8 THE COURIER. nil tkitnlA I Holiday shopping an easy matter here. Every stocK is full of pretty, dainty and useful things so suitable as a present for your friend, sweetheart or relative. NOTEFnffl Now Till Xmas? Store will lb Open EveffiiiffiigSo MANY HILPFUL SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPIR. STERLIH6 SILVER 1 IN URII In new tooth brushes, blotters, darn er, file, cuticle, eraser, seals, corn knife, bell, stamp moistener, etc., etc., worth 35c and 50c 25c Same articles, with heavy sterling silver handles, handsome designs, fully worth 85c and $1.00 49c 25c silver mounted ebony manicure articles '. 10c Sterling silver scissors.. 50, 75, 85c Sterling silver handled bonnet brushes 75c, $1 .00 Sterling silver handled baby rat ties 65c 75c ebony hair brushes, sterling mounted . , 49c Traveler's samples of sterling sil ver and ebony goods, one piece of a kind, very choice articles, on Special Sale at First Cost. Handkerchiefs for Christmas You'll find in our wonderfully com plete Handkerchief k Stock any grade of a handkerchief you may desire, and no article is more generally ac ceptable as an Xmas Gift. Handsomely embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, in fine dainty effects, w such values shown elsewhere, 6,000 handkerchiefs to select from and every one worth a half. Xmas sale price, each 25c 25c Swiss Embroidered Handker chiefs 15c 20c Swiss Embroidered Handker chiefs 12c .15c Swiss Embroidered Handker chiefs 10c Exquisitely designed values for 49c, 59c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. See ur sortment Fta Gut Glass amid MffiLfflu TETE-A-TETE Set Tray, Teapot, Sugar, Cream er, two Cups and Saucers, $1.50 Cuspidors Fine china, decorated, 39c, 50, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. German Beer Steins, 8 sizes. .$1.25 Others 25c, 35c, $1.50, $1.75, $2.75, $3.50, $5.50. 50 different styles of water and lemonade sets, complete with trays, nne .Bohemian glass, crystal, green, blue or ruby, 98c, $1.10, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25 set. Fancy plates 10c to $5.00. Fancv cups and saucers, 10c to $2.50. " New Metal Lamps for Xmas. fee Wool lhawl 49c, 98c, $1.49, 1.75, 2.25, beau tiful quality, large size. Acceptable Xmas Gifts. Fine American cut glass celery trays $3.75 Seven-inch Nappy - - - 4 00 Water bettle ----- 4.00 Oil bottle ----- 1.25 Roger's Bros. "1847" knives and forks, per set of six of each . $3.75 Teaspoons, - $1.50. Tablespoons - 2.75 Win. A. Roger's knives and forks, per set - 2.98 FURS FOR XMAS GIFTS. Fur Jackets $18.50, 28.50 up. Fur capes $12.50. 18.50. 22.50. 27.50. Fur Muffs 95c $1.95. 2.50. 3.95. 4.75, 8.50, 12.75, 15.00. Fur Collarettes $2.25. 3.75. 6.25. 5.25, 6.25, 8.25, 10.00, 15.00, 16.50 CHILDREN'S FUR SETS. Anjrora wool sets in white, orav and Blue $1.50 Better quality 2,50 JEWELRY FOR XMAS GIFTS Ladies' gold bracelet, plain and chased links, with lock and key, four special lots. $1.00 value for 75c; $1.50 value for 1.00; 2.00 value for 1.50; 4.00 val- ! ue for 2.75. 50c silver chain bracelet, plain or chased - 25c 1,200 brooches in all styles and shapes, plain and enameled gold, gold filigree, etc. 25c values for - 10c 35c and 50c values for - - 25c 75c and $1.00 values for - 49c Others - - 75c to $2.00 Hundreds of styles in cuff buttons, plain J chased and set, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25. Solid gold, worth $2.75 - 1.50 Rings. Gold plated rings, guaranteed for three years - 25c Guaranteed for five years - 50c $1.25 solid gold rings - - 75c Letter (Sds for Xffitaais Immense line of Combination Pocket books, Card Cases, Chatelaine and Shopping Bags, Music Rolls, etc., in seal, grain and embossed leather, plain and mounted, worth to 50c. Xmas price - - 25c Combination Pocketbooks and Card Cases, in real seal, genuine alligator, dongola leather, plain and mounted, in all the new shades; also Chatelaine and Shopping Bags, Music Rolls, etc., $1.00 value - - 50c New Silk Shopping Bags, Leather and Cloth Shopping Bags, new mountings, a most complete line. "a H A V 4j m ''MM4