The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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ture at which M. L. Hayward was
elected United States senator, nearly
all the fusion members ot the legisla
ture had congiegated In the board of
transportation rooms in the capitol
building, to consider the advisability
of voting for said U. E. Thompson for
United States senator, and the matter
was discussed by the members and
other people, and this said paper was
circulated among some members of
the fusion party In the- legislature. In
cluding myself, for the purpose of con
vincing them that said Thompson was
willing to support certain of the fu
sion principles in order to secure fu
sion votes for United States senator.
Affiant says that it was urged by some
that it might be better to help elect a
mni v.ho wou'd accept some impor
tant principles than to permit the re
publicans to succeed In electing the
republican caucus nominee, who was
pledged to oppose all the principles ad
vocated by the fusion parties, but the
proposition to throw the solid fusion
vote to ThomDSon wa3 not accepted.
(Signed) " CLAUS GRELL.
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this th day ot
May. 1900. (Signed)
A. D. DETWEILER, Notary Public
State of Nebraska, Colfax County,
ss. Joseph Dobry being first dub
sworn oh oath says that he is a resi
dent of Colfax county, Nebraska, and
that he has resided there for twenty
nine years; that he was elected a
member of the house of representa
tives of the legislature of the state of
Nebraska for the year of 1S99; that on
the morning after the republican mem
bers of the state legislature had voted
in caucus for M. L. Hayward for
United Stales senator, nearly all the
fusion members of the legislature con
gregated in the board of transporta
tion rooms in the caritol building to
consider the senatorial situation. That
this affiant and other members of the
fusion party were asked to vote for
D. E. Thompson for United States sen
ator In order to defeat the election of
M. L. Hayward. and this affiant was
told that Thompson had agreed to
support most of the principles of the
fusion partv and as an evidence was
shown a paper signed by D. E. Thomp
son in which he agreed that if elected
to the senate of the United States by
the aid offuslon votes that he would
refuse to go into the republican cau
cuses; that he would oppose the pol
icy of imperialism, and agreed to sup
port various other policies contended
for by the fusion parties. At this
meeting prior to the Joint session at
which M. L. Hayward was elected sen
ator, the advisability of voting for D.
E. Thompson for United States sena
tor was discussed by various people
and members, and this paper was cir
culated among various members of the
fusion parties, including myself for
the purpose of convincing them that
Thompson would adopt certain fusion
pnncinles in order to obtain the fu
sion vote lor United States senator.
It was urged by some that it would be
better to elect Thompson, pledged to
support some fu3ion principles, than
to permit the republicans to elect Hay
ward, the republican caucus nominee,
opposed to all fusion principles.
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 24th day ot
Justice of the Peace.
State of Nebraska, Wayne County,
ss. Charles Crockett being duly sworn
on oath deposes and says, that he re
sides in the county of Knox of the
state of Nebraska, and has so resided
there for the last fifteen years. That
XO. ! tt
he was elected a member of the house
of representatives of the Nebraska leg
islature for 1898. That on the day
Senator Hayward was elected United
Stales senator by th" state legislature,
this affiant was impo tuned to vote
for D. E. Thompson for United States
senator and was told that Thompson
had agreed to support various prin
ciples of the fusion party, and as an
evidence he was shown a paper pur
ported to be signed by D. E. Thomp
son in which he substantially agreed
to pretty much all of the principles of
the fusion party and in which he
pledged his solemn word of honor to
the fusion members of the legislature
that if elected United States senator
by their votes, he would oppose Im
perialism, favor an income tax, oppose
the retirement of the greenbacks and
the issue of money by the banks; that
he would keep out of republican cau
cuses in the United States senate, and
further agreed to various other prin
ciples advocated by the democratic
and populist parties; that on the
morning prior to the joint session at
which M. L. Hayward was elected to
the United States senate, nearly all
the fusion members had congregated
in the board of transportation rooms
of the state capitol building and the
matter was discussed pro and con by
various people and members, and
this paper was circulated among Vari
ous members of the fusion party in
cluding myself, for the purpose of
convincing them that Thompson was
willing to adopt certain fusion prin
ciples in order to obtain the fusion
vote for United States senator. The
proposition to throw the fusion vote
to Thompson for United States sena
tor was accepted by the fusion mem
bers. (Signed)
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 24th day of
May, 1900. GUY R. WILBUR.
Notary Public.
