and disastrously. The professor I am talking about reads of real life and takes as much personal interest in commercial catastrophies as he does in the defeat and retreat -of the- 10,000 Greeks under Xenophon about 400 B. C. His income is fixed and he is freer than a farmer, doctor, lawyer or Indian chief. His absolute free dom from any hampering consider ations in regard to the frank expres sion of opinion is illustrated by the impertinent lectures to the undergrad uates of Professor Ross at Leland Stanford Jr. university. Although the university was built arid slip-" ported by the Southern Paci He Rail road, Ross made frequent occasion to express bis disapproval of that road as a monopoly. The natural infer ence is from Professor Ross' lectures on the Southern Pacific that the least .vice of the owners of the road was robbery. Now the founder of Stanford uni versity was an old man very confident of certain doctrines, among which was the benefits of the gold standard. He was war governor of California and'one utHhemenwhoinsisted.upo.u.l keeping a gold standard in.Callforjiia. during the inflation of the currency in the Civil War stress. He saw great possibilities for Cali fornia, if it were connected with tbe rest of the world, and was one of tbe four to build tbe first railroad con necting, the East with the West. As labor" was veryscarceand'veYy'dearr he believed that California supremacy needed laborers to carry oa the indus tries of the state, and was one of the first to introduce the Chinese coolie into California. When he founded the University he put very few re- strictions upon it in any way, but he 'did insist that the university never should throw its influence in favor of any one church or creed, or in favor of any one political party. Mrs. Stanford- idolizes her husbaDd, and be lieves tbat all be did was wise and right, and she has been most heroic and self-sacrificing in carrying out his wishes concerning tbe Univer- lty. "Mr. Ross began Ills career," siys a friend, "as a teacher at Cornell. He is a pleasant, kindly, loveable fellow, very brilliant, very young, and with very little judgment, and not too much common sense. His lack of judgment alienated from him, while he way at Cornell tbe best element in the faculty.although almostevery body liked him personally. There was much relief expressed here when he went from there to Stanford. . "Tbe next thing that Professor Ross did was to declare in favor of free sil ver at 16-to-l, when Bryan was nomi nated for the first time. He did this, as be did everything else, with the blare of trumpets and wide publicity. Last year he made an attack upon tbe Chinese laborer ;n California, as a great danger to our economic condi tions. He did all these things from the eminence given him by his posi tion as Professor of Sociology in the University. Mrs. Stanford naturally concluded that his teachings were undermining all stability, financial and social, but 1 still think she would nut have insisted upon his removal had it not been for his boyish way of giving to the world his half-thought-out opinions as the final result of re search. She felt: he was too erratic and too full of vagaries to hold so im- .portani) a position in tbe University.' (Taken from a letter to the St. Louis ' Mirror.) It is admirable tbat only-theexcep--tional professor is emancipated from, propriety and from tbe consciousness of tbe stress and struggle as well as the man-making advantages of the com- THE COURIER petitive struggle for existence, carried dicks and Mr. Thompson there is a hazing is good fur pampered boys and on by their fellow men. The atmos- striking parallelism. The phrenolog- it may be that it is. But it is not pherc of veneration which surrounds ical aspect of both men exhibits an good for the hazers. Hazing may not a popular lecturer is as difficult to re- abnormal development of vanity and hurt the hazed but it increases the sistas,that.wuich,rnakes a monarebran absence of those indications which. naturally.cruel and , bullying-tenden-dizzy. SofarasI know this flagrant" phrenologists ascribe1" to. well 'tilled fcies "of "youthrAnd "-healthy -joung breach of manners and propriety by depots of iotegnty and morality, animals might as well be fed some- Professor Ross is an unique example of bravado. His dismissal from Stanford is not a blow to Lehrfreibeit but to Rossfrei beit. Stanford university is a monu ment to the humanity of Leland Stanford. To allow a man to stand on tbat monument and denounce everything her. husband "believed- in and wrought was more than we