THE COURIER. 11 omctling peio r Qirig anfl gos JRING the past year "St. Nicholas" maga tine, which has been for nearly thirty years cadiogcmiarens moniiuy magazine ot the i anil now tho only oa). lias introduced new departments which liaro been e.-t- iclv attractive anil have crcatlv increased circulation... Ono of these, is FATUREAND SCIENCE." Don't bother me I'm too busy" is too often remark from a growu-np person to a child really wants to know, ino editor of "Na- and Science" gives careful attention to t question asked by his yoang readers, and e will write to'M. Nicholas about it has me the motto of the department, which ains interesting short articles, beautifully itrated, tellinc of four footed animals, i, insects, water animals, plants and wliat pertains to nature. ST. NICHOLAS LEAGUE" ,An organization 01 inose wno read me maga- IwneuiorsunscriDersornoii.witnoutdues, it offers prizes each month for the best iwings. photographs, poems, stories, puzzles puzzle answers, some ot mo work sent in ouair folks shows remarkable talent. lone who does not sco "St. Nicholas" can ize what an interesting magazine it is, and exouisitelv it is illustrated: it is a snr- e to young and old. Of literature it con- is taevuuicesi, uu iu un, 11 ua ue-er occn lassed by any grown folks periodical. The volnme begins with November. 1903. and subscription price is 93.00 a year. If there children in rour home, vou can hardlv .. ,...-.. - -- , oru to do wimoui n. tBOYS AXD GIRLS bo read this advertisement and who wish to id out more about The St. Nicholas Leairuo ou its system oi monthly prizes may address, ithout cost. The St. Nicholas League, Union )iiare. new lorfc. Century Co., Union Square, N. Y. 'MSon -MBta ifti .INtl m BkinuisjiD THE COURIER $3-50 foEGAfo NOTICES A complete tile of "The Courier" is "kept in an absolutely fireproof build ing. Another nie is Kept in tnis omce .. -and still another has been deposited " -elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal - notices in "The Courier" with security 48 the files are intact and are pre- served from year to year with great care iThe Century MAGAZINE. tl'Thoi T.ooriiner Papirvlical nf Ihn World" 'Will Hdcilce 1901 A YEAR of ROMANCE" BESIDES a great program oF illus trated articles, a superb panorama fot the Rhine John Bach Alctaaster s fgroup of articles on Daniel Webster, Ecolor-picturee, etc., etc., The Century will Dresent. beginning witn ftoveniDer, IlDOO, the first issue' of the new volume,' Short Novels and Complete Stories by : IF. Anstev. Mrs. Burnett, George W. Cable. IWinston Churchill, Edwin Asa Due, Ham aim Garland, David Gray, Joel Chandler Harris, Bret Harte, W. D. Howells, Henry lames, Sarah Urne Jewett, Kudyam ftjp- lan Maclaren, a. vr luitcneu, amas nelson rage, senna ivunue, tFlora Annie Steele, Frank R. Stockton, isRuth McEnerv Stuart, Gen. Lew Wallace, Charles Dudley Warner, E. Stuart Phelps waxu, maxy c " iuuiu. I" THE HELMET OF NAVARRE" ?A great novel, full ot life, adventure, and faction, the scene laid in France 300 years ago, began in the August, 1900, iCentury, and will continue for several fmontbs in 1901. Critics everywhere are ; enthusiastic over the opening chapters lot this remarkable story. '-The author's Sname is apparently established witn tnis, pher maiden effort," says the Boston Trhscript. The Critic cbIIb it "A re- ,-markable performance. FREE New Subscribers to The Century Magazine who begin with the I number for November, iuw, win receive ; free of charge the three previous num bers, August, September and October, containing the first .chapters of "The Helmet of Navarre," or, if those num ' bers are entirely exhausted at the time lot subscribing, they will receive a pam phlet containing all or the cDapters 01 "The Helmet of Navarre" contained in the three numbers. Ask for the free numbers when sub scribing. $4.00 a year. The Century Co., Union Square, New York FASHION LETTER. Annus Domini Nineteen Hundred and One promises to be a distinctly white year in the annals or Fashion. Already in Paris a perfect craze for white gowns of every material for all occasions-prevails