The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 10, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
""I1! tr. Ben j. P. Bailey
.671. i
OCM,2tlirav Block (StolOam
Kaaldeaea.lHlC atreet 1 2 to 4 d m
Evenings, br appointment.
Snndajr'i 12 to 1 p. m. and 07 appointment.
Dr. J. B. Trickey,
Refractionist only
19 U
to 12 a. a
Office. 1035 O atreet.
4 p.m.
y '
f . - . 1 -. ( Office, roosaa 38, 27 and I
Louis N. WenteJXD.S.l 1. Bmwwai Block, m
I ao 11th atreet. I
... n ( Office oyer Harlej'a
Office 633VUUVer JOnnSOn, 1J.1..1! store
) ( 1105 O itre
I atreet
office taJDrs Clutter & Shannon j use o atreet.
ttiKKK OOJOi 00 .
0fe 0 SIR., PflOflE 05
The best of everything- in the grocery line at the
Good Luck Grocery.
O JSflLm SE)ITZ Telepboneese
You will find them only at
one 38.
made to
order. A
line of
Furs al
ways on
hand. All
Seal Cloaks Remodeled, Re-dyed
m ide into Latest Style.
143 South I2tlx.
A Shoe
that toesn't tit is UDfit to
wear. It may be ever eo styl.
ish built along the latest
lines and yet bind and pinch
and cause you sgony.
We are experienced in the
art of fitting feet. Our Shoes
'are lacking in cone of the
three qualities which good
Shoes ebould have Comfort,
Durability and Style.
"ATTtbe newFall Llne6re
Mrs. Angie F. Newman and Mrs.
William Owen Thomas gave a dinner
at seven o'clock on Wednesday in hon
or of the McKinley victory. The room
was brilliant with a cosmopolitan array
of flags, among which the American flag
held a prominent position. The door
way was curtained with a long, beauti
ful flag of the "Stars and Stripes" and
around the room were diminutive flags
of the many countries in which either
Mrs. Newman, Major and Mrs. Stoney or
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have traveled.
Among the flags were the French, Ger
man, Italian, Spanish, Byzantine, Swiss,
Hawaiian and Japanese imperial and
navy. The British flag ot St. George
and St. Andrew was placed effectively
on the centre ot the side wall. The
windows were draped in red, white and
blue and the gas lights were shaded
with the national colors. The table
centre was a candelabrum in which
burned patriotic tapers of red, white and
blue, and beneath which protruded wee
American flags. McKinley carnations
tied with flag ribbon were placed at
each cover. The dinner service waa
red and blue and the national color
theme was carried out in the ices and
cakes. Four years ago Mrs. Newman,
Mrs. Stoney and Mrs. Thomas were
just landing at Smyrna when word was
brought of the election of McKinley and
the same McKinley buttons were worn
at the fete on Wednesday evening as at
the celebration on the coast of far off
Asia Minor when Doctor Barrows tele
graphed the 'congratulation of eleven
Americans. Mrs. Newman gave an in
spiring toast on
" "Hail to the Stars of the free,
Hall to the Stripes of the brave;
O'er all lands and all seas
Some day to wave."
