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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1900)
THE COURIER. Profeaaional Directory. Jffle...:...8. F.Bailey j""" Bloek HftSM1 ETenlnei, by appointment. Sunday'a 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment. JDr. J. B. TriCkey, ioffiee.10350 itreet lltolp.m.m I Refractionist only I ) " DENTISTS i . ( Office, roomi 28, 27 and I omc. sac. Louis N. Wente,D.D.S. j fS'StJU?. " f J .. ( Office orer flarley'i 1 office 633 Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.-j dnw0tet f A. zM v -- I? te. g?IETY offic. 4m Drs Clutter & Shannon j 3 o .treet. . . " " -- ttiMM OOMi 00 . ?E05 & ttftft f STR. s - 1 ft2wwSCSSSSS523 ftwgswg-r aisgga r ..iwssssi tf I you WILL LiWYS FIND The best of everything- in the grocery line at the Good Luck Grocery. lU 0 M SfclIF55a) Telephoneea'e MISS L.L. CROW GLOVES, HOSIERY, cons, in $3.00 purchase entitles customer to premium. THE FAMOUS, 1029 O St. Tie COURIER And any One Dollar Toman's Club Magazine J! ill THE MR 1.00 PER TU f or urs one 38. Fur garments made to order. A complete line of Furs al ways on hand. All work Seal Cloaks Remodeled, Re-dyed and made into Latest Style. 143 Soutb 1 2 til. taW4 JiMK. 't -g-rs r- ilTfJ A Shoe . . that toesn't lit is UDfit to wear. It may be ever so sty. , ish built along the latest lines and yet bind and pinch and cause you agony. We are experienced in the art of fitting feet. Our Shoes are lacking in none of the three qualities which good Shoes ehould have Comfort, Durability and Style. All the new Fall Line are ready. PERKINS. SHELDON & CHAMBERLAIN CO mF r w R The unceasing whirl of card parties, luncheons, kensingtons, dinners and dances with one afternoon of football has kept Lincoln tripping a merry, ex citiiig gait all during the week, The pace at the opening of the season has in no wise diminished during the paat week. The Cheese and Cracker club and a few friends were entertained Thursday, November twenty-second, by Mrs. Cur tice in honor of Mrs. Mallalieu and Miss Sweet. The afternoon was pleasantly spent, music by Mrs. Marshall and Miss Hollowbush, affording a great deal of enjoyment The members of the club present were: Mesdames Marshall, Kelley, Rector, Morrison, Woods Dor gan and Howe; Misses Burr and Mar shall. The guests were: Mesdames Mallalieu, Porter, Funke, L. C. Burr, Crittenden, Ogden, Walsh, Alley, Mul len, Everett and Crancer; Misses Sweet, Gahan, Nance, Hoover, Hollowbush, Putnam, CarBon and Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Funke entertained in formally at cards for Mrs. Mallalieu on Tnursday evening, November twenty second. The prizes were won by Mrs. Dorgan and Mr. George Woode. Those preent were: Messrs. and Mesdames Dorgan, Woods, Crittenden, Marshall, Curtice and Howe; Mesdames Mallaliem and Edward Fitzgerald; Misses Sweet and Gahan; Messrs. Eames and Paul Fitzgerald. Miss Rose Carson entertained the Kisbmet club Friday evening, Novem ber twenty-third, at the Lincoln hotel. Miss McClureand Mr. Curtice succeed ed in carrying off the prizes at six dand ed euchre. The later part of the eve ning was spent in dancing. Mi. and Mrs. Whiting gave a bundle party Thursday, November twenty second, for the members of the E. E. D. kensington and their husbands. The bundles were made up by the ho9teee, each being numbered and the guests receiving corresponding numbers which they presented at the express office and received a bundle. A great deal of amusement resulted fiom each one try ing to take away the other's bundle. Those present were: Messrs. and Mes dames De Witt, Auld, Baldwin, Milton berger, Wilson, Yunge, Bay den, Yoho, and Ernst; Mrs. Nailer; Misses Haas, Curtice, Ernst and Spangler; Messrs. Sheperd, Miltonberger and Ernst. Mrs. Stephenson gave a delightful re ception Friday