State of Nebraska, Seward county,
ss. J. J. Endicott, being first duly
sworn on his oath says that he resides
in Sewaid county Nebraska, and has
resided in said county for the past
twenty-seven years; that he was elect
ed a member of the house of represen
tatives of the Nebraska legislature 'for
the yjar 1899.
Affiant s?ys that after the contest
for t'nite.l States senator in said ses
sion of the legislature had continued
for a long time and the republican cau
cus had agreed to support M. L. Hay
ward for United States senator. It was
urged by some that It would be better
to cast the votes of the fusion mem
bers of said body for some republican
who had proposed in return for such
votes to support some important prin
ciples advocated by the democratic
and populist parties, than to permit
the republicans to succeed in uniting
on M. L. Hayward who was under
stood to oppose all the principles of
the fusion forces.
On the morning after the republican
caucus had agreed to elect said M L.
Hayward United States senator, the
fusion members of the legislature met
for conference in the board of trans
portation room In the capitol building
to consider a proposition to vote for
D. E. Thompson for United States sen
ator, and this affiant and the other fu
sion members were urged to vote for
him for United States senator and
were told that he would support all of
the fusion principle?.
In support of this argument this af
fiaut was shown a written proposition
from D. E. Thompson in which he
agreed, If elected to the United States
benate, by the assistance of the fusion
votes in the legislature, that he would
remain out of the republican caucuses
in the United States senate and that
he would oppose imperialism, would
oppose the retirement of the green
backs, and made certain concessions
In favor of the increased use of silver
as meney, and agreed to support other
' principles- advocated by the fusion
This paper was circulated among
the fusion members, including this af
fiant, at said meeting on the morning
before the joint session at which M. L.
Hayward was "elected United States
senator, for the purpose of convincing
them that D. E. Thompson was will
ing to work for the accomplishment of
certain fusion principles in order to
obtain the fusion votes for United
States senator. (Signed)
- Subscribed in my- presence and
sworn 'to before me this 12th day of
May, A. D., 1900, T. B. PARKER.
Notary Public
State of Nebraska, Sarpy county, ss.
William D. Schnal, being first duly
sworn on oath says that he Is a resi
dent of Sarpy county, Nebraska, and
that he has resided there thirty years;
that he was elected as a member of the
Nebraska state senate fcr 1897 and was
re-elected as a member of said body
for 1899; that on the day that M L.
Hayward was elected United States
senator and on the morning before the
said election took place in joint ses
sion, this affiant was asked to vote for
D. E. Thompson for United States sen
ator and was told that said Thompson
had agreed to support a number of the
principles advocated by the democratic
and populist parties. To prove this
assertion he was shown a paper signed
by D. E. Thompson In which said
Thompson agreed that if elected to the
United States senate by the aid of fu
sion votes, he would refuse to go into
republican caucuses in the United
States senate; that he would oppose
the policy of the rapublican adminis
tration on imperialism and agreed to
support a number of other principles
contended for by the fusion parties.
At a meeting of the fusion members in
the board of transportation rooms of
the capitol building called for the pur
pose of considering the advisability of
voting for D. E. Thompson for United
States senator, at which most of the
fusion members were, which said
meeting occurred in the morning Im
mediately preceding the joint session
at which M. L. Hayward was elected
United States senator, and after said
Hayward had been declared the repub
lican caucus nominee, It was urged
that it would be better to elect Thomp
son, who would agree in return to sup
port important fusion principles if
elected by fusion votes than to permit
the election of the republican caucus
nominee who was committed against
every fusion principle, and this paper
signed D. E. Thompson was circulated
among some of the members, including
myself, for the purpose of convincing
them that said Thompson would sup
port fusion principles in the main in
order to obtain the fusion vote for
United States senator. (Signed)
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to. before, me this 3rd day of
May, 1900. S. C. HANEY,
Justice of the Peace.
State of Nebraska, Saunders Coun
ty, ss. Alex Boulin being" first duly
sworn on oath deposes and says that
he resides in the county of Saunders
and state of Nebraska, and has so re
sided there for the last sixteen years.
That he was elected as a member of
the house of the state of Nebraska leg
islature in 1898. That on the day M. L.
Hayward was elected United States
senator by the legislature, this affiant
was importuned to vote for D. E.
