an absurd senti mentality, with the cool, healthy, vigor ous bearing of a man born and bred in the atmosphere o! work and fact, where trifling or falsehood means disaster. It has been remarked more than once how suggestive of the American eagle are Mr. Clemens' bearing, his piercing eye, his falcon profile. From "A Sketch of Mark Twain," in the American Month ly Review of ReviewB for January. ENGLAND IN CHINA. The Large Hold that the British Have Gained at Important Points in the Celestial Empire. Great Britain is further in China al ready than any other power. The facts are sensational when taken together. The British have most of the trade in s'trong ports where they have put up handsome buildings, and they have n.ost of the concessions. It is the ex pectation that British capital will play the largest part in the modernization of China. Mr. Frank G. Carpenter, who has been in that part of the world for some time, contributes to this week's issue of The S iturday Evening Post an article giving the most recent facts of the situation. He says: ''The English are doing the most of the foreign banking for China. They get a percentage on the greater part of the quarter of a billion dollars used in its foreign trade. They have made the Chinese government loans up to the last four or five years; the first two loans at the close of the Chinese-Japanese war, each amounting to 880.000,000 hav ing been placed with the Ecglish and Germans. There is one English bank in China which has deposits of 180,000, 000. It pays six per cent on deposits, notwithstanding this, declares big divi dends. In a recent transaction it made a clear profit of $2,000,000, and its stock is now two hundred per cent above par. "There are, in round numbers, about L'1,421 foreigners in China. 1 do not in clude the soldiers called in by the pres ent war. Of these foreigners mora than 5,000 are English, 2,000 Americans, 1.000 Germans, 1)00 French, 1C0 Danes, 100 Spanish, 150 Italians, 1,000 Portu guese, and 1,700 Japauese. More than two-thirds of the Americans are mis sionaries. "A look at what the English are do ing at the different ports will show whether they are profitable or unprofi table servants. They surely have not wrapped their talent in a napkin and buried it in the sand. They have made the open porta modern European cities. They are every where the leaders in society, education and. businees." GOURIER SUBSCRIBERS. After February 28 all delinquent sucscrip tions due January first, 1901, will be one dollar and a half. One dollar is the cash price. After the date specified all subscribers delinquent two months or more on 1891 subscriptions will be charged a dollar and a half. THE COURIER CO. The Twice a-Veek Republic. Every Mondav and Thursday a news paper as good as a magazine and better for it contains the latest by telegraph as well as interesting stories is sent to the subscriber of the "Twice-a-Week" Republic, which is only 81.00 a year. The man who reads the "Twtce-a-Week" Republic knows all about affairs political, domestic and foreign; is posted about the markets and commercial mat ters generally. The women who read the "Twice-a-Week" Republic gather a bit of valu able information about household affairs and late fashions and find recreation in the bright stories that come under both the heading of fact and fiction. There is gossip about new books and a dozen other topics of especial interest to the wide-awake man and woman. His Malady Mra. Talkyer I saw Dr. Osem going into your house this morning. Is any one sick? Mre. Fanning My husband. He just got home from bis vacation. The Bazar Miss Kritick Did you notice the lob ster in that "still life" picture of Dobbs ley's picture?" Mis Porkand (of Chicago) No; who was it? Town Topics. lfttC0C ABOUT FRIDAY, JANUARY 18th, we ex pect to open several hundred pieces of foreign and domestic cotton dress goods I from which we invite those who wish the choic- est