The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 08, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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NOTE Customers wishing- to purchase kid gloves for their friends for Xmas gifts and not knowing their
size, can have the same exchanged and fitted after the Holidays.
It seems hardly necessary to acqu lint the people of Lincoln and vicinity as to the makes of gloves we carrT.
Our immense business attests to the fact that we do the most successful Kid Glove business in the city. Such
makes of Kid Gloves as P. & L., '"Monarch," and Reynier are sufficient guarantee as to the quality, style and
workmanship of same.
Ladies' French Lambskin gloves two clasp overseam,
self and black embroider', all colors and sizes, a glove
that can not be duplicated in the city under (1.25, our
price per pair 98c
Ladies' French Lambskin gloves, 3-clasp over seam,
tnree rows fine silk embroiden black, self and two
tone effects, including light opera shades, pair.. $1.25
Ladies' Fine French Kid Gloves, 2-clasp overseam,
glace and suede, all shades and sizes, pair $1.50
Reymer's First Quality French Kid Gloves, 2-clasp
overseam, glace and 2-clasp pique suede, all colors
and sizes, per pair $2.00
Reynier's 3-clasp overseam euede, black, gray, and modes, all sizes.
Per pair. $1.75
Misses' and children's fine French Lambskin Gloves, 2-clasp. 3-rofr
silk embroidery; colors red, brown and suede, sizes 4?4 to 6, pair..98c
Boys Lambskin Gloves, 1 row of embroidery; colors red and brown,
all sizes, per pair 9gc
Ladies' 81.50 Fleece Lined Mocha Gloves, all Bize, per pair . . $1.25
Ladies' 82.00 Silk or Wool Lined Mocha Glovee, 2 clasp fastener.
plain top, all sizes, per pair $1.49
Children's Linea Kid Gloves, 1-clasp fastener, all eizes, per pair . 49c
Ladies' 35c Fancy Backed Double Saxony Mittens, ornament d with
eiik cord, per pair
Ladies' 50c Fancy Backed Double Mitten, made of tine coral yarn
ornamented with silk cord, bow at wrist, per pair
Ladies' Fine Coral Saxony Double Mitttens, lined with angora wool,
75c value, per pair
Misses' and Children's Fine Coral Saxony Mittens, double, faney
back, 35c value, per pair
Misses' Double Saxony Mittens, long wrist, per pair
Children's Fine Ribbed Single Saxony Mittens, pair
Boys' Heavy Seamless Pure Worsted Double Mittens, 25c quality, pr. 19c
Boyp' Heavy Double Saxony mittens, 35c quality, per pair . . 25c
Infants' Fine Saxony mittens, colors white, cardinal and black, pair . lOc
Infants' fine zephyr mittens, plain and silk striped wrists, pr, 15, 20, 25c
Ladies' 75 2 pure thread silk mittens, Saxony lined, fancy back, satin
bow at wrist 49c
Better qualities and values, per pair .... 98c, $1.25
Ladies' 75c kid mittens, fur top, heavy fleece lined, elastic wrist, all
size', per pair
Ladies' 98c extra quality kid mittens, coney top, patent fastners,
soft, fleecy lining, per pair
Ladies's $1.25 kid mittens extra quality, fleeced lining, 1-c'asp
fastener, all sizes, per pair
Ladies first quality $2.00 mocha mittens, plain top, 4 clasp fast
ener, first quality fleece or silk lining, black and browns, pair, $1.49
Children's 50c lined kid mittens, coney fur top, elastic wrist, pair.35c
A fare and one third on all railroads within 150 miles of Lincoln for the Grand Opera, December 12.
your Xmas trading cheaply. Watch for four page circular, full of interesting items-money savers, too.
iMMMiMiiimniHMMMHiMHiiniiiMiinooooMrto Mmeooiiioiooiooioiimoflt
Here's a chance to come in and do
Carter, McClelland of Denver, Watkins,
Garten, Webster, Harley, Cochrane,
Moore, Hamilton, Belle Hamilton. Polk,
Woods, Daniels, Honeywell, Margaret
Honeywell, Weeener and Hunt; Messrs.
Tukey, Shedd, Lau, Hays, Rainey, De
White, Crandall, Smith, Walsh, Mirl
Und, Fitzgerald, Holt, Holmes. John
son, Korsmeyer, Whitman, and Boyse,
Wyer and Laurence of Minneapolis.
Beta Theta Pi gave a theatre party
Wednesday evening, November twenty
eighth, in honor of the members of that
fraternity from Minnesota. Afterwards
a smoker was given at the fraternity
rooms. The guests were Professors An
derson and Nicholson; Messrs Joyce,
Montgomery, Tate, Carter, Josylin,
Thompson, Patton, Uyer, Fee, Buckbee,
Esseen, Palmer and Burgelahans of
Mtrneapolii, P'atfe and Beecher of
Sioux City, Rain of Fairbury, Hendry
of North Platte, and Williams of Colum
bus. Six members from Delta Gamma from
Minnesota came down for the game and
were entertained during their stay in
Lincoln at the chapter bouse. They
- were: Misses Humphries. Carter, Mc
Clellan, . Smith and Kinsley. Miss
Haecker, an alumnae member of the
Lincoln chapter was also here. A chat
inf dwh party was given at the chapter
house after the foot ball game in honor
of the guests.
