V THE COURIER. ttie book is the fascinating point of view of Elizabeth, her personality, Iter whimsical humor and her freedom from trite custom and convention. If 6he were Eve, she would not be freer from fear of what her neighbors might Bay. Even the man of wrath or the April, May or June baby does not in terfere with her intimacy with the garden, which she makes us believe is her holy place. Singing Lessons Madame Mathilde Marches!, who has taught all the modern great singers, Melba, Calve and all, is con tributing a series of ten lessons to young singers in a woman's weekly magazine. Like all great teachers, madame is a martinet. She refers to ber reputation with much surprise, however, explaining to American readers that herdisposition is amiable and her class methods mild to those pupils who exhibit a real desire to learti. The naivete of Madame Mar cltesi's composition is amusing to a non-professional reader who knows nothing about attack and the idiosyn crasies of the glottis and the treat ment of the vocal chords. Co-Education. . The University of Rochester opens to women this fall. Two years ago the trustees of the university agreed to admit women on condition that $100,000 be raised to offset the cost of the experiment. Subsequently the sum was reduced to 150,000. Tiie sum would not have been raised had it not been for Susan B. Anthonv, who, on .the last day of grace, when $800 was still lacking, gave $2,000 herself and raised 16,000 by personal subscriptions among ber friends. It was generous of Miss Anthony, but the money would have been better spent on a school which was already up to the limes. The University of Rochester has been bard up for some time on ac count of the new state institutions which admit all citizen's children free. It is doubtful if this belated justice which the college has agreed to sell for $50,000 will be worth the money to women. Matrimony and College Women. Miss Mary Roberts, associate pro fessor of sociology in Leland Stanford university, has collected some statis tics in regard to the tendency and op portunities of college women to get married, that may interest a few old codgers who insist that higher educa tion is depriving women ot the desire to marry, and depriving her of the charm which makes men want to marry her. According to Dr. Roberts, college women marry better than the uneducated and have more children, a higher percentage of whom are males, and there is no difference be tween the two classes in regard to their own health, or the health and mortality of their children. The Coal Strike. A prolonged coal strike entails more suffering than any other kind. Mill operators strike, and the suffering is confined to themselves, their wives and children, their landlords and the merchants, of whom they obtain their "supplies. Coal provides the energy which turns al1 the wheels, and a miners' strike, if long enough, would atop the cars, empty the shops, close the factories, schools, and place e eery one at the mercy of the sua and a few wooleti garments for warmth. The coal supply which the begrimmed miners have dug out of the earth is only a few months ahead of the de mand. It is literally from mine to furnace moutli. It is, therefore, of immediate consequence that the 140,000 striking operatives and the operators of the Pennsylvania coal mines agree on a system of weighing the coal, on the method of buying the powder, and on the standard of wages to be paid (he miners. The operators have acceded to a raise of ten per cent in wages. The operatives de-mand-a twenty-percent raise. But' the principal demands of the strikers are in regard to grievances. The grievances relate to the company stores, the company doctors and butchers, the practice of dockage, and most particularly, the high price paid for powder. The powder used in the mines the men are compelled to buy of the companies. It costs the companies only ninety cents a keg, and the men are made to pay $2.75 a keg for it. The expense of this, added to the losses the miners suffer by rea son of dockage and the company stores, reduces wages in many cases to not more than twenty dollars a month. The mine-operators claim that the strike is not occasioned by any of the causes enumerated by the workers, but is ordered by the United Mine-Workers arbitrarily to the end of establishing the authority of the union for political purposes. An offic ial statement contradicting this has been given out from headquarters of the Mine Workers' Union, which recites the efforts made by the union to adjust their differences by peace able means, and to submit the whole question to arbitration. These efforts failing, the strike was reluctantly ordered as a last resort, to the end of securing justice to the workers. The Chinese Situation. Those who know the most about the Chinese affair confess that they know nothing. If the generals and diplomats are making progress, it is at the rate of a glacier. The only way to be positively sure we are moving is to measure the situation with that of three months ago. The result will be decided by the powers who are dis cussing China, its relation to them selves and their relation toeachother, with China between them, as though they had Chinese leisure to argue it. Russia and France has informed our state department that through concurrent action they will withdraw from Pekin. M. de Giers. the Russian minister, and M. Plchon, the French minister, are consulting as to tte most favorable time for this with drawal, and French. 