Thompson for United States senator
and was told that Thompson had
agreed to support various fusion prin
ciples, and as an evidence he was
shown a paper signed by D. E. Thomp
son In which he substantially agreed
to pretty much all the principles ot
the fusion party, and in which he
pledged his solemn word of honor to
the fusion members of the legislature,
that if elected United States senator
by their votes, he would oppose im
perialism, favor an income tax, oppose
the retirement of the greenbacks and
the issue of money by the banks; that
he would keep out of the republican
caucuses in the United States senate,
and further agreed to favor various
other principles advocated by the
democratic and populist parties; that
nearly all the fusion members of the
legislature had congregated in the
rooms of the board of transportation
on the morning prior to the election
of M. L. Hayward by the joint session
as United States senator, and the mat
ter was discussed and talked over pro
and con by various people and mem
bers of the fusion party, including my
self, for the purpose of convincing the
members that Thompson was willing
to adopt certain fusion principles in
order to obtain the fusion vote for
United States senator. The proposi
tion to throw the fusion vote to D. E.
Thompson for United States senator
was not accepted by the fusion mem
bers. (Signed) ALEX BOULIN.
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 24lh day of
May, 1900. HENRY WDHNER.
Notary. Public.
State of- Nebraska, Kearney county,
ss. J. S. Canaday first being duly
sworn on oath says that he" Is a resi
dent of Kearney county, Nebraska,
and has resided there for sixteen
years; that he was elected as a mem
ber of the senate of the Nebraska leg
islature for 1899; that on the morning
after the republican members of said
legislature had voted in caucus for M.
L. Hayward for United States sena
tor, this affiant was Importuned to vote
for D. E. Thompson for United States
senator, and was '.old that said
Thompson would support a number of
the principles advocated by the fusion
parties. In support of this argument
he was shown a paper signed by D. E.
Thompson in which he agreed, If elect
ed to the United States senate, by the
aid of fusion votes, that he would keep
out of the republican caucus, oppose
the policy of imperialism, and agreed
to support various other principles
contended for by the fusion parties.
On the said morning before the joint
session of the legislature at which M.
L. Hayward was elected United States
senator nearly all the fusion members
of the legislature had congregated in
the board of transportation rooms in
the capitol building to consider the
advisability of voting for said D. E.
Thompson for United States senator
and the matter was discussed by var
ious people and members and this said
paper was circulated among some of
the members of the fusion party in
cluding myself for the purpose of con
vincing them that said Thompson was
willing to support certain of the fusion
principles in order to obtain the fu
sion vote for United States senator.
Affiant says that it was urged by
some that it might be better to help
elect a man who would accept some
important fusion principles that to
permit the republicans to succeed in
electing the republican caucus nomi
nee who was pledged to oppose all the
principles advocated by the fusion par
ties, but the proposition to throw the
solid fusion vote to Thompson was
not accepted. (Signed)
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 25th day of
April, 1900. J. H. ROBB,
County Judge, Kearney County, Neb.
State of Nebraska, Saunders county,
ss. C. M. Lemar being first duly sworn
on oath says that be is a resident of
Saunders county, Nebraska, and that
he has resided there for thirteen
years; that he was elected a member
of the house of representatives of the
legislature of the state of Nebraska
for the year 1899; that on the morning
after the republican members of said
legislature had voted in caucus for M.
L Hayward for United States senator,
rearly all the fusion members of the
legislature congregated in the board of
transportation rooms in the capitol
building to consider the senatorial sit
uation. That this affiant and other
rrembers of the fusion rarty were
asked to vote for D. E. Thompson for
United States senator in order to de
feat the election of M. L. Hayward,
and this affiant was told that Thomp
son had agreed to support the prin
ciples cf the fusion party and as an
evidence was shown a paper In which
he agreed that if elected to the senate
of the United States by the aid of
fusion otes, that he would refuse to
go into the republican caucus, that he
would oppose the policy of imperialism
and agreed to support various other
policies contended for by the fusion
parties At this meeting prior to the
joint session at which M. L. Hayward
was elected senator, the advisability
of voting for D. E. Thompson for Unit
ed States senator was discussed by
various people and members, and this
paper was circulated among various
members of the fusion parties, includ
ing myself, for the purpose of convinc
ing them that Thompson would adopt
certain fusion principles in order to
oltain the fusion vote for United
States senator. It was urged by some
that It would be better to elect Thomp
son, pledged to support some fusion
principles?, than to elect Hayward, the
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