patterns of the season to make selections. Large assortments of fine embroideries will be i shown at the same time. MlbbER&PAINB I M0MMMHllMO0M Oil MIDI 0f POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE has for nearly sixty y-ars been recognized as th l"cuple"s Na tinnal Family Newspaper, for farmers and villagers. Its splendid Agricultural Depart ment. its reliable market re ports, recognized authorlty throughout the country Its fashion notes. Its Science and .Mechanics Department I t n fascinating nhort stories, etc etc.. render It Indispensable In even' family. HeKulnr milt xcrlptloii price, fl.OO per enr. published on Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Is a complet up to datt daily newspaper. three das In the week, with all Important news of the other four days, l'rofusely IUl trated. and tilled with lntercs Ins reading for all who wish to keen In close touch with news TDIDIIUC of the nation and world. I nlDHRC It t k u liir ftuli-rltlun price, J(1...( per eur. NEW YORK TRI WEEKLY In. connection with The Tribune we offer to those who desire to secure the best magazine, Illustrated weeklies and agricultural Journals, the following splendid inducements: Willi llegutar . One Year. Aortn .American Keview. .fiv loric ntjr .-.oo With Weekly Trl-U rekly Tribune. Tribune. Hnrper'n Miiicnxliie. .New York City l.OO imrpern unxur. . l otic city l.oo Hnrper'n Weekly. cw York City l.oo Century Mutrnxlur. Aew York City.......... l.oo St. .Nleholan .Mn ten a I lie Xew York C'lt ft.oo llcf'lnre'ii MnKiixliie. Jew York Cll l.oo I'm Ilk l.el!e'n Monthly. cw lurk Cll 1.00 Miiiiho' Mnirnxlue. New York City......... l.oo SiieeeN, Tiew York City. ................... l.OO I.eiljrcr Monthly. .New 1 urk City l.OO l'uek, .New York City. ..................... Zi.'Ht luilKe. .New lork City 5.041 l.enlle'n Weekly, New lurk City l.OO He lew of He lens). Neir York City........ "J.r.O Serlliner'ss Miienxlne. ew inrk City :t.(M American Krlciilti'rit, .Neiv York City l.OO It ii nil .New Yorker. .New York City. ......... l.OO fonmoiiolltiui lliiKiislne, IrviiiKtoii, .V 1.... l.OO Country C'cntlenmn. tllinny. . Y 1T.OO Farm Journal. I'hiliiilelphiii. I'enn .M I.lpplnt-ott'N Mncnxine. Philadelphia, lVmi.. .'l.OO YoiiIIi'm Companion. Ilnxlun. Munm l.rn Farm nnil Home, .SpriiiRlield, Munm .to l.OO New K it k I" ml Il.iiuentenil. Sprinicllelil. Miikk. . l.OO 1" t.'oml HoiiHekeepliiK. prlnBflelil. Miihm l.OO l.OO Farm. Kielil ami Flrclilc. CIiIciiko. Ill l.OO l.OO Oranice .Imlal Fnriiu-r. ChlcnRO. Ill l.OO 1S1T. KpltomiMt. ImlinnnpoliH. I ml r.O l.oo Ohio Farmer, Cleelnnil, Ohio H l.OO Mlohlsnn Knrnirr. Iletroit. Mleh MO l.OO Farm nnil Flrrlile. Sprlncllelil. Ohl .." l.OO Farm Aewx. SprlnKflelil. Ohio .0 l.OO Home unit Farm, l.oniitvllle. Ky ZM l.OO The Farmer. St. Pnnl. Minn -,o l.oo Tribune Almanac, limi Please send cash with order Thoe wishing to subcrlbe tir more than one of the aboe publlcatloni In connection with The Tribune may remit at publishers regular price Address THE TRIIIL'.N'K. .New-York City. One Year. SS.I.OO l.OO -l.OO l.oo l.OO :t.oo uto i.xr. i .:.- l.L'O ..oo .-.oo l.)N :.r.o ::jo i .:.-. i Mr. Mr, i.oo I .(HI :t.Mt On. Year. M.r.O I--.0 I--.0 l--.ll I--.0 ::-.o !..'. 1-sr. 1.7.-. 1.T r..r.o r..r.n i.uo i.r.o i .r.o ...f0 i.JM i .r.o iv; i. or. i.ttr. ijr. 1..-0 i.iir. f.itr. 1..-.4I i. r.o 1..-.0 1..-0 l.HO Hi If you have never been to California you can have no idea of bow agreeably you can pass the winter there. The weather is perfect not so warm at to be enervat ing nor so cold ap to be uncomfortable. If you take the Burlington Route you will reach California three days after you leave Lincoln. No Changes of cars are necessary. Thro' tourist cars for Los Angeles leave the Burl ington station every Tuesday morning and every Thurs day evening. City Ticket Office Burlington Depot 6or. lOtrt and O Streets. 7th St., Between P and Q. Telephone 235. Telephone 25.