'and Russian troops will move simultaneously. The intention is not to evacuate China, but only to leave Pekin. The troops will await at Tien Tsien the re-establishment of the Chinese imperial gov ernment at Pekin. General Chaffee's orders are to leave Pekin also. It is evident that Li Hung Chang still holds the confidence of the Chinese, however foreigners may suspect him of treachery. An imperial edict has conferred upon him unlimited discre tionary power to make terms with the nations according to his own judgment, without referring the terms back to the emperor for ap proval. A later edict associates Prince Ching and Yung Lu with him as peace envoys. The former is pro foreign, and defended the legations during the siege of Pekin. But Yung Lu's appointment is defiant of the powers, as he was chief instigator of recent troubles, and he was the leader of the boxers throughout the siege. He has been a member of the privy council for six years, and, as the em press dowager's favorite, he has been the ruling spirit of that body. He is the one man in the Chinese adminis trative government that the powers can identify as a leader of the boxers and an encourager of the movement. Yung Lu left the privy council to be come commander-in-chief of the army of the north, operating in and about Pekin. It was his force which held back the Seymour expedition, and under him the imperial troops kept up their three months' siege of the legationers in Pekin. Germany will not-reepgnize him as a commissioner, with Li HungCbangand Prince Ching. The other powers are not so impera tive, and may recognize the fact that there are two pro-foreign commission ers to one Yung Lu. His appoint ment shows China's entire ignorance of the fact that foreign armies are occupying China, and that the nation is a suppliant. Quang Hsu has.-at last, put the Em press Dowager in her place, and if he succeeds in making bis revolt perma nent, the prospects for a settlement are very largely increased. Mr. Bryan in St. Louis. Editor Marion Reedy of the St. Louis Mirror has not made up his mind whom he will vote for, but knows that he will not vote for Mr. Bryan. The description of the Bryan meeting in St. Louis applies to the Bryan meetings anywhere, except that in smaller places there are fewer people. When Mr. Davis appeared there was an uproar. When it subsided he be gan to talk. His talk was a great dis appointment toeverybody. Talk about Roosevelt's book on the Rough Riders deserving the title "Alone in Cuba," Davis' remarks might have been labeled "Alone in South Africa." As he went along I thought continually of a parody of the Bourdillon poem. "The night has a thousand Is." From one to four Is peppered every sent ence. Mr. Davis' Ego was on the rampage. He elected McKinley, he saved Mark Hanna. He was not only tearful himself in their cause, but was the cause of tears in others. And now Messrs. McKinley and Hanna and all the rest of them are villains. Well, they are what they were when he served them. Mr. Davis is an oratorical archaism. He talks high-fa!utinese altogether. He is an eagle-screauer. No trace of logic is in him. Bis view of the Boer war bears not the slighest trace of a judicial study of the ques tion. His story of it was one of rank, extravagant, utterly unqualified as sertion. The reading persons in his audience had to smile at his highly colored special pleading. The talk was one unintermittent gush of flub dub, with Davis more important than Great Britain or America or the Trans vaal. It was Davis, Davis, Davis, for subject, predicate and object of every sentence. His patriotism, his sacri fice, his devotion made up the real theme. The audience received him well at first. There was frequent applause, but it petered out. Gradually the ap plause was prolonged at the conclu sion of his periods, but it began to last so long that it was evident the people were wearying. Before he finished he was practically drowned out by his audience. The crowd didn't care about the Boers; at least, they didn't care about the Boers solely as a background for Mr. Davis enlarged projection of his conception of his personal import ance. The golden tongued orator was emphatically snubbed, was told that he was a bore, and the crowd was not one of bore sympathizers. The reception of Mr. Davis' alleged eloquence