THE COURIER. Professional Directory. V. JOice 618 SIB I I Office, Zebrtrog Block 1 9 to 10 a m mr Ttani W. KallflV 4 Vi2toi230 ies. .671. 1 I Residence. 1313 C itreet ) 2 to 4 p m appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. tDr.J. B. Trickey, Refractionist only 9 to 12 a. m Office. 1035 O itreet VI to 4 p. m. ' DENTISTS 10 I? qfr gIETY tm r- i . .- --, . .--. I Office, rooms 26, 27 and I oaice 530. lLouis N. Wente.D.D.S-i 1. awf slock, 137 I I so lltb street. 1 f.. , I Office orer Harley's 1 Oliver Johnson, D.D.S. drugstore ' ( 1105 O street ) GUAR COM 00 . 1 UOe 0 SIR., PflOllE 05 illxv; 1 ltfg$ $ 4$ s 4ft s g o $ 4ft vs. 4 Mrs. J. BENSON i & . j i v, -&1 tsm If I 4 V5. . XT o I v 3 2iojciz s)u iucii 9rf. yjiiimius Only a few days to Christmas, when everybody wants a Xmas Present. Our store is packed full of Pretty goods for resents. If 3tou want Furs, in Collar ettes, Scarfs, Muffs don't fail to see our stock, we guarantee a bargain. Silk and Mercerized Skirts from the lowest price to the best. French flannel waists, the pret tiest in Omaha; handsome silk waists at very low prices. We can give you the best Kid Glove for the money that is made", prices $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 in light and heavy weight, dressed or undressed. We have the prettiest DOLLS that areDmade, flesh-colored kid bodies, double iointed and the Kestner iead with natural hair, is the best and pret tiest made. Dressed and undressed. Doll sizes 2 inches to 34 inches long. Novelties in neckwear for Xmas. H4 X2v gee (l)ur Renter unteps Full of novelties never made before. Toilet and manicure 6ete. traveling cases, Clipping hooke, work boxes, Handkerchiefs, collar and tie cases and many novelties that we haven't space to name. - -j . , &- 4" C-V JL-" V $W?WWWWWWWWWWiFW2. i f. e. -h f IT .X5- X if 5 'd X X2v I w "? x& A Shoe , . that (Toesn't fit is unfit to wear. It may be ever so styl ish built along the latest lines and yet bind and pinch and cause you agony. We are experienced in the art of fitting feet. Our Shoes are lacking in none of the three qualities which good Shoes should have Comfort, Durability and Style. All the new Fall Lines are ready. PERKINS, SHELDON & CHAMBERLAIN CO The Cotillion club gave a pretty party Thursday evening, December Gth, at Courier hall. The favors were dainty and unique. Mr. Milo Eames led the dancers through some graceful figures. Mrs. George Woods and Mrs. Critten den were the queens in two llower queen figures. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdamea Woods, Fitzgerald, Crit tenden, George Woods, Dorgan, Green. Wright, Searle, Hargreaves, Leonard,. Ladd, Mrs. Griffith, and Mrs. Mallalieu. Misses Sweet, Turner, McClure, Messrs. Baldwin. Turner, Honeywell and Butler. Mrs. Putnam, Miss Saunders and Miss. Putnam entertained a large number of people last Thursday and Friday after noons. December Gth and itb. The afternoons were pleasantly spent in playing cards. The roomB were exqui sitely decorated in chrysanthemums, rosea and palms. On Thursday after noon the prizes were won by Mesdamea Righter, Brock and Howe, and on Fri day afternoon Mesdamea S. C. Wilson, Hammond and Dayton were the most succ setul. Mrs. H. Scott entertained the High. Five club Thursday evening, December Gth. Chrysanthemums and roses graced the parlors. The most succesarul at High Five were Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs- Church. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Church, Perkins, Houtz, Dye, Shephard, Smith, Hood, Townsend, Tefft, Martin and Cosford; Misses Perkins, Townsend and Exelson; Meesrs. Burkey, Long and Douthett. Mrs. H. K. Burkett gave a luncheon Friday, December 7th, at one o'clock, in honor of Mrs. Bawls of Creeton, Iowa. Those present were: Mesdames Rawls, Wharton, W. F. Hill, Grant, WatkinB, Bobbins, Schwake, Hutchine, Steckley, Wells, Evans, and Mast of Penn sylvania. About forty friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell spent an enjoyable evening at their home Friday, December, 7th, in honor of Mrs. Mitchell's birthday. Cards were played during the evening and the prizes were won by Miss Her rick, Mrs. Conger and Mr. Wise. Mrs. R. G. Work gave a dinner at the Lindell hotel Friday evening, De cember 7th, in honor of her niece, Miss McLanahan of TecumBeh. The table was artistically decorated with carna tions. During the evening Senkar, the palmist, entertained the party in an en joyable manner. