The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 29, 1900, Page 9, Image 9
THE COURIER. K tSg&3K&g& miiiiiin; ' ViJ -uy tjy xL- yy tflLV Tc T t v, ry- xy Wly' 0i (L w jtH UWTOiE&WU) 0?ra m m $ii. t& uiv eg '&? fSY TKS MiU I y ft m 51 w 5K 5 W M 1 cw W T m P w SMC SSE& . K By special arrangement with the various publishers THE COURIER is able to make an ex- traordinary clubbing oirer. s9 6LUB WITH ALL PUBLICA TIONS, HOME AND FOREIGN, EXCEPTING ONE. ooooooooo oS , Read it over and select the publications you desire I and drop us a postal card. By return mail we will submit an estimate to you, showing our net rate and your actual gain by send ing subscriptions to us. $&$& t'r!Ri & wm 22? ? Wr S PubliBhera' Prim Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly.. $1.00 Harper's Magazine 3.00 harper's Weekly -100 Arena 2.50 Atlantic Monthly 100 Century Magazine 400 Cbatauquan 100 Current Literature .'500 Forum .100 Godey's Magazine 1.00 Harper's Bazar 4 00 Illubtrated London News GOO Lippincott'e Magazino 250 McMillan's Magazine .'1.00 Musical Courier 4 00 New England Magazine 3 00 Public Opinion 250 Romance 1.00 Short Stories 2.50 Table Talk 1.00 Town Topics 400 Women's Tribune . . 1.00 Youth's Companion 1.75 Review or Reviews 300 American Art Journal "... 3.00 American Catholic Quarterly Review. 4.00 American Druggist 150 American Economist 200 American Grocer 3.00 American Banker 4.00 Art Amateur, with plates 4 00 Artdela Mode 3.50 Art Interchange 400 Art Journal GOO Babyland 50 The Bee 800 Bla.-k and White 9.00 Black Cat, 50 Bon Ton 3.50 Bookman .. 2.00 Boot and Shoe Recorder 350 Canadian Magazine 2 50 Catholic World 300 China Decorator 3 00 Christian Register 2.00 Clipper 4.00 Collier's Weekly 400 Cosmonolitnn , moi. ..,. m: i u i ifiwuiuioa luagaiucj. t ail iu uuo TheCourier ' j Critic 2.00 Current Literature 300 Dial 200 Dramatic Mirror 4 00 Dun's Review 2 00 Educational Review 300 Engineering News 4 90 Grocery World 200 Judge 5.00 Kindergarteu Review 200 Leslie's Illustrated Weekly 4 CO Library Journal 5.00 Lite : 5 00 Literary Digest 3.00 Literature 4.00 Living Age 600 Mail and Express 7.00 Musical Age .. 4.00 Nature GOO New England Magazine 300 Nouveautes Parisiennies 12 00 Outing 3.00 Observer 300 Philistine 100 Popular Science Monthly 3.00 Printers' Ink 500 Recreation 1 00 Puck 500 St. Nicholas 300 Scribner's Magazine 300 Shoe and Leather Review 300 Toilettes 200 Truth 300 World 8.50 300 Xs) '1 W& faS&3fe$2 ?PW' 3.40 250 3.45 1.40 4.00 2.50 3.40 5.25 240 5 00 250 4.00 500 500 3.50 400 fi.25 7.00 400 GOO 345 1200 345 3.00 1.70 350 500 These Club Rate Subscriptions Are Cash In Advance atMMMMOOO0O0MM080 TIME Your order for any publication in the world at greatly reduced rates. In Many Casesi An' publication in COURIER at a great cash, invariably. w&m&i!sms) the world clubbed with THE saving- to subscribers. Terms The combined price of the two publications is the same as the price of one alone. For instance, the price of Harper's Weekly is $4.00; The Courier is $1.00. You can have both for $4.00. awwa,-..?-T. -. j) ivTO)waDiaiwwassg9vysg wga m 113S 3 St., Ujj Stairs. Phone 35. IIXCOIN, NEBR. rw