and be it said right here that the grave defect of his eloquence is that it is not eloquent seemed to me to be a sign that the Boer jssue in the present campaign is not going tq cut much of a figure. If a talk for the Boers should excite interest any where it should do so here in Mis souri, but Saturday night's spectacle convinced me that the subject has no strong hold upon popular interest. When Mr. Davis sat down the cheer ing was decidedly tame. Mr. Bryan appeared amid a great demonstration. Then occurred a curi ous thing. The people strained to see him, while he stood by the speaker's desk awaiting the subsidence of the cheers and the small storm or flags. They saw him and his pleasant, frank smile. And then they began to leava the hall. The fact was pat ent that the crowd had largely come out ot curiosity to see him. Then he said he would read his re marks about "Trusts,' instead of speaking extemporaneously. Instant ly there was a rush, rattle, clatter and rumble all over the hall, caused by vthe departure of people byth& hun-dreds.-He was not into, hia manuscript until the galleries were practically emptied, and the crowd in the arena was reduced one-half. The box-crowds thinned out. The women in the boxe "stuck." You could hear them say ing, "Ah, poor Mr. Bryan. Don't let us leave him this way." Mr. Bryan read his piece He read, and readt and read, and read, and Lord but it was wearisome! The people-yawned. Some of them actually slept. Many of them held merry con-s verse in quite loud tones. Now and then some one gave forth long whining or yelping yells without regard to the matter of the reading. The evening was a lesson. It taught me that the people are tired of politics. The people have a curi osity to see Mr. Bryan. They have a curiosity to hear him, because he has the reputation of an orator. They do not care for what he says so much as for how he says it. They like the man. There is no denying that they have an affection for the Bryan per sonality, for the physical charm of him, for some pleasant memory or in stinct or subtle prepossession he arouses in them. But the great ques tion of "Trusts," which I have thought, and have said in these col umns, was the one closest their hea-ts, actually does not concern them so much as I thought. 'Ihey care for Mr. Bryan as they care for a popular actor or a preacher who has a nne delivery. luey do not regard him as great, as they did in 189G. They like him. In a general way they agree with him; they love to hear him assail the things whicli are. They would like to believe that tilings would be different, but they seem to feel and know, somehow, that ) what he promises is a pretty dream - like the New Jerusalem of the preach er or the Phaeacia of the poets of old time. He is a sort of troubadour singing men songs that make them sorry for themselves, picturing them the possibilities of transforming the world into a place where their ideals will be realized. But they know that the ideal is not realizable. They de light to hear hfin assail those who are mighty and in high places, to see him fighting dragons or oclopi, but, some how, in a dim sort of way they realize that the mighty and the strong in high places are only made ogres and gruesome giants by his fancy, while the dragon or the octopi are in reality harmless against a spell of the popu- lar will that will protect the people. The people say he fights a gallant bat tle, but it is a battle like like that of heroes in novels and poems and plays. The stage is fixed for the hero to win. The villains are not villains after all. They are painted as such to throw forward the hero. 1 should rank Mr. Bryan with John Drew, Hackett, Fa versham, Henry Miller. Mr. Bryan iss the manifestation of the romantic T school in politics. In another way Colonel Roosevelt is a manifestation of the same thing, but Colonel Roose velt has a strong flavor of the prac tical. He poses, but he has done things. He is an egotist, but he is not so much of a theorist. He lacks Mr. Bryan's blandness of idealism, be cause he has rubbed up harderagainst the realities and has had a somewhat disillusionizing, though not cyniciz ing familiarity with history. The world is all new to Mr. Bryan. To Colonel Roosevelt it is an old, old world but still fair and growing fairer in its old, old way and by virtue of the very processes which seem to Mr. Bryan all evil. Mr. Bryan is not a politician at all. He is a sort of moral evangelist, tell ing us of the millcnium as he would have it, but without a practical plan for bringing it-to pass. Mr. Bryan is a popular hero, but he, some how, seems to the people to be fight ing with the ghosts and ogres and djinns of his own conjuring. Mr. Bryan appeals to the emotions of men and uplifts them temporarily, when he abandons his manuscript. But when the evening is over he leaves no much more permanent effect in the minds of those who heard him than ' A