White gowhs'ilone in white cloth the simpler the better are the smartest thing possible for day wear at the mom ent The idea of white gowns worn by the cold light of a middle of-the-winter day seems a bit frappe-isb,at the first glance. but there is always that saving "but" tacked to every' startling sartorial in novation, somehow, when it is really clever. In this instance it is beautiful furs that invariably surmount the white gowns that are the saving "but" and give them all the warmth which cold colorlessness needs at this season of the year. I have been told that an actress, who long since passed middle age, is respon sible for this white wave in fashion. Be that as it may, it is a fact that she is wearing little else, and as she wears it, and it makes one forget what year in the last century she was born, it is like ly to find many imitators. One ot the white gowns that she wears on her way to the theatre is in white cloth with machine-stitched strap pings of the cloth on the coat and skirt. With this gown she wears a round not Hat, like everyone's else, observe silver fox boa twisted high about her ears, a big muff and a black hat. The only thing not white that she deigns to wear is a most wonderful fur coat, the like of which it would be bard to tind, ahd which must have cost well, enough to keep th6 wolf from the poor man's door for many a day! This wonderful coat is in the tinest broadtail. It is loose and long so long .that it sweeps the ground as the wearer walks. It has a high rolling collar of chinchilla, and a band of chinchilla out lines it on either side to the feet. All this is very good, but scarcely wonder ful. It is left to the lining to make it that which it does so thoroughly that it it the joy and envy of every pair of feminine eyes that sees it. This won derful lining is made entirely of chin chilla. The little Leasties are sewn so that the dark parts come together, form ing a star, and make it appear as though Jbe-fur. followed a set design which, of course, it does. The effect is most unusual and origin al. The old lady, who has possessed almost everything worth possessing, in her time sartorially speakug feels this, for she never neglects an oppor tunity to display that wonderful lining. Under this "wonderful" coat she wears always a white gown. And one may look for an influx of long, loose black coats, though perhaps not built on such costly lines, to be worn over white gowns. This I know, for 1 have seen at least a dozen orders placed for them since the ancient actress appeared in her "wonderful" coa; ard white gown the other day at a reception. Boleros of sable and mink, with toques of fur to match, are very smart when worn with white cloth gowns. Mrs. Clary Mackay was the first wo man in town to affect white for day wear this winter. She rarely wore any thing else at the Horse Show, and was very much criticised at the time for do ing so; but the fad for white will soon be so general that people will wonder why they caviled. Ruches of Mechlin in white and black are another apparently unseasonable fashion that is developing into tremen dous popularity with the ultra-smart women. Mrs. Mackay wears a huge ruche of white Mechlin with' her sable cape when she drives, and it makes a deliciously soft touch against the rich fur. The craze for white extends to hats as well Mrs. Perry Belmont and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt are both wearing Hat hats with one long white ostrich feather twisted about them for their only adornment. They have found doz ens ot imitator,too, you may be sure. The faehion-for wearisg.wbite in eve. ning frocks is, ot course, nothing new but this season it has been accentuated, because it is as generally worn by the mothers of possible debutantes as it has bem hitherto Torn by the debutantes themselves. Mrs. Stuyve Fish, Mrs. Ollie Belmont and Mrs. George Gould have worn, perhaps, the beet white ball gowns seen "so far this season. The fad for white for day wear seems to have paved the way for the adoption of cloth gowns done in all the lighter shades, blue Gobelin