11 .A i fgsm 1 . . THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA . . . . SCHOOL OF nusic. m J if Would call the attention of all who desire a musical education to the unequalled facilities offered at this school. 2VEXXARr KIMBTvI, Director. THE COURIER A 1 ijSi1 sssJS LITERARY NOTES. Mr. Robert Donald, the editor of the Municipal Journal, of London, con tributes to the American Monthly Re view of Reviews for November, an im portant article on "Trusts in England," describing the modus operandi of ef fecting industrial combinations there, and giving specific instances of many such combinations formed within the paet two years. (83 a year. The Outlook Company, New York.) "The Political Beginnings in Porto Ttico" is the subject of an article in the November Review of Reviews by Dr. -John Finley, the new professor of poli tics at Princeton. Dr. Finley traveled nearly 300 miles through the island last summer the greater part of the way afoot. His conclusions regarding the possibilities of the Porto Ricans are encouraging. The November number of The House hold is exceptionally noteworthy. The cover, drawn especially for The House hold, is executed in two colors, and tells a pleasing story of Colonial days and wajs and is in itself a work of art. Uuder the new management, The Household of Boston, Massachusetts, promisee to become one of the first in the field of magazines devoted to home interests. Thomas Wentworth Higginson con tributes an article entitled "The Mould of Fortune,' in the November Household. J. F. HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. STOCKS AND- BONDS. Grain, Provisions. Cotton. "Private Wires to New York Gty and Many Gties East and West. MEMBER New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade foEGAfo NOTlGEa Among the principal illustrated arti cles of the Magazine Number of The -Outlook for November are, "Up from Slavery," the first instalment of an Autobiography by Booker T. Washing ton, with portrait and many other il-i- lustrations; "American Educators in China," by George B. Smyth, Presi- dent of the Anglo-Chinese College; "The Emperor of Austria," by Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson, based partly on the recent seventieth birthday celebration o'. the Emperor; "Nearer the North Pole," by Sofia Bompiani, an account of the achievement of the Duke of the Abruzzi in reaching a point nearer to the North Pole than man had before attained; "The Sulu Archipelago," by Phelps Wbitmarsb, Special Commis sioner of The Outlook to the Filipines; mother instalment of Mr. Hamilton Wright Mabie's "William Snakspere," dealing with the later tragedies; a story by Charles W. Chesnutt, author of "The Wife of His Youth;'' full and numerous book notices, the usual week'y history of current events, and editorials on im portant topics complete the Number. A complete file of "The Courier" is kept in an absolutely fireproof build ing. Another file is kept in this office and still another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal notices in "The Courier" with security as the files are intact and are pre- romyear- to year with great care. Enterprising Advertiser Pardon me, sir, but I heard you tell the gentleman who just left that you "would wash your hands of the whole affair." "Well?" "In case you do may I hope that you will try my patent soap?" New York World. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicago. De Garry 1 met that old Summer girl of mine in a cable car and I was afraid she would speak to me. Gilts How did you stop her? De Garry I offered her my seat. Town Topics. Do you get your Courier regularly? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. (First Pub. Oct. 20- I.) Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby Riven of the formation of a corporation under the laws of the state of Ne braska. 1. The name of the corporation is tho Lincoln Golf Club. 2. Tho principal placo of transacting the business of said corporation is the city of Lin coln .Nebraska. 3 The general nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation is the buying, owning or leasing.improring and maintainig of gulf grounds in or adjacent to the city of Lin coln, Nebraska, for golf purposes and athletic exorcises. i. The amount of capital stock of said cor poration is two thocsand dollars, divided into shares of ten dollars each. Every share of stock to be paid for in cash at tho time of its subscription and to bo Don-transferable and non-assessable. 5. Said corporation commences on the 30th of June. 1WJ0, and continues until tlie3trth of June.litt). 6. Tho affairs of the corporation thall be con ducted and managed by a board of directors consisting of seven stockholders. 7. The officers of the corporation aro presi dent, vice-president, secretary and treasurir. 8. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to w liicli the corporation shall at any time subject itself is the sum ot 1:50. Witness our hands this 30th day of August, 1900. rf. S. Burn-ham, M. II. Garten, II. C. Yoitso, C. V. Smith. P. M. Ham W. L. Dayton. John T. Dokuan. First Pub. Sept. 2 1 In the district court of Lancaster county.Ne braska. In the matter of the application of Joseph. Leech and George Leech, executors of the last will of Nathaniel Leech, for a license to sell real estate belonging to the estate of said decedent, for the payment of legacies. Upon reading the petition heretofore tiled In the oftlce of the cleric of this court, in the above entitled matter, and it appearing by said peti tion that at the time of the decease of Nathan iel Leech, testator therein named, he was seiz ed in fee of the following described real estate in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lot No. -1 in block No. 1 of Kennartfs addi tion to the city of Lincoln, in Lancaster county in said state of Nebraska, and the west half of the southeast quarter of section -1 In township No. 2 north, of range No. 4, east of sixth meri dian in Dixon county, Nebraska, and the east half of section No. 31 in township No. 10 north, of range No. 4 east of sixth meridian in Seward county, Nebraska, and of the southwest quarter of section No. 15 in township No. 13 north, of range No. 2 east of the sixth principal meridian in Butler county, Nebraska; and it further ap pearing by sid petition that the last will of said decedent has been duly admitted to pro bate in the county court of Lancaster couny. Nebraska, and that there have been proven and are known to said executors, no debts against theestateof said decedent, but that by the terms of said will, specitlc legacies to divers persons and in divers sums, amounting in the aggregate to more than 110,000 are charged upon and against above mentioned real estate, and that said executors and petitioners are by said will particularly directed and enjoined to sell and dispose of said real estate and all other estates and properties of which the said Na thaniel Leech died seized, and out of the pro ceeds of such sales to pay, discharge and satis, fy said legacies and every of them, and pay the residue of such proceeds if any to a residuary legatee in said will named; Therefore, it is ordered that nil persons In terested In said estate appear before one of the Judges of this court at chambers, at the court house of Lancaster county In the said city of Lincoln on the isth day ot November 1000, at 2 o'clock P. M., and show cause If any there be why license should not be granted to said ex ecutors and petitioners as prayed to sell all and singularly above mentioned descriptions of real estate for the purpose of procuring funds with which to pay the said several specitlc and residuary legacies of said decedent, as In said will mentioned. And it is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published for four successive weeks prior to time fixed for said hearing in the Cour ier, a newspaper published and of general cir culation in said county of Lancaster It is further ordered that the clerk of the dis trict court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, be and is hereby directed to enter this order in the Journals of said court. Witness my hand at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 2Jnd day of September. 1900. Edward P. Holmes. One of the Judges of said Court. Ames & Ames, counsel of petitioners. ft 2 Cycle Photograph J Athletic Photograph m m 9 m m 9 9 9 9 9 Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views feWli THE PHOTOGRAPHER First Turkey I am going to take to the woods. Second Turkey Why? First Turkey I object to expansion without the consent of the expander. Town Topics. 129 South Eleventh Street. 9 9 9 m .. ww. ..cVcw. u..cc. m 9 9 0999999990999999909909090 a i BETTER THAN COAL 5 J For Furnace or Grate. Tho m Ideal Fuel is high grade a coke. We have a large stock 5 on haud. Now is the time to a contract for your winter's e supply. LINCOLN GAS JIKD ELECTRIC GO BURR BLOCK. MB Hffll I PAINTING, Polishing. Twenty eight years experience as an inside decorator. Reasonable prices. CARL MYRER. 2612 Q Phone 5232. FREE GAS service will be continued until cold weather forbids. Some 2 will-be sure to le. disappoint- J ed, as only a limited number can be put in. Get your order J in now. We eell you Gas J Stoves, Gas Grates and Gas Heaters at COST. S LINCOLN GAS UND ELECTRIC CO. ! THE COURIER $1.00 PER YEAR The COURIER . f And anv One Dollar 'Woman's Club Magazine ( UJI . ticn i&?s sElSa Do you get your Courier regularly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. 1 hYB .flB Ib H Mountain Route,