can yet expect of Mrs. Stanford or of any other woman. j jc A Parallel. On the first day of January 1901 the Delaware legislature will assemble. Like Nebraska the Delaware legisla ture will attempt to elect two sena tors. One is to succeed Senator Ken ney and the other is to serve four years of the term which was left un- Mr. Addick's methods of securing an election to the United States senate are exactly like Mr. Thompson's. Both men are sure that the place can be bought if haggled for long enough. thing to increase their appetite as allowed to haze weaker and younger lads. That so many gentle and fine men and officers are graduated from West Point is due to the discipline The reasons urged by bis followers and in spite of this abandonment of why Mr. Thompson should be elected to the senate are peculiarly irrelevant. Did he not advance twenty thousand dollars to bring the volunteers from tbe Pacific coast? Did be not take a hundred or more tired mothers on a picnic? His supporters do not claim that, he is honest, or disinterested, a patriot or a statesman. They assert that in spite of his record, in spite of bis auction sale of himself to the fu sion is ts, he is a suitable representa tive of Nebraska in the senate, and if he goes there, be is. Men who can be bought deserve to be sold. Delaware on the Atlantic coast and Nebraska fifteen hundred miles in- the frightened, unused freshmen to the torture ot sophmnoreijullies. Cowardice is intolerable at West Point but'some nf'tbebrewestj'ofrlcere have gone into battle with quivering limbs and stayed by the flag until it was capture- or planted on the enemy's ground. Cowardice is con stitutional. The testimony shows tbat Booz was a coward and a tale bearer, neither one manly attributes. He was detested by his classmates, who subjected him to contumely as well as to torture. He inherited cow ardice, it may be from a remote ances tor, as well as his tuberculous tend ency. The tabasco sauce, the fieriest DTfvi(led- for bvthelast -legislature Itis-ratcettainranyemoretban-ifc.i8 la'noVWill cntfer-armBstaslmurtaeousvcoQtfnient.m3nufactured, was forced in Nebraska tbat a senator will be "" on a tr-a ' tne Dre ' eacn sat- down his throat, skinned it, and elected the opposition is sodeterm- Mr. Thompson's election means, for tuberculosis developed there. As an ined and one candidate for tbe place at least four jears tue domination of alyzers of character, as judges of those so opposed to all patriotic party or a boss of the same culture, character who are lit to live, eighteen-year-old ethical considerations, which might Weals and methods as Croker. But In boys are disqualified. They worship Induce a better man to sten aside, for spite of the foreign population In New force and force alone. Ihey have another. The Delaware ipii9M,ri York Croker could not be elected to reached thestagi another. Tbe Delaware legislature will-consist' in joint sessl6hdf -twenty-nine republicans and twenty-three democrats. Twenty-seven votes will be necessary to a choice. Prophets, heretofore reliable, claim to know that there are from six to eleven re publicans who will not, under any cir cumstances, vote for Addicks, one of the senatorial candidates. Just as there are said to be in Nebraska a cer tain, safe number of republican legis lators who are pledged not to go into a caucus with Thompson as the pos sible choice of it. Mr. Addicks, the Delaware candi date, made a fortune in gas and real estate in Philadelphia. Boston and tage of development of the senate in a New York legislature, tbe American Indian. Such boys They know the animal and' hls'dispo- nearly-killed' Coteridger- ChaSrLamb, sltion diet, and cruel Instincts better Keats, Shelley and hundreds of other there, than in Nebraska. Mr. Thompson's crude energy, ego tism, undiluted by ethics, and unscru pulous use of what- powers he has, has secured him a certain noisy fol lowing. The hope of citizens who object to the peculiar kind of politics necessary to elect Mr. Thompson Is in the legislator, not from this district, who is not accustomed to respond to a machinist Jt jc The Hazing of Booz. Investigation into, the death of writers whose school life is recorded. If this boy Booz had been more kindly entreated, emulation and imitation might have developed manlier quali ties. Anyway we are all afraid or. something. A few are afraid of ghosts. Millions more are afraid to invariably tell tbe truth, and other millions are afraid to admit what they really think, about people who may or may not vote for them. Several other millions