Sixteen members of Sigma Chi from
Minnesota were entertained at the local
chapter bouse during their stay in Lm-
'coln. On Wednesday night, November
twenty-eighth, a smoker was given and
-ofl Thanksgiving day a dinner was giv-
-en for the west from Minnesota and
the alumni and active chapter. In the
evening the members of Sigma Chi who
played on the teams were entertained
informally at the chapter house.
Mrs. John S. Finch gave a delightful
card party last Saturday afternoon.
The rooms were tastefully decorated
with palms and flowers. Mrs. Finch
was assisted by Mesdames Sharp, Bush
nell and J. C. Seacrest. The guests
were: Mesdames Faulkner, Hill, Perry,
Wylie, Traphagen, Bruner, Ward, Wol
CDtt, Uudge, nubbard, Harpham, Rich
ardson, Jaques, Scott, Rainbolt, Sharp,
Spencer, Thompson, Seacrest, Casebeer,
Lee, McCane, Manaban, Marple, Bryan,
Taylor, Eubank, Bushnell, Kelley, Ris
ser. Guenzel, Wilson, George Risser,
Woods, Sanderson, Mullen, Kennard,
W. Davie, Davis, Crandall, Wilkinson,
Garoutte, Le Gore, Latshaw, Van Brunt,
Usher, Stephens, Metcalf, Warner, Til
ton, Turner, Armstrong, Barbour, H61
yoke, Harpham, A. R. Holyoke, Hutch
ins, Folsom, England, Cook, Phillips,
and Aitken; Misses Harpham, Tibbets
and Risser.
Mr. Yates was surprised by a number
of his friendB on Friday evening, No
vember 30tb, who came to help him
celebrate his fortieth birthday. Each
one told a 6tory and was limited to the
burning of a fagot. A very pleasant
evening was spent. Mr. Yates was pre
sented with a handsome rocking chair
by Mr. Shively in behalf of tho railway
postal clerks.
Kappa Kappa Gamma 6orority gave a
euchre party at the home of Miss Louise
Harg reaves in honor of the Misses Trask
of Minnesota. The invited guests were:
Misses lays, Edrniciston, Blanch Em
mons, Hammond, Anna Hammond,
Dorothy Griggs, Waitland, Ratliff, Ben
nett, Mabel Bennett, Laura Houtz, Be&9
Barker, Margaret Whedon, Mabel Rich
ards, Outcalt, Jessie Outcalt. Gahan,
Funke, Marion Cornell of Omaha, Adel
loyd Whiting and Dimmick. Meters.
Kind, Hays, Shedd, Farnsworth, Payne,
I. Raymond, Stein, Wehn, Ray De Put
ron, Johnson, Stark, Edmiston, Rick
etts, Watkins, Crandall, Cowgill, Wil
liams, Maitland and Arthur Jaynes of
Mr. and Mrs Charles Fairfield, of
Rutland, Vt., visited Mr. Fairfield's
sister, Mrs. A. W. Field, and his bro
thers, Messrs Ernest and John Fair
field on Wednesday. They came to at
tend the Fairfleld-Woolworth wedding
at Omaha on Tuesday and returned to
the east after only one day in Lincoln.
Mr. Fairfield is the editor and owner of
the Rutland Evening News. He has
won distinction in the newspaper world.
Mr. Fairfield went from tne west to the
east and has created a prosperous busi
ness in a community made up of ratber
a rigid and old-fashioned people averse
to new methods. Mr. Fairfield was a
student in the University while his
father was chancellor, and his many
friends regret that a newspaper notice
was their only intimation of his arrival
and departure.
Reverend J. M. Reade gave the an
nual Thanksgiving banquet to the ush
ers of tho pro-cathedral, November the
twenty-ninth. Most of tho ushers at
tended the university and the decora
tions were scarlet and cream with
chrysanthemums, sinilax and palms. A
basket of chrysanthemums cuntaiuing
souvenir cards far each guest was sub.
pended over the table. Several ladiea
from Minnesota and also Misses Hooper,
Sutton and Mrs. Burus assisted in serv
ing. The gucbts were: Messrs. Led
with,Kronin, Barry, Fleming, Sutton,
Nicholls, Gara, Gibbons, Rohman, Mor
row, Riordan, Hyland, Fisher, Neville.
Golden and Boetcher.
The following from the Omaha World
Herald will interest Lincoln friends of
the groom who is a brother of Mrs. A.
W. Field and of Messrs. John M. and
E, B. Fairfield: "Tuesday afternoon at
four o'clock occurred the marriage of
Miss Meliora C. Woolworth, daughter
of Mr. J. M. Woolworth, and Mr. Ed
ward M. Fairfield. Trinity cathedral
was beautifully decorated for the oc
canion, palms and American Beauty
roses being UBed in profusion. About
fifty relatives and intimatj friends were
present, all of whom were seated in the
chancel, which was screened from the
body of the church by garlands of
southern smilaz. Bishop Williams per
formed the ceremony, assisted by Dean
Fair. The bride wore an exquisite
gown of white satin, elaborately trim
med with heavy silk hand-made lace.
She wore a tulle veil and carried a large
bouquet of lillies of the valley. Miss
Emily Wakeley aa maid of honor was
daintily gowned in green crepe de chene
She carried a tulle muff and wore a
flower hat of panne velvet. Mr. Clifford
Smith acted as best man. The ushers
were: Dr. Bridges. Mr. Charles Howe
and Mr. Charles Hull."
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paysnn Ewing
and Miss Alice Cowdery gave a very
pretty party on Monday evenlog in hon
or of Major and Mrs. F. J. W. Stonoy
of tho British army iq India, Palms