THE COURIER, v J r h : chairman. Biennial report of educational session by Chairman. "The school laws of Nebraska' Mrs. Grace M. Wheeler, Lincoln. "The public schools of Nebraska." (a) "From a mother's standpoint," Mrs. Minnie S. Qine, Minden. (b) "From a teacher's standpoint," Mrs. Bertha Bloomingdale, Syracuse. (c) "From a county superintendent's stand point," Miss Charlotte M. White. (d) '"From the school board standpoint," Mrs. Harriet S. Towne, Omaha. Address, Miss Alice French, vOctave Thanet) Davenport, Iowa. Thursday Evening, 8:00, P. M. Mrs. Ap- person, chairman. Report of Biennial Delegates. 8:30, P. M.-Indus-trial, Mrs. Harford, chairman. Report of the Biennial industrial meeting, Lillian R. Harford, Omaha. Address, "Club revolution' Mrs. Sarah S. Decker, Denver. "Industrial laws of Nebraska," Althea Let ton, Fairbury. Report of industrial work done by our club. Discussion: "What can we do to better in dustrial conditions ?' Friday Morning, 9:30, A. M. Businese meeting, Mrs. Apperson, chairman. Report of Nominating Committee. Election of Officers. Report of Resolution Committee. Installation of Officers. Adjournment . THE MAN WHO WAS FOR PEACE. KATUAKINE MKLIUK. For The Courier. 1. Had ho not loved peace so well. Gus tav Kestner had certainly enjoyed a deal more of it. As it was, the blue kruglein was his ifodoiog, both first and last. How he bad escaped tha recruiting otlicer so long I could wish to ask him, down there under the prairie grass, but he is even more silent now than was his wont, which says much. How the re cruiting oflicer eyed hitn; sitting there in the little riier garten by the old 3iurn berg gate, as his forebears had sat be fore Columbus bsgan recruiting, -one does not nceJ to ask. Not if one has seen Smith Kestner with a horse-shoe in hishsnds. There was not a pioneer on the banks of Salt creek to stand beside him in the old days. There is not his like today in a state which measures men by the yard. Many a day afier that June morning when young Gustav's strong, white Angers held hia last mug of Nurnberg beer, while his deep blue eyes turned their giant lashes lazily upon the red tiles of the Turm opposite, many a morning the Hauptman looked for that 6ame head of Thor by the gate. And every one of those mornings found the Binewy shoulders of the peace loving Xurnberger farther away from the Hauptman's bayonet pricks dizzying ocean leagues farther away. But when racked in sinew and soul by the un speakable rescue of the emigrant ship, the rescued lad sat a vast and weary foot in Covent Garden, throes of peace had but begun for Gustav Kestner. The summer of '(51 was not a lime well calculated to afford a haven of rest for war-ridden refugees in the United States of America, From Covent Gar den Gustav's heart went back to the little Garten by the Nurnberggate. His face turned steadily to the garden of the West. I have felt sympathy for the re cruiting oflicer when 1 have seen the mighty arm of Smith Kestner, in the red light of the forge. But when tiny Frau Gertrud speaks of the long trek Gustav made alone across the continent, the sheer strength of that huge spirit shames me. .Niagara is best unbar nestod. So, while the Hauptman spread his snares for other lithe young limbs, and while over half a continent between, the trampling herds of war ramped up and down. Gu-tav found a kindred soil in tho great alluvial bay which centuries have drifted into tho lap of tho Mis souri, vast and deep and silent. He found the riotous stream, pushing among bowlders of dark, grassy soil, a giant worthy his grip. The stones of his quarry, red, like the tiles of Nern berg, he lifted from the hollows where the heavy glacier dropped them. Safe, strong Trails they made for Frauline Gertrud, when she came, tossed by ship wreck and storm, to the stone house by the river. In those morning, when the little girl wife, given back by the sea and the storm from the fatherland, Btood at the door of tho etone house to see if the antelope como to foed with the cattle, iu those days the emith lived his life. Then tho war-cloud loomed again; quarry and forge, in their river bemi, lay right in the war path of the Sioux. From a dozen roofs of sod and stone that strung out the trail titty miles up and down stream, the settlors rush d as from 60 many death pens, out into tho open plain. There from the circle of wagons in the night Frau Gertrud watched, watched by the lightning Hashes of a hurricane, the sentinel fig ure of the smith who rode round and round the camp, keeping tho watch of tho prairie. This was the conscription which Gus tav never questioned not even when ho saw the face of the little child, Frau Gertrud bad rocked in her arms that black night, a face grown old before one dawn, with the horror of the Bavage dark, and it was not this battle that Gustav Kestner lost. Continued next iceek.) 0OOIHOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOIOOIOMIOOOIOIHIOIOHOIOOOOOOOOOO"' " We are greaMy overstocked on ladies' ready-to-wear suits. It is our policy never to carry a lot of ready made garments from one season to another. Wo are determine.' to iHhpoio of every one of these suits, and to do it quickly. Whllo thoy last you can take your choice at exactly halt price. 2 11 If 1"" XninK Ol II. 94U buiih wr 9.t 11 0 IT J-VlO t $30 suits for $15; $20 nuits for 1 I Idll I I IOO. $IO;$l5 suits for $7.50. etc. etc. Ladies' Tailor-Made i Suits &x MlbbgR&PAINg 0 0 000000)00 0000 HO 000 OOMOOOOHOOOOu 00000 000 000 00 J The Shoe for Fall and Winter 1 Signs. Briggs "Monkley is l.sing his inter est in golf.' Griggs "What makes you think so" Baiggs "I saw him at his ollice yesterday.' WANTED ACTIVE MAX OK(iOOI) CIIAK ctcr to deliver ami collect in Nebraska for hlil cutablislicil nnuiufnctuiiiii: wholesale aotisc. WU) H jear Mirnpny. Our reference, any bank m any city. Kncloso belf-mlilreijeil stamped cm clon. Manufacturers, Tliinl Floor, XII Dearborn StCliicago. J Cycle Photographs Athletic Phntograchs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views 9 m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 THE PHOTOGRAPHER frendj .'. JTnamel Dull Calf top. Hand Sowed Soles, a handsome Patent-Leather Shoe, and is WHi NOI TO CRACK JlftlhFRSON'S lf'ii - IE- .. wr-ftg-srtft 2!30STEET.Jk 129 South Eleventh Street. 9 bEGAb NOTIGEa A complete tile of "Tho Courier" iB kept; in an kirepkook build ing. Another tile is kept in this ollico and still another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish notices in '-The Courier" with security as the piles are intact and are pre served from joar to year w.itb groat care- y.u. in)! 1323 O St. Plione, 762. PLUMBIC, SlEflM M KOI WATER HEATING; a Gas Fixtures and Instantaneous Heating. ? Do you get your Courier regularly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier oflico. Do this this week. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will bo 6ent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicago. rArl!lUllmiiliTiH rttmrtm c mmm i mm Do you get your Courier regularly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier oflico. Do this this week. Elegant Equipment, i Smooth Track and , Fast Time, Makes The Burlington the popular line, Lincoln to Chicago. Peoria, Kansas City, St. Louis & Denver To clubs of ten taking The Courier the annual subscription price is seventy five cents (75 cents). Regular subscription price one dollar per year Gity Ticket Office Gor. lOtn and O Streets. Telephone 235. Burlington Depot hoses.! St Betwn Pand Q'i jeiepnon? ?.. 1 m m Do you get your Courier regularly ? Pleaso compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. U. FLEMING SSi I ve xrwa re 9 Prlendaiiip Heorts, Braoeleta