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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1900)
8 THE COURIER. ,-. .in ii i ii an in in in 1 1 nniinTT'iTTntT-T"rrmtT or interests I i m w lets m iv ' m 61 ! js-i mr ! t t 9 ; : W mWtiirsm. I! SamAmmlfk K TO INTENDING PUR CHASERS OF ME 25 of our Fine Stock Box Coats, made up in beautiful style, suberbly finished; colors fc I A Cf castor, tan and black (Fig.l) AplU.UU Probably 75 in all too many at this season of a beautiful quality of Electric Seal Fur Col larettes, with Astrakhan yoke, lone tabs, fc A AQ I tail trimmings, extraordinary values for 4tt.T'0 We bought 500 Electric Seal Fur Scarfs, trimmed with 4 martsn tails, lo reiau regularly (or $2.25; over half have been sold; the balance xo close quickly, cheap $1.75 for. Looking for a good every-day Dress Skirt, not cheap in quality but cheap in price? Well, see the Figured Mohair Skirts we are selling fcf QO a T " ' Mm j The unusually mild weather during the past two months has played havoc with the sales in the departments carrying heavy winter goods. As it is getting very late in the season and nearing holiday showing, we have placed such prices on heavy wearing apparel of all kinds that must sell it in spite of weather conditions or aught else. For example. 20 only, Automobile Coats; exceedingly stylish; did you ever try one on? If not, we will be pleased to show you how thoy would suit you; colors castor, tan and black. Styleof figure 2..$18.00 100 nice soft quality Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, edged all around with black zephyr; come in colors grey, red and blue; seams all finished. Splendid values for..98c During this entire week's sale we will allow you the 33 per cent discount on children's and misses' cloaks. This is off of our regular stock, remember J OFF ms FIB, If. FIG. 2- FIG I. i i i We have about 50 Jackets in all tight-fitting materials of Boucles, Broadcloths and Che viotB; some will be your size, some will not; it's a clearing of odd sizes in Jackets that jvb have sold this fall for $7 50, $8.50 and $IO.OO. 10 cases and bales of new art goods for Xmas trade. 5 solid bales of New Down Pillows guaranteed clean down all sizes from 16 to 2G inches square; prices from 29c to 81.25. An elaborate line of Stamped Cuehion Tops, all the newest effects; tops and backe 25c 35c 49a and 65c. ' Exquisite designs in ready made Cushions an entire sample line; Tapestry, Posters and Floral effects $2.50and $12.00 Complete lines of Cushion Cords; 15c cords 8c; 20c cords lOc; 25c Silk cords 15c. See our GranJ Display of Fine China and Glassware for Xmas gifts. IMIIIIMMIMMIMMIMlMMMMIMIMCOIOIMItHIHtlOIHMOIOCSI tM40MMMi OOQ .SignorZerni,and Mr. Kryl coronetist. . Mr. Kayl was the only one who respond ed to an encore. The program was as follows: Overture "Mignon," Thomas. "Serenade Kococco" Meyer-Helmund (for reed instruments.) Aria for baritone "Toreador Song" Bizet (From Carmen.) Signor Alberti "Kammenoi Ostrow" Rubinstein (de - scriptive. fantasia.) "The Whirlwind Polka'' Levy; cor net solo by Kryl. V) "Cupid's Story," (intermezzo); (b) "Prince Charming," (two step march, new;) Innee. Aria for soprano "Ah! Fore e Lui," Verdi; (from Travata;) Mroe. Noldi. "In the Vienna Woods" Strauss; (concert waltz.) "Hagenow' Band" march and two top; Max Adamaky. .Scenes from Faust, by Gounod. Marguerite Mme. Noldi Faiwt Signor Zerni Mefistofele Signor Alberti "The Village Blacksmith," Michaelis '(Spectacular Fantasia) Night. The Dawn. By the Brook. Morning Prayer. At the Forge. Introducing the coetumed corps of -, mssical blacksmiths, electric anvils, etc. La Veto whist club held its first meet ing for this year, Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Davis. The nMtbers present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Weir, Field, Hallett, C. T.Bofgt. W. Bogg, Bell andLindley; MittM Hbwland. Boggs, Haggard and Caffjra. MjM Helen Nance entertained infer jMUx.t"cvd Wednesday afternoon in