The sorority of Kappa Alpha Theta
gave a charming dancing party last
evening in honor of Miss Macfarland
and Miss Jessie Macfarlad at the home
of Miss Agnew, the niece of Mrs. At
wood. Unfortunately Miss Jessie Mac
farland had to leave for New York from
where she soon sails for Europe, before
this occasion, given as a farewell greet,
ing to the young ladies. The long,
broad hall in Mrs. Atwood's home, pos
sesses such character and distinction,
and so graceful is the contour of the
rooms opening from it that it was aa
becoming as a Florentine frame to the
many maidens in their fluffly gowns of
muslin and chiffon. The invited guests
were: Doctors and Mesdames Clements
Fling, Lyon and Ladd. Messrs. and
Mesdames Hardy and Belcher. Misses
Keyot Council Bluffs, Post ot York,
Barr, Macfatland, Armstrong, Foster,
Johnson, Agnew. Bdgren, Carson, Mo
Henry, Stewart, Weeks, Wirt, Morgan,
Douglas, Post, Harper, Paddock, Rus
sell, Elizabeth Paddock, Loomis, Wood
ford, Ruth Macfarland, Tuttle and Jean
Tuttle. Messrs. Walsh, Paine, Mudge,
Kind, Brown, Sumner, Clapp, Roth,
Pancoast, Baldwin, Adams, Powell, Holt
Koremeyer, Langley, Johnson, Witt
mann, Lau, Stein, Urandall. Deweeee,
Broady, Atwcod, Drain, Don Atwood
Thomas, Patterson, Culver and Ustick,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Lee gave a
dinner at seven o'clock on Saturday, in
Honor of Mrs. Milne of Erie, Pennsyl
vania. Mrs. Lee had made uso of one
of her many clever ideas in decorating
the name cards. Profiles were sketched
on the cards and the guests found their
dinner companions by discovering the
counterpart ot their profile-sketch. The
fluttering ribbons with which the name
cards were tied gave not only a cheerful
bit ot color to the rooms, but also the
clue to the particular t&ble to which
each guest belonged, as the ribbons
were the same color as the flower dec
orations ot each table. Six courses
were served. After dinner progressive
ucbre was the cause of much merri
ment. Score was kept by black and
white china dolls. A petite golden
haired doll in a red frock headed the
ribbon upon which the scoring dolls
were strung, white indicating a game
won and black the reverse. Mr. Everts
received the first prize for the gentle
men, a handsome tobacco jar with a
Grecian head. Mrs. Seacrest was pre
sented with an effective gold jewelled
hat pic for her successful Ecore. The
consolation gift was most amusing, be
ing one of those weird wax fig
ures carefully protected by a glass cover.
The guests were: Mesdames Milne of
Pennsylvania, McMasters of Chicago,
and Stiles. Messrs. and Mesdames Sea
creBt, Spencer, M. W. Folsom, C. H.
Rudge, Evertts and Metcalf.
In accordance with a custom observed
00 each quadrennial anniverbary, Mr.
Thomas P. Kennard invited bis friends
of varying political faiths to gather at
his bouse on Tuesday night and listen
to the election returns. The house was
decorated with pictures of the two
presidential candidates and by innum
erable small silken flags. Each lady
present was presented with a flag and a
carnation, the latter indicating the par
ty preference of the host. Card tables
were provided for those who cared to
play, and nuts and candied fruits were
served in the intervals between the dis
patches, and at eleven o'clock a dainty
luncheon was served. When it became
evident from the returns that President
McKinley was re-elected a telegram of
congratulations with the signatures of
all men present attached was sent him.
Some of those present were: Messrs.
and Mesdames C. H. Morrill, A. J. Saw
yer, A. S. Tibbetts, J. W. Johnson, Un
derwood, Billmeyer, Burt Davis, George
Fawell, R. M. Turner, Kirker, C. I.
Jones, R. T. Van Brunt, Henry Mayer,
Pickering, A. E. Kennard, Chapin and
Wettling. Mesdames Patrick, Wendl
ing and Stoney. Misses Harris, Tib
betts, Miller, Nora Miller, Murray, Stel
la Kirker, Hardy, Mayer, Switzer of
California, and Mr. Joe Kennard.
Miss Fay Marshall gave a swimming
party on Monday evening in honor ot
Mrs. Dan Wheeler of Omaha. Those
who enjoyed the invigorating plunge
were: Mesdames Wheeler, Edward
Fitzgerald, Mprk Woods, George Strode,
Frank Woods, Kelly, Irvine, Nance,
Crittenden, Wilkinson, Canfield, Walter
Hargreaves, Tilton, Curtice, Wright, L.
C. Burr, Dorgan, W G. Morrison, Mul
len, Crancer, Van Riper, George Clark,
Ewing, Tomson, N. C. Brock, D. E.
Thompson, Leonard, R H. Oakley, F.
W.Brown, Macdonald, Beeson of Oma
ha, Rector, Griffith, Walsh, Merrill and
H. H. Everett. Misses Putnam, Carson,
Hoover, Nance, HollowbuBh and 8weet
of-Buffalo. The water is always in a
humorous mood, ?fhen there is -even -a