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Seacrest, Mrs. Schweer, Misses McCroskey, Heacock, Warren, Neidhart, Sharp, Sullivan, Herbert and McLanahan; Messrs. Seacrest, David son, Townsend and Appleget. The members of the Belgian hare club enjoyed a six course dinner on December Gth, at the home of Mr. Ket tering. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Bsnway, Anderson, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs Kettering, Miss Ketter ing, Mr. S. A. Sanderson and Mr. C. W. Kettering. The Alpha Theta Chi fraternity gave an informal dancing ptrty Friday eve ning at Walsh hall. The ball was pret tily decorated in the fraternity colorp, green ane gold, and palms. Those pres ent were Dr. and Mrs. Pound, Dr. and Mrs. Ciements, Misses Harley, Daniels, C ready, Robinson, Mackin, Lummery, Roberts, Edna Harley, Miller, Loomis, Parks, Shaw, Thomas. Mandrin, Pad dock, Meyre, Agnew, Edgren, Mont gomery, Henry and Randall of Omaha Messrs. Smith, Whedon, Mansfield, Hig gins, Hodges, Towne, Kendall, Brown, Humphrey, Harrison, Roberts, Longley, Martin, Broady, Milburn, Cutter, An drews, Fradenburg, Lawlor, Hill and Story. Mrs. W. F. Cooper entertained very pleasantly Friday afternoon, December 7th in honor of Mrs. Robertson of Glen--wood. Iowa. Those invited were: Mes dames Killyer, Oppenheimer, Liberman, Robertson, Berkson, Laraway, Kroner, Cooper, Jones, Ksensky, and I. Oppen heimer; Misses Seligsohn, Ksensky, Kroner, Berkson, Smith and Master Cooper, The twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Whited's marriage was cele brated at their home on Friday eve ning, December 7th. Thegnests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Hearn, Carson IBax, Byer, James Hearn, Crawford, Ferguson, Hargreaves, Lascb, Howard, Sidles, Leigh ton, Cooper, Vosburg, C. Highter, Craig, Howard, Brotchie, Pace, Worsley, Allen, Bonney, Masterman. Campbell; Mesdames Wible and Elder dice; Misses Bouer, Allen, Post, Hattie Bouer; Meesrs. Hildreth, A. N. Spencer and B. Spencer. A new card club has been organized by the name of the "Four Fours" and met for the first time on Friday eve ning, December 7th. at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Neir. The members are Messrs. and Mesdames Xeir, Lloyd, Estee, Losey, Cosford, Mawe, Piatt; Misses Wilkinson, Thomson and Mr. Otterman. The New York Horse Show has done away with the idea that the chrysanthe mum is the fashionable flower for men's coats. This dashing flower appears seldom and then not on occasions that would make it seem the smartest for men's wear. Women are devoted en tirely to violets, the only variation in floral ornamentation for them, being in the size of the bouquets. The clusters five or six inches in diameter are now considered in poor style. Fashion has decreed for the masculine boutonnicra a single bunch of gardenia. Carnations, hyacinths and lilies of the valley are occasionally worn. Miss Eetelle Clemments entertained a few of her friends Friday evening, De cember 7th. Those present were Mis ses Minderfer, Ann Minderfer; Messrs. Jones, W. Jones of Dunbar, Nebr., and Mr. Gould. Miss Carson gave an informal card party last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Turner of Muncie, Indiana, and Mre.D. D. Muir. Mrs. J. A. Couger entertained the fol lowing ladies Friday afternoon, Decern ber 7th. Mesdames Ransom, Berkey, Adams, Dudley, Aylwin, Walt. Chap, man, Deyr, Burns, Shanahan, Kingery, Wise. Erisman, Hoffman and Miss Adams. The Monday Night euchre club met with Mr. and Mrs. Jewell last Monday evening. The members of the club present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Turner, Hutchinson, Klinker, Oasebeer, Sine, Ilibner and Hill The guests were. T v :- t t i