. THE COURIER. 11 - THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF flUSIC. P "Would call the attention of all who desire a musical education to the unequalled facilities offered at this school. WIIIARD KIMBATvI, Director. && ON THE DOOR STEP. AN OLD MAID S STORV. Miea Campbell was from Philadelphia, and she did not approve of sitting out on the front door steps. Even on hot Au gust evenings, when every sensible per son on the avenun was out in the open air, wooing whatever breezes there were to be found, she sat in solitary state in her stuffy little bedroom or in the board ing house parlor. 1 1 is a serious thing to be a consistent martyr to one's prin ciples. One day Miss Campbell read in the af ternoon paper that the extreme heat had driven fashionable London to its door stepsthat even within the sacred pre cincts of Mayfair "doorstep parties'' were .- the thing, and that honored Algernons and Mauds smoked their cigarettes and drank their cooling beverages out of doors, regardless of the passing crowd. That evening driven to it by a longing for fresh air, Mi66 Campbell decided to be English. It was a good time for her venture, for she was the only one at home. Most of the boarders had gone ' , i- to the park; the rest were bicycling. She had the doorstep all to hersnlf. Really, it was not so dreadful after all. The kindly dusk hid all but the light N ' waists or gowns of the women on the eteps opposite, while the men were dis tinguishable only by the spark at the ends of their cigars. With a little thrill of self -congratulation Margaret Camp bell realized that no one would know that she bad departed from her principles. "I suppose I am old-fashioned," she thought. ,:John used to say so when I was only twenty, and ten years of lonly . life have hardly improved me." The warm breeze fanned her cheek She settled herself comfortably back on the cushions that she had brought from her room and lazily watched the phantom-like passeruby. Troops of laughing girls and boys hurried along the side walk, followed by lover-like couples, creeping as though to retard happy mo ments spent together. Bicjcles sped X" silently past in the street, their lamps flashing like gigantic fireflies; carriages rolled by, heralded by the muffled hoof beats of their horses; and from time to time, automobiles whizzed by, weirdly. A solitary man came up the street, He stopped at the foot of the steps and then sat down not far from Margaret. "Do you mind my smoking?" he asked barely turning around. Miss Campbell started; the voice seemed curiously familiar. "Not at all," she replied a little stiffly, "it will keep away the mosquitoes." Then she felt herself blushing at the foolishness of the remark, for there were no mosquitoes to be kept away. Ten years ago, one happy, never-to-be-forgotten summer, she bad been often asked that question, and had made the same rejoinder, much more W appropriately. The man did not look at her while he lighted his cizar, and she, absorbed in thought, missed the brief illumination of his features which followed the kind ling of the match. There was a long silence, broken at last b the newcomer. "Rather cooler," said he, as though con-1 tinuing a conversation. "Yes" answered Margaret, still more puzzled by the voice. This was not one of Mrs. Lee's boarders. She must hear him speak again. It was not right that a stranger should make her tremble so. "Were you ever at Loag Branch?'' she asked abruptly. The man turned toward her and she could feel that be tried to penetrate the darkness and see who it was that was epeaking. Margaret was not the only one who had been agitated by a voice. II. r heart beot almost audibly. , "Margaret, is it you?" he cried. "Yes, John," she answered, with strange self possession. She noted this herself and marveled that she should do so at such a moment. How could she think about how she was speaking when, she had not seen him for ten years. "How came you here?" "I came up the wrong steps," John an swered, slowly. "I am glad, since they have brought me to you." It ought to have been bewildering this unlooked for appearance of the man who had gone out of her life so long ago, never to return. Yet Margaret took it as a matter of course. "If you are glad, why didn't you come before? I have wanted you so." "I didn't know where you were," fal tered John. "Then it was all a mistake?" "AH a mistake, dear, and I have come back to you." He had risen, but now he sat down Ly her side and reached out to take her hand. Margaret let him have it gladly, and they sat together and talked, fas they used to talk. It was as though they bad neverjbeen parted. Margaret did not ask for explanations, and John did not give them. Yet she felt that they understood each other. There was a merry burst of laughter, a confused sound of voices; half a dozen people around her were all talking at once. "Why, here's Miss Campbell," cried a lively girl, over- flowing with good spirits, "Miss Campbell, who never sits on door steps.." "Gone back on your principles, Miss Campbell?" asked a frisky youth who was an incorrigible tease. "I am amazed." Margaret stood up dazed. The young people had appeared suddenly. "Yes, the heat drove mn out, and I am glad that it did,Mr. Young, for an old friend found me quite by accident. Allow me to introduce him . John " she looked around, but John was not there. "You were all alone, Miss Campbell," volunteered Mr. Young. "Fast asleep and dreaming, I declare." Miss Campbell pulled herself together nobly. "So I was," said she. "Good night, everybody," and she turned around and went into the house. The others followed, with the exception of the two youngest and happiest. "Poor Miss Campbell," whispered the girl, with keen intuition. I think she was dreaming of her lover." "Nonsense, Jennie; that's all your fancy. Miss Campbell is as prosaic as YOU WILL ILWyiYS FIND 1 The best of ever3thinjr in the grocery line at the uooa luck urocerv. m CTVW i"KsTl"T' H07 O utreet. J&JL 9-EVJL JL Z4 