blue, I think they call it being the most in demand thus far. Mrs. Jordan Mott is wearing one of the prettiest of these new blue frocks It is quite simple perfectly so, indeed. The little jacket, is cut on the bolero lines; the skirt is guiltless of ilouncn or furbelow; the belt is Russian gold rib bon threaded with blue, and the whole success of the smart little frock depends upon its exquisito coloring. Apropos of color, one of the best ex amples of coloring I have seen in a long ieh while is the pink dinner gown worn by an actress in a new play. It is the soft deep pink that one finds in the heart ot a rose that is, some roses. It is in heavy satin crepe de chine, with a wide flounce and narrow entre-deux of lace and chiffon bo lavishly embroidered in pink beads and pink pearls that only a shimmer of the original white is left. The crepe de chine is flecked all over with the fine pink crystal beads in broken lines. The bodice has the jewel ed entre-deux arranged to give a loose bolero effect, and strands of pink beads ot a darker hue are strung across the edge and fall nearly to the waist line. Similar strands of beads form what sleeves there are, and the top ot the bodice is draped lightly in the palest pink tulle. Town Topics. Tramp 1 tell yer, I can't git along in dis world now as well as I could ten er fifteen years ago. Farmer H'm! An' what's the cause? Tramp Why. de profession is over crowded. Town Topics. GOURIER SUBSCRIBERS. After February 28 all delinquent sucscrip tions due January first, 1901, will be one dollar and a half. One dollar is the cash price. After the date specified all subscribers delinquent two months or more on 1891 subscriptions will be charged a dollar and a half. THE COURIER CO. The Twice a-Week Republic. Every Monday and Thursday a news paper as good as a magazine and better for it contains the latest by telegraph as well as interesting stories is sent to the subscriber ot the "Twice-a-Week" Republic, which is only $1.00 a year. The man who reads the "Twice-a-Weak" Republic knows all about affaire political, domestic and foreign; is posted about the markets and commercial mat ters generally. The women who read the "Twice-a-Woek" Republic gather a bit of valu able information about household affairs and late fashions and find recreation in the bright stories that come under both the heading of fact and fiction. There is gossip about new books and a dozen other topics of especial interest to the wide-awake man and woman. First luli. Jan. li IWI ,V SHKKIKr' SAI.K Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of uu ordexof sale Issued by the clerk of iho district court of lh Third Judicial district or Nebras ka, within and for Lancaster county, in un ac tion wherein Herbert U. Sawyer Is plaintiff, and Itufus K. Weiljrc et nl.. defendants. I will, at 5 o'clock V.AL, on the ISlh day of February. A. 1. 1U01, at the east door of the court house, in tht city of Lincoln. Lancaster county. Nebraska, offer for mite at public auction the following described lands ami tenements, to-wlt: Lots thirteen 113) and fourteen 1 1 ) In block three (3)of W.-jll.-IrvlncV second-addition to the city of Lincoln, located on the north one half of the .south-west quarter of the south went quarter of section niirhtcen 1 1H) in town ship ten (ID) in Itanxe seven 1 7 IKast In Lincoln. Lancaster county. Nebraska. Given under my hand this uh day of Jan uary. A I. 1901. Z. S. llKANHOM, Sheriff. for urs one'38: Fur garmen ts made to order. A complete line of Furs al ways on hand. All 'work S?al CloakB Remodeled, Ke-dyed and made into Latest Style. O. STEELE, FURRIER, 143 South I2tlx. S NEWS and OPINIONS 8 : s ..OK.. National Importance JTHE SUN I s AX, O JsT 13 I (JUiNTMiNS WJL'H. Daily, by mail . . . $6 a year J Daily & Sunday, by mail, 53 a year u Is thegreatest Sunday NeWs- paper in the World. Price."c a copy. By mail, $2 a year. 2 Address THE SUN, New York. a The COURIER And any One Dollar Woman's Club Magazine m V H U7 RPnWM 9 Druggist and J Bookseller. 5 Fine Stationery ft and Calling Cards Z 127 So.Eleventh Street. I PHONE 68 4 KKIOYi 00007 V