are afraid to sign their names to newspaper articles or to let ters. No vice is so universal as cow- New -York. -Like M Thompson of 'Booz, the-West'-Point'cadet- has not aidiceand if the West Point cadets Lincoln, after he bad accumulated a little money, and influence in ward politics, the effect of the elation, his torically experienced by the nouveau riche, stirred Addicks to induce men to put a public seal on hisself-ap- States. proval. He wanted to sit in the hall where Webster, Clay,. Sumner .and wbere-all tbe greatest Americans have sat and spoken to an attentive nation. Addicks looked over Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York and Dela ware and decided to select tbe small est and poorest state, for reasons not bard to surmise. After hanging about Dover for awhile and discussing his chances with the politicians and offering money to accomplish a republican vic tory, Gas Addicks induced a few men who needed money badly to take him discovered anything new about tbe treatment of plebesor freshmen by upper classmen at the institution sup ported by tbe national government which means the people of the United justify killing Booz because he was a coward, it is fortunate for growing boys in America that not many of tbem can get into West Point, and that other people are debarred because of sex or age. West Point is tbe most aristocratic school in this country. This is curi-ous-because - the- undergraduates are charity scholars, that is their clothes, their books, their accoutrements, etc., are furnished them by the govern ment. The mothers and fathers of the cadets come from all ranks of life, but few rich men's sons enter West Point. In' general" thts -cadets come from tbe lower middle rank, taking wealth as tbe basis of classification. Yet the tendency of this school sup ported by tbe people is aristocratic. There are more rich men's sons In Mr. Thompson and the Arrow-Head. Tbe originality, power and truth, as well as the sincerity and strength of character of the cartoonist, Herbert Johnson have given the Arrow-Head where his cartoons are printed a dis tinction never before attained by a university periodical." It is charac teristic of the bowstring methods of the Thompson people that when they found out tbat the publication was really attracting attention to Mr. Thompson's history, features, expres- and his ambition seriously. In the Harvard than in any other school in sion and plans they should threaten campaign of 1895, six of the nineteen the country, yet the well-bred, mod- tbe head of the state educational in republicans admitted that he helped est Harvard man is but as a digger stitution with the loss of the bien- them get elected and through their assistance he was able to prevent the election of any other man to the United States senate from Delaware. Two years ago Addicks controlled fifteen votes, and he needed-twenty-' six. There was a dead-lock, but on the last day of the session the "Addicks or nothing men' appeared with a vic torious expression prepared to elect their man with tbe aid of the demo crats. After three democrats bad voted for Addicks tbe crowd on the floor showed sucli destructive" wrath that the other democrats were driven back from their flop and there was no senatorial election in Delaware. Between the character of Mr.Ad- and ditcher in the eyes of a West Point cade., whose very clothes are presented to him by tbe people. It bas been very difficult to secure ap propriations from congress for the national academy. The effect of the nial appropriation unless the Arrow- Head was throttled. a. member of tbe delegation from this county made tbe same sort of threat to tbe editor of The Courier .shortly before election. lie said: West Point regime upon tbe cadets Lincoln would better look out. ah is so obvious tbat committees made these state institutions want appro upof plain congressional represent- prlations and if the delegation is atives of the people after visiting elected in spite of the opposition in West Point have been struck by the Lincoln, the delegates will remember haughty bearing of their proteges it when the institutions apply for and have failed to be convinced that their regular biennial grant." In further luxuries would develop better other-words, if this man represents manners. his colleagues, the delegation from In no other school in the country is Lancaster is willing to cripple state liazing so cruel and so long persisted In. institutions, which educate the It has been repeatedly asserted that young, treat and harbor the insane, l V A H V I