TelephoneOtiO First Pub. Sept. 2 1 la the dNtrlct court of Lancaster county.Ne braska. In the matter of the application of Joseph Leech ami George Leech, executors of the last will of Nathaniel Leech, for a license to sell real estate Itelonging to the estate of salil decedent, for the payment of legacies. Upon reading the petition heretofore tiled In the office of the clerk of this court. In the above entitled matter. nd it appearing by said peti tion that at the time of the decease of Nathan iel Leech, testator therein named, he was seiz ed In fee of the following described real estate In the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot No. 21 in block iNo. 1 of Kennanls addi tion to the city of Lincoln. In Lancaster county in said state of Nebraska, and the west half of the southeast quarter of section 21 in township No. 29 north, of range No. I, east of sixth meri dian in Dixon county, Nebraska, and the east half of section No. 32 in township No. 11) north, of ranee No. 4 east of sixth meridian in Seward county. Nebraska, and of the southeast quarter of section No. 15 in township No. 13 north, of range No. 2 east of the sixth principal meridian In Uutler county. Nebraska, and It further ap pearing by sid petition that the last will of said decedent has been duly admitted to pro bate in the county court of Lancaster county. Nebraska, and that there have been proen and are known to said executors, no debts against theestateor said decedent, but that by the terms of said will, speclflc legacies to divers persons and In divers sums, amounting in the aggregate to more than lu.U)Uare charged upon and against above mentioned real estate, and that said executors and petitioners are by said will particularly directed and enjoined to sell and dispose of said real estate and all other estates and properties of which the said Na thaniel Leech died seized, and out of the pro ceeds of such sales to pay discharge and satis fy said legacies and every of them, and pav the residue of such proceeds if any to a residuary legatee In said will named: Therefore, it is ordered that all persons in terested in said estate appear before one of the Judges of this court at chambers, at the court house of Lancaster county In the said city of Lincoln on the 12th day of November IWU. at 2 o'clock P. M.. and show cause if any there lie why license should not be granted to said ex ecutors and petitioners as prayed to sell all and singularly above mentioned descriptions of real estate for the purpose of procuring funds with which to pay the said several specific anil residuary legacies of said decedent, as in said will mentioned. And it is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published for four successive weeks prior to time flxed for said hearing in the Cour ier, a newspaper published and of general cir culation in said county of Lancaster. It is further ordered that the clerk of the dis trict court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, be and is hereby directed to enter this order on the Journals of said court. Witness my hand at Lincolc, Nebraska, thi 22nd day of September. Ifluu. Kdwaku P. Holmes. One of the Judges of said Court. Ames & Ames, counsel of petitioners. First Pub. Sept. 29-1. Legal Notice. Mary I. Taylor, defendant. Is hereby notified that on the 21th day of September IBuu. William G. Taylor, plaintitl. tiled in the district court of Lancaster county Nebraska.his petition against said defendant, alleging that he is and for more than six months last past has been a resident of said Lancaster county. That In September If, he was married to the defendant in St. Louis, Missouri. That more than two years age the defendant without just cause wilfully abandoned the plaintitl and for more than two years last pist defendant has without just cause wilfully deserted and absented herself from said plaintiff. Plaintitl prays that he may be divorced from said defendant. The defend ant is required to answer sia petition on or before the nth day of November r.w. Lincoln 21 Sept., l'.Ml. William G. Taylor Chas. O. Whedon, Attorney for Plaintitl IKIrst Pub.. Sept. 22-11 Notice to Creditors. E 1482. In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Sarah K. Freeman, deceased. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified, that the county Judge will sit at the county court room in Lin coln, in raid county, on the 1.1th dayot Janu ary 111)1, and again on the 15th day of April. 1PU1, to receire and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months from the 15th day of Octolier. U), and tho time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 15th day of Octo ber, limo. Notice of tlii" proceeding is ordered publish ed four consecutive weeks in The Courier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly newspaper inh lished in this state. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this llthdayof September I'M). (MEAL.) tllANK R. WATERS. County Judge. Hy Walter A, Leesc Clerk County Court. no Mil On June ai,July , , O. lOand 1 and Aujf tickets from points west of Missouri KiTer. and east of Colby. Kansas, to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pueblo, Salt Lake city, and Ogden Utah, and return, will be sold by the GREAT ROGK ISLAND ROUTE. At rate of The COURIER And anv One Dollar Vorrun's Club Magazi ONE REGULAR FARE PLUS S2.00 FOR ROUND TRIP RETURN LIMIT OCT. 3 1 , 1900 BEST LINE TO DENVER ONLY DIRECT LINE TO COLORADO SPRINGS AND MANITOU. Take advantage of these cheap rates and spend your Tacation in Colorado. Sleeping Car Reservation may be made now for anyot the excursions- Write for full information anil the beautiful book, Colorado tta Mcienlfloent,-9ent free. E. W. THOMPSON. A. G. P Topeka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. . Chicago, III. PATENT SmMms may be secured by oar aid. Addreaa, THE PATENT RECMt. Bimmort. HL Subscriptions to T&e Patent Record UU per aaaom. TrTni!." . 1 1 in :' rtirn II I I II' M m t mi uuii in (.wisUU