afternoon, November twenty third, which was enjoyed by about two hundred ladies. Mrs. Steph enson wore a gown of white silk and lace and was assisted by her sister, Miss Damror, who was gowned in black silk with black velvet trimmings. The Ideal Mandolin club played during the after noon. The lower floor was effectively decorated in red, the upper floor in pink, the dresses of the assisting ladies being the same. Mrs. Reblander invited the guests into an exquisite refreshment room where bouillon was served by the Miss Towne, Misses Bonnell, Lilian Dobbs and Edna Harpham assisting her. Mrs. F. M. Hall was at the foot of the stairs and Mesdames Winnett, Foster and Spencer in the parlors. Mrs. Pom erene invited the ladies to the dining I room where Mrs. Perkins served Nea politan cream and Mrs. Williams pour ed coffee at a table covered with beauti ful Mexican drawn work over red. White chrysanthemums formed the centre piece and on the sideboard were red roses. The assisting young ladies gowned in white were: Misses Kate Foster, Ada Waugh and Marie Bowers. Delta Upsilon gave an informal danc ing party Friday, November the twenty third at their chapter house. The rooms were decorated in the fraternity colors, old gold and blue, and palms. Mrs. F. M. Hall chaperoned. Those present were: Misses Dimmick, Wat kins, Robinson, Thomas, Hazlett, Word ford, Manderin, Streeter, Howland, Mil ler and Davenport; Messrs. Benedict, Pollard, Lester, Lussier, Huff, Clinton, Elliott, Chambers, Brookings and Bliss. The annual banquet of Delta Delta Delta was given last Saturday evening at the Lindell hotel. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Richards gave a delightful eu chre party Monday evening at the home of the former, to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Fosters' fifteenth wedding anniversary. The rooms were artistically decorated in pink and white chrysanthemums and smilax. The Ideal Mandolin club fur nished the music during the evening. The prizes were won by Miss Aitken and Mr. Marley. The guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Rudge, Chapin, Gerbart, Woods, Seacrest, Guenzel, Helwjg, Stqarns, Hoover, Kennard, Mul len, Usher, Risser, Bignell, George Ris set, Le Gore, NpIbod, Wilkinson, Aitken, Rector, Field, Wolcott, Crittenden, Met calf, Smith, Harris and Grainger; Mrs. Charles Corney of Meeker, Colorado; Misses Sweet of Buffalo, Tibbite, Ait ken, Rieeer and Hathaway; Messrs Rose and Marley. Miss Josephine Poynter entertained the Delta Delta Delta sorority Monday evening for Miss Lilian Thompsou of We9t Point. Nebraska. The members of the sorority present were: Misses Thompson, Koehler, Gund, Lummery, Mackin, Cady, Abbott, Loomis, Auld, Roberts, Ames. Powers, Bonnell, Wini fred Bonnell, La Sails, Du Tiel, Frank ish, Hazelett, Miller, Davenport and Mrs. Manahan. Cards are out announcing the mar riage at Omaha on Tuesday afternoon, December the fourth, of Mr. E. W. Fairfield and Miss Menie Woolwortb, youngest daughter of Judge Woolwortb. Mr. Fairfield spent his boyhood in Lin coln and is a bod of ex Chancellor Fair field. A quiet but very beautiful wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sheldon in Holdrege, Nebraska, Wednesday forenooL, November 28. The bride. Miss Alice J. Sheldon, was married to Mr. Halleck C. Young of Lincoln by the Rev. Andrew Carrick of tho First Presbyterian church, Hold rege. The bride was dressed in a beau tiful white organdie and carried bride's roses. The relatives and a few friends of the family were served to a four course breakfast, after which Mr. and Mrs. Young left at 10:13 for a trip to the coast and will be at home- to their friends in Lincoln at 15G South Thirty third street after January 1. The officers of the Nebraska hospital for the insane, gave a reception Friday r i a ( i -J