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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1900)
V. 10 THE COURIER. "Whit a calloused soul he must have, to wreck one woman's life and daily deceive another! Ii's strange that the same Maker is responsible for a man like Mm, and a man like you, H nry. Her name is Mies Winston. The man's name the butler wouldn't disclose. You're going dear? I thought you in tended spending the evening with me? You're home s seldom." "I'm going for a little walk. The room seems seems warm to me." "Kiss me. How fortunate I am to have a huBband who loves me despite my being a gossiping invalid. Why, how white you are!" " 'Tib the shadows playing tricks on your eyes. King for lights. I'll be back soon.' "It muBt be vary late. Eleven o'clock. How that story has wrapped up my thoughts. Felice! Felice!" "Oui, madame. Oh, madame!" "Why, what's the matter?" "Oh, madame! Terrible! Mademoi selle Winston " "Calm yourself, Felice, and then if you have anything to tell, state it briefly." "Oui, madame. This evening Made moisele Winston and her brother went driving as usual, and on their return, so the butler told me, they met mademoi selle's former fiance. Her brother was helping her to alight. She was stand ing with one foot on the carriage step when monsieur came along. Monsieur Winston, saw him, and struck him, dashing him to the ground. As he arose, hk face bleeding, mademoiselle must have recognized him, for she gave one scream and fell back, 'dead. Pauvre mademoiselle! Her heart wrb weak, so monsieur Je Docteur said." "Poor girl. Hers was a sad life, lis a pity her brother didn't kill the heart less coward who wrecked it. I hear jour master, Felice, Let him in." "Mon Dieu! monsieu!" "Hush. Tell your mistress I'm not well. I'm going directly to my room." "1 hear you, Henry. I know that something's wrong. I'm coming to see. Your face, all bloody! What does it mean?" "There, there, don't get excited, my dear. My foot elipped, and I fell, as I was crossing the street. Stone-bruises are easily healed. E. H. Strong, in Town Talk. To club of tea taking The Courier the annual subscription price is seventy five cents (75 cans). Regular subscription price one dollar per year Cycle Photograph Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views SWUfryy&ijfa THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. 9m9mi J. R HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOG KS -AND- BONDS. Grain, ProvisIons: Cotton. Private Wires to New York City and Many Cities Hast and West. MEMBER New York Stock Exehmnga. Chicaro Stock Exehanm. Chicago Board of Trade 6 H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards. 127 So.Bleventh Street. Do you get your Courier regularly? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. I Office and School Supplies 125 South I2ti. t Telepuone 851. HUTCHINS dfe HYATT, SELECT OAK AND HICKORYilWOOD SAWED AJVY LENGTH. TIME AND M T I A M " are practically annihilated B W fL m B- by the ocean cables and a k AA Lj I land telegraph systems -M. .X Jam. Bp .LsJ which now belt the cir cumference of Old Earth in so many different directions. "Foreign parts" are no longer foreign in the old meaning of the term. Europe, Africa, Asia, are "next door" to us. What happens there to-day we know to-morrow if we read THE CHICAGO RECORD, whose Special Cable Correspondents are located in every important city in the world outside of the United States. No other American newspaper ever attempted so extensive a service; and it is supplemented by the regular foreign news service of The Associated Press. For accurate intelligence of the stirring events which are shaking the nations of wars and rumors of wars of the threatening dissolution of old govern ments and the establishment of new of the onward sweep of the race in all parts of the world the one medium of the most satisfactory information is the enterprising, "up-to-date" American newspaper, THE CHICAGO RECORD. FREE A large map of tho world on Mcrcator's Projection, about S3zI6 Inches In size, beautifully printed In colors, with a larce-scale map of Kurope on the reverse side, will be mailed to any address free of charge on receipt of reauest accompanied by two 2-ccnt stamps to cover postage and wrapping. The maps illustrate clearly how comprehensively the special cable service of The Chicago Record covers the entire civilized world. Ad dress The Chicago Recobd, 181 Madison street, Chicago. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will ecure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicago. d BBBaBBSiiPBBBBl 9 oavoc VnTniinillllll "c-av" r iHMiimuimi X PHONE 68 4 f HTPVIPPsbbbbbbbbb! ' , mmm CSaaW FINESTSHOES IN THE WORLD. Do you get your Courier regulrly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office; Do this this week. 1 mill! ICE HIM 4 You will find them only at And Dairy 60. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream, Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe tad Sherbets." Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. ' 0880.l2UiBt. PHONE205. PERSONS WWsioiO fm-Q-STMET. Elegant Equipment, Smooth Track and Fast Time, Makes The Burlington the popular line, Lincoln to Chicago, Peoria, Kansas City, St. Louis & Denver ) Gity Ticket Office 5 Gor. lOtn and O Streets Telephone 235. 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