THE COURIER 4 . f MMMMtHHHMMHOIC0OOC (SLHBS- 1 J Edited by Miss Helen G. Harwood. iMMiMiiiniitMHiMinmiim' The Lincoln Woman's club will meet on Monday, January 14th, 8t three o'clock. The subject for the afternoon will be "The Art Exhibit" and will be under the direction of MieB Hayden, haderof the Art department. Mem bers are requested to bring their cata logs of the exhibition. The ladies of the Exeter Woman's club entertained the children of its members Thursday afternoon, January tnird. The general meeting of the Columbus Woman's club was held Saturday, Jan uary ath. The Literary department had charge of the program. Roll call response, "Current Literature;" paper, "Books of the Hour.' Mrs. A. J. Baker; piano solo, Mrs. W. A. McAllister; book review, "To Have and to Hold,'' Miss Becker; vocal duet, Mesdames Heintz and Fridig. A New Year's reception wbb given by the Woman's club of Plattsmouth on Tuesday evening, January Jet, 1901, at the residence of Mrs. B. Eleon. Every member of tberlub had the privilege of inviting guests. Saturday's meeting, December 31st, of the Fremont Woman's club, was president's day, it being the fifth Sat urday of the month. The president, Mrs. Mullin, having gone to New Mexi co for her health, her vacant chair on the rostrum was draped with roses and ferns, as a tribute of the esteem of the members of the club. The piogram was of her arranging. It was given over to the men who had been invited to ad dress ths club on the question of a pub lie library for Fremont. Mies Stella Keene presided. Reverend William II. Buss discussed "The Value of Public Libraries;" Mr. G. G. Martin, the "Ex position of State Library Laws;' Mr. Robs L. Hammond, "Practical Methods of Securing a Public Library." Dr. Buss adverted to the great prac tical value of books, how they have been invaluable aids to the educational, mor al and religious development of the race. He traced the growth of the public li brary idea in this country, showing it is practically a product of the century just closing, though one of the first was earlier established by Benjamin Frank lin in Philadelphia, it being still in ex istence. He thought there was to greater problem to which we could pro fitably devote ourselves than to that of devising plans for placing an abundance of good books within the reach of the persons who cannot otherwise enjoy their use. It is particularly importait for the young to have this opportunity, for what is read in early life is largely the formative influence which shapes the whole career. The daily press does not meet the requirements. It is a great-power for good and is improving, but it presents an undigested and indi gestible mass of material to the reader that is debilitating. There mue' be the careful and studious perusal of good books. That there is need for such a I THE fRU ICE CKII 1 A public institution in Fremont he was very sure. He read briefly from a report of the work of the Burlington, Iowa, library, showing the wonderful influence that library has had on the community. Mr. Hammond Baid he appreciated the humor of the situation presented by bis representing the question of cash in the discuBsion, since the poverty of country editors is proverbial; yet he supposed it was his right to tell others what to do and how to do it, just as it is the privilege and practice of othere to tell the editor how to conduct his paper. He had, he said, written to librariane of libraries in other cities of the state to learn how they bad procured their li braries and how they were maintained. He had endeavored to learn if there was a sustained interest in them. He read letters covering interesting and primary features of library building from librarians and secretaries at Ne braska City, Beatrice, Plattsmouth and Crete. These were all enthusiastic. They all testified to the continued in terest and benefit of their libraries and they made clear the steps that should be taken to procure a library for Fre mont. The speaker said he was con servative. He thought a fund of $2,500 might be raised to buy a library. When this was done he believed the city coun cil could easily be induced to make a levy for its support. A tax of one mill on the dollar may be raised. This would yield about S800 a year, which would meet current expenses and add to the number of books in a small way. lie would have no building erected for library purposes until the need of it was plain. He believed the fund named could be raieed and suggested how the Woman's club could organize to successful)- do it. The intelligent citizen ship of Fremont is surely in favor of such a worthy movement for the educa tion of the masses. At the conclusion of their remarks a vote of thanks was tendered the gen tlemen for their addresses. The addresses were followed by gen eral discussion. Among those who spoke were Mr. J. W. Richards and Prof. J. L. Laird, both of whom were enthusiastic for a library for the city. Mrs. R. D. Kelly recited an appropriate poem. No formal action was taken at this meeting for a definite start toward a library, but there was manifested a favorable disposition that is likely to soon lead to results. The program of music for the meet ing was very enjoyable. Miss Katharine Richards Bang a solo. Mr. J. W. John son sang. Miss Nina Foote was accompanist. Mrs. Mary Williams. The club work consists of the general meetings, one each month from October to May and the work of the departments of which there are four, art, history, literature and music. The art study is devoted chieHy to the sculpture, architecture and paintings of France after the Re naissance. Afternoons ar9 also given to the Italian masters, and the different schools form another topic. The in structive art game is also made of fre quent use. The History department has France for its theme. The work is carefully planned, and begins with the Feudal System and includes the main events in French History from 143G 189G. The Department of Literature has for its leading topic modern litera ture, including book reviews and quota tions from new books and poems, with occasional gleanings from older writers. This course gives one afternoon to Ne braska writers, an unusual but a goodly topic. The Music department offers in the following successive order two pro grams of Chopin, one of Mendelssohn, two of Schumann and Lizt, one of each Berlioz and Rubinstein, and two of both Wagner and Gounod. The Cpntury club met on Tuesday with Mrs. George G. Waite. Mrs, W. E. Kirker read a paper on "The Religion and Astrology of Ancient Egypt." Sorosis met on Tuesday with Mrs. T. M. Hodgman. Mrs. M. D. Welch die cuEsed "Opening of China." And Dairy 60. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity 01 plain and fancy Ice Cream Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. J38SO. 12th St. PHONE 205. ;J S The Review and Art club of York, have prepared a neat, little calendar with a greenish cover, fastened with a while cord. "Dutch and Early Ger man Art and Miscellaneous Topics" are the chosen work. The arrangement of topics is brief and scholarly. The artists to whom special attention is given are Hubert and Jan Van Eyck, Memlling, Maseye, Rubens, Van Dyck, Frank Hals, Verrour, Terburg, Ruys dael, Paul Potter, Rembrandt, Durer, Teniers and Holbein. A short pro gram in English Literature is also of fered. One meeting each month is giv en to Current Topics. The officers are: President, Mrs. C. F. Gilbert; vice piesident, Mrs. C. H. Bell; secretary, Miss Alice Dillon; treasurer, Mrs. Rob ert McConaughy. The fourth general meeting of the Woman's club of Seward was held in the parlors of the Windsor hotel Decem ber 22nd. There wan a good attendance considering the storm. All who were on the program were present and prepared. The Literature class furnished the numbers: Quotations from Tennyson, by class. Life and workB of Tennyson by Mrs. Callender. Piano solo by Miss Alice Sexton. Recitation by Margery Ranss. Legends of King Arthur, Mrs. U. O. Andercon. Talk on the work of the department, Mrs. Ross Anderson. Vocal solo, The Brook, by Mies Victoria Hedden. Business followed. Miss Mil ler reported tickets sold by club for the entertainment course, 811.50. A motion was carried to ask Mrs. Hall to come and give a lecture on Art before the club, arrangements to be left with the art class. A vote of thanks was tendered to those who contributed to the musical part of the program. The First Year Book of the Columbus Woman's club, compliments of Mrs. John B. Geitzen, president, has been re ceived. The cover is most effective with a pink carnation, the club flower, done in water colors, and 1900-1901 Columbus Woman's Club, Year Book, done in gold. The club colors are pink and green. The club has certainly made practical illustration of its motto: "Spare mom ents are the gold dust of time," for it must have taken many spare momenta to paint a carnation on each booklet. The officers are: President, Mrs. Mary H. Geitzen; vice president, Mrs. Bertha Cramer; second vice president, Mrs. Lil ian S. Reeder; recording secretary, Martha Turner; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. Carrie B. Voss; treasurer, ations of the times and works. The course began in October with a study of early English and will be concluded on the eighth of May with a review of English poetry since 1832, English poets laureate and the Brownings with a finale of quotations from Tennyson Each page of the year book has at the top, an apt quotation. "That book is good which puts ne in a thinking mood;" "Reading without purpose, is sauntering, not exercise;" "Books are yours, Within whose silent chambers treasure lies Preserved from age to age." "For pdetry is the blossom and fra grance of all human knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language." Familiar names and epochs in the progress of literature from Beo wulf to Browning appear in the synop sis compiled by the Tecumseh Sorosis, Buch as Chaucer, troubadours, Eliza betban age, etc. On December the 29th, the class in Household Economics of Seward, met at the home of Mrs. Harvey. The mem bers show great interest and a large number were present. The subject was a debate. . Resolved, That the mistress and not the maid, is responsible for the present imperfect style of housekeeping. Affirmative, Mesdames J. F. Skeede and George Merriam. Negative. Mes dames Will Dickinson and C. E. Hoi land. Remedies: Doubtful in domestic service, Mrs. Bradley; Possible in domes tic service, Mrs. Strayer; discussion by class, Mrs. Teresa M. Carey, leader. The Literature class of the Woman's club of Seward, met with Mre. Keefer January 2nd. In the absence of the leader Mrs. Ross Anderson look up the work which consisted of studies and readings of the first seven chapters of Ivanhoe. The class will study Scott un til the close of the year. Mrs. Spear gave a sketch of the Princess, which has been one of the studies of the class from Tennyson. Quotations and answers fol lowed which bad been given out by the leader upon the history of the times written of in Ivanhoe. This depaitment has made good progress, meeting every Tuesday afternoon at the homes of the members under the direction of their efficient leader, Mrs. Emma K. Schemel. Sorosis of Tecumseh has been kind enough to send The Courier the club's year book for the season of 1900 and 1901. Printed on rough, deckel edge paper and bound in the club colors of rose and white, the Tecumseh Sorosis year book ia a valuable addition to this year's collection, for each one of which the editor, and the editor of the elub department are very grateful. The So rosis officers are: President, Mrs. C. B. Scott; first and second vice presidents, Mrs. Mabel Lattan and Miss Lib J. Hervey; secretary, Mrs. Sadie E. liar man; treasurer, Mrs. Clara A. West. Program committee: Mesdames An derson, Daviea, Leach; chairmen social department, Mesdames Chenoweth, Mc Kay and Lattan. At each meeting a paramount issue is discussed after which English literature is studied with illus- The Art department of the Woman's club of Seward met with Mrs. W. W. Stoner, January 5th, at seven P. M Mrs Manning, the leader, gave a review of the previous lesson. Miss Miller's subject was the Romantic School in Art. with the two artists Gericault and Delacroix. Mrs. Blanchard had Ary Sheffer and Delaroche. Mrs. Stoner had received a new con signment of pictures which were placed J. F. HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. Gf9 STOCKS AND- BONDS Grain, Provisions: Cotton. Private Wires to New York City and Kuuiy values cast ana west. MEMBER New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade n -u !'