Those invited were: Mesdames Malla- and pleasing; clean, crisp technique, and lieu, Walsh, John Dorgan, Hargreaves, good appreciation of the works rendered Wilson, Woods, Crittenden, Merrill, was shown. The program was given Rector ani Til ton; Misses Sweet, Put- entirely from memory, in which element nam, Hollowbusb, Burr, Marshall, Car- of musicianship the students are show son and Cowdery. ing marked improvement. Weeleyan Mrs. E. P. Ewing and Miss Cowdery 1uartet No-2 made itB firBt appearance have issued invitations for a reception 0D this occaB'ln and f ulIy merited the at Walsh hall December the third to warm and enthusiastic encore which it meet Mr. and Mrs. Stoney. received. The program was as follows: Piano Air de Ballet, op. 30, Chaminade; Mrs. Putnam, Miss Saunders and Miss Mamie E. Will. Ashland. Nnhr. Putnam will entertain at cards Decern- Piano-Polonaise, op, 26, Chopin; Jessie ber the sixth, Mrs. Walter Hargreaves will enter tain for Mrs. Mallalieu and Miss Sweet on the evening of December fourth. Last Friday, the twenty-third, Mr. Edward D. Hanlon returned from Por cupine City, Alaska, where he has been for nearly six months, He will return to his home in Hebron, Neb., in a few days. Mr. Hanlon's friends of both Lincoln and Hebron were very glad to welcome him and glad to see him look- M. Niles, University Plaze, Nebr. Song "IbeDay is Done,"Balfe; Maude M. Hawk, Crete, Nebr. Piano Mazurka Fantasique, Wollen- haupt; Sadie M. Hill, BbIIwoocI, Nebr. Violin Elegie, Musso; Dean Driscoll, Craig, Nebr. Piano Valse Brilliant, op. 42, Chopin; Harold A. Shellhorn, University Place, Nebr. Song "Star-Tide," Piccolomini; Lulu A. Cook, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. VirtKn ntilifratn Viv Itltaa Qhanarrl ingsowell. His sister, Mrs. W. Ellison, t.: w-A n..' T-r ,, " A U- J.auu iwuuu ajiiui;iusu, UJ. as, 1UOU- delssohn; Pearl E. Holme3, Shenan- who accompanied him to Alaska, turned some time ago on account of nees, but is rapid'y improving. re- ill- Gregory, The Coal Man, 11th & O. Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden gave an en joyable military euchre party Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Walsh of Port Huron. Mrs. Downie Muir is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Dorgan. esleyan Conservatory Recital. The recital on Monday evening, No vember 26, was one of unusual merit. doab, Iowa. Song "The Wanderer," Schubert; Ar thur Brown, University Place, Nebr. Piano Chaneon Hongroise, op. 27, Du pont; Ethel I. Roberts, University Place, Mebr. Quartette "Now All Hushed," Emer son; Wesleyan Quartette No. 2. F.- B. Form, first tenor; Harry Brown, second tenor; Arthur Brown, baritone; C. E. Vail, bass; Miss Mary A. Smith, accompanist. Do you get your Courier regularly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. foEGAfo NOTICES JW.Xrfc-Woaj.MHWjea The work waa very evenly satisfactory The Courier, $1,00 Per Year A complete file of "The Courier" is kept in an absolctkly fireproof build ing. Another file is kept in this office and still another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal kotices in "The Courior" with security as the kilks are intact and are pre served from, year to year with great care. The Twice a-Week Republic Every Monday and Thursday a news paper as good as a magazine and better for it contains the latest by telegraph as well as interesting stories is sent to the subscriber of the "Twice-a-Week" Republic, which is only 81.00 a year. The man who reads the "Twice-a-Week" Republic knows all about affairs political, domestic and foreign; is posted about the markets and commercial mat ters generally. The women who read the "Twice-a-Wcek" Republic gather a bit of valu able information about household affairs and late fashions and find recreation in the bright stories that come under both the heading of fact and fiction. There is gossip about new books and a dozen other topics of especial interest to the wide-awake man and woman. r -i -X y